Ironclad Proof of Upcoming Fraud in Michigan: 53 Counties Have More Active Registered Voters Than Voting-Age Population, Including Detroit

but it wont make any difference, either courts wont hear the case or turn it down, and even if the RNC wins the Sec of State (whomever) will do WTF they wanna do

Other state elections in Pa, Mi, AZ and a few more are a joke. Dems talk abut "democracy" but undermine it for their own means,, I have no confidence in those states
They turned all the cases down last time because of Laches, ask Barak about it
courts ruled against the claim when they had evidence voter roles were bloated?
Its just more of the breakdown of the USA -institutions and craven politics
Im 70. I never thought i'd see the day the USA goes full Banana Republic
Thank the democrats 92% of Republicans for that

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