Irrelevant Scott Walker hits new low


Registered Democrat.
Aug 9, 2015
The GOP claims to represent working people while attacking unions..
Irrelevant Scott Walker hits new low: Why his latest assault on workers won’t save his sinking campaign -
Fresh off a 10th place finish in the most recent Quinnipiac Iowa poll, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker thinks it’s time to return to the policies that launched his national political career. On Monday he’ll announce a brutal assault on labor rights that would strip away worker protections earned as far back as the New Deal.

The flailing Walker has previewed a policy agenda that includes eliminating unions for federal employees, making all workplaces “right-to-work” unless states opt out, and eliminating the National Labor Relations Board.

“This will not be easy,” Walker told the Associated Press. “Many — including the union bosses and the politicians they puppet — have long benefited from Washington rules that put the needs of special interests before needs of middle-class families.”
Two things.
1. He isn't given air time.
2. That message resonates with most people, but he gets no air time.
Scott Walker and Chris Christie need to read the damn tea leaves and drop out.

The Republican primaries are going to be interesting in we enter primary season with 15 to 20 "viable" candidates.

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