IRS officials refuse to testify. They ALLEGE they are receiving death threats!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
What BS. Any witness can mail themselves death threats and then say their testimony must be kept secret.

IRS Officials Claim Lives in Danger if They Testify About Tea Party Bias Case

may 15 2017 Current and former IRS officials are asking not to publicly testify about the agency's alleged bias against Tea Party and other conservative organizations, claiming they are in danger if they do so.

Former official Lois Lerner and Holly Paz both argued in recent filings under seal in the U.S. District Court in Cincinnati that the death threats and other harassment they have faced take precedence over the public's right to hear their testimony on the case of IRS bias against conservative groups, USA Today reported.

The officials during the Obama administration were accused of singling out Tea Party and other conservative groups for extra scrutiny while reviewing their applications for tax-exempt status. The lawsuit in Cincinnati is one of several such cases against IRS officials accused of holding anti-conservative biases during the Obama era.
What BS. Any witness can mail themselves death threats and then say their testimony must be kept secret.

IRS Officials Claim Lives in Danger if They Testify About Tea Party Bias Case

may 15 2017 Current and former IRS officials are asking not to publicly testify about the agency's alleged bias against Tea Party and other conservative organizations, claiming they are in danger if they do so.

Former official Lois Lerner and Holly Paz both argued in recent filings under seal in the U.S. District Court in Cincinnati that the death threats and other harassment they have faced take precedence over the public's right to hear their testimony on the case of IRS bias against conservative groups, USA Today reported.

The officials during the Obama administration were accused of singling out Tea Party and other conservative groups for extra scrutiny while reviewing their applications for tax-exempt status. The lawsuit in Cincinnati is one of several such cases against IRS officials accused of holding anti-conservative biases during the Obama era.
People have learned how manipulate the system but using any slick way that the can knowing that there is no penalties for the fabrication. So they use it to get out of giving evidence.
When I read about these abuses of the IRS on another site which is exclusively for Conservatives, I didn't believe it. I felt it was part of the fringe complaining because of a dislike for Obama. After reading and being exposed to numerous articles it is very troubling. I would never have expected this from America. From Canadian officials or the Cuban government; absolutely, from America? No way.

If I can be frank, based on a deeper dive into the facts of his eight years in office it appears to me on the outset that Obama was directing America to be more like Canada than possibly any other president in history. You really dodged an unpleasant situation by electing Trump and the GOP rather than Clinton. Ironically, with so many socialist supporters and the alt-left, Clintons administration most likely would have been even further left, and even less tolerant.

If you want facts, precisely 10x the number of Canadians leave for America and never return to Canada than vice versa, even though America has 10x the population of Canada! This is a stat from about 5 years ago or so, but surely it speaks volumes about which system is most admired and appealing to those pursuing freedom.

Update: In response to the question below, some of these links are no longer active, but, this data shows that even when the U.S market was in a depression in 2008, fully 2x more Canadians left for America than vice versa (according to some DHS .pdfs). Here is one old link I have saved, you will have to peruse it to get some details, it is archived online now: Emigration from Canada to the United States from 2000 to 2006

This, however, doesn't provide specifics as to how many STAY permanently. As I recall, that number is drastically higher of Canadians going to the U.S. The one old link I have that started this conversations is from another Forum so I don't want to post it but it went on for many pages. You might want to try google, unfortunately I can't find the exact link, but the stat stuck with me. Bottom line of course, this should not happen to this skewed rate if both nations are capitalist, liberty loving nations. Clearly, they are not similar, trust me on this one. Based on population alone and the high population of Americans near the Canadian border, the number of Americans heading North should be much higher than vice versa.

This IRS scandal is just one of many I read that causes me to shake my head and say "this is the kind of thing you see in a socialist country".
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What BS. Any witness can mail themselves death threats and then say their testimony must be kept secret.

IRS Officials Claim Lives in Danger if They Testify About Tea Party Bias Case

may 15 2017 Current and former IRS officials are asking not to publicly testify about the agency's alleged bias against Tea Party and other conservative organizations, claiming they are in danger if they do so.

Former official Lois Lerner and Holly Paz both argued in recent filings under seal in the U.S. District Court in Cincinnati that the death threats and other harassment they have faced take precedence over the public's right to hear their testimony on the case of IRS bias against conservative groups, USA Today reported.

The officials during the Obama administration were accused of singling out Tea Party and other conservative groups for extra scrutiny while reviewing their applications for tax-exempt status. The lawsuit in Cincinnati is one of several such cases against IRS officials accused of holding anti-conservative biases during the Obama era.
People have learned how manipulate the system but using any slick way that the can knowing that there is no penalties for the fabrication. So they use it to get out of giving evidence.
When a black man was elected there were dozens of new groups popping up with names like Patriots to Impeach the Muslim Usurper and similar nutty stuff. There were few if any new organizations popping up on the other side of the political spectrum. Too bad if the ku kluxxers were offended. What`s funny is these idiots still searching for 1 legitimate scandal in 8 years of Obama while Trump has a real one every other day.
When I read about these abuses of the IRS on another site which is exclusively for Conservatives, I didn't believe it. I felt it was part of the fringe complaining because of a dislike for Obama. After reading and being exposed to numerous articles it is very troubling. I would never have expected this from America. From Canadian officials or the Cuban government; absolutely, from America? No way.

If I can be frank, based on a deeper dive into the facts of his eight years in office it appears to me on the outset that Obama was directing America to be more like Canada than possibly any other president in history. You really dodged an unpleasant situation by electing Trump and the GOP rather than Clinton. Ironically, with so many socialist supporters and the alt-left, Clintons administration most likely would have been even further left, and even less tolerant.

If you want facts, precisely 10x the number of Canadians leave for America and never return to Canada than vice versa, even though America has 10x the population of Canada! This is a stat from about 5 years ago or so, but surely it speaks volumes about which system is most admired and appealing to those pursuing freedom.

This IRS scandal is just one of many I read that causes me to shake my head and say "this is the kind of thing you see in a socialist country".
Got a link to that 10X number?
These poor folks in the IRS....and for sure.....Lois Lerner, a lying Bolshevik Obama Bitch...need to be protected....they should be put in "Protective Custody" of the older prisons would be suitable to me...Sing Sing keep them safe...until they can be convicted and put in prison for politically motivated crimes against American Citizens.
When a black man was elected there were dozens of new groups popping up with names like Patriots to Impeach the Muslim Usurper and similar nutty stuff. There were few if any new organizations popping up on the other side of the political spectrum. Too bad if the ku kluxxers were offended. What`s funny is these idiots still searching for 1 legitimate scandal in 8 years of Obama while Trump has a real one every other day.
When a black man was elected there were dozens of new groups popping up with names like Patriots to Impeach the Muslim Usurper and similar nutty stuff. There were few if any new organizations popping up on the other side of the political spectrum. Too bad if the ku kluxxers were offended. What`s funny is these idiots still searching for 1 legitimate scandal in 8 years of Obama while Trump has a real one every other day.

Your support of using government agencies to selectively target the opppsition by the party in charge is noted watch your fucking back we're coming for you scumbags.
When I read about these abuses of the IRS on another site which is exclusively for Conservatives, I didn't believe it. I felt it was part of the fringe complaining because of a dislike for Obama. After reading and being exposed to numerous articles it is very troubling. I would never have expected this from America.

Then i think you're pretty naive. I think every president of the last 80 years has done this - possibly excepting carter and reagan.
When a black man was elected there were dozens of new groups popping up with names like Patriots to Impeach the Muslim Usurper and similar nutty stuff. There were few if any new organizations popping up on the other side of the political spectrum. Too bad if the ku kluxxers were offended. What`s funny is these idiots still searching for 1 legitimate scandal in 8 years of Obama while Trump has a real one every other day.

Obozo had tons of scandals.The big 2 were lying us into obamacare and giving millions of illegals a certificate saying they could live and work here even though the law says they can't.!!!

The ultra-lib media cartels didn't pursue these scandals but they're still huge scandals. THINK

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