IRS targets political group

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Using the tax code to play political favorites, why am I not surprised?

An Internal Revenue Service decision revoking the tax-exempt status of a small political nonprofit organization may foreshadow an investigation into groups such as Crossroads GPS and Priorities USA that spend millions on the 2012 U.S. presidential election.
At risk would be the groups’ nonprofit status, which lets them collect millions of dollars from individuals and corporations while keeping donors anonymous.
President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are benefitting from such nonprofits. Crossroads GPS was started with help from former President George W. Bush’s chief political strategist, Karl Rove. Priorities USA was co-founded by Bill Burton, a former Obama aide.
The recent IRS decision sends a signal that it may turn its attention after November’s election to major nonprofits involved in this year’s election, said Marcus Owens, a lawyer and former IRS director who oversaw nonprofits.
“The message is groups like Crossroads need to be prepared to explain to the IRS why they’re entitled to tax-exempt status,” said Owens.

IRS Denial of Tax Exemption to U.S. Political Group Spurs Alarms - Businessweek
The ObamaCare Legislation authorized the hiring of thousands more regulators to fan out across the US in search of more money.

This is the result.
Using the tax code to play political favorites, why am I not surprised?

An Internal Revenue Service decision revoking the tax-exempt status of a small political nonprofit organization may foreshadow an investigation into groups such as Crossroads GPS and Priorities USA that spend millions on the 2012 U.S. presidential election.
At risk would be the groups’ nonprofit status, which lets them collect millions of dollars from individuals and corporations while keeping donors anonymous.
President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are benefitting from such nonprofits. Crossroads GPS was started with help from former President George W. Bush’s chief political strategist, Karl Rove. Priorities USA was co-founded by Bill Burton, a former Obama aide.
The recent IRS decision sends a signal that it may turn its attention after November’s election to major nonprofits involved in this year’s election, said Marcus Owens, a lawyer and former IRS director who oversaw nonprofits.
“The message is groups like Crossroads need to be prepared to explain to the IRS why they’re entitled to tax-exempt status,” said Owens.

IRS Denial of Tax Exemption to U.S. Political Group Spurs Alarms - Businessweek

My question is how are groups like NOW, PETA, NAACP, ect not considered political groups? What a crock of crap. Again more liberals attacking conservatives through a round about way. I would love to see this applies to aforementioned groups. Democrats would squeal like a pig!!!
I don't wanna' see a huge gov't going after anyone, that includes my political enemies because that only means that I'm next.
We should not be subsidizing any political organization that keeps it's donors secret.
We should not be subsidizing any political organization that keeps it's donors secret.

I am going to enjoy this.

  1. We are not subsidizing them.
  2. They disclose their donors.
  3. They train women who want to run as Democratic candidates.
That makes you a total failure because you

  1. Assume that tax exempt status means we send them money.
  2. Didn't bother to read the article.
  3. Hate women and Democrats.
Great post.

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