Is a mini ICE AGE on the way? Scientists warn the sun will 'go to sleep' in 2030 and could cause tem

Independent scientists have been saying this for some time but they have been silenced by the university grant, government paid, scientists who tend to sway toward the hand that feeds them. We are in the last stages of a solar flare period and are now looking at less heat.
And like it or not global warming people. The sun determines the temp. of the earth, not hairspray, not carbon foot prints, and not constantly erupting volcanoes. Polar bears numbers are up, not down, and ice continues to build up at the poles. Florida is still there. We're gonna make it. ;)

Geez! Next they'll tell us that we should shoot our colicky babies with tranquilizer darts. Science! Phooey!

Or at least tranquilize what left of our Polar Bears, floating around on ice cubes...
If you don't think our sun is our heat source, then check the temp at noon and then at midnight. ;)
Independent scientists have been saying this for some time but they have been silenced by the university grant, government paid, scientists who tend to sway toward the hand that feeds them. We are in the last stages of a solar flare period and are now looking at less heat.
And like it or not global warming people. The sun determines the temp. of the earth, not hairspray, not carbon foot prints, and not constantly erupting volcanoes. Polar bears numbers are up, not down, and ice continues to build up at the poles. Florida is still there. We're gonna make it. ;)

Geez! Next they'll tell us that we should shoot our colicky babies with tranquilizer darts. Science! Phooey!

Or at least tranquilize what left of our Polar Bears, floating around on ice cubes...
If you don't think our sun is our heat source, then check the temp at noon and then at midnight. ;)
Some say that Sun rays are actually cold, but they have the effect of speeding up particle vibration when radiating on them thus the heat generation. I personally do not want to find out on my skin.
Independent scientists have been saying this for some time but they have been silenced by the university grant, government paid, scientists who tend to sway toward the hand that feeds them. We are in the last stages of a solar flare period and are now looking at less heat.
And like it or not global warming people. The sun determines the temp. of the earth, not hairspray, not carbon foot prints, and not constantly erupting volcanoes. Polar bears numbers are up, not down, and ice continues to build up at the poles. Florida is still there. We're gonna make it. ;)

Geez! Next they'll tell us that we should shoot our colicky babies with tranquilizer darts. Science! Phooey!

Or at least tranquilize what left of our Polar Bears, floating around on ice cubes...
If you don't think our sun is our heat source, then check the temp at noon and then at midnight. ;)
Irish lassy , guess you never worked in manufacturing, the hottest point, most humid point of the day is around 3 pm , it finally gets comfortable around 3 am , that's why I refuse to ever work again 2 nd shift.
El Nino is brewing up a dandy dose of rain for Kali and us in the southwest out in the Pacific for the next few years.... Central and south america ain't going to enjoy it much and neither are the gorebal warmists since a strong El Nino means colder Atlantic water. The northern midwest will have milder temps and plenty of rain which the farmers can always use. Earth regulates itself....coal and SUVs have nothing to do with it. :nono:
Earth Facing Imminent Mini-Ice Age


Oh boy is this gonna rile up the Globull Warmists.

The phenomenon is called the "Maunder minimum," and was last experienced in the period between 1646 and 1715, reports the [London] Daily Mail, and caused London's River Thames to freeze over.

And all because of THE SUN! Imagine that. This author claims that Mankind will have nothing to do with it. How can that be.

Okay, stand back for the plethora of graphs and charts to supposedly prove this is a fake.

Read more @ Political Pistachio Earth Facing Imminent Mini-Ice Age

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