Is America better off knowing about DNC corruption and collusion with CNN?

Is America better off knowing about the DNC corruption?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The lying corrupt establishment in BOTH parties are furious proof is leaking out to the public. Our industries get hacked to death, we lose billions of dollars, countless jobs, and the politicians just shrug their shoulders. But when they get hacked, the only damage being the truth gets out they freak.
Now if the same type information about the RNC would be released, it would help the country immensely

Isn't it fascinating how many Americans are mad at the "Russians" for exposing DNC and MSM corruption, yet those same people are not the least bit mad at the DNC for being corrupt.


the left and the MSM are just mad that they got caught
and the false claim of being impartial
has been exposed
Is American better off knowing King Trumpery is an enemy of the US, a spy who colluded with Pooting?

View attachment 104658

Is that supposed to be Monica Blewinski and Bill Jizzton?
The lying corrupt establishment in BOTH parties are furious proof is leaking out to the public. Our industries get hacked to death, we lose billions of dollars, countless jobs, and the politicians just shrug their shoulders. But when they get hacked, the only damage being the truth gets out they freak.

Exactly...and even their brainwashed asslickers get mad when corruption is exposed.

Really think about how funny this is.

The emails prove that the DNC actively fucked over Bernie Sanders and colluded with CNN, so Obama kicks out Russian diplomats and never addresses the corruption.

Obama is a fucking political hack and a historical footnote.

He is the first half black President. Hopefully the first black President won't be such a piece of shit.
Is it better to know the truth, or live in ignorant bliss?

The DNC hack uncovered much corruption, but CNN colluding with the DNC strikes at the very cornerstone of our democracy. The free press serves a very specific purpose. That purpose is to be a gavornment watchdog....not to be propoganda for their ideological peers.
We don't have a Democracy, we have a Republic... so, no, it doesn't strike at the cornerstone of that Democracy we don't have.
Is it better to know the truth, or live in ignorant bliss?

The DNC hack uncovered much corruption, but CNN colluding with the DNC strikes at the very cornerstone of our democracy. The free press serves a very specific purpose. That purpose is to be a gavornment watchdog....not to be propoganda for their ideological peers.
We don't have a Democracy, we have a Republic... so, no, it doesn't strike at the cornerstone of that Democracy we don't have.

Thanks for that. You are obviously smarter than I am. So smart, that you must have known that Trump was going to win. Good for you. Most snowflakes did not.
Is it better to know the truth, or live in ignorant bliss?

The DNC hack uncovered much corruption, but CNN colluding with the DNC strikes at the very cornerstone of our democracy. The free press serves a very specific purpose. That purpose is to be a gavornment watchdog....not to be propoganda for their ideological peers.
We don't have a Democracy, we have a Republic... so, no, it doesn't strike at the cornerstone of that Democracy we don't have.

agree we are, legally, a Republic
thank god

but it is a a false dichotomy
to say we are not a democracy

Granted it is not a direct democracy that the laws
are made by majority vote of the people...

we are a representative democracy, which is a form of democracy
Is it better to know the truth, or live in ignorant bliss?

The DNC hack uncovered much corruption, but CNN colluding with the DNC strikes at the very cornerstone of our democracy. The free press serves a very specific purpose. That purpose is to be a gavornment watchdog....not to be propoganda for their ideological peers.
We don't have a Democracy, we have a Republic... so, no, it doesn't strike at the cornerstone of that Democracy we don't have.

Thanks for that. You are obviously smarter than I am. So smart, that you must have known that Trump was going to win. Good for you. Most snowflakes did not.
Actually, I did call it a few months in advance, thank you~

I also called that he'd win Florida, though I didn't really guess at any other states.
Is it better to know the truth, or live in ignorant bliss?

The DNC hack uncovered much corruption, but CNN colluding with the DNC strikes at the very cornerstone of our democracy. The free press serves a very specific purpose. That purpose is to be a gavornment watchdog....not to be propoganda for their ideological peers.

Wrong talking points.

It is the Russians who have influenced the election results by revealing the truth about Hillary, not CNN giving Hillary the debate questions so that she could trounce Trump during the debates
Is it better to know the truth, or live in ignorant bliss?

The DNC hack uncovered much corruption, but CNN colluding with the DNC strikes at the very cornerstone of our democracy. The free press serves a very specific purpose. That purpose is to be a gavornment watchdog....not to be propoganda for their ideological peers.

Wrong talking points.

It is the Russians who have influenced the election results by revealing the truth about Hillary, not CNN giving Hillary the debate questions so that she could trounce Trump during the debates
It wasn't even Russia, the emails were likely leaked to Wikileaks by a frustrated Democrat.
Is it better to know the truth, or live in ignorant bliss?

The DNC hack uncovered much corruption, but CNN colluding with the DNC strikes at the very cornerstone of our democracy. The free press serves a very specific purpose. That purpose is to be a gavornment watchdog....not to be propoganda for their ideological peers.

Wrong talking points.

It is the Russians who have influenced the election results by revealing the truth about Hillary, not CNN giving Hillary the debate questions so that she could trounce Trump during the debates
It wasn't even Russia, the emails were likely leaked to Wikileaks by a frustrated Democrat.

most likely

but the Russian claim fits in better with MSM and Democrats talking points
... more fake news :)
Is it better to know the truth, or live in ignorant bliss?

The DNC hack uncovered much corruption, but CNN colluding with the DNC strikes at the very cornerstone of our democracy. The free press serves a very specific purpose. That purpose is to be a gavornment watchdog....not to be propoganda for their ideological peers.

Wrong talking points.

It is the Russians who have influenced the election results by revealing the truth about Hillary, not CNN giving Hillary the debate questions so that she could trounce Trump during the debates
It wasn't even Russia, the emails were likely leaked to Wikileaks by a frustrated Democrat.

Does it really matter?

By now everyone has gotten the message, the internet is unusable if you want secrets kept. All countries try to hack into the affairs of their neighbors, including the US.

What is troubling, however, is that the top brass in the US government took so long to figure this all out.
look at the start of Papa Obamacare
and the running of it

it should be no surprise
Is it better to know the truth, or live in ignorant bliss?

The DNC hack uncovered much corruption, but CNN colluding with the DNC strikes at the very cornerstone of our democracy. The free press serves a very specific purpose. That purpose is to be a gavornment watchdog....not to be propoganda for their ideological peers.

Wrong talking points.

It is the Russians who have influenced the election results by revealing the truth about Hillary, not CNN giving Hillary the debate questions so that she could trounce Trump during the debates
It wasn't even Russia, the emails were likely leaked to Wikileaks by a frustrated Democrat.

Does it really matter?

By now everyone has gotten the message, the internet is unusable if you want secrets kept. All countries try to hack into the affairs of their neighbors, including the US.

What is troubling, however, is that the top brass in the US government took so long to figure this all out.
It matters because if the lefties can convince you of one wrong thing, they'll build off of it. Of course, I've seen enough of your posts, I know you're smarter than that, but there's no reason to accept a false narrative.

The fact is that even if the Russians DID hack the emails, for whatever convenient false-narrative-fitting reason, there would be no evidence. Even novice hackers can cover their tracks, there are tools for it, provided you're willing to look.

Not only that, but the only people willing to confirm that the Russians did it also have no branches that handle cyber forensics. The CIA has no branches for collecting evidence related to the hacking, even if there were evidence to find.
Is it better to know the truth, or live in ignorant bliss?

The DNC hack uncovered much corruption, but CNN colluding with the DNC strikes at the very cornerstone of our democracy. The free press serves a very specific purpose. That purpose is to be a gavornment watchdog....not to be propoganda for their ideological peers.

Wrong talking points.

It is the Russians who have influenced the election results by revealing the truth about Hillary, not CNN giving Hillary the debate questions so that she could trounce Trump during the debates
It wasn't even Russia, the emails were likely leaked to Wikileaks by a frustrated Democrat.

Does it really matter?

By now everyone has gotten the message, the internet is unusable if you want secrets kept. All countries try to hack into the affairs of their neighbors, including the US.

What is troubling, however, is that the top brass in the US government took so long to figure this all out.
It matters because if the lefties can convince you of one wrong thing, they'll build off of it. Of course, I've seen enough of your posts, I know you're smarter than that, but there's no reason to accept a false narrative.

The fact is that even if the Russians DID hack the emails, for whatever convenient false-narrative-fitting reason, there would be no evidence. Even novice hackers can cover their tracks, there are tools for it, provided you're willing to look.

Not only that, but the only people willing to confirm that the Russians did it also have no branches that handle cyber forensics. The CIA has no branches for collecting evidence related to the hacking, even if there were evidence to find.

Your wrong, it does not matter.

What matters is Trump stopping jobs from leaving the US. What matters is Trump stopping illegals from taking what jobs are left in the US. What matters is Trump fixing Obamacare which Bill Clinton says is a crazy scheme that is destroying the middle class.

If Trump does this, nothing else matters. Then all the Dims will have left is whining that the Russians revealed the truth about Hillary and Trump being a racist, bigoted, pig.


Is it better to know the truth, or live in ignorant bliss?

The DNC hack uncovered much corruption, but CNN colluding with the DNC strikes at the very cornerstone of our democracy. The free press serves a very specific purpose. That purpose is to be a gavornment watchdog....not to be propoganda for their ideological peers.

Wrong talking points.

It is the Russians who have influenced the election results by revealing the truth about Hillary, not CNN giving Hillary the debate questions so that she could trounce Trump during the debates
It wasn't even Russia, the emails were likely leaked to Wikileaks by a frustrated Democrat.

Does it really matter?

By now everyone has gotten the message, the internet is unusable if you want secrets kept. All countries try to hack into the affairs of their neighbors, including the US.

What is troubling, however, is that the top brass in the US government took so long to figure this all out.
It matters because if the lefties can convince you of one wrong thing, they'll build off of it. Of course, I've seen enough of your posts, I know you're smarter than that, but there's no reason to accept a false narrative.

The fact is that even if the Russians DID hack the emails, for whatever convenient false-narrative-fitting reason, there would be no evidence. Even novice hackers can cover their tracks, there are tools for it, provided you're willing to look.

Not only that, but the only people willing to confirm that the Russians did it also have no branches that handle cyber forensics. The CIA has no branches for collecting evidence related to the hacking, even if there were evidence to find.

Your wrong, it does not matter.

What matters is Trump stopping jobs from leaving the US. What matters is Trump stopping illegals from taking what jobs are left in the US. What matters is Trump fixing Obamacare which Bill Clinton says is a crazy scheme that is destroying the middle class.

If Trump does this, nothing else matters. Then all the Dims will have left is whining that the Russians revealed the truth about Hillary and Trump being a racist, bigoted, pig.


Sure, all of that does matter more, but I think everything matters to some degree, and that it's important to have as much of it correct as possible. I can understand your perspective, though.
We don't have to worry about Republican corruption going unnoticed. The media gets on it like stink on shit.

How much MSM collusion with the RNC would be uncovered?

None, that is for sure, lol.

But I bet you would have seen the same type of collusion in the RNC to keep Cruz from winning the nomination. It was no coincidence that Kasich stayed in the race until the very day, or the day after Cruz dropped keeping it 3 way until then.

The RNC wanted a brokered convention after it became apparent that Trump and Cruz were the two at the top. But, if the RNC had to accept one of them, it was going to be Trump.


Because while Trump might have been seen as more dangerous, there was NO WAY HE WAS GOING TO WIN the Presidency! Cruz had a decent shot in their eyes because of Hillary, and Cruz was going to hose the whole lot of them if he got elected. Cruz is ideological, and he can't stand rinos more than he can't stand liberals.

And so, we now have Trump, we also have both chambers of congress, and the deal to work with Hillary because Trump can't win is null and void. On the brighter side for the rinos, they did stop Cruz. On the darker side, nobody really knows what Trump is going to do, and that scares the hell out of Washington DC as a whole, lol!

You are correct, the MSM will be on Trump like flies on poop. Problem is, thanks to the hacks, nobody believes a thing they say anymore, so I doubt it is going to make much difference. Hell, the Dems can't even keep their narrative going well on the Russians, and that should tell you how badly the DNC and MSM were damaged by WikiLeaks .

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