Is Chivalry dead?

There must be something wrong with me. I like it when a man holds a door open for me or presents some other similar courtesy. It's refreshing, flattering, and gets a big smile and "thank you" from me. And there are lots of men around here who do just that. I love it.

Men who hold open doors for women are SEXIST not chivalrous, feminists claim

Well, I am definitely not a feminist. There's nothing feminine about them and they've done more destruction against women than you can shake a stick at.
Actually, it is the women who have climbed down the ladder. They marched and preached for equal rights in every aspect of society when they were already revered and respected and coddled. The women's lib movement has served to reduce their statue even in sexual relationships. It is primarily their own doing.
Actually, it is the women who have climbed down the ladder. They marched and preached for equal rights in every aspect of society when they were already revered and respected and coddled. The women's lib movement has served to reduce their statue even in sexual relationships. It is primarily their own doing.

That's what I'm saying. There's nothing feminine about those women - they're more like animals IMHO. I've had to work with them - they're bitches from hell.
I love a woman. My wife was always so much of a woman. Totally different from me. She never wanted to do anything but make a home for me and the kids. She was so happy when she got pregnant with our children. She would dress up in her maternity clothes long before she even showed any sign at all of being pregnant. She would smile and look at her tummy. She has always kept our home spotless. She's a clean freak. She cost me a fortune buying Buster Brown and those My Gosh or whatever you called them clothing for the kids and those Stride Right shoes. She kept my kids clean and ready for school and ready for bed. She never wanted to do man's things except to fish. She loves to go fishing. Now she fusses over the grandkids and spoils them. She has been worth a million dollars to me.
I wish I were more feminine - I was never taught how to be. I can dress with all kinds of really great feminine stuff, but the cold cream every night, lotions a half dozen times a day, putting on makeup properly and such ... I just did the best I could. I had a miserable existence with my mother, but looking back I think her sister tried to do what she could (without getting my mother all pissy) to show me how to do. I truly think my aunt was afraid of my mother - for that matter, nobody really liked her.
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