CDZ Is compulsive health insurance dead?


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
IRS cites Trump’s order and accepts tax returns skipping Obamacare mandate

Reading that it seems to me we no longer have a penalty for freeloaders who don't carry health insurance?

Guess we are back to rewarding them for counting on you and I to pay for whatever drives them to the emergency room. Back to the old Reagan era Welfare / Socialist Healthcare System where only people with equity in houses need to carry health insurance I suppose.

But I suppose before I get too excited is it real news?
yeah , from what I read I won't have to pay the mandate so that you can get nasty but free or subsidized Obamacare . You might as well get ready to die Toranado .
My POV is from seeing my free-loading friends and neighbors game the Bush, Clinton and W Bush era system.

To each their own.
Not everyone who doesn't carry insurance is a freeloader.

That broad brush bullshit is part of the problem.

I don't intend to offend you or others with my language.

Not every one of them folks without insurance expected to have a $10,000 medical problem which turned them into a mooch on you and me also. It still happened several times with people I know personally.
I don't intend to offend you or others with my language.

Not every one of them folks without insurance expected to have a $10,000 medical problem which turned them into a mooch on you and me also. It still happened several times with people I know personally.
Broad brushing offends me. It's bullshit.

And anecdotes are not evidence.

Also, not paying off a $10,000 medical bill isn't a matter of affordability, it's a matter of certain people being cheap dicks.
I don't intend to offend you or others with my language.

Not every one of them folks without insurance expected to have a $10,000 medical problem which turned them into a mooch on you and me also. It still happened several times with people I know personally.
Broad brushing offends me. It's bullshit.

And anecdotes are not evidence.

what do you want evidence of? That since WWII people w/o health insurance show up shot at the ER and get treated before paying?

I'm not saying its 20% of folks, 1% or 99%, it just happens is all I said.
i understand that the Mandate is gone , i think it is and thats all i want Toronado !!
We already had compulsory funding of health care before the ACA. It was called TAXES. What the ACA did was to disguise these taxes as compulsory insurance premiums or penalties. The government should not force its citizens to purchase goods or services from private companies. If it decides to provide health care to all Americans, it should be honest as to the cost, funding and effectiveness of such a program.

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