Is DeSantis ‘right’ of Trump?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Is he prepared to be more aggressive than Trump on the border, on LGBT crap, on CRT/DEI bullshit…is he right of Trump on taxes, on energy and foreign policy? Is he ready to spend his days standing on the necks of the Left?
probably not. He will tout up a lot of stuff to get the nomination votes in the Primary race, then revert to being a lot more moderate in the general election, and then, like most Republicans, sell his ass to the highest bidder if wins the general election. That will be bankers and multi-national corporations, who will need the routine massive bailouts in the next few years. 'Free markets' are just for the little people.
Is he prepared to be more aggressive than Trump on the border, on LGBT crap, on CRT/DEI bullshit…is he right of Trump on taxes, on energy and foreign policy? Is he ready to spend his days standing on the necks of the Left?
Yes. Stillson is Trump, but without all the pomp, baggage, and incompetence. He can actually leverage people to get exactly what he wants without all the subplots. And his playbook is straight out of the rise of the 1930's fascists.
He should scare people. I still don't think he'll beat Trump though.
I see the dems are skeered of DeSantis already.

They will be a lot more skeered after this evening. ;)

You know everything is FUBAR with the dems when they consider Trump to be their best option to run against Tater or whichever slag they trot out if Tater can't continue..
If he can sell himself as right of Trump, more aggressive than Trump, angrier than Trump, more hateful toward the Left than Trump…he probably has a good chance at winning the nomination.
For me, I’ll need to see him as a furious tyrannical, fascist, totalitarian dictator with regard to how he‘ll deal with leftist / Democrat policies and platforms….yep, I said it.
He’ll need to commit to being willing to take a ‘by any and all means necessary’ approach to smashing all things left, to securing the border, to rounding up the tens of millions of trespassing brown cockroaches and to sending them all back home to the shitholes from which they came.

I’m ready to vote for whomever promises to go full commie to end Mexico’s reign of terror and all things left.
I do believe DeSantis is more right leaning from what I can tell. For that reason, he'll get my vote in the primary. Trump is a bit more Populist than DeSantis is. In other words, he attempts to please everyone, including some of the fringe groups. I prefer to pull for someone who's a bit more Constitutionalist and who isn't quite as interested in catering to the .01% of fringe loonies.

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