Is Donald Trump Really a Hitler-Style Fascist?


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
From survivors of the Shoah

Münzer, 74, is a volunteer at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and takes part in two different monthly groups with other survivors, who are politically engaged and vocal about it. “The topic [Trump] comes up all the time,” he said. “These are people of a variety of political stripes, but on this issue, I really think there is unanimity.”

Is Donald Trump Really a Hitler-Style Fascist?
All this bullshit because Trump wants to take our immigration laws seriously. That's it. Nothing more.
From survivors of the Shoah

Münzer, 74, is a volunteer at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and takes part in two different monthly groups with other survivors, who are politically engaged and vocal about it. “The topic [Trump] comes up all the time,” he said. “These are people of a variety of political stripes, but on this issue, I really think there is unanimity.”

Is Donald Trump Really a Hitler-Style Fascist?

My friend, we have been heading towards fascism since the false flag event that was 9/11.. I know that you know my past postings on another board and that I defended the Bush crime family...I was wrong but what we are seeing today started with the death of JFK. Operation Paperclip brought thousands of former Nazis into the United States. They had their backgrounds whitewashed via the Vatican ratlines and given new identifications. That mentality still exists in certain alphabet agencies. The DHS is nothing but the Gestapo waiting in the wings and Barry did nothing to discourage this. Remember his speech shortly after he was elected about how we needed a civilian army as strong as the one that fights overseas? He has put the NSA on steroids...Bush was bad enough but they definitely upped the ante.Indefinite detention without due process via the NDAA? Wake up, people...we are re-living Nazi Germany all over again...they even have camps prepared for the dissidents. This is real and it is happening.
As a corporate boss, he can walk out on negotiations that are not going his way. He can take or leave certain deals or situation. He is used to control.
He might be a great negotiator, but diplomacy is not a business deal, sometimes it is people's lives and security at risk, not just dollars and companies.
He might be able to delegate but not everyone that is the "best" will work for government pay or want to deal with all the red tape and restrictions.
He might get along with everyone that benefit from his deals, but nations are not so easily moved with money. There are long lasting consequences and risk of war at stake. The art of the deal is the annihilation of mankind not just jobs.
He can play king of the hill on wall street, but running a country with legalities and dealing with congress is a different matter.
It would seem that washington is in no mood for Trumps bravado and tough talk. As much as they dislike Cruz, they are beginning to see Trump as worse. Trump can buy or bully government while promising to cut taxes, grow the economy, build the military and expand healthcare. He won't be playing with his money but the tax payer's. It won't be jobs and trade deals but guns and bombers he will be threatening with.

He would need an army of experts to advise him on every word and action, he can't shoot off his mouth and flash a big smile.

He got people excited. He got people to vote. He got them to vent. He got them to show washington business as usual needs to change................ As a president?????

Everyone got mad but what are we left with as a choice? Someone who thinks she is entitled and above the law? A self righteous antagonist waving a bible? A loud mouth bully?

Did people rush to the early polls with their hearts or their heads?

What is a president supposed to look like?

What will the next four years look like?

Can any candidate be a president we want or need?
From survivors of the Shoah

Münzer, 74, is a volunteer at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and takes part in two different monthly groups with other survivors, who are politically engaged and vocal about it. “The topic [Trump] comes up all the time,” he said. “These are people of a variety of political stripes, but on this issue, I really think there is unanimity.”

Is Donald Trump Really a Hitler-Style Fascist?

First of all he cannot get mobs of people to do his bidding as Hitler could do in an oppressed wartorn crime-ridden Germany, full of desperate people given little choice but to follow or be killed.

If he gives huge campaign financing to Hillary Clinton, as some kind of business dealing,
and she runs around campaigning for the opposite of what he spouts, what does that tell you?

His money buys him audience, but it doesn't influence what is going to get done or not.

If he were to get into office, he'd also be limited by what the other people in govt are willing or not willing to back.

The only reason Obama was able to color outside the limits of executive office is he has the media on his side that won't call any of these things unconstitutional.

Not so with Trump. The media is going to make more money badmouthing and naysaying, finding fault with what he does.

If you fear he can buy off other political or corporate leaders of influence,
look what's happening now. He may have offered Carson a job and gotten his endorsement.
But he doesn't make enough money to buy out Clinton and the Democrats! (Not unless he cuts a deal with Sanders to finance a health care coop for all Democrats, or the plans to turn US Postal Service into a banking system that helps working people. )

Rubio, Cruz, and others are still putting their own vision for America and Constitutional govt first, and clearly aren't going to compromise that for Trump or anyone. They may put party politics before the Constitution, which is why they would more likely oppose Trump as being a liability or detriment to Republican leadership and go against him not go along with him.

Trump can say what he wants, as this is a free country.
But that doesn't mean people are going to follow along and actually act on and take up those plans to implement themselves.

Obama got elected on the platform that "we the people" were the ones in charge of "change."
But after he got into office, NONE OF HIS FOLLOWERS DID ANYTHING. Just waited on Obama and Govt to initiate and implement any new ideas. So how is Trump any different?
Again, he can spout off all he wants to, but how is going to follow up and create a solid plan?
I still don't see Rump as a Hitler-style fascist. Much more a Mussoliniesque one in personal terms. Hitler was about the power of the message while Mussolini was all about posturing and strutting like a peacock.

The content of his rhetoric though is quite Hitlerian.

Wimpy noodle alert. Trump isn't a anti Semite bent on genocide. Who is kidding who here?

Isn't he then? Bellowing about banning and/or deporting Muslims (there's your Semites) and saying "you have to take out their families"?

But there are differences.....

Hitler had longer fingers.
I still don't see Rump as a Hitler-style fascist. Much more a Mussoliniesque one in personal terms. Hitler was about the power of the message while Mussolini was all about posturing and strutting like a peacock.

The content of his rhetoric though is quite Hitlerian.

Wimpy noodle alert. Trump isn't a anti Semite bent on genocide. Who is kidding who here?

Isn't he then? Bellowing about banning and/or deporting Muslims (there's your Semites) and saying "you have to take out their families"?

But there are differences.....

Hitler had longer fingers.

You just described the Obumanation, down to the long fingers!
Well, he says some real abhorrent shit.

But also voices some real non PC truths.

I reckon Trump at the most benign is a Berlisconi.

At the worst, he may be a Putin.

The country is angry and unsure of itself.

After the GFC and two muddled wars.

And that is when the showmen show up.

Still the established power has failed so miserable, failed every premise of American life, a candidate like Hilary, one who mouths insincere, plastic platitudes, time and time again, a person who can not talk to the American people but always sound bites them with condescending bumper stickers, a women who is totally on the leash of Wall Street , may fall in November before a wild card,
voice the anger, Trump.

America lives in interesting times.

Chinese curse interesting times.
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From survivors of the Shoah

Münzer, 74, is a volunteer at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and takes part in two different monthly groups with other survivors, who are politically engaged and vocal about it. “The topic [Trump] comes up all the time,” he said. “These are people of a variety of political stripes, but on this issue, I really think there is unanimity.”

Is Donald Trump Really a Hitler-Style Fascist?

The only fascists around here are Muslims and their sympathizers.
From survivors of the Shoah

Münzer, 74, is a volunteer at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and takes part in two different monthly groups with other survivors, who are politically engaged and vocal about it. “The topic [Trump] comes up all the time,” he said. “These are people of a variety of political stripes, but on this issue, I really think there is unanimity.”

Is Donald Trump Really a Hitler-Style Fascist?

The only fascists around here are Muslims and their sympathizers.

Well this is true too.

Islam, in it's literalist form is a fascist religious doctrine.

All democratic people, who believe in religious pluralism and cultural pluralism have a right, indeed a responsibility to question the premises of Islam.

This too is the great failure of democratic liberalism in our modern times, we no longer know how to defend our basic democratic premises.

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