Is Free Market Capitalism the answer to all our economic woes?

That sounds brilliant, on paper, By what Constitutional authority would you suggest that the US could do this? I don't think you can claim "interstate commerce". If you can, by all means walk me through those legal gymnastics.

I think any legislation allowing the federal government to seize private property in that manner (I would remind you of the 4th Amendment), will last just long enough for all nine Supreme Court Justices to run their quill pens through it.

Congress passes the law, Trump signs it.....the Fortune 500 begs Trump's USSC for relief and is met with silence. Remember, all they have is 6 months...they'd have no choice but to haul ass back here.
You forgot about a Branch. Congress Passes the law. Trump (Gods help us) signs it. All 500 of the Fortune 500 files immediate briefs with the Supreme Court, and asks for an injunction against implementation of the law. The Supreme Court then runs its collective quill pen through the law. It didn't last a week, let alone 6 months.
Looks like God heard your prayer, lol. Can you say President Trump?
You forgot about a Branch. Congress Passes the law. Trump (Gods help us) signs it. All 500 of the Fortune 500 files immediate briefs with the Supreme Court, and asks for an injunction against implementation of the law. The Supreme Court then runs its collective quill pen through the law. It didn't last a week, let alone 6 months.

Read it're trying to do too much in this thread....."TRUMP'S USSC"...remember, he could have up to FOUR justices to replace.'re talking about Trump doing this in 4 to 6 years? Okay. If Trump managed to get himself elected - and that's a pipe dream in, and of itself, just to be clear - I don't see him surviving, politically, beyond his first term. I further promise you that every single Justice on the Court would refuse to retire. He would have to wait for one to die to get another chance to nominate. So, if he were to try to attempt that during his first term, it wouldn't be "Trump's USSC". They would skewer his stupid law.
Trump will seat at least one Justice. Maybe three.
I would submit that it is not. When one looks at our economic history, the United States enjoyed its greatest period of growth, not because of unregulated free market capitalism. As Cambridge economist Professor Ha Joon Chang notes, America was the most protectionist country in the world from 1830 up until World War Two. In fact, as Chang outlines in his book 'Bad Samaritans' every industrialized economy on the planet grew astronomically by strictly regulating markets, government investment and the protectionism of key industries through nascent stages of development.

It might also be pointed out that, in modern times, every nation of the EU that adopted free market reforms under IMF 'structural adjustment' policies all failed miserably and poverty actually increased.

Now, don't misunderstand me. That is not to say that I am a supporter of communism, or socialism. Rather, that it seems that a blended version of capitalism, mixed with a healthy dose of governmental oversight is the most effective way to build a thriving economy. Now, for those who submit that they agree, then where do they suggest that the "line" should be drawn? What is "reasonable' government oversight?


But we haven't had Capitalism in these US of A since , at least , 1913.


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