Is Hamas a terrorist organization?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Let's see what it's founder's son has to say...

[ame=]YouTube - Son of Hamas Leader: The God of Islam Suffers from Split Personality; Muhammad - a False Prophet[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - "SON OF HAMAS" A Testimony from a former Muslim[/ame]
Yes it is.
What does it mean when the son of its founder, reaches such conclusions about Hamas and Islam?
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Wow... About time someone breaks their silence and exposes aspects of Islam for what they are (watch the video before you dingbats arbitrarily ponce on me). I wonder how long before he has a price on his head, from those believers in that "religion of peace"?
Wow... About time someone breaks their silence and exposes aspects of Islam for what they are (watch the video before you dingbats arbitrarily ponce on me). I wonder how long before he has a price on his head, from those believers in that "religion of peace"?
He already has a price on his head. He's had it for a long time. I had the pleasure to meet him in person recently. He does speaking and book tours all over the world. He's actually a very nice low key kind of person. You would never imagine its him. Of course he hires this top well known Israeli security firm made up of ex Israeli commandos and ex Mossad agents.
Yes it is. And thus support for Hamas equals support for terrorism.
You know what makes you and Roudy such fucked human beings?

Israel commits 10 times the terrorism Hamas does, yet all you wanna talk about is Hamas.

And the reason you two fucked up assholes lay it on pretty thick, is to deliberately draw attention away from Israeli atrocities.

So, if you want to play your little BS game, then support of Israel, is support of terrorism, because Israel's Likud Party has its roots with Irgun, which was a jewish terrorist organization and support for Irgun and its offspring, is support for terrorism.
Just a little Hamas history, to put things in perspective (since fanatical Israeli kiss-asses, are determined to rewrite)...

The 1970s and the 1980s were years of growing turmoil for Palestinians with the Camp David Accords, the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the many massacres committed by Israel , killings that came to a pinnacle with the 1982 massacres by a Lebanese Forces Christian militia group in Sabra and Shatilla in Lebanon .

It was during this time that the Islamic movement in Gaza was undergoing a tremendous metamorphosis. Decades of groundwork would now be put to the test as the movement evolved to embrace armed struggle. It was certainly not an immediate transformation, but in fact had been evolving since as early as 1967.

Whether religious trends are rational in their very narratives or otherwise, the fact was the growth, shifts and evolvement of the Palestinian Islamic movement, in all of its manifestations in the Gaza Strip, followed a rational process that was unique to Gaza and its history.

No other place in Palestine was as qualified to spawn a major Islamic movement as was the Gaza Strip. The Strip was desperately poor, its population mostly composed of refugees and their descendants. Islamist leaders were themselves refugees and were mostly refugee camp dwellers.

So it was that "Hamas" finally made its official appearance in 1987, taking the transformation of the Islamic movement in Gaza one step further, with the birth of the first Palestinian Intifada. Nearly two decades later, Hamas enjoyed a landslide victory in Palestinian elections, another testimony to its phased and calculated growth.

Instead of trying to understand and appreciate the history behind the popular movement, Western countries responded by sanctions, blockades, and a protracted and suffocating siege by Israel that came to a head with the bloodiest massacre of defenseless Palestinian civilians since 1948.

Analysts, politicians, critics and third-parties alike can squabble about the origins and history of this movement that has among many things given a large segment of Palestinian society a sense of self-respect and feeling of leverage with their occupiers;
As one can see, Palestinian violence is a result of the occupation itself and the brutality of the Israeli's towards the Pals.

Is Hamas a terrorist organization? The fact that they are on the terrorist watch list, the answer is "yes". Is the whole organization involved in acts of terrorism? No. Between the two (Israel or Hamas), which one has committed more acts of terrorism? Israel.

Ya know, I wouldn't mind so much talking about Hamas acts of terrorism (for which they do do), if we spent 10 times the discussion on Israeli acts of terror, because that is the ratio of terror, when comparing both sides.
Yes it is. And thus support for Hamas equals support for terrorism.
You know what makes you and Roudy such fucked human beings?

Israel commits 10 times the terrorism Hamas does, yet all you wanna talk about is Hamas.

And the reason you two fucked up assholes lay it on pretty thick, is to deliberately draw attention away from Israeli atrocities.

So, if you want to play your little BS game, then support of Israel, is support of terrorism, because Israel's Likud Party has its roots with Irgun, which was a jewish terrorist organization and support for Irgun and its offspring, is support for terrorism.
Eh, that's what Islamist terrorist supporting assholes usually say. Look at you, you can't even utter the word "terrorist" when it comes to Hamas. Are you in love with these mass murderers who brainwash little kids to go blow themselves up?
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I agree with you Princess. Israel is mostly to blame for this ongoing conflict with its brutal attrocities of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions to keep the Palestinians captives in Israel. Face it you Zionists, not once has Israel even tried to find a solution to free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Shame on Israel.

Yes it is. And thus support for Hamas equals support for terrorism.
You know what makes you and Roudy such fucked human beings?

Israel commits 10 times the terrorism Hamas does, yet all you wanna talk about is Hamas.

And the reason you two fucked up assholes lay it on pretty thick, is to deliberately draw attention away from Israeli atrocities.

So, if you want to play your little BS game, then support of Israel, is support of terrorism, because Israel's Likud Party has its roots with Irgun, which was a jewish terrorist organization and support for Irgun and its offspring, is support for terrorism.
I agree with you Princess. Israel is mostly to blame for this ongoing conflict with its brutal attrocities of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions to keep the Palestinians captives in Israel. Face it you Zionists, not once has Israel even tried to find a solution to free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Shame on Israel.
Fuck off, troll!

Constantly repeating shit just shows you have no argument and you're nothing but a little condescending prick!

Israel has never made a peace offering to the Pals, not once!
Eh, that's what Islamist terrorist supporting assholes usually say. Look at you, you can't even utter the word "terrorist" when it comes to Hamas. Are you in love with these mass murderers who brainwash little kids to go blow themselves up?
Oh really? You didn't read the post just above yours?

How's that crow taste?
You are so fucking stupid and wrong on every issue it is hard to believe a worthless turd like you even exists.
Prove me wrong, instead shooting your bitchy little mouth off!

#1-israel has made many peace offerings, you're too fucking lazy and stupid to look them up
#2-people keep firing the same lines at you b/c you're a trolling idiot and a weak poster of little interest
#3-prove you wrong? You have yet to post anything factual yet, fucking moron.
What does it mean when the son of its founder, reaches such conclusions about Hamas and Islam?
It just means the the guy is a traitor to his people and an embarrassment to his family.

And now makes a lot of money selling his book of lies and giving lectures to gullible people.
He's not a traitor, in fact he's a very brave man that was on the inside of it all, and saw how the Hamas leadership works. He saw the light and the harsh reality, and now he's speaking out. He's actually a hero.
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