Is Hamas worse than Nazi Gernany?

That’s because you’re an uneducated fat loser
You don't have to be educated to see that both the Israelis and the Nazis...
  1. Trash an entire population of people 24/7.
  2. Treat an entire population of people like they are subhuman.
  3. Are actively trying to ethnically cleanse an entire population of people from the area.
  4. Enact laws that make an entire population of people 2nd class citizens.
  5. Think they can acquire land by force?
Israelis are the new Nazis and Palestinians are the new Jews.
The rockets didn't start until 54 years after the occupation began!

Are you saying Gazan's don't have the right to defend themselves.
They were bombing israeli nightclubs and committing mass murders, so they closed their borders to them. There are other borders that Gaza has access to, so nah, your dumb point is dismissed.
Certainly not. Hamas is committed to making endless war on Israel regardless of the cost to the Palestinians and without any moral boundaries. Israel is only fighting to protect its citizens from the Palestinian attacks.
If Israel wanted peace, why are they the ones breaking all the ceasefires? Why are they the ones attacking their neighbors? Why are they the ones committing genocide?
Fuck off, troll! It's been an occupation since 1967. And your big, bullshit, lying, stupid mouth, can't change that!

The only thing you can do with an occupation, is to end it!

You said 54 years after the "occupation" That would be 2021.
Hamas didn't use war crime rockets until 2021?
You can't do math.
You don't have to be educated to see that both the Israelis and the Nazis...
  1. Trash an entire population of people 24/7.
  2. Treat an entire population of people like they are subhuman.
  3. Are actively trying to ethnically cleanse an entire population of people from the area.
  4. Enact laws that make an entire population of people 2nd class citizens.
  5. Think they can acquire land by force?
Israelis are the new Nazis and Palestinians are the new Jews.
Nothing what you sent was factual
Israel has dropped more than 85,000 tons of bombs on Gaza. That's more than all the bombs dropped in WWII?

Those bombs killed over 45,000 people. 16,000 of them children. 190 of them were journalists. 1,000 of them health workers.
230 of them worked for the UN. 104,000 are wounded and 11,000 are still missing.

This is how fucked Israel is! A scumbag country with scumbag leaders committing modern day genocide.

Fuck Israel! You don't deserve a country!

Two words of advice for you: Seek treatment.
You said 54 years after the "occupation" That would be 2021.
Hamas didn't use war crime rockets until 2021?
You can't do math.
And what occupation is he talking about? The Jews vacated Gaza 20 years ago, and the Gazans have had all that time - along with all the foreign aid given - to build a decent society. Instead, they spent the energies building and launching rocket attacks, brainwashing their children to kill Jews, and supporting an Islamic terrorist leadership.
And what occupation is he talking about? The Jews vacated Gaza 20 years ago, and the Gazans have had all that time - along with all the foreign aid given - to build a decent society. Instead, they spent the energies building and launching rocket attacks, brainwashing their children to kill Jews, and supporting an Islamic terrorist leadership.

That was a good test case.
If Israel wanted peace, why are they the ones breaking all the ceasefires? Why are they the ones attacking their neighbors? Why are they the ones committing genocide?
We both know that's not true. There is no genocide, and it is the Arabs who routinely break ceasefires, recently the Oct 7 attack on Israel broke an existing ceasefire, and the attack from Hezbollah was in violation of UNSC 1701.

Hating Jews has been a core value of Muslim civilization since the 10th century when Muslim law designated Jews as second class citizens that Muslims should persecute and humiliate.

"From the early years of Islamic civilization, Muslim jurists, basing on Qur’anic directives, devised an elaborate hierarchy in which monotheistic non-Muslims, such as Christians and Jews, would be “protected” at a low level and tolerated as second-class citizens. Guidelines for their treatment were embodied in the “Pact of ‘Umar.” Limitations on the status of non-Muslims included discriminatory clothing regulations and occupational restrictions. Non-Muslims were required to pay a poll tax (jizya) as well as discriminatory taxes on agricultural produce."

These laws were in effect in Palestine when the British arrived.

For over a thousand years every Muslim child was taught to hate Jews consider them evil by both their political leaders and religious leaders and that Jews should be persecuted and humiliated so they would accept their lower station. So to live in peace with Jews as equals was unthinkable to Muslims, and Muslim hate for Jews was in Palestine for over a thousand years before the first Zionists arrived.
Nothing what you sent was factual
He denies it, but his antisemitism is what is driving his lies about Israel. He even slipped up and said hateful things about Jews, and then when I pointed it out, he said…..oops, I meant Israelis.
Wrong! You are responsible for everything your government does in your name.
Wow. That is an interesting take. So, you are therefore responsible for the atrocities committed on October 7? Because you support Hamas.
And since I don't see nary a word from you criticizing your government, one has to assume you approve of these atrocities?
This isn't a thread about criticizing the Canadian government, though I have LOTS to criticize about.
Here's another one for you. You just murdered more aid workers! God, you are FUCKED!
You DO know that committing atrocities against civilian citizens is a crime against humanity, yes? You can't undo your crimes by delivering a few sacks of flour.
Fuck off, troll! It's been an occupation since 1967. And your big, bullshit, lying, stupid mouth, can't change that!
So, it wasn't occupied between 1948 and 1967? You make no sense.
The only thing you can do with an occupation, is to end it!
By "end it" you mean, what, exactly? Because removing the military, removing every last Jew (living and dead), creating a border, and providing some water and electricity wasn't enough to be considered "occupation ended". So what?
So, it wasn't occupied between 1948 and 1967? You make no sense.

By "end it" you mean, what, exactly? Because removing the military, removing every last Jew (living and dead), creating a border, and providing some water and electricity wasn't enough to be considered "occupation ended". So what?

I’m wondering if there was as much controversy during the Jordanian occupation of Judea and Samaria.
I’m wondering if there was as much controversy during the Jordanian occupation of Judea and Samaria.
Or as much rage against Myanmar for torturing to death at least 40,000 Rohingya (sp?) Muslims.

Nope. That type of rage is reserved for the Jews.
I’m wondering if there was as much controversy during the Jordanian occupation of Judea and Samaria.
They don't seem to be able to understand the internal conflict they have in their arguments about identity. On the one hand, they argue that Gaza and Judea/Samaria weren't occupied between 1948 and 1967 because ... Arabs. On the other hand, they argue that there is a distinct Palestinian identity. If the latter were true, the former can't be.
We both know that's not true. There is no genocide, and it is the Arabs who routinely break ceasefires, recently the Oct 7 attack on Israel broke an existing ceasefire, and the attack from Hezbollah was in violation of UNSC 1701.

Hating Jews has been a core value of Muslim civilization since the 10th century when Muslim law designated Jews as second class citizens that Muslims should persecute and humiliate.

"From the early years of Islamic civilization, Muslim jurists, basing on Qur’anic directives, devised an elaborate hierarchy in which monotheistic non-Muslims, such as Christians and Jews, would be “protected” at a low level and tolerated as second-class citizens. Guidelines for their treatment were embodied in the “Pact of ‘Umar.” Limitations on the status of non-Muslims included discriminatory clothing regulations and occupational restrictions. Non-Muslims were required to pay a poll tax (jizya) as well as discriminatory taxes on agricultural produce."

These laws were in effect in Palestine when the British arrived.

For over a thousand years every Muslim child was taught to hate Jews consider them evil by both their political leaders and religious leaders and that Jews should be persecuted and humiliated so they would accept their lower station. So to live in peace with Jews as equals was unthinkable to Muslims, and Muslim hate for Jews was in Palestine for over a thousand years before the first Zionists arrived.
This has nothing to do with Jews.

It has everything to do with Israeli atrocities!
Prove it!
If you had any degree of intelligence, you’d know one cannot prove a negative. It’s up to YOU to prove what you said was true.

Which you won’t be able to, since it’s a lie drive by antisemitic rage.
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