We both know that's not true. There is no genocide, and it is the Arabs who routinely break ceasefires, recently the Oct 7 attack on Israel broke an existing ceasefire, and the attack from Hezbollah was in violation of UNSC 1701.
Hating Jews has been a core value of Muslim civilization since the 10th century when Muslim law designated Jews as second class citizens that Muslims should persecute and humiliate.
"From the early years of Islamic civilization, Muslim jurists, basing on Qur’anic directives, devised an elaborate hierarchy in which monotheistic non-Muslims, such as Christians and Jews, would be “protected” at a low level and tolerated as second-class citizens. Guidelines for their treatment were embodied in the “Pact of ‘Umar.” Limitations on the status of non-Muslims included discriminatory clothing regulations and occupational restrictions. Non-Muslims were required to pay a poll tax (
jizya) as well as discriminatory taxes on agricultural produce."
At times tolerant, at other times intensely intolerant, Spain’s intergroup relations formed a fragile coexistence of Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Although often tenuous, the coexistence of diverse languages, peoples, and religions produced an extraordinary symbiosis and distinctive...
These laws were in effect in Palestine when the British arrived.
For over a thousand years every Muslim child was taught to hate Jews consider them evil by both their political leaders and religious leaders and that Jews should be persecuted and humiliated so they would accept their lower station. So to live in peace with Jews as equals was unthinkable to Muslims, and Muslim hate for Jews was in Palestine for over a thousand years before the first Zionists arrived.