Is it a Coup or Isn't it?


Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
From Wikipedia:

A coup d'état, also known as a coup, a putsch, or an overthrow, is the sudden deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment—typically the military—to depose the extant government and replace it with another body, civil or military. A coup d'état is considered successful when the usurpers establish their dominance. When the coup neither fails completely nor succeeds, a civil war is a likely consequence.

Okay, based on this definition, what happened in Egypt sure does appear to have been a coup... Democratically elected government overthrown by the military... Yep, that qualifies... Does it matter that, as one retired Egyptian general claimed, the Egyptian military will not "take on an enduring role in Egyptian politics?"

So, why hasn't this administration called it what it is?

Probably because they, we, do not wish to lose what little control the U.S. wields over the Egyptian military.

You see, United States law requires military and economic aid to be suspended when an elected head of government is removed by military coup or decree.

If, heaven forbid, this administration were to follow the law, this would mean the loss of nearly $1.5 billion in military aid and upward of $250,000,000.00 in economic aid...

Now, I recognize that this "aid" (bribe) goes to aiding to the stability of the region (keeps Egypt off Israel's ass), but the law is what it is, what happened in Egypt is, by definition, a coup, and let's be honest, we could use that money here at home...
No, it wasn't a coup. Not at all. That is Muslim Brotherhoods grasping at a last straw. The people have spoken, let the will of the people prevail and let freedom ring over Egypt once and for all.

I'm glad to see the Egyptian Army moved so quickly to cut off the Gaza tunnels and secure their borders from the islamic terrorist jihadists the Muslim Brotherhood has called upon to wage jihad inside Egypt.

The best thing to do now is ignore the Muslim Brotherhood like a bad headache until they are driven out of the religion of Islam completely. That would be an act of reformation in itself and would give Islam a huge boost in reputation. I think people are now realising that and that is why MB has suddenly become a filthy word. - J.
If islamic jihadists manage to gain entry across border into Egypt the Egyptian Army should put the entire Muslim Brotherhood on trial for trying to overthrow a sovereign nation - make an example out of them. Anyone found a member is arrested for being part of a terrorist organization ( which Muslim Brotherhood is ) The new leader is going to have to be tough from the get go.
Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist Organization and Morsi was Muslim Brotherhood Dictator fast tracking a tryannical style government. The people have been liberated of this Dictator and his evil minions ( MB ) and are now free to REALLY Be Free! I'm very happy for the Egyptian people.

This is a new beginning - I notice the UN has not sent any assistance to their borders to keep terrorists MB called for- from spilling over. Obviously the UN is waiting to see what happens. They are very quiet right about now as is the IMF who is hoping against hope this new leader will sign on and take the 4. 8 billion dollars for a chunk of Egypts Sovereignty. I'm betting the new leader says no way just as the last one did and the one before that ( Mubarek ) and soon the middle east will be onto what the IIMF and World Bank are really up to here. (robbing them blind )
The Lame Stream Media is circling the wagons covering for the Stuttering Clusterfukk.

Anybody that's been paying attention knows obama backed Morsi from the very beginning.

After the fiasco in Egypt, John (the traitor) Kerry was nowhere to be found during a National Security Meeting in the white house.


The State Dept said Kerry (the traitor) was 'working the phones' all day in regard to Egypt and that his plane just touched down and he didn't have time to get there or some other lies....

But a reporter found Kerry (the traitor) on his yacht and photographed it

Kerry phones into Egypt meeting -

Mosheh Oinounou ✔ @Mosheh

Secretary Kerry was aboard his yacht, the "Isabel" this afternoon
4:36 PM - 3 Jul 2013

dogs bark, babies cry, dimocraps lie.

I don't get it.

And for those idiots that think obama had nothing to do with supporting Morsie?

The Egyptian people knew --


Many more photos showing how the Egyptian people understoond that Morsi really was obama's buoy here >>

Guest Post: Egyptians Love Us For Our Freedom | Zero Hedge
We should have ended most of this aid a long time ago because there is no reason to spend large sums of money that we need here over in places that do not have our interests at heart.

This would not be the first time that we simply pretended that law did not exist though. This government pretty much obeys the laws it wants to and fuck all to the rest of them. It is pretty sad for a nation that CLAIMS to be a nation of laws when we openly and deliberately ignore the law.
From Wikipedia:

A coup d'état, also known as a coup, a putsch, or an overthrow, is the sudden deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment—typically the military—to depose the extant government and replace it with another body, civil or military. A coup d'état is considered successful when the usurpers establish their dominance. When the coup neither fails completely nor succeeds, a civil war is a likely consequence.

Okay, based on this definition, what happened in Egypt sure does appear to have been a coup... Democratically elected government overthrown by the military... Yep, that qualifies... Does it matter that, as one retired Egyptian general claimed, the Egyptian military will not "take on an enduring role in Egyptian politics?"

So, why hasn't this administration called it what it is?

Probably because they, we, do not wish to lose what little control the U.S. wields over the Egyptian military.

You see, United States law requires military and economic aid to be suspended when an elected head of government is removed by military coup or decree.

If, heaven forbid, this administration were to follow the law, this would mean the loss of nearly $1.5 billion in military aid and upward of $250,000,000.00 in economic aid...

Now, I recognize that this "aid" (bribe) goes to aiding to the stability of the region (keeps Egypt off Israel's ass), but the law is what it is, what happened in Egypt is, by definition, a coup, and let's be honest, we could use that money here at home...

20 Million people in the streets quarter of the a "small group"........?

even though technically you can say the military forced Morsi out (in order to prevent outright civil war) was the Egyptian public that really caused it...
It might take a couple of days to admit it, but Egypt is having the same kind of civil war going on in Syria. If you don't recognize that fighters on the brotherhood's behalf are coming into Egypt across the border from Libya, you are as dense as a block of granite.

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