Is it better to build things or blow them up? Psyops says no.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2023
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Many have been taught through psyops to fear things that do not align with the status quo. The status quo must always be seen as good because the status quo wants to keep control of the narrative. If you see the media in your town joining in with other media to blend into a choir, you should be immediately suspicious. The purpose of the media in any free society is not to sing the praises of established authority, it is to keep that authority honest through observation and investigation.
I watched the local newspaper joining with the Boston Globe and several other publications to attack the person I voted for in 2016.

Donald Trump criticized legacy media for not doing its job objectively. The press in America had become so cozy with the status quo that it became public relations for it. Trump rightly called that out and the hounds were released immediately to go after him. This was a few generations after the Soviet Union and East Germany, so after the destruction of the Great Society and the dumbing down of education in the US, it was not recognized as the Gulag journalism it was.

This is how Psyops work. Totalitarian regimes always use mass mind control to instill fear in the population and present opposition as recalcitrant and conspiracy driven. “If everyone is saying Trump is bad, then Trump must be bad, right”? Right! Huge swaths of the press are against Trump, and the press never lies, therefore, it is settled political, cultural, and educational science that Trump is bad! The key issue in this system is the statement that “the press never lies”.

We can go back into history and ask some interesting questions about the press. Was the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 really a surprise attack? Prior to that Franklin Roosevelt was saying from coast-to-coast that America had no stomach for another European war. But after some meetings with Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill, out of the blue the Japanese launched what was reported as a surprise attack on the US in Hawaii. That was very convenient because it drew the US and its industrial might into the war. Broadcast and print journalism went into overdrive in indignant perspectives. Angry young men fell all over themselves to get to recruiting offices to sign up after Roosevelt declared his “Day of Infamy”. Do you think psyops were involved then? You decide unless your ape-driven emotions won’t let you.

Do you understand how things can be manipulated? What about Domino Theory and Korea? What about the Gulf of Tonkin? They got us into “armed conflicts” because a war then could have gone nuclear. People still died of course. If our way of life is so good wouldn’t others choose it voluntarily? Why do our elites tell us to get guns and go to faraway places to blast others to their senses? Is it possible that wealth and power have something to do with it? Is this how psyops work?
Anyway, the guy I voted for is not big war guy. He likes to build things, not blow them up. But those psyops are always creeping into the picture. We now have former CIA agents with their own spots on television news shows and that is kind of weird.

Maybe I think too much. What about you?
Not Trump's job to police "the media" one way or the other and the vast conspiracy you see is nothing more than the byproduct of the internet and reporters using google news for leads to continuously feed the insatiable beast of new content.
Not Trump's job to police "the media" one way or the other and the vast conspiracy you see is nothing more than the byproduct of the internet and reporters using google news for leads to continuously feed the insatiable beast of new content.
I think the gov has an obligation when licensed public airways are used for democrat propaganda.
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