Exactly what I have been pointing out ever since I got here.
You know the neo-cons' game.
Anything in government they don't like is sociaistic.
Anything they do like is consitutional.
Now are they clueless, or simply dishonest?
Take your pick.
I think you're mislabelling neo-cons. Neo cons are really big government spenders (liberals, basically), who believe in global military hegemony, including the use of pre-emptive force.
They used to be something even different than THAT, but they TOO have been hijacked by the establishment.
I wouldn't say police and fire are liberal hand outs. They are necessary to maintain a flourishing society where people can feel comfortable in living somewhere without the threat of crime or out of control fires. Much like the military is.
Conservatives, at least me, believe in limited government in the most strictest sense. As in, what the constitution actually gives government the power to do.
I'd say "the
general welfare of the US" covers military, emergency services, infrastructure. Those are things that not just ANYONE could up and provide for themselves for their community. Not everyone could be a fire fighter, or a soldier. Not every community would have enough people capable of building roads and bridges.
There are certain things that ought to be provided to make the basic society function. After that, the rest is left to hard work, perseverance, dedication, personal responsibility, etc.
A community does not need people to receive government hand outs in the form of money for that community to flourish. The one's who can not afford to stay in a specific community will move to a location where they can, and create a niche. That's how society works. It makes me think of ghettos in the inner cities, but no one told those people they had to take to a life of crime. The people in those ghettos could join together as communities and create their own flourishing society. They just choose not to, and instead turn to crime to make a life for themselves. Just because the drug market offers better income than a LEGAL market, does not mean that's where one should turn to, for instance.