Is My Avatar Being Censored?

Of course the GOP had, and does have proles to worry about. . . THE ENLISTED MEN. The fact is, in poll after poll, Ron Paul swept the military in popularity.

Saw an article on how the number of veterans serving in the Senate has declined from around 80% in the 1980's to less than 20% now, and the results are that our government has been increasingly using military involvement instead of what one would expect, which is the opposite trend. The fact is pro-military vets are more anti-war than leftists are, they fully realize how well aggressive deterrent defense policies work a lot better than hippie group hugs and 'dialoging' does with assorted sociopaths and criminal syndicates running a lot of countries.
Talk radio, and your TEE VEE may give a representation of one thing, but the corporate party leaders write the rules for another way, and the truth maybe something else. The fact is, it is party leaders, and in the end, it ISN'T the voters of the GOP that decide on who the candidates will be, it is the Republican National Committee Inc.

I've never been a Republican, so I don't disagree; I voted for Trump as a protest vote, not because he ran on a Republican ticket. I don't see much difference between the two Parties, and as for Ron Paul never been impressed with him either; he loves pork and set asides for himself, even more so than Newt Gingrich did. I don't listen to talk radio, so don't know what they're babbling about on any given day; I suspect that like left wing talking points issued to their parrots here every day the same applies to right wing corporate shills here, too.
Just curious if it is a technical issue or if some offended leftie/Biden voter is responsible for my avatar being "whited out'

Look next to the envelope icon

View attachment 586017
I'm not certain, but if your image rises to a certain level of harassment of your foe, the moderators may act by removing the offensive post, image, or avatar. There are other items you might observe by comprehensive reading of: USMB Rules and Guidelines

I hope you think it over, and if you find something said or shown that resembling unabated harrassment of somebody else that at the beginning of our country caused a good patriot his life in a duel. We all have a bad day. But we need to keep in mind, if we constantly use profanity or images to hurt a fellow USMB member, it could put our board in jeopardy of a lawsuit for promoting untoward animosity and not brotherly love by unapproved corrective measures. And yet, free speech is a precious thing that needs to be used wisely in public, and courtesy in debate can most certainly be effective.
Just curious if it is a technical issue or if some offended leftie/Biden voter is responsible for my avatar being "whited out'

Look next to the envelope icon

View attachment 586017
Well then you're really going to hate this.

I know it's "there "

I posted a screen capture. Look next to the envelope icon on the image aboveView attachment 586018
Got the avatar to disappear, now trying to get you to disappear.
I just need to tune up a few contraptions in the back and........

While you're you know how to keep a knucklehead in suspense?
Got the avatar to disappear, now trying to get you to disappear.
I just need to tune up a few contraptions in the back and........

While you're you know how to keep a knucklehead in suspense?
When you say disappear, do you mean go away or ------? You need to be more careful about what you say. You remember the nasty mixup and everything that happened when somebody said something similar to that about that guy who said he had such a big IQ, don;t you?
When you say disappear, do you mean go away or ------? You need to be more careful about what you say. You remember the nasty mixup and everything that happened when somebody said something similar to that about that guy who said he had such a big IQ, don;t you?
Got the avatar to disappear, now trying to get you to disappear.
Being that it's in the same sentence as the avatar, I thought the context of my snarky reply was evident.
Got the avatar to disappear, now trying to get you to disappear.
Being that it's in the same sentence as the avatar, I thought the context of my snarky reply was evident.
Ok. We don't need another poster whacked and buried in the swamp just because of some off hand remark by the USMB Deep State.
For the 3rd time, I know it's visible in the post. It DOESNT display where the avatar sits next to the ENVELOPE ICON

I've already figured it's some technical glitch. I WONDERED for a minute if it was deliberate because some leftist snowflakes didn't approve of the swastika on their beloved jackass.
Look Mommy, it's Dad's swastika on a donkey now. Does that mean he is a Nazi, Mommy?
Yes son, but he's an American right wing Neo-Nazi fascist.
Just curious if it is a technical issue or if some offended leftie/Biden voter is responsible for my avatar being "whited out'

Look next to the envelope icon

View attachment 586017
Holy shit, I get that too!

Screenshot_20220112-003955_Samsung Internet.webp
Hello, unfortunately, it is probably not censored because I do not see that it is censored, it's a pity that this site does not censor avatars because some of them can be really bad avatars
Welcome to USMB, joes21. I don't know wht happened to your avatar, but you may know once you have read and are abiding by the rules of the board.

If you need a reminder, here is the short list. The long list is merely abberrent posts that serve no purpose other than to expose other members to calumny. From time to time our board is visited by minors, and you shouldn't say anything a school-age child wouldn't get in deep trouble at school for speaking in that manner to other people in such a sordid way. Courtesy these days is absent in politics because we have people in high office treating each other like Nancy Pelosi treated President Trump, and since she is nothing but a headhunter, I can't imagine that kind of bad behavior being tolerated with anything less than a duel that winds up killing someone like Alexander Hamilton. I wish she had not been accepted the day she applied for the House Speaker's job, because she has put a blight on this free country in thought, word, and deed, which she flaunts in public like a shameful criminal who takes advantage of whoever they can when put in a position of power over them. God save us from any further evil from the Speaker's chair and the puerile dolts who put up with her evil deeds out of arrogance of high office that never should have been granted to a pig for wealth and power that Nancy Pelosi has proved herself to shamefully be.

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Are people this stupid?

early on page 1 I dismissed the idea that my avatar was being censored.

Yet you people keep "explaining" it.

consider moving on or proving what a dullard you are
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