Is NATO Dead?

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So what? Next time our "partner" needs to be smarter, like Taiwan.

Taiwan is next, China will seize the place and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
The US is meeting all commitments, unlike many NATO deadbeats.
No it is not, NATO has committed to supporting Ukraine militarily but trump is reneging on that agreement. Like it or not that is how the world's powers perceive this, the US is betraying it's allies.

trump is not and never has been a team player, personally or professionally and NATO is a team and that's where he struggles.
As Trump aligns with Putin, NATO with the US is effectively dead
European powers are aligning with Ukraine as the US can not be trusted as an ally
When Obama gave Ukraine MREs Trump gave them Javelin anti-tank missiles.
The other US president that aligned with Putin is Joe Biden, he removed sanctions on NordStream-2
Without the US NATO is dead. Its not dead yet.
When Obama gave Ukraine MREs Trump gave them Javelin anti-tank missiles.
The other US president that aligned with Putin is Joe Biden, he removed sanctions on NordStream-2
Without the US NATO is dead. Its not dead yet.
The Javelin stuff was a scandal, it was bribery.

What do you mean "free"? US military aid has never been free, it is supplied on the basis that Ukraine will violently resist Russia and enable the US to establish a military presence - as NATO - in Ukraine.

So the US has been feeding it's proxy (Ukraine) in return for Ukraine doing the fighting, with the ultimate US objective being a NATO presence in Ukraine.

trump does not want to provide any military support at all, that's the sticking point, read the news. If trump did he'd be at war with Russia and he has said he does not want that.
STFU, you've already demonstrated your lack of knowledge of NATO. Why would I give any credence to your BS. Not worth anymore attention.
Yeah so NATO was to protect Europe from Russia.
Not true, NATO was created to threaten the Soviet Union and was spearheaded by the United States, it has never acted defensively but has acted offensively. It was never a response to a threat but was itself a threat, that's why the Warsaw Pact was created, to counter the military threat posed by NATO and the installation of US nuclear warheads around the Soviet Union member states.

That objective has been pursued for decades and stopped only when Russia attacked Ukraine.

We have given more money and weapons to Ukraine than 1 years spending of THE ENTIRE EU.

And Ukraine is still losing ground. 1/3rd of Ukraine is in Russias hands. Latest news, hard to trust, is Ukraine has lost alot of ground lately.

Reality is that short of DIRECT COMBAT BY NATO Ukraine IS FUCKED.

If we were to go in IT WOULD MEAN WWIII.

Sorry. Ukraine aint worth risking the end of mankind.
We have given more money and weapons to Ukraine than 1 years spending of THE ENTIRE EU.
And Ukraine is still losing ground. 1/3rd of Ukraine is in Russias hands. Latest news, hard to trust, is Ukraine has lost a lot of ground lately. Reality is that short of DIRECT COMBAT BY NATO Ukraine IS FUCKED.
If we were to go in IT WOULD MEAN WWIII. Sorry. Ukraine aint worth risking the end of mankind.
EU countries are saying they will back Ukraine. Fine.
Trump doesn't have the cash to help Ukraine now.

We have given more money and weapons to Ukraine than 1 years spending of THE ENTIRE EU.
Yes but that's been the declared US strategy for decades, the United States built its European relationships on that basis but is now reneging.
And Ukraine is still losing ground. 1/3rd of Ukraine is in Russias hands. Latest news, hard to trust, is Ukraine has lost alot of ground lately.

Reality is that short of DIRECT COMBAT BY NATO Ukraine IS FUCKED.

If we were to go in IT WOULD MEAN WWIII.

Sorry. Ukraine aint worth risking the end of mankind.
Well Ukraine did mess up by seeking to play NATOs game (other nations did too but Russia held back), but understand, the United States has for decades pursued this goal, expanding NATO eastwards, if a country suddenly changes its mind and abandons its allies it can do that, but boy does it carry consequences as trump is soon going to learn.
Not true, NATO was created to threaten the Soviet Union and was spearheaded by the United States, it has never acted defensively but has acted offensively. It was never a response to a threat but was itself a threat, that's why the Warsaw Pact was created, to counter the military threat posed by NATO and the installation of US nuclear warheads around the Soviet Union member states.

That objective has been pursued for decades and stopped only when Russia attacked Ukraine.
NATO was used in the Iraq/Afghanistan theater after the US, a NATO member nation was attacked in 2001. BTW, what happened to your last BS post that NATO was created in response to the Warsaw Pact. Can't you keep your lies consistent?
Wrong! The US is solidly committed to a war with Russia.

But it never has been over the Ukraine.

The US can only settle with a win, and likewise Russia too.

The US aid will be delivered but Trump can pretend that it won't, as long as he's alive.

No! Nato has always been a tool for US aggression, and that will continue.

The US won't run away defeated from this war. But Russia won't accept defeat either.
The US tricked Russia into invading Ukraine and everything is going according to plan.
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