Is our justice system now gone because of Trump?


First of all ... I didn't mean subsidies or financial support from the government.
I meant you desire the Federal Government to manage at least some affairs in aspects that influence your life and well-being.
Hence why you are so upset about President Trump, and what you believe to be a ruinous course of action.

Secondly ... We've already covered humans and bias as well as prejudice.
It's natural and if you don't have them, it would be a mental condition ... And not a good one.
In the rawest form ... Some of them help keep you alive ... And to deny them would be foolish.
But again ... That's another topic and we don't need to open that can of worms ... It's not that close to your topic ... :auiqs.jpg:

Desires are simply what you want ... I am not trying to identify your desires ... That is not the point.
You have desires ... Again, it would be unhealthy if you didn't ... And I would recommend seeking treatment.
When I speak of your desires ... Stop trying to fight what I am saying ... And simply plug your desires in.
It requires critical thinking ... And a certain amount of self-awareness.

To answer your question ... I don't care what politicians do ... Or more appropriately what they say or want me to believe.
I do care about our Constitution and this Nation ... And the fact that I believe we have strayed too far off the proper course already ...
Where you demonstrate more Presentism ... And the idea a person may save, or at least protect, what I believe we have already lost.

You are correct everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ... But not simply at the cost of another.
No man is responsible or liable for another man's debt ... That's not what the Constitution allows.
General Welfare is allowed ... But that does not include Individual Welfare ... Again, that's another topic.

In my recollection I made a mistake, and I meant the last four words ... And they are 'or to the People'
That's not 'of the People' ... Nor does it indicate the source of power for the Local, State or Federal Government.
It really has nothing to do with whether or not we are a Republic ... 'Or' indicates an exception to the previous Clauses.

It indicates that all the previously mentioned governmental entities ...
Are still not as far down the chain you can go if you limit government.
The People can choose to govern themselves ... Thus keeping their vision, direction, and desires
governed as close as possible to their freedom ... And as far away as possible from the Federal Government.

To 'govern' anything is not an expression of Freedom ... To 'govern' identifies setting limits, parameters, and boundaries.
And likewise ... I don't think they put it there on accident ... And why?

"A Free person does not have to be told they are Free ...
And Liberty is not granted, only exercised."

Think about it ... Or don't ... Thanks again.



First of all ... I didn't mean subsidies or financial support from the government.
I meant you desire the Federal Government to manage at least some affairs in aspects that influence your life and well-being.
Hence why you are so upset about President Trump, and what you believe to be a ruinous course of action.​

But of course. The government is what makes us a nation. They are the ones that handle things like police, roads, schools, etc. Without the government, we would be individual islands where we would have to handle everything. Of course, I want a government that does it right (the work, the cost, the regulations, etc). Whether we want it or not, it is an integral part of our lives.

To answer your question ... I don't care what politicians do ... Or more appropriately what they say or want me to believe.
I do care about our Constitution and this Nation ... And the fact that I believe we have strayed too far off the proper course already ...
Where you demonstrate more Presentism ... And the idea a person may save, or at least protect, what I believe we have already lost.​

Here, I have to say a few things. Humans are not perfect, which means that we can all find fault in something that is being done. Having said that, I do firmly believe that comparing the Democrats to the Republicans, the Republicans (and more specifically Trump) have strayed and are straying away from the Constitution. The Democrats may try to do what they feel is right and it may LOOK like they are straying from the Constitution but they have basically tried to stay within the Constitution.

As such, if you believe in the Constitution, then you should be criticizing the Republicans and Trump. Otherwise, you are just trying to get what you want.

You are correct everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ... But not simply at the cost of another.
No man is responsible or liable for another man's debt ... That's not what the Constitution allows.
General Welfare is allowed ... But that does not include Individual Welfare ... Again, that's another topic.​

Once again, nothing in life is perfect. We all have to ACCEPT the fact that there are cracks in everything. Nonetheless, we are a nation and that means we have to work together to get the most benefit. Some have to work harder and some will use it to their personal advantage but the overall end result of having a nation grow together is the goal. No one wants to work to pay off another man's debt that he was incompetent in paying or tried to use the system to get away with something. It is also unfair to have someone have to pay more and work more than others that have not done their part. Nonetheless, that is what a team is about. Using the concept of a football team, there are more and less talented people on the team but no one person can win the super bowl alone. In addition, some of the players may not work as hard as others but that is unavoidable as there is a limit to what the team (as a whole) can spend. No team can have every player be the best of the best. This means we have to accept unfairness as part of the game, in order to have a team to begin with.

It indicates that all the previously mentioned governmental entities ...
Are still not as far down the chain you can go if you limit government.
The People can choose to govern themselves ... Thus keeping their vision, direction, and desires
governed as close as possible to their freedom ... And as far away as possible from the Federal Government.​

People can choose to govern themselves? Not totally. They can govern their own actions and goals by themselves but need government to make it all happen. Otherwise, the only way that a person can govern himself is by doing this:


To 'govern' anything is not an expression of Freedom ... To 'govern' identifies setting limits, parameters, and boundaries.
And likewise ... I don't think they put it there on accident ... And why?

"A Free person does not have to be told they are Free ...
And Liberty is not granted, only exercised."

Think about it ... Or don't ... Thanks again.​

None of us is totally free as we all depend on others for something. We all need roads, schools, doctors, food, etc As such, our freedom is dependent on everything around us doing their jobs as well.
General welfare means welfare of the nation, not the people, or the person.....That is on the individual.
But of course. The government is what makes us a nation. They are the ones that handle things like police, roads, schools, etc. Without the government, we would be individual islands where we would have to handle everything. Of course, I want a government that does it right (the work, the cost, the regulations, etc). Whether we want it or not, it is an integral part of our lives.

Here, I have to say a few things. Humans are not perfect, which means that we can all find fault in something that is being done. Having said that, I do firmly believe that comparing the Democrats to the Republicans, the Republicans (and more specifically Trump) have strayed and are straying away from the Constitution. The Democrats may try to do what they feel is right and it may LOOK like they are straying from the Constitution but they have basically tried to stay within the Constitution.

As such, if you believe in the Constitution, then you should be criticizing the Republicans and Trump. Otherwise, you are just trying to get what you want.

Once again, nothing in life is perfect. We all have to ACCEPT the fact that there are cracks in everything. Nonetheless, we are a nation and that means we have to work together to get the most benefit. Some have to work harder and some will use it to their personal advantage but the overall end result of having a nation grow together is the goal. No one wants to work to pay off another man's debt that he was incompetent in paying or tried to use the system to get away with something. It is also unfair to have someone have to pay more and work more than others that have not done their part. Nonetheless, that is what a team is about. Using the concept of a football team, there are more and less talented people on the team but no one person can win the super bowl alone. In addition, some of the players may not work as hard as others but that is unavoidable as there is a limit to what the team (as a whole) can spend. No team can have every player be the best of the best. This means we have to accept unfairness as part of the game, in order to have a team to begin with.

People can choose to govern themselves? Not totally. They can govern their own actions and goals by themselves but need government to make it all happen. Otherwise, the only way that a person can govern himself is by doing this:

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None of us is totally free as we all depend on others for something. We all need roads, schools, doctors, food, etc As such, our freedom is dependent on everything around us doing their jobs as well.

Your vision of government is not the same vision of our Constitution or our Founding Fathers.
The Constitution was not written to govern the people ... It was written to Establish, Define and Restrict the Federal Government.

It did consider the individual States and their individuality ... And comparing them to 'little islands' of Democracy ... As you did ...
Would be the most accurate analogy you could make ... :auiqs.jpg:

You have to understand that every time you talk about the dysfunction you identify ...
It is really just your inability to rob another's Freedom ... And enforce your desires on others ...
While using the leverage of the Federal Government to achieve what likewise you couldn't achieve at the State and Local level ...
In districts outside of your myopic desire for control.

You're dammed right a Citizen's Freedom is diminished under your desires ...
Because you foolishly keep surrendering your own Freedom in attempts to be taken care of or create a better world.
Your incessant desires to meddle in the affairs of others ... Is uncalled for.

Roads ... The Constitution allows the Federal Government to handle some concerns in Interstate Commerce.
Combine that with the General Welfare Clause ... And you could make a pretty decent case for Federal fund regarding Interstates.

However ... That doesn't mean the Constitution allows the Federal Government to meddle in State and Local affairs ...
And use Federal funding for Interstates to illegally coerce States and Local authorities into doing ...
Whatever someone in Washington, New York, California, Mississippi or Georgia may want them to do.

That's what I mean about leveraging the opinions of others outside your district ...
And in attempts to rob someone's Freedom.

There is no reason that States and Local authorities cannot be held responsible for roads, education, law enforcement and the likes.
The Federal Government should contain itself to managing International Affairs, National Defense, Interstate Commerce ...
And maintaining our Sovereignty.

If you don't want 'cracks in everything' ... Stop fucking creating them ... By charging the Federal Government with tasks
it cannot and was never intended to manage.

If you are concerned about Power and the President of the United States ... Stop fucking surrendering your Freedoms ...
Granting them the Power you fear ... In attempts to escape the responsibilities and burdens you should bare closer to home.

In short ... Stop fucking crying about the house of cards you insist on building ...
By robbing my Freedoms for your comfort ... And the absolutely retarded idea that the assclowns on the Beltway
are ever going to accomplish much more than the further departure from the Constitution ...
Selling it all on the idea they are both a necessity and that they can save you from your ignorance.

Or ... At the least stop bitching ... Because it's your damned fault ... :thup:

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Your vision of government is not the same vision of our Constitution or our Founding Fathers.
The Constitution was not written to govern the people ... It was written to Establish, Define and Restrict the Federal Government.

It did consider the individual States and their individuality ... And comparing them to 'little islands' of Democracy ... As you did ...
Would be the most accurate analogy you could make ... :auiqs.jpg:
I understand that fully but do not agree with it. We are the United States and that means all States United. The idea of individual States was when there were only 13 States and they were fighting England and there was fighting unity but not nation unity. That has changed as we are 51 States and we are a nation against all other nations, not just the one that was invading us. As such and to me, this idea of each individual State deciding what to do for themselves should no longer be valid.

You have to understand that every time you talk about the dysfunction you identify ...
It is really just your inability to rob another's Freedom ... And enforce your desires on others ...
While using the leverage of the Federal Government to achieve what likewise you couldn't achieve at the State and Local level ...
In districts outside of your myopic desire for control.​

Each of us is entitled to have its own opinion. This is not disfuntion. What democracy brings to the table is the idea that the majority of opinion is what should be done. That means that the losing opinions have to adjust to the winning opinions in order for it to work and the nation advance. Again, there will always be what you call dysfuntion but if people understand and accept the idea of Democracy, that is only a normal part of the game.

You're dammed right a Citizen's Freedom is diminished under your desires ...
Because you foolishly keep surrendering your own Freedom in attempts to be taken care of or create a better world.
Your incessant desires to meddle in the affairs of others ... Is uncalled for.​

A citizens freedom is attached to the fact that whether he wants it or not, he is part of a team and without a team, he would need to do everything himself. If he wants that, then have him buy an island and go and live there all by himself. This is not opinion or desire (as you call it) but a fact of life. For example, if you are a diabetic, you need insulin in order to live. In order to get insulin, some company has to produce it for you to buy it. That company requires you to pay for it. You are definitely entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but in this case, you have to give something in order to receive what you need to live, have liberty and pursue happiness. Yes, your freedom is diminished but it is your own body/self that requires you to do it. Same for government. You want something you need, you have to pay for it and as such, your freedom will be diminished

Meddling in the affair of others is part of the game. It is not that you want to be meddling but it is a need as not meddling means you are not part of the team that keeps you alive.

If you don't want that, then go live in an island or die.

Roads ... The Constitution allows the Federal Government to handle some concerns in Interstate Commerce.
Combine that with the General Welfare Clause ... And you could make a pretty decent case for Federal fund regarding Interstates.

However ... That doesn't mean the Constitution allows the Federal Government to meddle in State and Local affairs ...​

I disagree (see above answer). It is part of the Constitution that I no LONGER agree with. 278 years have passed and that no longer works.............well.
And use Federal funding for Interstates to illegally coerce States and Local authorities into doing ...
Whatever someone in Washington, New York, California, Mississippi or Georgia may want them to do.​

You continue to make one big mistake. It is not what someone in those states WANT you to do but what the nation (through its votes) has made it a requirement for all (not just you)

That's what I mean about leveraging the opinions of others outside your district ...
And in attempts to rob someone's Freedom.

There is no reason that States and Local authorities cannot be held responsible for roads, education, law enforcement and the likes.
The Federal Government should contain itself to managing International Affairs, National Defense, Interstate Commerce ...
And maintaining our Sovereignty.​

See above

If you don't want 'cracks in everything' ... Stop fucking creating them ... By charging the Federal Government with tasks
it cannot and was never intended to manage.​

"cracks" is what humans are all about. You can NEVER get rid of cracks unless you get rid of humans.

If you are concerned about Power and the President of the United States ... Stop fucking surrendering your Freedoms ...
Granting them the Power you fear ... In attempts to escape the responsibilities and burdens you should bare closer to home.

In short ... Stop fucking crying about the house of cards you insist on building ...
By robbing my Freedoms for your comfort ... And the absolutely retarded idea that the assclowns on the Beltway
are ever going to accomplish much more than the further departure from the Constitution ...
Selling it all on the idea they are both a necessity and that they can save you from your ignorance.

Or ... At the least stop bitching ... Because it's your damned fault ... :thup:
As I have stated before, my thoughts and posts are not about the politics. I am fully willing to live by what the politics (by the nation's votes) tells me I need to do (or accept)

All my posts are about one man and his blind followers that is a danger to all (not just me). My beef is with competence and the human involvement and not with politics. Biden and the Democrats were willing to accept more immigrants.........fine, that was what politics decided. Politics now calls for stopping the immigrants from coming here.............fine, that is what politics has decided.

What I won't accept is anyone that goes to the extremes as all extremes are bad. What I won't accept is someone failing to do what is needed to be done because of incompetence. What I won't accept is a lack of acknowledgement of a mistake done by the person in charge or by those supporting him (accountability).

I am a citizen of the U.S. and as such, I have to adjust to what the majority decides, not matter what I want or need. This does not mean I don't have a right to try to have it changed but I don't have the right to not do what the majority requires me to do.

I do not agree with your thinking. Then again, we don't need to agree. Nonetheless, what we both need to do is do our part of what has been decided by the majority that we need to do.

I have the right to have a voice. I don't have a right to do what I want to do, unless I have this:


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I understand that fully but do not agree with it. We are the United States and that means all States United. The idea of individual States was when there were only 13 States and they were fighting England and there was fighting unity but not nation unity. That has changed as we are 51 States and we are a nation against all other nations, not just the one that was invading us. As such and to me, this idea of each individual State deciding what to do for themselves should no longer be valid.

Each of us is entitled to have its own opinion. This is not disfuntion. What democracy brings to the table is the idea that the majority of opinion is what should be done. That means that the losing opinions have to adjust to the winning opinions in order for it to work and the nation advance. Again, there will always be what you call dysfuntion but if people understand and accept the idea of Democracy, that is only a normal part of the game.

A citizens freedom is attached to the fact that whether he wants it or not, he is part of a team and without a team, he would need to do everything himself. If he wants that, then have him buy an island and go and live there all by himself. This is not opinion or desire (as you call it) but a fact of life. For example, if you are a diabetic, you need insulin. In order to get insulin, some company has to produce it for you to buy it. That company requires you to pay for it. You are definitely entitled of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but it this case, you have to give something in order to receive what you need to obtain those three things you need. Yes, your freedom is diminished but it is your own body/self that requires you to do it. Same for government. You want something you need, you have to pay for it and as such, your freedom will be diminished

Meddling in the affair of others is part of the game. It is not that you want to be meddling but it is a need as not meddling means you are not part of the team that keeps you alive.

If you don't want that, then go live in an island or die.

I disagree (see above answer). It is part of the Constitution that I no LONGER agree with. 278 years have passed and that no longer works.............well.

You continue to make one big mistake. It is not what someone in those states WANT you to do but what the nation (through its votes) has made it a requirement for all (not just you)

See above

"cracks" is what humans are all about. You can NEVER get rid of cracks unless you get rid of humans.

As I have stated before, my thoughts and posts are not about the politics. I am fully willing to live by what the politics (by the nation's votes) tells me I need to do (or accept)

All my posts are about one man and his blind followers that is a danger to all (not just me). My beef is with competence and the human involvement and not with politics. Biden and the Democrats were willing to accept more immigrants.........fine, that was what politics decided. Politics now calls for stopping the immigrants from coming here.............fine, that is what politics has decided.

What I won't accept is anyone that goes to the extremes as all extremes are bad. What I won't accept is someone failing to do what is needed to be done because of incompetence. What I won't accept is a lack of acknowledgement of a mistake done by the person in charge (accountability).

I am a citizen of the U.S. and as such, I have to adjust to what the majority decides, not matter what I want or need. This does not mean I don't have a right to try to have it changed but I don't have the right to not do what the majority requires me to do.

I do not agree with your thinking. Then again, we don't need to agree. Nonetheless, what we both need to do is do our part of what has been decided by the majority that we need to do.

I have the right to have a voice. I don't have a right to do what I want to do, unless I have this:

View attachment 1073728

Of course we are the United States ... In regard to International Affairs, National Defense ...
Working together on Interstate Commerce and Protecting our Sovereignty.
That doesn't equate to people in Montana trying to tell people in Delaware what books to put in the library ...
No matter how the fuck you want to slice it ... And I don't give a shit if you disagree ... Mind your own fucking business ... :auiqs.jpg:

Each of us has our own opinions whether or not you agree ... I am not asking for your damn permission to have one.
The dysfunction you identify is created when your opinion is not satisfied ... For whatever idiotic reasons you think I should care ... :auiqs.jpg:

Listen nitwit ... You can talk garbage about teams ... And how I don't have a choice ...
But you're damn sure not on my team ... I am not asking you for permission ... And I have no desire to play for you losers ... :auiqs.jpg:

I understand those Assclowns in Washington have convinced you they are a necessity, and you cannot possibly survive without them ...
Just stop fucking bitching when shit doesn't go your way ... And you suffer the consequences of your stupid choices ... :auiqs.jpg:

I understand you have to default to the lowest common denominator when discussing humanity.
You're pretty fucked-up, see human failure as inevitable and have completely abandoned the pursuit of excellence.
You have replaced it with Dependency as you toss your Freedoms aside in the pursuit of mediocrity.

Not that I care you so willingly toss your freedoms away ...
Just mind your own fucking business and stop forcing me to accept, and pay for your foolishness and failures ... :auiqs.jpg:

If you are worried about the one man and his power over your life ...


Of course we are the United States ... In regard to International Affairs, National Defense ...
Working together on Interstate Commerce and Protecting our Sovereignty.
That doesn't equate to people in Montana trying to tell people in Delaware what books to put in the library ...
No matter how the fuck you want to slice it ... And I don't give a shit if you disagree ... Mind your own fucking business ... :auiqs.jpg:

Each of us has our own opinions whether or not you agree ... I am not asking for your damn permission to have one.
The dysfunction you identify is created when your opinion is not satisfied ... For whatever idiotic reasons you think I should care ... :auiqs.jpg:

Listen nitwit ... You can talk garbage about teams ... And how I don't have a choice ...
But you're damn sure not on my team ... I am not asking you for permission ... And I have no desire to play for you losers ... :auiqs.jpg:

I understand those Assclowns in Washington have convinced you they are a necessity, and you cannot possibly survive without them ...
Just stop fucking bitching when shit doesn't go your way ... And you suffer the consequences of your stupid choices ... :auiqs.jpg:

I understand you have to default to the lowest common denominator when discussing humanity.
You're pretty fucked-up, see human failure as inevitable and have completely abandoned the pursuit of excellence.
You have replaced it with Dependency as you toss your Freedoms aside in the pursuit of mediocrity.

Not that I care you so willingly toss your freedoms away ...
Just mind your own fucking business and stop forcing me to accept, and pay for your foolishness and failures ... :auiqs.jpg:

If you are worried about the one man and his power over your life ...

Wow, what a loss of interest in communicating between us this post has stimulated. Not only did you totally disagree with things I consider basic-to-people-and-life, but you did it in an insulting and debasing basis, which I will admit I did not fully expect from you. It is the one thing that defines debaters from orators and from those having earned general respect from those who are simply conning and debasing assholes.

You had gained a measure of respect from me with our previous communications, but that respect disappeared with this one. With this post, you certainly expressed and showed who you are, and it is not a pretty picture. Certainly not a conversation that stimulates further interest in communication continuing between us as I have made it a point to throw assholes and debasers into the garbage.

Same back to you............YOU STUPID FUCK..:auiqs.jpg:
Wow, what a loss of interest in communicating between us this post has stimulated. Not only did you totally disagree with things I consider basic-to-people-and-life, but you did it in an insulting and debasing basis, which I will admit I did not fully expect from you. It is the one thing that defines debaters from orators and from those having earned general respect from those who are simply conning and debasing assholes.

You had gained a measure of respect from me with our previous communications, but that respect disappeared with this one. With this post, you certainly expressed and showed who you are, and it is not a pretty picture. Certainly not a conversation that stimulates further interest in communication continuing between us as I have made it a point to throw assholes and debasers into the garbage.

Same back to you............YOU STUPID FUCK..:auiqs.jpg:

The only real difference in our positions that provides an impasse ...
Is that what I want, require, or feel I should be provided with by the Federal Government, doesn't require a damned thing from you.

I don't need your agreement ... I don't need your vote ... I don't need your money nor your respect.
I'll survive without it.

By the way ... You might not like my picture ... But your picture looks more like Venezuela than mine.
Keep trying to turn this Nation into a bunch of mediocre crap ... And I'll keep voting for people that want to tear that system up.

Had a blast ... Thanks again.

Your proof?
The treasonous lawfare the Democrats used to try to thwart Trump. Obvious coordination between the U.S. legal branch and the Democrat party. It was an attack on Democracy and luckily We The People recognized their attempt to overturn our Constitution and legal system.
General welfare means welfare of the nation, not the people, or the person.....That is on the individual.

So what's the sense of your proclaimed "welfare of the nation"? A harem for your president with pretty pink curtains?

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So what's the sense of your proclaimed "welfare of the nation"? A harem for your president with pretty pink curtains?

What a snotty little German you are….strong manufacturing, defense, economy…What’s your view of it?
What a snotty

"rotzfrech" ... got it

little German you are….strong manufacturing, defense, economy…What’s your view of it?

Of what? What about to overtake the USA and Russia, to build a space ship for a hundred million people and to leave the solar system together with some Vikings? I would suggest to call the spaceship "Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten" because of the motto "We can find something better than death anywhere".

"rotzfrech" ... got it

Of what? What about to overtake the USA and Russia, to build a space ship for a hundred million people and to leave the solar system together with some Vikings? I would suggest to call the spaceship "Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten" because of the motto "We can find something better than death anywhere".

You’re useless to discuss anything…
So what's the sense of your proclaimed "welfare of the nation"? A harem for your president with pretty pink curtains?

General welfare is explained in detail in writing within the US Constitution. 1. To construct and maintain a national military force (Article 1, Clause 12, Sections 1-6).........the states are to support and maintain a standing military in order to defend all the states should the need be ratified every 2 years..........Reality: the US military is the first bird to dip its break in the general funds of the federal government 2. Interstate trade and commerce commission. This federal commission funded by the states will (A. construct and maintain channels, both highways and waterways. (B. regulate the machinery and vehicles used on these federal thoroughfares. (C. All activities that affect interstate commerce. Article 1, Section 8, clause 3. 3. The General Welfare Clause (Article 1, Section 8) provides the method by which these powers are to be maintained.............through taxation and tariffs of foreign trade.

Explained: The general welfare clause does not provide a blanket to provide for each states citizen ship and private needs.....these states have their own Constitutions, Laws and tax system to provide for their own. You demand WELFARE.......lobby your own state, make and maintain laws to provide for such........this is the way a Representative Constitutional Republic works (Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1).........a REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT is guaranteed at all levels of government. This is not the Socialist States of America.......this the United States of America.
General welfare is explained in detail in writing within the US Constitution.

I do not discuss about the constitution of the USA. This constitution is sacrosanct for US-Americans and I am no US-American.

1. To construct and maintain a national military force (Article 1, Clause 12, Sections 1-6).........the states are to support and maintain a standing military in order to defend all the states should the need be ratified every 2 years..........Reality: the US military is the first bird to dip its break in the general funds of the federal government 2. Interstate trade and commerce commission. This federal commission funded by the states will (A. construct and maintain channels, both highways and waterways. (B. regulate the machinery and vehicles used on these federal thoroughfares. (C. All activities that affect interstate commerce. Article 1, Section 8, clause 3. 3. The General Welfare Clause (Article 1, Section 8) provides the method by which these powers are to be maintained.............through taxation and tariffs of foreign trade.

Explained: The general welfare clause does not provide a blanket to provide for each states citizen ship and private needs.....these states have their own Constitutions, Laws and tax system to provide for their own. You demand WELFARE.......lobby your own state, make and maintain laws to provide for such........this is the way a Representative Constitutional Republic works (Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1).........a REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT is guaranteed at all levels of government. This is not the Socialist States of America.......this the United States of America.

Very short: source Gemeinwohl – Wikipedia

Phänomene nicht gemeinwohlorientierten Handelns

Als das Gegenteil einer gemeinwohlorientierten Politik gilt eine von persönlichen Machtinteressen bestimmte Politik. Diese dient den Machthabern (oder anderen profitierenden relativ kleinen Gruppen, die nicht direkt als Machthaber in Erscheinung treten), nicht aber der Gemeinschaft. Erstgenanntes lässt sich vor allem in absolutistischen Monarchien oder Diktaturen beobachten, doch auch der Kapitalismus als Wirtschaftsform steht in einer entsprechenden Kritik. Von Machtgruppen geleitete, wohlfahrtsmindernde Politik findet sich in unterschiedlich starker Ausprägung in allen politischen Systemen (siehe auch Lobbyismus).

Methodische Probleme bestehen zum einen darin, dass es Theorien gibt, denen zufolge Politiker durchaus Gewalt auf eine Weise anwenden dürfen, die ihre Gegner als „von persönlichen Machtinteressen bestimmt“ bewerten, die sie selbst aber als im Interesse eines Gemeinwohls a priori liegend einordnen. Theoretiker, die in der Tradition Adam Smiths stehen, würden andererseits zwar zugeben, dass in Politik und Wirtschaft Egoismus herrsche, aber bestreiten, dass dieser gemeinwohlschädlich sei, solange er durch Konkurrenz gebändigt werde.


Phenomena of action not oriented towards the common good

The opposite of a policy oriented towards the common good is a policy determined by personal power interests. This serves the rulers (or other relatively small groups that benefit and do not appear directly as rulers), but not the community. The former can be observed above all in absolutist monarchies or dictatorships, but capitalism as an economic system is also subject to corresponding criticism. Welfare-reducing policies led by power groups can be found to varying degrees in all political systems (see also lobbyism).

One methodological problem is that there are theories according to which politicians are allowed to use force in a way that their opponents consider to be “determined by personal power interests”, but which they themselves classify as being in the interests of the common good a priori. Theorists in the tradition of Adam Smith, on the other hand, would admit that selfishness prevails in politics and business, but deny that it is harmful to the common good as long as it is tamed by competition.
You say that, as if we didn't know already....

Exactly. About some things I discuss only with others who have a much longer republican experience than have US-Americans founding the kingdom of god from the atheist Trump's grace.

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... That has changed as we are ... a nation against all other nations, not just the one that was invading us. ...

Sorry, but you was invading America. The Brits - and other Europeans - were a first time there on reason to found you and a second time the Brits were there because you did not pay your tea tax. In vain, or do you now pay tea tax?

By the way: Have a lot of fun in your war against planet Earth, ET. On the other side: life is the most valuable substance in the whole universe. What is the sense of a planet Earth without the light coating of mold that is called life, enemy of all mankind?
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