Is profit immoral?

Is profit immoral?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • No

    Votes: 27 96.4%

  • Total voters
So if he lost money on each transaction that would make it OK?

You are a 'tard of the first order.

Your pissed because, simpleton, it isn't a simple question. :lol:

Your example doesn't illustrate that because the profit is not the issue.

But it isn't a simple question. Sort of like asking if taxation is socialism or not. Right?

My two examples illustrate profit that some here might not think is moral, you might, but others may not.

The taxation one? Ooooh..that's what got you pissed?

Yeah..that's a pretty binary question.

What's your answer?:lol:
I'll answer your question with the Word...

Matthew 5:3 said:
3Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 6:20 said:
20But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

21For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Mark 10:21 said:
21Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.

I report, you decide.

Look it up yourself: King James Version (KJV Bible) - Version Information -


1 Timothy 6:10 said:
10For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

I love it when people take "excerpts" from the bible (or Koran for that matter) and use them out of context to "make their point". What's even sadder is the (continued) mis application of the last quote from Timothy 6:10. by those who can't parse a sentence.
I'll answer your question with the Word.

I report, you decide.

Look it up yourself: King James Version (KJV Bible) - Version Information -


None of that says profit is evil.

HELLLOOOOOOOOOOO, do you collect a pay check?


Anyone who says profit is evil and yet collects a pay check or makes money IS A TOTAL HYPOCRITE.

The Patriarchs of the OT WERE ALL RICH MEN.

Each of these lessons you quote is about valuing money OVER GOD about COVETING. Not about making money in the first place?

Have you also read what Jesus said about Giving?



Specific response to your last all-caps rant: Remember the parable about the rich man who went into the temple and paid a large sum of money vs. the woman who paid a little?

Jesus said she paid more. Why? Because with all his riches, it wasn't a lot to him, although it was to everyone else. The poor old woman, however, paid her last money, which was all she add, although it wasn't a lot to anyone, by any means.

General, slightly related, you tithe?

Notice when liberals are losing they start asking personal questions.

Notice I never fall for that tactic?

But as for your Widow's Mite example, you are making a mistake many people make.

Mark 12:38-44 King James Version (KJV)

38And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces,

39And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts:

40Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.

41And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.

42And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.

43And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
44For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.

Yes, it is commentary on their giving but it is more about Jesus criticism of the Pharisees DEVOURING WIDOW'S HOUSES.

Notice Jesus doesn't commend her giving or give any words of encouragement for her.

Instead, he's giving this as an example of how the Pharisees favor the rich, and oppress the poor.

There were rich Christians in the Bible.

Joseph of Arimathea was Rich.

The Roman Centurian that Peter was commanded to Preach the word and were babtized were rich.

Rich Christians sheltered poor Christians.

Mary and Martha (as well as Lazarus) were obviously well off.
To the liberal way of thinking the real question is how much profit is immoral. The assumption is that if you make over 250k, you must have used illegal or immoral methods to do so and we are therefore fully entitled to take as much as we want from you and give to whoever we choose, which is somebody who votes democrat.
To the liberal way of thinking the real question is how much profit is immoral. The assumption is that if you make over 250k, you must have used illegal or immoral methods to do so and we are therefore fully entitled to take as much as we want from you and give to whoever we choose, which is somebody who votes democrat.

The wasn't the question.

The question was "Is Profit Immoral?"

Many "criminal" organizations do quite well..and I use the word criminal because what's criminal here..isn't necessarily criminal around the world. So are their profits moral?

Is the pursuit of profit by any means, moral?
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Profits made from immoral practices are immoral.

That said, just the act of making a profit in and of itself is not immoral.
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Profit is not immoral
Taxing profit is not immoral either
To the liberal way of thinking the real question is how much profit is immoral. The assumption is that if you make over 250k, you must have used illegal or immoral methods to do so and we are therefore fully entitled to take as much as we want from you and give to whoever we choose, which is somebody who votes democrat.

The wasn't the question,

It was a poor question, profit by itself is money or wealth. Inanimate, and no more moral or immoral than a desk or chair. The question is really the obtaining or pursuit of profit, as I alluded to.

The question was "Is Profit Immoral?"

Many "criminal" organizations do quite well..and I use the word criminal because what's criminal here..isn't necessarily criminal around the world. So are their profits moral?

Is the pursuit of profit by any means, moral?

The obtaining of profit would IMHO be immoral if illegal or immoral means were used in the process. Regardless of the amount. But what I see on this board everyday is the suggestion that those who make millions or tens of millions must have been using immoral or illegal methods, perhaps taking advantage of the lowly worker bees in some way. Which then leads to the rationalization that is then then perfectly okay to take from the rich guys as much as we want and redistribute it to those less well off. And THAT is immoral to my way of thinking.
No. Profit in itself is critical in the functioning of a growing and wealthy economy because it represents return on capital, which is critical for innovation and improving living standards.
I'll answer your question with the Word...

Matthew 5:3 said:
3Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

I report, you decide.

Look it up yourself: King James Version (KJV Bible) - Version Information -


1 Timothy 6:10 said:
10For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Odd how you liberoidal gasbags have no use for religion or faith until it comes time to lamely attempt trying to beat the faithful over the head with Bible passages, which are most often either irrelevant or taken out of context.
I suggest you check yourself you rabid generalizing maniac.

I'm a practicing Christian.

I've posted before that I have daily personal devotion, the first thing I do every day when I wake up.

It consists of prayer and bible study.

Can you say the same?

P.S. - I will debate anyone about the Bible on this board...anyone. I welcome it.
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Notice when liberals are losing they start asking personal questions.

Notice I never fall for that tactic?

But as for your Widow's Mite example, you are making a mistake many people make.

Mark 12:38-44 King James Version (KJV)

38And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces,

39And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts:

40Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.

41And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.

42And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.

43And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
44For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.

Yes, it is commentary on their giving but it is more about Jesus criticism of the Pharisees DEVOURING WIDOW'S HOUSES.

Notice Jesus doesn't commend her giving or give any words of encouragement for her.

Instead, he's giving this as an example of how the Pharisees favor the rich, and oppress the poor.

There were rich Christians in the Bible.

Joseph of Arimathea was Rich.

The Roman Centurian that Peter was commanded to Preach the word and were babtized were rich.

Rich Christians sheltered poor Christians.

Mary and Martha (as well as Lazarus) were obviously well off.

One, there's nothing wrong with a personal question. You either answer it or you don't. Simple. It's not a tactic. What is a tactic, however, is one calling a simple question a tactic, because one doesn't want to answer the question for what their answer will imply.

It's really not that personal, as Christians...we tithe. If you're not tithing...and you're a self-proclaimed Christian...well......

One the Scripture that you posted...I don't see how it relates specifically to this thread. That's more about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, not about money, which this thread is about. There is no specific individual widow mentioned in the Scripture you posted. It's all about the Pharisees and their wicked ways. It's like saying "they kill babies." But you would then argue and say something like, "See how Jesus doesn't commend the babies."

I suspect that you don't study the Bible. I don't see how one can post that Scripture as a response to anything in this thread. It's like referencing the 9th amendment when someone's talking about free speech...senseless.

You quote the following and I'll respond....

"There were rich Christians in the Bible."
No one is saying there weren't. Aside from Kings, for the most part, they are few and far between. The exception and not the rule. There's more warning of and for the rich than anything in the Bible. You're argument is most than disengenous, it's dishonest and a lie.

"Joseph of Arimathea was Rich."

"The Roman Centurian that Peter was commanded to Preach the word and were babtized "were rich." what?!??

"Rich Christians sheltered poor Christians."
Do you have any evidence of specific ones? I know that Jesus preached, quite often, about sheltering the rich. These were messages mostly for the Pharisees and Scribes, the majority of the rich during that time.

"Mary and Martha (as well as Lazarus) were obviously well off"
Can you site Biblical evidence of this? Because, I'm quite certain that this is your opinion. And opinion in this particular context, in this debate has no place.

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Taken by itself, there is no morality about profit. Morality only comes into play when you look at how it is obtained, or how much there is, or what form it takes, etc.
Your pissed because, simpleton, it isn't a simple question. :lol:

Your example doesn't illustrate that because the profit is not the issue.

But it isn't a simple question. Sort of like asking if taxation is socialism or not. Right?

My two examples illustrate profit that some here might not think is moral, you might, but others may not.

The taxation one? Ooooh..that's what got you pissed?

Yeah..that's a pretty binary question.

What's your answer?:lol:

Your examples illustrate nothing of the sort. They illustrate that some activities are immoral. The profit is incidental to those activities. You can't even give a clear example.

Do you think taxing someone at 100% of his income and assets, as was done in Nazi Germany, is immoral? Yes or no.
Your example doesn't illustrate that because the profit is not the issue.

But it isn't a simple question. Sort of like asking if taxation is socialism or not. Right?

My two examples illustrate profit that some here might not think is moral, you might, but others may not.

The taxation one? Ooooh..that's what got you pissed?

Yeah..that's a pretty binary question.

What's your answer?:lol:

Your examples illustrate nothing of the sort. They illustrate that some activities are immoral. The profit is incidental to those activities. You can't even give a clear example.

Do you think taxing someone at 100% of his income and assets, as was done in Nazi Germany, is immoral? Yes or no.


I'm sure you have a link. Nazi industrialists made a fortune during the war
Your example doesn't illustrate that because the profit is not the issue.

But it isn't a simple question. Sort of like asking if taxation is socialism or not. Right?

My two examples illustrate profit that some here might not think is moral, you might, but others may not.

The taxation one? Ooooh..that's what got you pissed?

Yeah..that's a pretty binary question.

What's your answer?:lol:

Your examples illustrate nothing of the sort. They illustrate that some activities are immoral. The profit is incidental to those activities. You can't even give a clear example.

Do you think taxing someone at 100% of his income and assets, as was done in Nazi Germany, is immoral? Yes or no.

What are you fucking daft?

Selling drugs for most drug dealers is purely about profit. And when I say most..I mean about 99% of them.

And the Nazis never had a tax rate of 100%.
The marginal rate of taxation on "unearned income" in the UK in the 1970s was 98%. To me, that is immoral.

But Britain's greatest post-war PM, Maggie Thatcher, changed that.
My two examples illustrate profit that some here might not think is moral, you might, but others may not.

The taxation one? Ooooh..that's what got you pissed?

Yeah..that's a pretty binary question.

What's your answer?:lol:

Your examples illustrate nothing of the sort. They illustrate that some activities are immoral. The profit is incidental to those activities. You can't even give a clear example.

Do you think taxing someone at 100% of his income and assets, as was done in Nazi Germany, is immoral? Yes or no.

What are you fucking daft?

Selling drugs for most drug dealers is purely about profit. And when I say most..I mean about 99% of them.

And the Nazis never had a tax rate of 100%.

Are you a drug dealer? No. Neitehr am I. So the issue is selling drugs, not the profit. If they lost money on every sale it would still be immoral. The profit is irrelevant to the discussion.

The Nazis confiscated property, which is a 100% tax.
Robbing the Jews: The Confiscation of Jewish Property in the Holocaust, 1933
Profit is the only legitimate goal of any business organization.

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