Is Supporting Gay Marriage = Supporting The Sexual Abuse Of Our Children?

Supporters of same-sex marriage truly believe that kids really just need love, but this is not the case. Studies show that the ideal family structure for children is to be raised by both a mother and a father. Only this traditional type of family gives children the chance to relate to both a same-sex parent and a parent of the opposite sex. Although the research on same-sex parenting is very limited, some of it suggests that children raised in same-sex households will be more likely to be sexually confused and to experiment with sex. Also if same-sex marriage is allowed, it opens the door for other types of non-traditional marriage, such as polygamous relationships. Homosexual couples clearly can be just as loving to children as heterosexual couples, but love is not enough.

And where is the connection to 'sexual abuse'?

The simple answer to your Silhouette copy cat question is no.

Since most same gender marriage won't have children.
And preventing same gender marriages doesn't prevent gay couples from having children- it only prevents their children from having married couples.

Do you also believe that being supportive of single moms or single dads is also supporting sexual abuse?
most abusers and pedophiles are hetero, not gay.
gay marriage has nothing to do with abuse of children

Earth to Aris2chat! What planet do you reside on? Certainly not this one, please.

A pedophile can be of any gender or orientation but the percentage of heter to homosexual pedophiles is proportionally higher among heterosexuals. That is fact

2/3 of the victims of pedophilia are girls and the proportion of hetero to homosexuals varies by who is doing the study and when it was done from 6:1 to as high as 20:1. Pedophiles can be attracted to either sex of the child. Women too can be pedophiles as well, though most seem to be male heteros.<

You are absolutely correct.
A Profile of Pedophilia: Definition, Characteristics of Offenders, Recidivism,
Treatment Outcomes, and Forensic Issues
This finding does not imply that homosexuals are more likely to molest children, just that a larger percentage of pedophiles are homosexual or bisexual in orientation to children.19

Between 68% and 90% of all child sexual victims are female- and virtually all- 95% plus of the molesters are men.
Men who molest children can be either heterosexual or homosexual in their relationship with adults- a prime example of that is Jerry Sandusky- an openly heterosexual man who was a homosexual pedophile.

IF we were going to judge people by who is most likely to molest- well then the problem is clearly with men- since men account for only 49% of the population, but are the molesters 95% of the time.

If we were going purely on statistics- children are statistically safer from child sex abuse from top to bottom:
female/female couple
single female
female/male couple
single male
male/male couple.

If anyone wants to argue that a gay male couple is more dangerous to children- then if he were going to be honest- he would have to also argue that a lesbian couple is far safer for children than a single dad- or a male/female couple.
Two loving parents are much better for a child than a single parent. That would make a gay couple much better than the single parent households that, due to divorce, are the majority today. Are you just as opposed to divorce as you are same sex marriage? What about orphans who have no parents, and if they aren't white newborns, probably never will? Would it be better for them to remain alone than to become part of a loving family, even if it is with gay parents?
They used to believe that smoking the right cigarettes was good for you.
Time to progress.
That was in the same time period that they believed that gays were criminals or mentally ill.
Time to progress.
But you're the one defending the dated science and culture.
Two loving parents are much better for a child than a single parent. That would make a gay couple much better than the single parent households that, due to divorce, are the majority today. Are you just as opposed to divorce as you are same sex marriage? What about orphans who have no parents, and if they aren't white newborns, probably never will? Would it be better for them to remain alone than to become part of a loving family, even if it is with gay parents?
They used to believe that smoking the right cigarettes was good for you.
Time to progress.
That's nice, but nothing to do with this subject
It's a perfect analogy.
most abusers and pedophiles are hetero, not gay.
gay marriage has nothing to do with abuse of children

Earth to Aris2chat! What planet do you reside on? Certainly not this one, please.

A pedophile can be of any gender or orientation but the percentage of heter to homosexual pedophiles is proportionally higher among heterosexuals. That is fact

2/3 of the victims of pedophilia are girls and the proportion of hetero to homosexuals varies by who is doing the study and when it was done from 6:1 to as high as 20:1. Pedophiles can be attracted to either sex of the child. Women too can be pedophiles as well, though most seem to be male heteros.

Yes, this is planet earth. So what planet do you live on? Not this one.

5 Myths About Gay People Debunked
Many researchers taking a different view of pedophilia

>>Myth:The Majority of Pedophiles Are Gay

Sexual abuse of children occurs primarily within the family. Over 95% of abuse that is reported has been perpetrated by a male relative. A child is over 100 times more likely to be sexually molested by a heterosexual relative than by a homosexual (Paediatrics, 1994). Most sexual abuse of children outside the family is committed by pedophiles. Pedophiles do not distinguish between male or female victims; however, girls are victimized twice as often as boys are. The perpetrators are motivated by power and control, not by sexual desire. 90% of all pedophiles self-identify as heterosexuals.<<

Statistics are ALWAYS slanted, and can't be believed. Figures can lie, and liars can figure. That's a fact.
I wonder how many Leftists trust their children to the care of homosexuals.

I would wager damn near zero.

Never quested the safety of my grandchildren with friends that stayed with them.

Homosexuals, a a group, are not a threat to children. I'd be more concerned with strangers on the street grabbing my grandkids than with a gay that I let in my home.

Heteros are more likely to be pedophiles.
Supporters of same-sex marriage truly believe that kids really just need love, but this is not the case. Studies show that the ideal family structure for children is to be raised by both a mother and a father. Only this traditional type of family gives children the chance to relate to both a same-sex parent and a parent of the opposite sex. Although the research on same-sex parenting is very limited, some of it suggests that children raised in same-sex households will be more likely to be sexually confused and to experiment with sex. Also if same-sex marriage is allowed, it opens the door for other types of non-traditional marriage, such as polygamous relationships. Homosexual couples clearly can be just as loving to children as heterosexual couples, but love is not enough.
Same-sex couples as a fact of Constitutional law have the right to marry. (Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)).

There is no objective documented evidence that children raised by same-sex parents are in any way 'disadvantaged.' In fact the opposite is true:

“As all parties agree, many same-sex couples provide loving and nurturing homes to their children, whether biological or adopted. And hundreds of thousands of children are presently being raised by such couples. See Brief for Gary J. Gates as Amicus Curiae4. Most States have allowed gays and lesbians to adopt, either as individuals or as couples, and many adopted and foster children have same-sex parents, see id.,at 5. This provides powerful confirmation from the law itself that gays and lesbians can create loving, supportive families.”

OBERGEFELL v. HODGES | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Consequently, the thread premise fails, another ridiculous example of the unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans.
Supporters of same-sex marriage truly believe that kids really just need love, but this is not the case. Studies show that the ideal family structure for children is to be raised by both a mother and a father. Only this traditional type of family gives children the chance to relate to both a same-sex parent and a parent of the opposite sex.

Long before most of us were born, our society correctly recognized the harm that comes to children who “come from broken homes”, deprived of the essential attention and example that can only come from having both a mother and a father who are united in their responsibility to each other and to their family.

How mad our society has now become, that it embraces intentionally bringing children into homes that are broken by design.
Supporters of same-sex marriage truly believe that kids really just need love, but this is not the case. Studies show that the ideal family structure for children is to be raised by both a mother and a father. Only this traditional type of family gives children the chance to relate to both a same-sex parent and a parent of the opposite sex.

Long before most of us were born, our society correctly recognized the harm that comes to children who “come from broken homes”, deprived of the essential attention and example that can only come from having both a mother and a father who are united in their responsibility to each other and to their family.

How mad our society has now become, that it embraces intentionally bringing children into homes that are broken by design.

Gays are good loving parents. They are not broken.
Broken is single parents trying to raise a child without the support of other parent figure. Broken is parents that fight or use the child as a weapon against the other.

There are many reasons for unstable and angry children but it is not because of gay couple raising children.
I wonder how many Leftists trust their children to the care of homosexuals.

I would wager damn near zero.

Never quested the safety of my grandchildren with friends that stayed with them.

Homosexuals, a a group, are not a threat to children. I'd be more concerned with strangers on the street grabbing my grandkids than with a gay that I let in my home.

Heteros are more likely to be pedophiles.
No they aren't. Statistics don't lie. Per capita homosexuals abuse children at a far higher rate as already demonstrated on this thread. Repeating a debunked myth does not turn it into truth.
Supporters of same-sex marriage truly believe that kids really just need love, but this is not the case. Studies show that the ideal family structure for children is to be raised by both a mother and a father. Only this traditional type of family gives children the chance to relate to both a same-sex parent and a parent of the opposite sex.

Long before most of us were born, our society correctly recognized the harm that comes to children who “come from broken homes”, deprived of the essential attention and example that can only come from having both a mother and a father who are united in their responsibility to each other and to their family.

How mad our society has now become, that it embraces intentionally bringing children into homes that are broken by design.

Gays are good loving parents. They are not broken.
Broken is single parents trying to raise a child without the support of other parent figure. Broken is parents that fight or use the child as a weapon against the other.

There are many reasons for unstable and angry children but it is not because of gay couple raising children.
"Parent figure." Amazing how you deluded Leftists think a mother or a father can be replaced.
If you support homosexuality you don't like children because it excludes the birth of new human being. Loving a child of another parent looks like pedophilia more.
It's not abuse but strange and not healthy.

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