Is the death penalty wrong?

Is the death penalty wrong?

  • I don't support any type of punishment for criminals

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Trigg said:
I always thought tent city in Arizona, I think that's where it is, was a good idea. No TV, No airconditioning, Pink jump suits to wear, and bologna sandwiches. People do not want to go back there. They need to make prison a punishment without all of the perks that are coming from my tax dollars.

I posted an article similar to this earlier this year. The warden/sheriff was being critcized for his unfairness to the prisoners. He said he figured if the men in the military could live like that, by all means it wouln't hurt the men in prison.

I don't know what ever happened.

I have always believed that prisons should be self supporting. The prisoners get heat in the winter, food, a place to sleep. They have access to libraries/education, TV, exercise facilities. If I don't work, I don't get these things. At the very least, I think the same should go for them.
Yay us death penalty people are winning!!! :D
Trigg said:
I always thought tent city in Arizona, I think that's where it is, was a good idea. No TV, No airconditioning, Pink jump suits to wear, and bologna sandwiches. People do not want to go back there. They need to make prison a punishment without all of the perks that are coming from my tax dollars.

As far as the death penalty, some people just need killing!!

It's not their jump suit that's pink. The jump suit they were is black and white stripes just like the chain gangs of old. It's their UNDERWEAR that are pink. I lived in Phoenix. I heard about Sherrif Joe all the time.
Bonnie said:
Life in prison should be just that- life in prison, no parole, and no country clubs.

I agree totally. Inmates should be made to individually wash their own clothes, their own dishes, their own bedding. Priviledges such as "free people" who have commited no crime against society have should NOT be allowed... EVER!
Thornton said:
I agree with that. Susan Smith is a child killer and should die like she killed.

I think we should kill all convicted killers the way they killed people. Maybe that would be a bigger deterrent.
Trigg and Joz,

Doc Holiday used to be a cop in Maricopa county where Sheriff Joe Arapio has his Tent city set up. He could tell you a few stories about how criminals when faced with serving six months in Sheriff Joes county facilities or two years in the state pen the criminals ALWAYS begged for the two years! HAHAHA

And yes Sheriff Joe ALWAYS got blasted by the liberal media about how cruel he was, yet somehow the citizens keep voting him back into office. In fact Joe has been a Sheriff since before I lived there in 1996!

So obviously HE has been somewhat effective as a deterant. To bad the rest of the state doesnt follow suit.
Theim voted agaist the death penatly? That's suprising...I didn't know you were that liberal, dude! :puke3:

Just kidding..... :cool:
One of the major arguments of those against the D.P. is that it's a comission of murder. The other one is that it's a violation fo biblical scripture.

I cannot agree on either point. First of all, one of the main authors in New Testament Scriptures, the Apostle Paul emphatically told those people whom he wrote to in his epistles that Christians should submit to the laws of their nations and it's leaders, because God is the establisher of those Nations and those that enforce the laws of those nations. Secondly, Paul, as well as many apostles and that were martyed or executed via Roman Law or otherwise had not pleaded/written in their earlier ministries in any way messages/epistles protesting capital punishment by the state.

Also remember the repentant thief on the cross that reprimanded the unrepetant thief on the other of the three crucifixion crosses. His reprimand was basically, that why should we be asking Jesus to get us off of this cross and saving our lives, since we are deserving of this punishment because of our crimes, while the man in the center is totally innocent of a crime deserving punishment. Jesus in answer to the repentant thief said, "surely before this day is done you will be with me in paradise!" Jesus didn't say, "because you're on this cross and your repentant, I will with my power remove you from this death penalty exacted by man and get you off this cross of murder". Yet Jesus could have removed that repentant man from the cross if He had chosen.

Christians are against human injustice, but not against law that exacts penalty or punishment for moral wrong. If we want to carry this out further and distort this, we could say that God commits murder every time He allows a child to die of a disease or some adult or child dies from some bazaar accident. God could have stopped it, therefore since He didn't stop it and He is indeed omnipotent and omniscient, then that means He has commited murder by negligence.

No, there are many times when God could and doesn't intervene in lives and it appears that a tragedy isn't averted. Does this make God a murderer by neglect? Jesus, and his disciples didn't carry on protests at Golgotha during Roman crucifixions during His 3 years of ministry. So why do many supposed Christians make fighting capital punishment their ministry if it wasn't Jesus or His disciple's ministry as recorded in New Testament scripture?

Regards, Eightballsidepocket :thup:
Pale Rider said:
Think about this, if *EVERY* crime carried the death penalty, there would virtually be NO CRIME.


theim said:
I see it differently. Why not ship all the death row criminals up to Alaska or some other wasteland to populate work camps. They won't get paid. They will live in spartan conditions. No cable TV here. No need to kill 'em and waste a source of cheap labor.

How about talking all death row inmates, including women and hardened criminals and inducting them into the United States Marine Corp.

Place them on the front line in Iraq and Afghanastan with the regular army behind them to encourage them from running away by the use of live fire at anyone demonstrating their cowardice.

Nature and Allah will take the natural course of events with these folks. Those who are innocent will be saved by the love of Jesus.
The problem is how are you going to make them do anything? The reason they're criminals is that they don't follow the rules so how are they going to be made to do anything in the Marines?
Doc Holiday said:
The problem is how are you going to make them do anything? The reason they're criminals is that they don't follow the rules so how are they going to be made to do anything in the Marines?

Let's put it this way.

If criminals are not known to follow rules but find themselves on the front lines in the middle of a shooting war, they have two choices. One is to fire back at those trying to kill them and the other is high-tail it to the rear where the regular military is ready to complete the sentences that they were already awaiting on death row.

There would be more boots on the ground and the terrorist insurgents would be providing a certain type of service to the innocent Americans who would be killed or injured if these folks were left on the street.
I can see where you'd want to put a loaded gun in the hands of a criminal on death row.. He wouldn't turn around and use on our own Military or anything, would he?
ajwps said:
Let's put it this way.

If criminals are not known to follow rules but find themselves on the front lines in the middle of a shooting war, they have two choices. One is to fire back at those trying to kill them and the other is high-tail it to the rear where the regular military is ready to complete the sentences that they were already awaiting on death row.

There would be more boots on the ground and the terrorist insurgents would be providing a certain type of service to the innocent Americans who would be killed or injured if these folks were left on the street.

Put em in the Israeli army AJ---why insult American troops like that??
up until the mid 1970's, often judges would "sentence" criminals to military service. they would give them an option, jail or the Army. Many chose the army and went on to pay their debt to society and turn around their lives. Not that radical of an idea actually.
Shattered said:
I can see where you'd want to put a loaded gun in the hands of a criminal on death row.. He wouldn't turn around and use on our own Military or anything, would he?

If you find your a death-row inmate now with a loaded gun on a battle frontline, you can turn around use the weapon on the troops behind buildings or in Blackhawk helicopters overhead.

Let's figure the odds of firing one round at those who have your back covered from all directions?

1 X 1001 power.
If you find your a death-row inmate now with a loaded gun on a battle frontline, you can turn around use the weapon on the troops behind buildings or in Blackhawk helicopters overhead.

...while your death-row inmade is using HIS gun on YOU.

You, my dear, put entirely too much faith in human beings to consistently do what's right just because it is right.
dilloduck said:
Put em in the Israeli army AJ---why insult American troops like that??

Israel does not need or want any troops other than IDF personell in their armed forces.

The USA and Israel are now in possession of tactical unmanned technology that will be able to go through towns like Falujah and eliminate the enemy without using one human soldier.

The Gladiator TUGV is planned as a robust, compact, unmanned, tele-operated/semi-autonomous, multi-purpose ground RSTA vehicle system possessing a scouting and direct engagement capability. It will provide the Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Ground Combat Element (GCE) with remote reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA), nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) reconnaissance, obstacle breaching, and direct fire capability to neutralize threats and reduce risk to the warfighter. The TUGV system will be fielded to infantry battalions and combat engineer companies and must be strategically, operationally, and tactically deployable worldwide in ground, aircraft and sea transport conveyances available to the MAGTF.

The configuration of the Gladiator system will consist of a highly mobile and survivable ground-based Mobile Base Unit (MBU), interchangeable Mission Payload Module (MPM) packages capable of supporting different mission requirements, and a man portable, hand held Operator Control Unit (OCU). The OCU will provide the Gladiator and its MPM's with tele-operational capability as well as data display, storage and dissemination. It is expected that the OCU will exchange video and data signals with the Gladiator via a non-tethered military link.

The Gladiator must be supportable within the existing Department of the Navy three-level maintenance concept (organizational, intermediate, and depot) using common tools and general-purpose test equipment to the maximum extent possible. The system cannot increase the expeditionary embarkation footprint or manpower requirements of the MAGTF and will be operated by designated, vice dedicated, personnel. The systems must be expeditionary in nature, inherently simple, durable, multi-functional, and easily transported and operated in littoral battlespace.

TUGV Operations Concept

The primary function of the Gladiator system is to provide Marine Corps forces with an unmanned tele-operated/semi-autonomous ground vehicle for RSTA, NBC reconnaissance, obstacle breaching and direct fire capabilities. Operating forward of the GCE units, the TUGV will perform situational awareness and enemy neutralization tasks while permitting the operator to remain covered and concealed. The MBU will accommodate plug-and-play modular payloads, an operating day/night video camera, currently fielded thermal imaging equipment, GPS, laser rangefinder, and acoustic and chemical point detection systems. The TUGV will be operational and maintainable in all types of climates, weather conditions, and terrain where Marines deploy. The Gladiator will significantly enhance the ability of tactical units to rapidly detect, locate, track, and neutralize close-in threats (i.e., natural, man-made, or enemy forces). As a reference, please view the Concept of Employment for the Gladiator Tactical Unmanned Ground Vehicle document in which a mission profile has been developed and a notional role for the TUGV has been defined. As a result, critical system requirements can be derived, such as: power requirements, refueling frequency, etc. to assist the developers in designing the system and incorporating required hardware, software, and technologies.
Shattered said:
...while your death-row inmade is using HIS gun on YOU.

You, my dear, put entirely too much faith in human beings to consistently do what's right just because it is right.

My dear, you have no idea of how long it takes to turn around and fire at targets that can see you but in which you have no direct line of fire.
Think about this, if *EVERY* crime carried the death penalty, there would virtually be NO CRIME

pale Rider, if you study a little bit some panal laws doctrines, you will see that everywhere and at all the ages, some people break the rules. Even in very hard society. Like in war times : the repression is stronger, but people continues to break the penal laws.

For myself I'm against the death penalty.

I'm not christian, but a think that a christian should think to that : For the Christians, God makes the Human being. And God is superior. So, only Him can take out this life. So only Him can pronounce the death penalty. SO, in the society, 2 ways : no death penatly because God can not speak.
death penatly because God speak by the way of somebody.
God speak by the way of Church, or by the way of His representant, his lieutnant : it is the system of a theocracy, like in France before.

Killing a person is a hard thing, it is not like when you 're at fight, with is an execution.

France abolished the Death Penalty in 1981 (but the last use of it was older), I'm happy of it.

Read some books of Beccaria or Bentham, 2 famous penalist of the end of the XVIIIth c. you will maybe change of point of view.

For you, the penalty 's aim is : repression ; prevention ; utility for the society, or the 3 ?

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