Is The Media As We Know It Changing Due to The Internet?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
That's not the main gist of this article but it appears to be quite important to me. Growing up, we got our news from print publications (How well I remember Look, Life, and others), the radio, and television. We had no outside sources and had to accept what was reported as gospel.

And then came the internet!

Suddenly, we had access to literally an endless source of information and “news.” We can just about discount 24 Hour News when it came into existence in 1980 founded by Ted Turner as CNN. I remember getting information from around the world via Electronic Bulletin Board services.

So, on to the article:

Self-Appointed Arbiters of Fair and Balanced News

Major changes in White House coverage are causing the “established” outlets to have gut aches. They no longer hold the front row and get the first questions. And, how many of us get our news from other sources. I, for one, have daily access to hundreds of sites from around the world that give me a much wider view than ever before.

Under Obama, the press consistently used administration statistics and reports in its friendly, fawning reporting designed to further the Obama legacy. Now that President Trump has taken office, the press has reinvested in oppositional journalism, fact-checking minutiae and claiming that Trump has colluded with Russia. This is a blatant double standard.

The full story can be read @ Self-Appointed Arbiters of Fair and Balanced News

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