Is the pentagon Planning a Coup?

If Pentago stages a coup, who would you support?

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So the top brass of the Pentagon, mostly Obama era hold overs, are distancing themselves from Trump, while armed insurection is taking place in Seatle and other cities across the country.

These jack asses need to be sacked and soon, but start with the secoind rank leaderes then after replacing the second tier effectively, then remove the top heads with precision legal action.

But the had to choose between their duly elected President or Marxists in Antifa and BLM and they chose the latter, even as the nation experiences its first open rebellion since 1860.

Award-winning journalist and war correspondent Lara Logan discussed how retired generals who are speaking out against President Trump are either “complicit” with or waging an information warfare campaign against him, in an interview with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday.
Logan reminded listeners of the Russian collusion narrative, and how many officials from the Justice Department, Director of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and other agencies worked together to push the idea that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.
“Think about how many people it took who had to be complicit to push that narrative. Think about the secretaries of defense and the national security advisers that served at that time, who all had access to the intelligence. They all knew it wasn’t true,” Logan told show host Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.
“General [Jim] Mattis, he knew. General [H.R.] McMaster, he knew. General [John] Kelly, he knew. One after another, after another. You can name them, and strangely enough, it’s the same people standing up now taking shots at the president. The same people, so they were silent then, but they sure as hell have got a lot to say now, don’t they?” she added.
Logan said many of those waging the information warfare campaign are doing so from liberal think tanks such as the Brookings Institute. She noted that retired Marine Gen. John Allen, who worked in the Obama administration as a special envoy and endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, is heading one.
“He’s head of a think tank now that is constantly taking shots and waging information warfare against the president for the election, and you can map it out. New America is one of the organizations, the Lincoln Project — that’s a whole bunch of Republicans who are running attack ads and pushing out a constant, constant stream of anti-Trump propaganda,” she said.
Logan said many of those waging the campaign are connected with Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s McChrystal Group, which has partnered with a Democrat political action committee...

Logan painted the bottom line of what she thinks the reason is behind the information warfare campaign against Trump — November 2020.
She said intelligence agents she has talked to have told her that the information campaign resembles an attempt to overturn a government.
“It’s the equivalent of taking tanks and firing them on your own people, or dropping a JDAM on an American city. That’s literally what you’re doing. What were these weapons used for? They were used to overturn foreign governments, to create civil disturbance and overturn foreign governments to disrupt their support of terrorism. Well is that what they’re doing now? They’re trying to overturn this government,” she said.

Trevor Noah....have you ever considered what would happen if the election result came out as you being the winner and Trump refused to leave?”
Biden responded, “Yes, I have.”
After a break in the video, Biden stated, “I was so damn proud. You have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off of Trump. And you have so many rank and file military personnel saying, whoa, we’re not a military state. This is not who we are. I promise you, I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”

Would you tolerate a military coup of President Trump?

You have a whole bunch of generals attacking our president..while explaining we arent a military state.

Surreal. These people are raised as third worlders from the womb.

So now the generals at the Pentagon are about to be lumped into the "Deep State" category? Honestly, Trump is sinking faster than the Titanic after it hit the iceberg, and all you can worry about are g.g.g.g..ghosts!?!?!?
If there is a coup against Trump, it's the slowest, most inept and most incompetent one I've seen in my lifetime. I think it's just an excuse for his supporters to explain away his cavernous stupidity (heard that a while back :)).
My guess is traditional conservative groups and individuals have had enough of all things Trump and are seizing upon this moment of weakness (all self-inflicted by the way) to sway the independents.

Yes..extremely inept. Thats something that has saved us I suppose. They are hamhanded and completely un-selfaware. Like yourself. You dont celebrate Easter do you?

and back to "Lifelong republcans say!!!!" I see.
So the top brass of the Pentagon, mostly Obama era hold overs, are distancing themselves from Trump, while armed insurection is taking place in Seatle and other cities across the country.

These jack asses need to be sacked and soon, but start with the secoind rank leaderes then after replacing the second tier effectively, then remove the top heads with precision legal action.

But the had to choose between their duly elected President or Marxists in Antifa and BLM and they chose the latter, even as the nation experiences its first open rebellion since 1860.

Award-winning journalist and war correspondent Lara Logan discussed how retired generals who are speaking out against President Trump are either “complicit” with or waging an information warfare campaign against him, in an interview with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday.
Logan reminded listeners of the Russian collusion narrative, and how many officials from the Justice Department, Director of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and other agencies worked together to push the idea that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.
“Think about how many people it took who had to be complicit to push that narrative. Think about the secretaries of defense and the national security advisers that served at that time, who all had access to the intelligence. They all knew it wasn’t true,” Logan told show host Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.
“General [Jim] Mattis, he knew. General [H.R.] McMaster, he knew. General [John] Kelly, he knew. One after another, after another. You can name them, and strangely enough, it’s the same people standing up now taking shots at the president. The same people, so they were silent then, but they sure as hell have got a lot to say now, don’t they?” she added.
Logan said many of those waging the information warfare campaign are doing so from liberal think tanks such as the Brookings Institute. She noted that retired Marine Gen. John Allen, who worked in the Obama administration as a special envoy and endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, is heading one.
“He’s head of a think tank now that is constantly taking shots and waging information warfare against the president for the election, and you can map it out. New America is one of the organizations, the Lincoln Project — that’s a whole bunch of Republicans who are running attack ads and pushing out a constant, constant stream of anti-Trump propaganda,” she said.
Logan said many of those waging the campaign are connected with Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s McChrystal Group, which has partnered with a Democrat political action committee...

Logan painted the bottom line of what she thinks the reason is behind the information warfare campaign against Trump — November 2020.
She said intelligence agents she has talked to have told her that the information campaign resembles an attempt to overturn a government.
“It’s the equivalent of taking tanks and firing them on your own people, or dropping a JDAM on an American city. That’s literally what you’re doing. What were these weapons used for? They were used to overturn foreign governments, to create civil disturbance and overturn foreign governments to disrupt their support of terrorism. Well is that what they’re doing now? They’re trying to overturn this government,” she said.

Trevor Noah....have you ever considered what would happen if the election result came out as you being the winner and Trump refused to leave?”
Biden responded, “Yes, I have.”
After a break in the video, Biden stated, “I was so damn proud. You have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off of Trump. And you have so many rank and file military personnel saying, whoa, we’re not a military state. This is not who we are. I promise you, I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”

Would you tolerate a military coup of President Trump?

The top brass should be distancing themselves from Trump. The military should be apolitical and should take pains to avoid being used as political props as they were when Trump walked to the church. There is no insurrection and military leaders are siding with the long held belief the military must be apolitical.

Lara Logan is a idiot. The fact is that Intelligence and Defense officials were not pushing the idea that Trump was colluding. They agreed the Russians were attempting to intervene in our elections. Retired Generals have every right to speak out on public issues. The fact is that many of them have said nothing until now. They care about the military being used as political props. Logan is a cracked pot with another conspiracy theory.

The question is what would happen if Trump refused to leave if he were defeated. Biden's answer was perfectly legitimate.

The Military MUST stay apolitical. And that means that a President must remember that. Rump seems to forget that. He also forgets that the UCMJ will not allow the Military to follow an illegal order. When he ordered the 82nd to Washington DC, they followed his orders up to the point that they were legal. They went to Washington DC. But they didn't actively participate in the Civilian Police Action. That part of the orders were illegal so the 82nd did nothing until they were ordered to return to Ft. Bragg. .

Will the Military do a coop? No. That goes against their UCMJ and the oath each and every one of us took to serve. Will active duty General speak out against the President? No. But that does not stop them the day after their official leaving of the Military where they are Private Civilians.
So the top brass of the Pentagon, mostly Obama era hold overs, are distancing themselves from Trump, while armed insurection is taking place in Seatle and other cities across the country.

These jack asses need to be sacked and soon, but start with the secoind rank leaderes then after replacing the second tier effectively, then remove the top heads with precision legal action.

But the had to choose between their duly elected President or Marxists in Antifa and BLM and they chose the latter, even as the nation experiences its first open rebellion since 1860.

Award-winning journalist and war correspondent Lara Logan discussed how retired generals who are speaking out against President Trump are either “complicit” with or waging an information warfare campaign against him, in an interview with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday.
Logan reminded listeners of the Russian collusion narrative, and how many officials from the Justice Department, Director of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and other agencies worked together to push the idea that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.
“Think about how many people it took who had to be complicit to push that narrative. Think about the secretaries of defense and the national security advisers that served at that time, who all had access to the intelligence. They all knew it wasn’t true,” Logan told show host Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.
“General [Jim] Mattis, he knew. General [H.R.] McMaster, he knew. General [John] Kelly, he knew. One after another, after another. You can name them, and strangely enough, it’s the same people standing up now taking shots at the president. The same people, so they were silent then, but they sure as hell have got a lot to say now, don’t they?” she added.
Logan said many of those waging the information warfare campaign are doing so from liberal think tanks such as the Brookings Institute. She noted that retired Marine Gen. John Allen, who worked in the Obama administration as a special envoy and endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, is heading one.
“He’s head of a think tank now that is constantly taking shots and waging information warfare against the president for the election, and you can map it out. New America is one of the organizations, the Lincoln Project — that’s a whole bunch of Republicans who are running attack ads and pushing out a constant, constant stream of anti-Trump propaganda,” she said.
Logan said many of those waging the campaign are connected with Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s McChrystal Group, which has partnered with a Democrat political action committee...

Logan painted the bottom line of what she thinks the reason is behind the information warfare campaign against Trump — November 2020.
She said intelligence agents she has talked to have told her that the information campaign resembles an attempt to overturn a government.
“It’s the equivalent of taking tanks and firing them on your own people, or dropping a JDAM on an American city. That’s literally what you’re doing. What were these weapons used for? They were used to overturn foreign governments, to create civil disturbance and overturn foreign governments to disrupt their support of terrorism. Well is that what they’re doing now? They’re trying to overturn this government,” she said.

Trevor Noah....have you ever considered what would happen if the election result came out as you being the winner and Trump refused to leave?”
Biden responded, “Yes, I have.”
After a break in the video, Biden stated, “I was so damn proud. You have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off of Trump. And you have so many rank and file military personnel saying, whoa, we’re not a military state. This is not who we are. I promise you, I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”

Would you tolerate a military coup of President Trump?

You have a whole bunch of generals attacking our president..while explaining we arent a military state.

Surreal. These people are raised as third worlders from the womb.

So now the generals at the Pentagon are about to be lumped into the "Deep State" category? Honestly, Trump is sinking faster than the Titanic after it hit the iceberg, and all you can worry about are g.g.g.g..ghosts!?!?!?
If there is a coup against Trump, it's the slowest, most inept and most incompetent one I've seen in my lifetime. I think it's just an excuse for his supporters to explain away his cavernous stupidity (heard that a while back :)).
My guess is traditional conservative groups and individuals have had enough of all things Trump and are seizing upon this moment of weakness (all self-inflicted by the way) to sway the independents.

Yes..extremely inept. Thats something that has saved us I suppose. They are hamhanded and completely un-selfaware. Like yourself. You dont celebrate Easter do you?

and back to "Lifelong republcans say!!!!" I see.

No. It's just an ongoing fantasy of the right wing. Something you can make up to distract from your saviors complete and utter incompetence. You people live in your own little bubble of made up if right wing media says it's a coup, it must be a coup.
But you do have one's just on the other side. Trump and his supporters ARE unaware..and completely clueless at the same time.
So the top brass of the Pentagon, mostly Obama era hold overs, are distancing themselves from Trump, while armed insurection is taking place in Seatle and other cities across the country.

These jack asses need to be sacked and soon, but start with the secoind rank leaderes then after replacing the second tier effectively, then remove the top heads with precision legal action.

But the had to choose between their duly elected President or Marxists in Antifa and BLM and they chose the latter, even as the nation experiences its first open rebellion since 1860.

Award-winning journalist and war correspondent Lara Logan discussed how retired generals who are speaking out against President Trump are either “complicit” with or waging an information warfare campaign against him, in an interview with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday.
Logan reminded listeners of the Russian collusion narrative, and how many officials from the Justice Department, Director of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and other agencies worked together to push the idea that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.
“Think about how many people it took who had to be complicit to push that narrative. Think about the secretaries of defense and the national security advisers that served at that time, who all had access to the intelligence. They all knew it wasn’t true,” Logan told show host Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.
“General [Jim] Mattis, he knew. General [H.R.] McMaster, he knew. General [John] Kelly, he knew. One after another, after another. You can name them, and strangely enough, it’s the same people standing up now taking shots at the president. The same people, so they were silent then, but they sure as hell have got a lot to say now, don’t they?” she added.
Logan said many of those waging the information warfare campaign are doing so from liberal think tanks such as the Brookings Institute. She noted that retired Marine Gen. John Allen, who worked in the Obama administration as a special envoy and endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, is heading one.
“He’s head of a think tank now that is constantly taking shots and waging information warfare against the president for the election, and you can map it out. New America is one of the organizations, the Lincoln Project — that’s a whole bunch of Republicans who are running attack ads and pushing out a constant, constant stream of anti-Trump propaganda,” she said.
Logan said many of those waging the campaign are connected with Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s McChrystal Group, which has partnered with a Democrat political action committee...

Logan painted the bottom line of what she thinks the reason is behind the information warfare campaign against Trump — November 2020.
She said intelligence agents she has talked to have told her that the information campaign resembles an attempt to overturn a government.
“It’s the equivalent of taking tanks and firing them on your own people, or dropping a JDAM on an American city. That’s literally what you’re doing. What were these weapons used for? They were used to overturn foreign governments, to create civil disturbance and overturn foreign governments to disrupt their support of terrorism. Well is that what they’re doing now? They’re trying to overturn this government,” she said.

Trevor Noah....have you ever considered what would happen if the election result came out as you being the winner and Trump refused to leave?”
Biden responded, “Yes, I have.”
After a break in the video, Biden stated, “I was so damn proud. You have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off of Trump. And you have so many rank and file military personnel saying, whoa, we’re not a military state. This is not who we are. I promise you, I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”

Would you tolerate a military coup of President Trump?

You have a whole bunch of generals attacking our president..while explaining we arent a military state.

Surreal. These people are raised as third worlders from the womb.

So now the generals at the Pentagon are about to be lumped into the "Deep State" category? Honestly, Trump is sinking faster than the Titanic after it hit the iceberg, and all you can worry about are g.g.g.g..ghosts!?!?!?
If there is a coup against Trump, it's the slowest, most inept and most incompetent one I've seen in my lifetime. I think it's just an excuse for his supporters to explain away his cavernous stupidity (heard that a while back :)).
My guess is traditional conservative groups and individuals have had enough of all things Trump and are seizing upon this moment of weakness (all self-inflicted by the way) to sway the independents.

Yes..extremely inept. Thats something that has saved us I suppose. They are hamhanded and completely un-selfaware. Like yourself. You dont celebrate Easter do you?

and back to "Lifelong republcans say!!!!" I see.

No. It's just an ongoing fantasy of the right wing. Something you can make up to distract from your saviors complete and utter incompetence. You people live in your own little bubble of made up if right wing media says it's a coup, it must be a coup.
But you do have one's just on the other side. Trump and his supporters ARE unaware..and completely clueless at the same time.

It was Biden who said it. Not rightwing boogiemenoos .

Another one who cant imagine that I can recall what was just said and is still printed above!

How about that Easter question?
The longer Trump hesitates over these Seattle terrorists, the harder they will be to remove.
He needs to have a conference call with the Governor and mayor instructing them that they have 48 hours to begin to move towards taking those 7 blocks back, or he will!
So the top brass of the Pentagon, mostly Obama era hold overs, are distancing themselves from Trump, while armed insurection is taking place in Seatle and other cities across the country.

These jack asses need to be sacked and soon, but start with the secoind rank leaderes then after replacing the second tier effectively, then remove the top heads with precision legal action.

But the had to choose between their duly elected President or Marxists in Antifa and BLM and they chose the latter, even as the nation experiences its first open rebellion since 1860.

Award-winning journalist and war correspondent Lara Logan discussed how retired generals who are speaking out against President Trump are either “complicit” with or waging an information warfare campaign against him, in an interview with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday.
Logan reminded listeners of the Russian collusion narrative, and how many officials from the Justice Department, Director of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and other agencies worked together to push the idea that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.
“Think about how many people it took who had to be complicit to push that narrative. Think about the secretaries of defense and the national security advisers that served at that time, who all had access to the intelligence. They all knew it wasn’t true,” Logan told show host Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.
“General [Jim] Mattis, he knew. General [H.R.] McMaster, he knew. General [John] Kelly, he knew. One after another, after another. You can name them, and strangely enough, it’s the same people standing up now taking shots at the president. The same people, so they were silent then, but they sure as hell have got a lot to say now, don’t they?” she added.
Logan said many of those waging the information warfare campaign are doing so from liberal think tanks such as the Brookings Institute. She noted that retired Marine Gen. John Allen, who worked in the Obama administration as a special envoy and endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, is heading one.
“He’s head of a think tank now that is constantly taking shots and waging information warfare against the president for the election, and you can map it out. New America is one of the organizations, the Lincoln Project — that’s a whole bunch of Republicans who are running attack ads and pushing out a constant, constant stream of anti-Trump propaganda,” she said.
Logan said many of those waging the campaign are connected with Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s McChrystal Group, which has partnered with a Democrat political action committee...

Logan painted the bottom line of what she thinks the reason is behind the information warfare campaign against Trump — November 2020.
She said intelligence agents she has talked to have told her that the information campaign resembles an attempt to overturn a government.
“It’s the equivalent of taking tanks and firing them on your own people, or dropping a JDAM on an American city. That’s literally what you’re doing. What were these weapons used for? They were used to overturn foreign governments, to create civil disturbance and overturn foreign governments to disrupt their support of terrorism. Well is that what they’re doing now? They’re trying to overturn this government,” she said.

Trevor Noah....have you ever considered what would happen if the election result came out as you being the winner and Trump refused to leave?”
Biden responded, “Yes, I have.”
After a break in the video, Biden stated, “I was so damn proud. You have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off of Trump. And you have so many rank and file military personnel saying, whoa, we’re not a military state. This is not who we are. I promise you, I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”

Would you tolerate a military coup of President Trump?

First off I see we've got more than a few armchair commandos and supposed ex-military this or that sounding off in this thread. Second, I am a currently serving Chief Warrant Officer in the ARNG. I've been in uniform across the regular army, reserves and guard since 1991. Regardless of what relevant regulations the UCMJ specifies or doesn't, many soldiers I've served with over the past twenty-nine years were or are the most political animals I've ever met. Many of them, commissioned officers no less, seem to have no problem whatsoever spouting off political party rhetoric while in uniform and on duty. Military life is no different than its civilian counterpart when it comes to conversations and emotions had and felt in regards to Donald John Trump. Some soldiers despise him as if he was sunrise and they were vampires, while others would cut off a limb to save the man's presidency. So all this talk of, "the military must remain apolitical in order to preserve some sense of historical bearing and persistence" is utter bullshit. From the Revolutionary War onward to the present, serving high ranking American military officers have chosen political sides. Who in this thread believes Generals Lee or Grant did not choose an ideological/political side during the lead up to the Civil War? Rubbish. Utter rubbish.

What is apparent beyond a shadow of doubt is the celebratory tone of radicalized democrats in this thread and across the media in the seeming descent of flag rank officers both retired and currently active, from the political and personal positions of our President. Suddenly the average democrat voter and CNN pundit alike thrill over every last disruption and internal civilizational threat arisen with potential to harm our great republic. Nothing and I mean NOTHING that could harm the function and survival of our nation is off limits as a tool to be used against both our President and the peaceful existence of the American People at large. Nothing American is sacred to the democrats any longer. The democratic party, their crony media mouths, and what seems to be a large portion of their voter base are more than prepared to sit back and watch America come apart at her seams if that's what it takes to get rid of Donald Trump. Hell, these motherfuckers are eager to see America and Americans die in the name of removing our sitting President.

But don't worry none too much, OP . . . contingencies exist for just this sort of situation. Every weakness our President seems to exhibit is bait.
So the top brass of the Pentagon, mostly Obama era hold overs, are distancing themselves from Trump, while armed insurection is taking place in Seatle and other cities across the country.

These jack asses need to be sacked and soon, but start with the secoind rank leaderes then after replacing the second tier effectively, then remove the top heads with precision legal action.

But the had to choose between their duly elected President or Marxists in Antifa and BLM and they chose the latter, even as the nation experiences its first open rebellion since 1860.

Award-winning journalist and war correspondent Lara Logan discussed how retired generals who are speaking out against President Trump are either “complicit” with or waging an information warfare campaign against him, in an interview with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday.
Logan reminded listeners of the Russian collusion narrative, and how many officials from the Justice Department, Director of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and other agencies worked together to push the idea that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.
“Think about how many people it took who had to be complicit to push that narrative. Think about the secretaries of defense and the national security advisers that served at that time, who all had access to the intelligence. They all knew it wasn’t true,” Logan told show host Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.
“General [Jim] Mattis, he knew. General [H.R.] McMaster, he knew. General [John] Kelly, he knew. One after another, after another. You can name them, and strangely enough, it’s the same people standing up now taking shots at the president. The same people, so they were silent then, but they sure as hell have got a lot to say now, don’t they?” she added.
Logan said many of those waging the information warfare campaign are doing so from liberal think tanks such as the Brookings Institute. She noted that retired Marine Gen. John Allen, who worked in the Obama administration as a special envoy and endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, is heading one.
“He’s head of a think tank now that is constantly taking shots and waging information warfare against the president for the election, and you can map it out. New America is one of the organizations, the Lincoln Project — that’s a whole bunch of Republicans who are running attack ads and pushing out a constant, constant stream of anti-Trump propaganda,” she said.
Logan said many of those waging the campaign are connected with Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s McChrystal Group, which has partnered with a Democrat political action committee...

Logan painted the bottom line of what she thinks the reason is behind the information warfare campaign against Trump — November 2020.
She said intelligence agents she has talked to have told her that the information campaign resembles an attempt to overturn a government.
“It’s the equivalent of taking tanks and firing them on your own people, or dropping a JDAM on an American city. That’s literally what you’re doing. What were these weapons used for? They were used to overturn foreign governments, to create civil disturbance and overturn foreign governments to disrupt their support of terrorism. Well is that what they’re doing now? They’re trying to overturn this government,” she said.

Trevor Noah....have you ever considered what would happen if the election result came out as you being the winner and Trump refused to leave?”
Biden responded, “Yes, I have.”
After a break in the video, Biden stated, “I was so damn proud. You have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off of Trump. And you have so many rank and file military personnel saying, whoa, we’re not a military state. This is not who we are. I promise you, I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”

Would you tolerate a military coup of President Trump?
When you have people like Juan Williams on Fox News saying that the only thing happening in Seattle, is Antifa creating a large block party with chalk drawings, drinking and having fun, while shop owners in the area taken over by Antifa are complaining that armed Antifa members are entering their shops, demanding money for.....taxes, the nonsense will just continue.
As for the military, Obama fired 197 senior officers that said they would not obey an order to fire on American citizens and replaced them with those that would be only too happy to shoot citizens down. Trump should have reinstated those officers. Instead, he's dealing with a mixed bag of good and bad officers.
The kind of person who praises the likes of Pinochet would obviously love a military take over. It is evident that many who live in America have little desire to see what is best for it transpire. The U.S. military is sworn to protect the Constitution, and we can only hope (pray?) that they do so.
The kind of person who praises the likes of Pinochet would obviously love a military take over. It is evident that many who live in America have little desire to see what is best for it transpire. The U.S. military is sworn to protect the Constitution, and we can only hope (pray?) that they do so.
Pinochet saved his country of Chile from a Marxist take over and it being slowly destroyed like Chavez has done to Venezuela.

Yes, I love Pinochet and consider him a hero who cleansed their government of as much of the Marxist rot as he could and then handed it back over to a Republic, a much healthier republic.

Pinochjet is a classic pragmatist success story, but I think he should have excecuted more of the commies than he did get around to..

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