Is This For Real?

It's the childhood brainwashing and human desperation. Without it all of that utter nonsense would be as dead as cannibalism is today. Anybody who is so arrogant and egotistical that they believe they have somehow been granted eternal bliss in a heavenly community behind golden gates while billions who simply believed something else will do an eternal dance in a roast pot has their heads so far up their asses that they're beyond any kind of help. In a way they are to be pitied. I don't believe in ghosts, holy or otherwise and I for damn sure don't believe in a heaven for those who believe some fairy tale.

No hell below us, above us only sky?

Of course you are right, but you are also wrong.

Do you not think that your certainty that the stories in scripture are basically fairy tales that cannot be literally true is a position above that of superstitious and irrational people who 'just believe' the fairy tales without any comprehension of what they are actually about and even though reality, like a fire that will never go out, contradicts those stories and has contradicted those stories every day and night for thousands of years ?

Do you think its impossible that there could be an even higher ground than where you stand, a place of peace and understanding for those who find and act on the instruction in those fairy tales not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used that conforms to and is confirmed by reality?? lessons from the past that are relevant and essential to a fruitful and fulfilled life that is above the grasp of the superstitious and derisive ? Teaching that is missed as completely by those who reject the stories entirely as by those who profess to believe every word?

Many people like yourself dismiss scripture as bronze age fairy tales for children. If that is the truth, and given the content I can find no reason to disagree, intelligent people living today with the benefit of a sound education should have no problem learning what bronze age people expected bronze age children to comprehend.

You could at least try.....

I'll be my own judge about what constitutes bull shit:

A ghost floating on a cloud meeting a bunch of dimwits in the air to escort them through pearly gates to an exclusive community.

The 2/3 - 3/4 who are sinners burning eternally in a lake of fire and brimstone.

A flood which covered the earth to a depth of five miles then evaporated within a few weeks....not to mention two of each species on the face of the earth on a home made boat.

Big fish puking up live men.

Seas separating for the good guys and drowning the bad guys chasing them.

Compound walls falling at the sound of a trumpet.

A human being turned into a pillar of salt in her tracks.

Men living through a 1200 degree furnace.

The earth standing still.

Ten commandments presented to one man by god in the form of a burning bush.

A man walking on water.

A man/god on earth feeding five thousand plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers.

Water turned into fine wine.

Lepers healed by touching them.

Selectively raising dead men.

Virgin birth.


Do I Need To Continue?

Apparently I need to continue....

Would you call any other fairy tale bullshit because:

pigs can't build houses,

wolves can't blow them down by huffing and puffing,

bears don't eat porridge,

There is no giant in the sky with a castle.

No goose can lay golden eggs,

there is no beanstalk that can grow up into the clouds,

There are no such things as fairy godmothers,

No such thing as a good witch or a bad witch,

rats don't follow a piper.

animals can't talk.


I know that you are addressing the people who claim that the stories in scripture are historical documents when you criticize doctrine and belief just like anyone with intelligence would deride any person who claimed to believe that the story of the three pigs was a historical document about a magical time in the past when pigs and wolves could talk but even that would not make the fairy tale bullshit, it would make the person making that claim a bullshitter, a direct descendant of that ever elusive talking serpent.

see the difference?

I do understand that you are pissed off at the people who fucked up your mind with religion, but how do you justify presenting yourself here as an emotionally crippled and intellectually inept child at 81 years old? Have you no self respect?

Can't figure out the mysterious metaphors as difficult to decipher as a talking serpent, an angel or a demon, the blind receiving their sight, the multiplication of the loaves, heaven and hell, or the dead coming out of their graves? Even after you have been given rational explanations for those fantastical claims? Does it all still remain above your grasp?


And some people don't believe in Gehenna or the realm of the dead - the world below..

Imagine that!

Don't take it too hard. Over the past thousands of years many people much more devoted ethical and intelligent than you spent their entire lives trying to make sense of scripture and never did. And at least you used to own a really fast car......
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You're full of shit! I lived in the church from the spring of 1957 when I was baptized before a congregation of nearly 1000 until I decided to quit living a lie when I was just over 60 years old in 1994. I taught Sunday school, worked with the RA boys, was a member of the Brotherhood, was one of the visitation committee and gave personal testimony before hundreds in small churches within 25-50 miles of where I lived. I had most of the new testament memorized chapter and verse before I turned 30.

You shouldn't have wasted your time memorizing it and instead spent time learning what it means. I doubt your claim very seriously since you cherry pick the hell out of the Bible, and you clearly don't have the most basic understanding of what Christianity and certain scriptures are all about. Frankly, based upon what I have seen from your posts, I would put your understanding of Christianity, the Bible, and faith in general at about the 6th grade level.

But simply, because YOUR faith could never advance beyond a child's understanding does not mean everyone else is stuck at the level you were. It simply means YOU lacked the capacity to allow your faith to develop into an adult faith that was able to deal with the issues of an adult world. It is totally understandable that you would abandon faith, therefore, since your adolescent faith was ill-equipped to deal with adult realities. It also explains your hostility to a large degree.

Like so many you make claims based upon utter ridiculous horse shit about ancient gods. The Jewish version of that virgin birth, resurrected savior of the world came along as a new and improved version thousands of years after the same identical claims were made about dozens of others in N. Africa and the middle east and 10% of the male population was named Jesus.

You ramble and repeat but like I said.......young people are leaving the church in droves and when the money dwindles so goes the whole myth. All that major bullshit came about for obvious reasons......control and a tenth of the earnings of others. It would have died on the vine without the brainwashing of children. Now the young folks listen more to their peers than to old tales:

Millennials leaving church in droves, study says -
Like so many you make claims based upon utter ridiculous horse shit about ancient gods. The Jewish version of that virgin birth, resurrected savior of the world came along as a new and improved version thousands of years after the same identical claims were made about dozens of others in N. Africa and the middle east and 10% of the male population was named Jesus.

My God you are obtuse. Personally, I don't buy the virgin birth either. The authors of Luke/Acts and Matthew were referring to a mistranslation in the Septuagint of Isaiah 7. But simply because I don't believe that Mary was a virgin am I forced to reject Jesus and His teaching. Again you look only at the surface. Did Jesus raise His hands and calm a storm at sea? Who knows? I wasn't there. But whether He did literally is not the point. It's what is suggested and what the story represents that is the point....such as 'when life gets rough and you are being tossed about like a boat on a stormy sea, faith can guide you through the turmoil'. You can't even grasp that?!?!?! And you claim to have taught Sunday school? Bullshit. Where was this church located? In the shed in your back yard?

You ramble and repeat but like I said.......young people are leaving the church in droves and when the money dwindles so goes the whole myth. All that major bullshit came about for obvious reasons......control and a tenth of the earnings of others. It would have died on the vine without the brainwashing of children. Now the young folks listen more to their peers than to old tales:

Millennials leaving church in droves, study says -

Who fucking cares? This is totally irrelevant to the point. Christianity has been around for 2,000 years. Judaism a hell of a lot longer. They aint going away any time soon. Will they die out someday? Maybe. Hell, who knows what will happen in the next 2,000 years? Here's what I can assure you of though. You are 81. In a few years you will be dead but the community of faith will endure.
Like so many you make claims based upon utter ridiculous horse shit about ancient gods. The Jewish version of that virgin birth, resurrected savior of the world came along as a new and improved version thousands of years after the same identical claims were made about dozens of others in N. Africa and the middle east and 10% of the male population was named Jesus.

My God you are obtuse. Personally, I don't buy the virgin birth either. The authors of Luke/Acts and Matthew were referring to a mistranslation in the Septuagint of Isaiah 7. But simply because I don't believe that Mary was a virgin am I forced to reject Jesus and His teaching. Again you look only at the surface. Did Jesus raise His hands and calm a storm at sea? Who knows? I wasn't there. But whether He did literally is not the point. It's what is suggested and what the story represents that is the point....such as 'when life gets rough and you are being tossed about like a boat on a stormy sea, faith can guide you through the turmoil'. You can't even grasp that?!?!?! And you claim to have taught Sunday school? Bullshit. Where was this church located? In the shed in your back yard?

You ramble and repeat but like I said.......young people are leaving the church in droves and when the money dwindles so goes the whole myth. All that major bullshit came about for obvious reasons......control and a tenth of the earnings of others. It would have died on the vine without the brainwashing of children. Now the young folks listen more to their peers than to old tales:

Millennials leaving church in droves, study says -

Who fucking cares? This is totally irrelevant to the point. Christianity has been around for 2,000 years. Judaism a hell of a lot longer. They aint going away any time soon. Will they die out someday? Maybe. Hell, who knows what will happen in the next 2,000 years? Here's what I can assure you of though. You are 81. In a few years you will be dead but the community of faith will endure.
You are both completely wrong.
Mark 16:

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.



OK.............Let's see whether you believe or not!
There are a few nutters who think they are immune to snake bites if they are true believers.
Except they forget to not tempt God. Most end up dead.
Like so many you make claims based upon utter ridiculous horse shit about ancient gods. The Jewish version of that virgin birth, resurrected savior of the world came along as a new and improved version thousands of years after the same identical claims were made about dozens of others in N. Africa and the middle east and 10% of the male population was named Jesus.

My God you are obtuse. Personally, I don't buy the virgin birth either. The authors of Luke/Acts and Matthew were referring to a mistranslation in the Septuagint of Isaiah 7. But simply because I don't believe that Mary was a virgin am I forced to reject Jesus and His teaching. Again you look only at the surface. Did Jesus raise His hands and calm a storm at sea? Who knows? I wasn't there. But whether He did literally is not the point. It's what is suggested and what the story represents that is the point....such as 'when life gets rough and you are being tossed about like a boat on a stormy sea, faith can guide you through the turmoil'. You can't even grasp that?!?!?! And you claim to have taught Sunday school? Bullshit. Where was this church located? In the shed in your back yard?

You ramble and repeat but like I said.......young people are leaving the church in droves and when the money dwindles so goes the whole myth. All that major bullshit came about for obvious reasons......control and a tenth of the earnings of others. It would have died on the vine without the brainwashing of children. Now the young folks listen more to their peers than to old tales:

Millennials leaving church in droves, study says -

Who fucking cares? This is totally irrelevant to the point. Christianity has been around for 2,000 years. Judaism a hell of a lot longer. They aint going away any time soon. Will they die out someday? Maybe. Hell, who knows what will happen in the next 2,000 years? Here's what I can assure you of though. You are 81. In a few years you will be dead but the community of faith will endure.
You are both completely wrong.

Ahhhh....what a sparkling contribution. I must congratulate you on your in-depth and intriguing analysis and dialogue. :dunno:
Like so many you make claims based upon utter ridiculous horse shit about ancient gods. The Jewish version of that virgin birth, resurrected savior of the world came along as a new and improved version thousands of years after the same identical claims were made about dozens of others in N. Africa and the middle east and 10% of the male population was named Jesus.

My God you are obtuse. Personally, I don't buy the virgin birth either. The authors of Luke/Acts and Matthew were referring to a mistranslation in the Septuagint of Isaiah 7. But simply because I don't believe that Mary was a virgin am I forced to reject Jesus and His teaching. Again you look only at the surface. Did Jesus raise His hands and calm a storm at sea? Who knows? I wasn't there. But whether He did literally is not the point. It's what is suggested and what the story represents that is the point....such as 'when life gets rough and you are being tossed about like a boat on a stormy sea, faith can guide you through the turmoil'. You can't even grasp that?!?!?! And you claim to have taught Sunday school? Bullshit. Where was this church located? In the shed in your back yard?

You ramble and repeat but like I said.......young people are leaving the church in droves and when the money dwindles so goes the whole myth. All that major bullshit came about for obvious reasons......control and a tenth of the earnings of others. It would have died on the vine without the brainwashing of children. Now the young folks listen more to their peers than to old tales:

Millennials leaving church in droves, study says -

Who fucking cares? This is totally irrelevant to the point. Christianity has been around for 2,000 years. Judaism a hell of a lot longer. They aint going away any time soon. Will they die out someday? Maybe. Hell, who knows what will happen in the next 2,000 years? Here's what I can assure you of though. You are 81. In a few years you will be dead but the community of faith will endure.
You are both completely wrong.

Ahhhh....what a sparkling contribution. I must congratulate you on your in-depth and intriguing analysis and dialogue. :dunno:
Thank you.
Mark 16:

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.



OK.............Let's see whether you believe or not!

I saw an interesting documentary about these Froot Loops - two died of bites.

About your photo, I've handled a lot of rattlesnakes and gotta say, I don't think make the best bookmarks.

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