Is USMB a Trump-loving board supporting Putin?

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Gold Member
Jun 5, 2018
Too bad a current moderator recently closed out an interesting new thread by Ted Frazier (?).
My response was (until thread was closed):

This board appears 3/4 conservative and at least 1/2 pro-Trump (nothing wrong with that!), excluding the Russian trolls who are 90% pro-Trump and push Putin’s agenda with 100% pro-Putin propaganda (one-way stories and disinformation, and that’s not in USA’s or Europe’s interest).

However, the mods are the more intelligent posters who often make sense, but may not be completely fair many times (?). I hope I am wrong!
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Another possibility is USMB is representative of the real opinions of real Americans.
That may be true!
However, did H.Clinton not get more votes?
I doubt many Clinton voters changed their preference in the past 2 years!
Another possibility is USMB is representative of the real opinions of real Americans.

Chi-coms are good according to leftards, Putin is bad because he bitchslapped Barrypuppet and exposed him for the empty suited, jug-eared fraud that he was. Barrypuppet thought that Putin would bend to the will of the banking oligarchs and fold like a cheap tent when he annexed Crimea after the E.U and Soros conducted a coup in the Ukraine. Putin defied Barrypuppet and showed him up after he exposed the fact that the very proxy army that his admin was arming were the ones that attempted to use chemical weapons and blame it on Assad's admin.

Barrypuppet talked tough but when the rubber meets the road? Barrypuppet simply lacked the stones or world-wide credibility to push Putin even though the deep state tried their best.
Another possibility is USMB is representative of the real opinions of real Americans.

Possibility would never occur to denmark, comrade. Now excuse me, I must go. Big Trump rally in town square and must not miss.

Do svidanya
Too bad a current moderator recently closed out an interesting new thread by Ted Frazier (?).
My response was (until thread was closed):

This board appears 3/4 conservative and at least 1/2 pro-Trump (nothing wrong with that!), excluding the Russian trolls who are 90% pro-Trump and push Putin’s agenda with 100% pro-Putin propaganda (one-way stories and disinformation, and that’s not in USA’s or Europe’s interest).

However, the mods are the more intelligent posters who often make sense, but may not be completely fair many times (?). I hope I am wrong!

Not that I wouldn't enjoy the responses for this thread, because I WOULD !! :113: But it's against USMB rules to discuss SPECIFIC moderation events on the open forums. You can always get a review of any particular mod action on USMB from any mod you like by opening a Private Message (conversation).

General policy is not to have moderators discuss them publicly either.

The REASON for that is not to publicly embarrass the "victim" with the FACTS while the entire COLISEUM is watching. Let me illustrate -- HERE are the facts..

We have a long standing policy about moving threads to the Taunting Forums. This member created an identical earlier thread that got move to a "non-moderated" forum. That thread is STILL OPEN in Badlands forum for comments. The member did not LIKE the comments he got in the FIRST thread --- so he proceeded to open an IDENTICAL one yet again. That SECOND thread was closed with a Mod Message to post comments in his EXISTING thread in Badlands.

No speech was censored. The thread became an illegal brawl AIDED by the very "baiting and polarizing" language that the opening poster USED in their thread. So the original got moved to where folks CAN BRAWL without moderators getting in the way. (outside of site-wide rule violations)

That's it.. This is WHY moderators shouldn't COMMENT on specific actions in PUBLIC and neither should members.. :disbelief: It's just not entertaining or dramatic and NOT FAIR to the actual member we're discussing.

Now I have to close your thread because it violates the rules. But we're allies with Denmark still -- so you get a pass. Merry Christmas.. :biggrin:

BTW --- dont bust a gut looking for conspiracies about moderator bias. We're ALL very appalled at the childish level of discourse we have to work with here. Leftists, centrists, Rightists and me. A guy who wants BOTH parties to die a QUICK and HORRIBLE death.. AND -- the parties are working VERY HARD to be hated more than mosquitoes...

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