ISIL Defeated and "defeated badly???"


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
So says our "knows more than the generals" President. So if the top US general, the Commander of US Central Command, says Trump doesn't know what he is talking about, Trump's sources of information have to be wrong also.

Top US general Joseph Votel says Trump did not consult him on Syria announcement - CNNPolitics

In tonight's State of the Union address, Trump should apologize to the American people for making false declarations of victory. And, at the same time, he should renounce his sources, Faux News, Hannity and Limbaugh.

Thankfully, our military leaders don't rely on the same sources of information that the President does.
LMAO Every General and Admiral could agree with Trump and you would still post your drivel.
So says our "knows more than the generals" President. So if the top US general, the Commander of US Central Command, says Trump doesn't know what he is talking about, Trump's sources of information have to be wrong also.

Top US general Joseph Votel says Trump did not consult him on Syria announcement - CNNPolitics

In tonight's State of the Union address, Trump should apologize to the American people for making false declarations of victory. And, at the same time, he should renounce his sources, Faux News, Hannity and Limbaugh.

Thankfully, our military leaders don't rely on the same sources of information that the President does.

You are not a loyal American?

Have you ever had a job which never ends?

In a hotel, the housekeeping services can make EVERY SINGLE BED and tidy up every single room and suite.

And factually reported to be tidied up bigly.

But the next morning every bed and room will need yo be tidied up again.

Same thing with ISIS/ISIL.

They can be factually reported to be defeated badly today.

And next week they will be reconstituted.

The point is that Muslim nations are like the Tar Baby and the ONLY way to be free of it's shackles is to not touch it at all.

You are Muslim or pro Islam.

We hear pro Islam posters regularly cite our involvement in Islamic countries as a reason for Jihad.

Well, if we pull out of Afghanistan and Syria, this should stop Jihad in America.

Shouldn't it?
So says our "knows more than the generals" President. So if the top US general, the Commander of US Central Command, says Trump doesn't know what he is talking about, Trump's sources of information have to be wrong also.

Top US general Joseph Votel says Trump did not consult him on Syria announcement - CNNPolitics

In tonight's State of the Union address, Trump should apologize to the American people for making false declarations of victory. And, at the same time, he should renounce his sources, Faux News, Hannity and Limbaugh.

Thankfully, our military leaders don't rely on the same sources of information that the President does.

You are not a loyal American?

Have you ever had a job which never ends?

In a hotel, the housekeeping services can make EVERY SINGLE BED and tidy up every single room and suite.

And factually reported to be tidied up bigly.

But the next morning every bed and room will need yo be tidied up again.

Same thing with ISIS/ISIL.

They can be factually reported to be defeated badly today.

And next week they will be reconstituted.

The point is that Muslim nations are like the Tar Baby and the ONLY way to be free of it's shackles is to not touch it at all.

You are Muslim or pro Islam.

We hear pro Islam posters regularly cite our involvement in Islamic countries as a reason for Jihad.

Well, if we pull out of Afghanistan and Syria, this should stop Jihad in America.

Shouldn't it?
So you want to bless trump for making a statement he never should have made, minimizing a still dangerous enemy, and putting American lives in danger.

Wake up Trumpanzee. After a disastrous month of January and being boxed around by Nancy, trump is desperate for a win. And, as usual, he will try to sell one to anyone who will listen.

So says our "knows more than the generals" President. So if the top US general, the Commander of US Central Command, says Trump doesn't know what he is talking about, Trump's sources of information have to be wrong also.

Top US general Joseph Votel says Trump did not consult him on Syria announcement - CNNPolitics

In tonight's State of the Union address, Trump should apologize to the American people for making false declarations of victory. And, at the same time, he should renounce his sources, Faux News, Hannity and Limbaugh.

Thankfully, our military leaders don't rely on the same sources of information that the President does.

You are not a loyal American?

Have you ever had a job which never ends?

In a hotel, the housekeeping services can make EVERY SINGLE BED and tidy up every single room and suite.

And factually reported to be tidied up bigly.

But the next morning every bed and room will need yo be tidied up again.

Same thing with ISIS/ISIL.

They can be factually reported to be defeated badly today.

And next week they will be reconstituted.

The point is that Muslim nations are like the Tar Baby and the ONLY way to be free of it's shackles is to not touch it at all.

You are Muslim or pro Islam.

We hear pro Islam posters regularly cite our involvement in Islamic countries as a reason for Jihad.

Well, if we pull out of Afghanistan and Syria, this should stop Jihad in America.

Shouldn't it?
So you want to bless trump for making a statement he never should have made, minimizing a still dangerous enemy, and putting American lives in danger.

Wake up Trumpanzee. After a disastrous month of January and being boxed around by Nancy, trump is desperate for a win. And, as usual, he will try to sell one to anyone who will listen.

View attachment 244272

Trump is using the original specs and blueprints to put America back on the right track.

Leftists, Islamists and the other enemies of America use unproven, disproven and antagonistic plans to tear America down or try to cheat the workable proven, trusted system to gain power the people refused to give them.

You are Brand X.

The off brand.

The one that doesn't measure up.

Low quality. Suspect. A waste of time, effort and money. A disappointment.

People want THE REAL THING.

The original.

Tried, true, safe, proven.

So says our "knows more than the generals" President. So if the top US general, the Commander of US Central Command, says Trump doesn't know what he is talking about, Trump's sources of information have to be wrong also.

Top US general Joseph Votel says Trump did not consult him on Syria announcement - CNNPolitics

In tonight's State of the Union address, Trump should apologize to the American people for making false declarations of victory. And, at the same time, he should renounce his sources, Faux News, Hannity and Limbaugh.

Thankfully, our military leaders don't rely on the same sources of information that the President does.

You are not a loyal American?

Have you ever had a job which never ends?

In a hotel, the housekeeping services can make EVERY SINGLE BED and tidy up every single room and suite.

And factually reported to be tidied up bigly.

But the next morning every bed and room will need yo be tidied up again.

Same thing with ISIS/ISIL.

They can be factually reported to be defeated badly today.

And next week they will be reconstituted.

The point is that Muslim nations are like the Tar Baby and the ONLY way to be free of it's shackles is to not touch it at all.

You are Muslim or pro Islam.

We hear pro Islam posters regularly cite our involvement in Islamic countries as a reason for Jihad.

Well, if we pull out of Afghanistan and Syria, this should stop Jihad in America.

Shouldn't it?
War without end
So says our "knows more than the generals" President. So if the top US general, the Commander of US Central Command, says Trump doesn't know what he is talking about, Trump's sources of information have to be wrong also.

Top US general Joseph Votel says Trump did not consult him on Syria announcement - CNNPolitics

In tonight's State of the Union address, Trump should apologize to the American people for making false declarations of victory. And, at the same time, he should renounce his sources, Faux News, Hannity and Limbaugh.

Thankfully, our military leaders don't rely on the same sources of information that the President does.

Haven't you considered the possibility that certain "top US Generals" don't want to admit that ISIS is defeated because, well, what would they do to pass the time then?

It's called "job security." As long as you make yourself invaluable, the defense money will keep pouring in.
So says our "knows more than the generals" President. So if the top US general, the Commander of US Central Command, says Trump doesn't know what he is talking about, Trump's sources of information have to be wrong also.

Top US general Joseph Votel says Trump did not consult him on Syria announcement - CNNPolitics

In tonight's State of the Union address, Trump should apologize to the American people for making false declarations of victory. And, at the same time, he should renounce his sources, Faux News, Hannity and Limbaugh.

Thankfully, our military leaders don't rely on the same sources of information that the President does.

Haven't you considered the possibility that certain "top US Generals" don't want to admit that ISIS is defeated because, well, what would they do to pass the time then?

It's called "job security." As long as you make yourself invaluable, the defense money will keep pouring in.

Those reasons are in addition to those of the Generals who would not ever think to think of going isolationist.

That is the POTUS's job alone.

To suggest Isolationism would run the risk of being charged with mutiny.

That decision is REALLY above their pay grade.

The President, as is HIS PREROGATIVE, could choose to pull the military out of all but the most important overseas missions and his Generals could have no knowledge of it.

So, in that hypothetical situation, the President WOULD know more than his Generals.

The enemies of America are on the wrong side. Their cause is harder to argue.

They should not win a single important debate exchange with well informed Conservatives like you and I and the other Trump supporters here.

As ISIS crumbles, Syrian Kurds worry about US troop withdrawal

AMUDA, Syria -- Pummeled by modern U.S. weaponry, ISIS has been reduced to a single town – Baghoz. Now the cruel caliphate is surrounded by members of the Syrian defense force – predominantly Kurds – who say there are just days remaining. Brave, but light on equipment, they rely heavily on the U.S.

ISIS now holds just over one-square mile of land, with about 1,500 to 2,000 fighters. The defiant ones who remain are mostly foreign fighters unable to blend back into the local population, and they’re making their final stand.

At their peak, ISIS controlled about 40,000 square miles, roughly an area the size of Kentucky. They had 65,000 fighters and ruled over 8 million people. Today, all of that is gone.

When President Trump took office, he told the military to take the gloves off against ISIS. Looking at the scale of U.S. artillery and airpower here, it’s clear that they have done just that.

As ISIS crumbles, Syrian Kurds worry about US troop withdrawal

As ISIS crumbles, Syrian Kurds worry about US troop withdrawal

AMUDA, Syria -- Pummeled by modern U.S. weaponry, ISIS has been reduced to a single town – Baghoz. Now the cruel caliphate is surrounded by members of the Syrian defense force – predominantly Kurds – who say there are just days remaining. Brave, but light on equipment, they rely heavily on the U.S.

ISIS now holds just over one-square mile of land, with about 1,500 to 2,000 fighters. The defiant ones who remain are mostly foreign fighters unable to blend back into the local population, and they’re making their final stand.

At their peak, ISIS controlled about 40,000 square miles, roughly an area the size of Kentucky. They had 65,000 fighters and ruled over 8 million people. Today, all of that is gone.

When President Trump took office, he told the military to take the gloves off against ISIS. Looking at the scale of U.S. artillery and airpower here, it’s clear that they have done just that.

As ISIS crumbles, Syrian Kurds worry about US troop withdrawal

Good luck to them. I hope artillery strikes and bombing runs by Western aircraft will help the Kurds finish the job.

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