Islam is a sexest religion


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
The Islamic belief you will be rewarded in heaven by seven virgins if you follow Allah's will is kind of sexist. I'm going to assume that these virgins were once earthly women unless these virgins are specially created spirits for the righteous men of islam. With that in mind, I really find that is what the average earthly muslim had in mind when he was promised seven virgins because he is probably thinking of naked, beautiful, women that are just for him in the afterlife. These are probably female spirits that abstained on earth just so they can reward the holy men of islam. Lucky them! I would think that their virginity can't last long if they are so hot that Allah wants them to reward the pure Islamic soul that enter heaven. Where do these virgins come from? What planet do they come from where there are no men? THere must be a planet in the universe specially created just to harvest female souls. THis planet probably have no men. If that is the case then how do they reproduce? Perhaps it is a massive cloning factory that makes them. You can order virgin model 1-7 when you die. Allah will have to kill them in their prime because who wants to do a 100 year old woman. If these women are so beautiful that they are God's reward for godly men of islam then I would think alien races would fight over this commodity just like every other commodity. We will call these The Clone Wars because you want those cloning facilities. This is why Islam is sexist. It basically says that any woman's soul exist for the happiness of their male counterparts. I would think if you are a man in this religion you might think that women exist just to make you happy in both this life and the afterlife and such an attitude could breed a sense of superiority to women since Allah put women on earth just for you! The man is the one to be made happy and women exist just for that purpose.
Women are treated like slaves in the religion of Islam.

They have no rights and are property.

Sexist religion?? You bet it is.
All major religions have sexist views of one kind or another. Islam is not unique.
All major religions have sexist views of one kind or another. Islam is not unique.

Wouldn't it have been easier to just say "I don't know anything about the subject" ?

You might as well place a saber toothed tiger next to a tom cat and proclaim "well, duh, I sure don't see any difference".
Judaism has a long history of oppressing women. This should come as no surprise to my Christian readers; one need only page briefly through the Old Testament to see plenty of examples of how Jewish women were treated by their husbands, fathers, and male authorities. To give just one example, until the twentieth century, women were discouraged from studying anything other than the Torah and the necessary procedures for running a Jewish household. Thankfully this has changed much in the last 100 years.

In Christianity, we see a male God, who creates man in His image (but makes males and females of “mankind”? Why not “humankind”?). In the Garden, Eve tempted Adam to fall to sin. Women are told to be subservient to their husbands. On more than one occasion in the Bible, God treats women as if they don’t matter and are simply spoils for men to claim in war. Had God wished it to be so, the world would look for different for women than it does today. But He didn’t intervene to alleviate sexism, despite being able to so do. Why not? I have a possible answer: the faith was made by men who wanted to keep their power. Women have a role in the Conservative Christian world, and that role is at home with the family.

Monotheistically Sexist: Major Religions and Women's Roles

Women in HInduism
Traditional Status of Women in Hinduism

Women in Buddhism
As told in “The First Buddhist Women,” the Buddha originally refused to ordain women as nuns. He said that allowing women into the sangha would cause his teachings to survive only half as long –- 500 years instead of a 1,000.
Buddhism And Sexism: Can There Be Buddhist Gender Equality?
All major religions have sexist views of one kind or another. Islam is not unique.

Wouldn't it have been easier to just say "I don't know anything about the subject" ?

You might as well place a saber toothed tiger next to a tom cat and proclaim "well, duh, I sure don't see any difference".
I know quite a good deal about sexism in religion.
The Mormon position on women has changed little since the early 1800's, when the official view was that "woman's primary place is in the home, where she is to rear children and abide by the righteous counsel of her husband" (McConkie 844). This attitude, coupled with the doctrine of polygamy and the absolute power claimed by the men of the church, created a legacy of profound sexism which modern Mormonism has been unable to escape.
The Role of Women in Mormonism
Not only sexist but a vain materialistic nature in what they pursue ie 72 virgins. No substance at all.
The Islamic belief you will be rewarded in heaven by seven virgins if you follow Allah's will is kind of sexist..
Only SEVEN virgins? what happened, Allah have to cut back on spending? Boy the Jihadists are going to be PISSED when they find out they're getting shorted 63 virgins.
What? Did a woman challenge your position? No wonder you're so angry.

No, I like women.

That is why I oppose the rape Jihad occurring throughout Europe and take idiots to task when they try to defend Islam by changing the subject and indulging in false equivalencies.

I realize it is just a conditioned response you are expressing here as any mention of Islam requires such a defense in order to remain politically correct, but all you are accomplishing by this pablum is to display you are incapable of seeing differences.
The Islamic belief you will be rewarded in heaven by seven virgins if you follow Allah's will is kind of sexist. I'm going to assume that these virgins were once earthly women unless these virgins are specially created spirits for the righteous men of islam. With that in mind, I really find that is what the average earthly muslim had in mind when he was promised seven virgins because he is probably thinking of naked, beautiful, women that are just for him in the afterlife. These are probably female spirits that abstained on earth just so they can reward the holy men of islam. Lucky them! I would think that their virginity can't last long if they are so hot that Allah wants them to reward the pure Islamic soul that enter heaven. Where do these virgins come from? What planet do they come from where there are no men? THere must be a planet in the universe specially created just to harvest female souls. THis planet probably have no men. If that is the case then how do they reproduce? Perhaps it is a massive cloning factory that makes them. You can order virgin model 1-7 when you die. Allah will have to kill them in their prime because who wants to do a 100 year old woman. If these women are so beautiful that they are God's reward for godly men of islam then I would think alien races would fight over this commodity just like every other commodity. We will call these The Clone Wars because you want those cloning facilities. This is why Islam is sexist. It basically says that any woman's soul exist for the happiness of their male counterparts. I would think if you are a man in this religion you might think that women exist just to make you happy in both this life and the afterlife and such an attitude could breed a sense of superiority to women since Allah put women on earth just for you! The man is the one to be made happy and women exist just for that purpose.
...and the violent cult on the planet
What? Did a woman challenge your position? No wonder you're so angry.

No, I like women.

That is why I oppose the rape Jihad occurring throughout Europe and take idiots to task when they try to defend Islam by changing the subject and indulging in false equivalencies.

I realize it is just a conditioned response you are expressing here as any mention of Islam requires such a defense in order to remain politically correct, but all you are accomplishing by this pablum is to display you are incapable of seeing differences.
Look sir. Islam in Arab lands treat women abominably. I have no problem seeing that. What I have a problem with is self-righteous assholes who claim their patriarchial religiion is superior to Islam.
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
Colossians 3:18; cf. 1 Peter 3:1 and Ephesians 5:22

... I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man ... For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
1 Corinthians 11:3 and 7-9

Let your women keep silence in churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
1 Corinthians 14:34, cf. 1 Corinthians 11:3-9 and 1 Timothy 2:11-12

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