islam is the best

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Originally posted by Spirit_Soul
you are wrong. THINK! Then, start saying things. If they are demons, we are not exactly saints either. So, think!!!! then you will see the reality.

I wonder who this is posting? Couldn't be our little Hindu friend, she vowed to never return!

I guess Jackass was right "They always come back". LOL
I'm not going to argue semantics, it was borderline. Just please keep it civil and on topic if you plan on posting here. Thanks

Humanity and human life being safe from those who are resigned to world destruction and conversion to a moon god has little to do with borderline imagined insults or about individual families or their members. Semantics aside, you can consider your own statements borderline if you find evil on par with good but then you are are the mentor.

I have been accused of being a troll and mean spirited because I pose the obvious in satirical form.

Then spirit_soul compares the evil in the heart of mens with those who would destroy mankind. I do not hate anyone but Islam (all of it) is based on their bible which clearly states these goals and by their actions are consistent. Fathers murder their daughters, today synagogues are blown up during prayer, Islamites murder American men and women trying to bring civilization and law to the Iraqis with our spirit_soul comparing bad people with a cancer trying to kill mankind.

Borderline insults are your opinion but reality is something far from the obvious on this post.

You are preaching to the choir about Muslims. Read my prior posts in this section and you will see where I stand.

Starting off on one ID and coming back with another will make you a troll in some eyes. You'll do much better here if you just lay out your views and back them up with some facts.

Like I said, just be civil and you'll do just fine. I don't like the way you presented your posts, but I enjoyed some of the content, and even agree with some of it.

It will all be for nothing though if you consider to "troll" in the other readers eyes.
Starting off on one ID and coming back with another will make you a troll in some eyes. You'll do much better here if you just lay out your views and back them up with some facts.

Let me ask you a question. By starting off posting with a very typical Muslim/Arab name and using some very obvious Qur'anic realities does this make me a troll or does it help bring the hypocracy of Islam to light?

Was it not obvious that I was using satire to bring my viewpoint to this post?

These people kill my people with no nations or group of nation's voices raised in ire or indignation. Even when Americans or western civilized country innocents are murdered simply because they do not believe in Mohammad. Our United Muslim Nations (UN) and Koffe only cry out when the Muslim on his murderous Qur'an rage is killed or injured hiding behind their families. The Muslim crys that stopping them from murdering or building a wall to protect the owners of a country is unfair but when they kill a bunch of children playing and singing, they hand out candy while singing and dancing in the streets.

What do you think would happen if Israel dropped high explosives from Blackhawk copters on a couple of Mosques filled with worshipers? Would the European or Asian Nations and the UN be as silent as they are today following the murder of innocents? I don't advocate becoming the beasts that seem to have the backing of the world.

As a Troll I guess that statement would not show civility. There are those on all these sites that pretend to be non-Muslim when in fact they defend the brutality and beastiality of their brothers.

That's whats nice about the Internet, no one knows who lies behind the keyboard.

This type of evil is not new to the world as humanity would have long ago disappered from the face of the earth. The swing of the pendulum always seems to turn and the perpetrator is brought down.
Look ajwps,

Jim gave you his opinion, I'll give you mine, which is quite similiar.

If you would just straight out state your opinions you will get much further than playing games and using different IDs. There are many people here with different opinions, I think you will find people who are in agreement with many of yours. I understand it is your people who bear the brunt of many terrorist actions, and believe me I feel for them. I myself have no great love of Islam, and have many times called these suicide bombers exactly what I feel them to be : Termites that need to be exterminated. Trust me I a got a bashing over it, but it is my opinion. In fairness though I do know Muslim people here in the US that feel the exact same way towards these insects, they wish no one any harm, and they pray for peace in the ME. I am not so filled with hatred that I cannot see the good them.

In general people on this board try to remain open minded, yes there issues which we passionately defend or attack, but I think you will find if you moderate your stance you will get more people to listen.

Just my thoughts.
In fairness though I do know Muslim people here in the US that feel the exact same way towards these insects, they wish no one any harm, and they pray for peace in the ME. I am not so filled with hatred that I cannot see the good them.

First of all my actual sign on is AJWPS. I prefer not to use my name or ISP address as I don't want to be the live target of those wishing my death.

So you know real Muslim people here (there?) that feel the very same way towards the 'radical' Islamists that we all do? There was an old radio program (long before my time) that began each episode with "who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men, only the shadow."

So your Muslim friends wish no harm to anyone and they pray for peace in the Middle East.

If you are a real Christian, do you pray that Jesus doesn't save believers from the wages of their sins? Do you pray that the love and shed blood of Jesus is not known to anyone but other Christians?

Do you know what Muslims really believe and by their bible as to what they are allowed to do to protect their religion and god allah?



The word "al-Taqiyya" literally means: Concealing or disguising one's beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of DANGER TO AL ISLAM, whether now or later in time, to save Islam from injury. Taqiyya is the uttering of the tongue, while the heart is comfortable with faith. In short Taqiyya is DIPLOMACY.

Taqiyya at times is mandatory (Wajib) on all Muslims, Shia and SUNNI.

Remember, what anyone tells you, you must take them at their word. Even from me......
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