Islam means peace!

showed you once where it leads to to write bad and ugly lies about islam.
we are the true belivers. you are not. our lions will show you the true meaning of jihad: WAR!


LMAO. Truefaith is declaring jihad on a messageboard.

If Gunny bans him, he will be considered an e-martyr and Allah will give him a 72 hour pass to
is islamic.

we are 14 billion true believers. why do you us-american refuse to accept the true peace?
is islamic.

we are 14 billion true believers. why do you us-american refuse to accept the true peace?

There are just over 6 billion people here on earth. What planet do you come from, truefaith?

(But in all honesty, 14 billion true believers would explain that 72 virgins figure.)
i know the answer: you are full of fear against our true faith of peace.
you ignore the truth. you are jealous. you spread lies and propaganda against peace and islam. you terrorize our faith because you are jealous.

""There are just over 6 billion people here on earth."" what will be your next ugly lie? mohamde always warned us that you are full of fear and jealousy.

you are so full of fear against peace and freedom that you blow your own people just to say: "look what islam is doing!" hahaha! you will never find the truth. allahuakbar!
thing is that you must buy weapons from iraq or iran to continue war! beacause you are unable to build real weapons!
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you're just another troll.
you are masters in this: ignoring peace and spreading lies and fear to the world.
so why does all think of terrorism when they hear "islam".
islam is the only religion of true peace. that is what you do not understand.
you ar nothing but jealous for or true peace and our true freedom.

i witnessed when at the palestinian border to the country stolen by apes and pigs a marthyr blew himself and killed many pigs i witnessed that he spontaneously drove into paradise! and that is the truth! you will never understand that true faith.

when enemies of islam fire missiles at islam: allah will take them, send them back and let them rain onto the enemies of islam. you cannot understand that true peace.

What a reject, here we go, all you Liberal apologists that insist Islam is peace, a perfect example of what Islam means by the word peace.

you simply do not understand peace and freedom because you are jealous and full of fear.
it was BUSH who blew wtc! you are the ugly disbelievers. apes and pigs. hahaha! may allah enlight your brainwashed minds. but i fear its too late.
you claim to be democratic? LOL ROFLMAO! iran and palestine are true democracies! and you are afraid of them! hahaha. elhamdulillah!
islam means peace? and thatswhy islam-critisism is unpeaceful and becomes forbidden?

nice way of peace. lol.
nothing screams peace like blowing oneself to bits and calling other people apes and pigs.....

now why would anyone not see the peace in that?

Hmmmmmmmmmmm... I wonder.

Says the town cryer for the only nation to sport fucking NUKES in the immediate area.
RGS was probably the funniest in the thread. In the face of obvious Islamic propaganda, he somehow still managed to blame it on liberals.
RGS was probably the funniest in the thread. In the face of obvious Islamic propaganda, he somehow still managed to blame it on liberals.

I always picture RGS living in a cave somewhere surrounded by stacks and stacks of canned tuna fish.

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