Zone1 Islam Totally Debunked


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

This is a rather lengthy talk by an internationally-known scholar on Islamic literature, etc., and he totally debunks the core assertions of Muslims about both the person we used to call, "Mohammed," and the Koran - those assertions being that the Koran was created at one time, that it has never changed, and it was created by people who actually knew the Prophet. All bunkum.

In a nutshell, the Koranic history of Mecca is not only unsupported, but literally not believable; the Koran itself evolved over centuries, was published in several different versions, and was only codified in its current form in the past 200 years. Further, much of the materials that "puzzle" Koranic scholars are pirated from Christian texts and poetry.

Mohammed himself - assuming he ever actually existed - was not only long dead when the Koranic texts were first written, but nobody in that process had ever met or seen Mohammed, or it would seem, had ever even met anyone who HAD seen the original Prophet.

It is almost as bad as the Book of Mormon, another pile of nonsense about which provably false claims still revolve.

This is not directly related to major current events, but is nevertheless worthwhile if you want some historical background on the religion that seems responsible for a disproportionate amount of earth's turmoil today.

This is a rather lengthy talk by an internationally-known scholar on Islamic literature, etc., and he totally debunks the core assertions of Muslims about both the person we used to call, "Mohammed," and the Koran - those assertions being that the Koran was created at one time, that it has never changed, and it was created by people who actually knew the Prophet. All bunkum.

In a nutshell, the Koranic history of Mecca is not only unsupported, but literally not believable; the Koran itself evolved over centuries, was published in several different versions, and was only codified in its current form in the past 200 years. Further, much of the materials that "puzzle" Koranic scholars are pirated from Christian texts and poetry.

Mohammed himself - assuming he ever actually existed - was not only long dead when the Koranic texts were first written, but nobody in that process had ever met or seen Mohammed, or it would seem, had ever even met anyone who HAD seen the original Prophet.

It is almost as bad as the Book of Mormon, another pile of nonsense about which provably false claims still revolve.

This is not directly related to major current events, but is nevertheless worthwhile if you want some historical background on the religion that seems responsible for a disproportionate amount of earth's turmoil today.

It got so bad for the J/W's that they had to print their own version(new world translation) of the Holy scriptures.

This is a rather lengthy talk by an internationally-known scholar on Islamic literature, etc., and he totally debunks the core assertions of Muslims about both the person we used to call, "Mohammed," and the Koran - those assertions being that the Koran was created at one time, that it has never changed, and it was created by people who actually knew the Prophet. All bunkum.

In a nutshell, the Koranic history of Mecca is not only unsupported, but literally not believable; the Koran itself evolved over centuries, was published in several different versions, and was only codified in its current form in the past 200 years. Further, much of the materials that "puzzle" Koranic scholars are pirated from Christian texts and poetry.

Mohammed himself - assuming he ever actually existed - was not only long dead when the Koranic texts were first written, but nobody in that process had ever met or seen Mohammed, or it would seem, had ever even met anyone who HAD seen the original Prophet.

It is almost as bad as the Book of Mormon, another pile of nonsense about which provably false claims still revolve.

This is not directly related to major current events, but is nevertheless worthwhile if you want some historical background on the religion that seems responsible for a disproportionate amount of earth's turmoil today.

Isn't that pretty much the story of every religion?
Isn't that pretty much the story of every religion?
Not really.

There is enough tangible evidence of substantial portions of the Bible (those that purport to be historical), and of JC's life and times to lead a reasonably observer to conclude that it is substantially true. This is not to say that the Resurrection can be verified as fact, or that JC walked on water or multiplied the loaves & fishes, but when essentially all of the person's followers accept martyrdom rather than denying what they believe, that's some powerful stuff. No other religion...
Not really.

There is enough tangible evidence of substantial portions of the Bible (those that purport to be historical), and of JC's life and times to lead a reasonably observer to conclude that it is substantially true.
None of the NT writers likely knew or even met Jesus. The Canon of Christian scripture evolved over time.

This is not to say that the Resurrection can be verified as fact, or that JC walked on water or multiplied the loaves & fishes, but when essentially all of the person's followers accept martyrdom rather than denying what they believe, that's some powerful stuff. No other religion...
Muslims flew planes into the WTC for their faith. Jews threw themselves off Masada for their faith. Japanese flew planes into ships for their faith.
the three desert religions are one in the same without verification for their single tenant of monotheism -

when the heavens can hardly be denied by the miracle of life and the undeniable physical revelation made by the birth of any individual. sadly taken for granted.

This is a rather lengthy talk by an internationally-known scholar on Islamic literature, etc., and he totally debunks the core assertions of Muslims about both the person we used to call, "Mohammed," and the Koran - those assertions being that the Koran was created at one time, that it has never changed, and it was created by people who actually knew the Prophet. All bunkum.

In a nutshell, the Koranic history of Mecca is not only unsupported, but literally not believable; the Koran itself evolved over centuries, was published in several different versions, and was only codified in its current form in the past 200 years. Further, much of the materials that "puzzle" Koranic scholars are pirated from Christian texts and poetry.

Mohammed himself - assuming he ever actually existed - was not only long dead when the Koranic texts were first written, but nobody in that process had ever met or seen Mohammed, or it would seem, had ever even met anyone who HAD seen the original Prophet.

It is almost as bad as the Book of Mormon, another pile of nonsense about which provably false claims still revolve.

This is not directly related to major current events, but is nevertheless worthwhile if you want some historical background on the religion that seems responsible for a disproportionate amount of earth's turmoil today.

Every religion is a lie.

You just found one.

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