Islam will be the dominate religion of the western nations

When the citizens are so mentally deluded they can't figure out the difference between a man and a woman.

When parents can legally give hormone shots to very young children in order to change them from boys to girls and girls to boys.

When a country depends on homosexuals in their military to protect them.

When churches are performing and blessing same sex marriages, and the government is allowing them to adopt children.

When God is mocked in the media, and excluded by law from being mentioned at government functions.

That's when a country is in serious moral and cultural decay and swirlling down the toilet to oblivion.

And the only hope of survival of the west is to embrace Islam and be ruled by Sharia law.

In case you had not noticed, Sunni man, the dominant religion of the world is Leftism.

Just look at the gays in San Fran protesting Israel to defend Muslims who would just assume throw them off a roof.
There is every chance that our worries about these over zealous religions will be swept away as today's youth understand the principles of physics, linguistics and psychology.
----------------------------------------- and its not a WORRY at all to me . Christianity is rather Benign Religion in actual practice at least in the Western World these last few hundred years '4Eye .
When the citizens are so mentally deluded they can't figure out the difference between a man and a woman.

When parents can legally give hormone shots to very young children in order to change them from boys to girls and girls to boys.

When a country depends on homosexuals in their military to protect them.

When churches are performing and blessing same sex marriages, and the government is allowing them to adopt children.

When God is mocked in the media, and excluded by law from being mentioned at government functions.

That's when a country is in serious moral and cultural decay and swirlling down the toilet to oblivion.

And the only hope of survival of the west is to embrace Islam and be ruled by Sharia law.
Never going to happen. Islam is morally bankrupt. And their women aren't hot.
Yet the Christian bible contains plenty of terror, rape, murder, and violence of all kinds sanctioned and encouraged (actually commanded) by God.
----------------------------------------- aren't you talking about the Old Testament rather than the New Testament that Christians normally use Alang ??
Are you saying that the OT is NOT the word of God or the history of His interaction with His chosen people? I don't think that is what Christians normally believe.
----------------------------------- little I know about it is that the O.T. is a History book that is no longer what Christians use as a primary source . Sure its there but all Bible believers [mostly] use the New Testament these last few hundred or many hundred years since Jesus appeared Alang .
Did God command Joshua to kill every man, woman, child, and animal in Jericho?
-------------------------------------- not going to get into a Bible Quote battle with you Alang . As a practical matter simply look at the Fruits of Christianity throughout history since Jesus and compare to the beheadings and bombings and the throwing of GAYS off high places and roofs . And that's current practice of the modern and young religion of 'islam' which was founded in ABOUT 6 - 700 AD Alang .
Got it. You judge Christianity by their best adherents and Islam by their worst.
When the citizens are so mentally deluded they can't figure out the difference between a man and a woman.

When parents can legally give hormone shots to very young children in order to change them from boys to girls and girls to boys.

When a country depends on homosexuals in their military to protect them.

When churches are performing and blessing same sex marriages, and the government is allowing them to adopt children.

When God is mocked in the media, and excluded by law from being mentioned at government functions.

That's when a country is in serious moral and cultural decay and swirlling down the toilet to oblivion.

And the only hope of survival of the west is to embrace Islam and be ruled by Sharia law.

another example of how wonderful liberalism truly is!

sunni the loony has access to a computer and the internet in his padded cell!

thanks to the kindness of liberals.
yep , I can see it now as AMERICAN Subjects fight of the hordes with Double Barrel 20 Gage shotguns and other ' fudd guns' . If the lefty dems get their way the USA will be just like the 'british' wankers subjects and twits Taz .
When the citizens are so mentally deluded they can't figure out the difference between a man and a woman.

When parents can legally give hormone shots to very young children in order to change them from boys to girls and girls to boys.

When a country depends on homosexuals in their military to protect them.

When churches are performing and blessing same sex marriages, and the government is allowing them to adopt children.

When God is mocked in the media, and excluded by law from being mentioned at government functions.

That's when a country is in serious moral and cultural decay and swirlling down the toilet to oblivion.

And the only hope of survival of the west is to embrace Islam and be ruled by Sharia law.
Never going to happen. Islam is morally bankrupt. And their women aren't hot.

I beg to differ. They are really hot, trust me.

----------------------------------------- aren't you talking about the Old Testament rather than the New Testament that Christians normally use Alang ??
Are you saying that the OT is NOT the word of God or the history of His interaction with His chosen people? I don't think that is what Christians normally believe.
----------------------------------- little I know about it is that the O.T. is a History book that is no longer what Christians use as a primary source . Sure its there but all Bible believers [mostly] use the New Testament these last few hundred or many hundred years since Jesus appeared Alang .
Did God command Joshua to kill every man, woman, child, and animal in Jericho?
-------------------------------------- not going to get into a Bible Quote battle with you Alang . As a practical matter simply look at the Fruits of Christianity throughout history since Jesus and compare to the beheadings and bombings and the throwing of GAYS off high places and roofs . And that's current practice of the modern and young religion of 'islam' which was founded in ABOUT 6 - 700 AD Alang .
Got it. You judge Christianity by their best adherents and Islam by their worst.
------------------------------------- best adherent in muslim homelands do lots of crime , mayhem , war , murder and they rule the roost in their homelands . And APOSTATES aren't tolerated as they will be killed , murdered . And the least that 'GOOD apostates' will get is the 'jizya tax' if they are lucky Alang .
Got it. You judge Christianity by their best adherents and Islam by their worst.
------------------------------------- best adherent in muslim homelands do lots of crime , mayhem , war , murder and they rule the roost in their homelands . And APOSTATES aren't tolerated as they will be killed , murdered . And the least that 'GOOD apostates' will get is the 'jizya tax' if they are lucky Alang .
Where are you getting your misinformation? Do you know any Muslims? Have you ever been to a Muslim country?
Read all about it or watch video and check out a little bit of History Alang . --- The Killing of Farkhunda --- just one example . Lady was murdered for the ACCUSATION of desecrating a 'koran' Alang . Did you ever see current video of throwing GAY's from high places and rooftops in muslim homelands Alang ??
Yet the Christian bible contains plenty of terror, rape, murder, and violence of all kinds sanctioned and encouraged (actually commanded) by God.
The OT is history for Christians. God did command those things, and he also commanded them to stop. Islam's commands are open ended there is no stopping until Islam dominates. That is what their holy literature says. No such command in Christianity.
Where did God command those things to stop? Honest question, I wasn't aware.
Isaiah 2:4
He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.
----------------------------------------- aren't you talking about the Old Testament rather than the New Testament that Christians normally use Alang ??
Are you saying that the OT is NOT the word of God or the history of His interaction with His chosen people? I don't think that is what Christians normally believe.
----------------------------------- little I know about it is that the O.T. is a History book that is no longer what Christians use as a primary source . Sure its there but all Bible believers [mostly] use the New Testament these last few hundred or many hundred years since Jesus appeared Alang .
Did God command Joshua to kill every man, woman, child, and animal in Jericho?
-------------------------------------- not going to get into a Bible Quote battle with you Alang . As a practical matter simply look at the Fruits of Christianity throughout history since Jesus and compare to the beheadings and bombings and the throwing of GAYS off high places and roofs . And that's current practice of the modern and young religion of 'islam' which was founded in ABOUT 6 - 700 AD Alang .
Got it. You judge Christianity by their best adherents and Islam by their worst.
They are not the worst. The literature says they are the best.There is no greater deed than jihad. A guy named Muhammad said that. He happens to be a role model for Muslim men that is why Islam creates terrorists and devout that carry out stealth jihad.

Do you know what the religion says?
Do you know any Muslims? Have you ever been to a Muslim country?
Irrelevant. Whatever a Muslim says does not change what the religion says. Nothing can be changed.
Are you saying that the OT is NOT the word of God or the history of His interaction with His chosen people? I don't think that is what Christians normally believe.
----------------------------------- little I know about it is that the O.T. is a History book that is no longer what Christians use as a primary source . Sure its there but all Bible believers [mostly] use the New Testament these last few hundred or many hundred years since Jesus appeared Alang .
Did God command Joshua to kill every man, woman, child, and animal in Jericho?
-------------------------------------- not going to get into a Bible Quote battle with you Alang . As a practical matter simply look at the Fruits of Christianity throughout history since Jesus and compare to the beheadings and bombings and the throwing of GAYS off high places and roofs . And that's current practice of the modern and young religion of 'islam' which was founded in ABOUT 6 - 700 AD Alang .
Got it. You judge Christianity by their best adherents and Islam by their worst.
They are not the worst. The literature says they are the best.There is no greater deed than jihad. A guy named Muhammad said that. He happens to be a role model for Muslim men that is why Islam creates terrorists and devout that carry out stealth jihad.

Do you know what the religion says?
I do know something about the religion, I been to a Muslim country, and I have a few Muslim friends. I also know there are 1 billion + Muslims on the planet and only a tiny fraction are terrorists and devout that carry out stealth jihad (whatever that is).
Do you know any Muslims? Have you ever been to a Muslim country?
Irrelevant. Whatever a Muslim says does not change what the religion says. Nothing can be changed.
Stone any adulterers lately?

Warning: Extremely Disturbing Images. Woman Stoned to Death by ISIS in Syria
I am not Islamic, so the answer is none.
Oh that is right you only believe in parts of the Bible. Irrelevant. Whatever a Christian says does not change what the religion says. Nothing can be changed. Your religion says you should be stoning adulterers so you're not much of a Christian are you?

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