Islamic England: Thousands march for Muslim martyrs

Sigh, the sun has set on Britannia, never to rise again.

There used to be a chart floating around that outlined at what population levels would Muslim behavior change. At 2% good neighbors, at 5% you start to see mosques, 7-10% they push for sharia etc..

meanwhile in Moscow 🇷🇺 🐷🇸🇦ulus , the local muslims dont do marches, 🇸🇦they do act :auiqs.jpg::thup:instead :

do you prefer UK or Moscow ulus ?
Good thing your "conservative" hero W shut the border when he had a GOP House and Senate 2001-2007

I hope the special guest is George w Bush | Page 2 | US Message Board 🦅

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A cynic might say that all religion is "stupid" - that is, it is based on belief in irrational beings and concepts. But Islam, at least its public manifestations, is the stupidest by far.

"Martyrs"? Seriously? A martyr is someone who dies voluntarily for one's faith. The people (mainly Muslims) killed in Gaza are killed because other Muslims have deemed their lives to be less important than their international propaganda campaign.

Incredible stupidity. Middle Eastern Islam is a cancer that all Western Nations should nip in the bud, so to speak. "We" should reject ALL immigration from those shit-holes. Why in the world would we accept any of them? The Germans are finally figuring it out.
OK Sunni Man, please to explain.

It seems to me the greater the concentrated Muslim population in a Christian country the more radical they get.

Weak tolerant countries are only giving them the freedom to destroy those nations.
Weak tolerant countries
do you consider Moscow - 🇷🇺 Mongol empire as a Weak tolerant country ?

When did civilization decide it's OK to beat up old people and women?
That's disgusting. Times like that people need a gun.
There are 4,453,908 Muslims in the US. I'm not saying they're all "radical", but 19 of them armed only with box cutters killed 3,000 Americans in 2001.
And now people gotta get groped to get on a plane. Really the terrorists won with the way that is.
I haven't flown since. It stifles commerce. I thought about it, but then an old family member got the silk lining
of her dressing case I'd been seeing for decades ripped all out by TSA. That made me mad.
That thing was from the 60s.
Huh, I got that picture too. that's bothering me.

This is quite classic.

Those who voted for W in 2000 expected

1. a continuation of the fiscal conservatism practiced by Newt Gingrich
2. shutting the border
3. Federal Education dollars conditional on states offering SCHOOL VOUCHERS

Instead we got LBJ's third and fourth terms....

The OP is a classic little left wing big government Zionist Fascist moron W supporter who bitterly opposed auditing Spanberger's election "win" in VA 7 because Spanberger and the OP disagree on precisely nothing.

Sigh, the sun has set on Britannia, never to rise again.

There used to be a chart floating around that outlined at what population levels would Muslim behavior change. At 2% good neighbors, at 5% you start to see mosques, 7-10% they push for sharia etc..

I bet Tommy Boy was marching with them.
Good thing your "conservative" hero W shut the border when he had a GOP House and Senate 2001-2007

I hope the special guest is George w Bush | Page 2 | US Message Board 🦅

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GW is no "conservative." Even though there are still RINOs in the GOP, the party has been re-defining conservatism and returning to its core values under Donald Trump.
GW is no "conservative." Even though there are still RINOs in the GOP, the party has been re-defining conservatism and returning to its core values under Donald Trump.

And clearly we have some "results" from that, like Speaker Johnson doing something differently than McCarthy, except after promising MTG he would, he didn't....
And clearly we have some "results" from that, like Speaker Johnson doing something differently than McCarthy, except after promising MTG he would, he didn't....

The GOP is still going through growing pains, as opposed to the Democrats who keep moving farther and farther toward Marxism.

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