Islamic State announces to blow up ancient Baal Temple in Palmyra


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
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Yes, but global warming is the real culprit. If we would just send ISIS some air conditioners they'd be as pleasant as a Muslim Spring rain.
Or we could elect a president with balls....
On Ramadan? I am not one to quibble. Leveling Mecca with carpet bombing by us infidels, delicious. Boom boom bang bang. Mecca ends up looking like a a slag pile. Islam needs to grow up.
It's their land........and if they don't want a temple dedicated to Baal defiling the land......that is their business.. ...... :cool:
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problem is that 'muslims' are being imported either as immigrants or refugees so they then have the 1st amendment , not that I like it but that's the way its going Pete . I liked it best in 1970 to about the early 90s when the only mosques I heard of were in lands like 'iraq' , iran and other third world countries . Yep , glad that I'm not an aware 16 year old Pete !!
Sorry........but I don't entertain hypothetical questions. .... :cool:

If the day ever comes when it isn't a hypothetical question, don't expect any more sympathy from us that you're showing for the victims of these asshole zealots.

The oldest standing mosque in the US is located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and was built in 1934.

It is known as the "Mother Mosque of America". ...... :cool:

Mother Mosque of America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

problem is that 'muslims' are being imported either as immigrants or refugees so they then have the 1st amendment , not that I like it but that's the way its going Pete . I liked it best in 1970 to about the early 90s when the only mosques I heard of were in lands like 'iraq' , iran and other third world countries . Yep , glad that I'm not an aware 16 year old Pete !!

I'm pretty sure that civilization is close to the breaking point. All we need is a global war, pandemic, a coronal mass ejection that frys electrical grids, or other massive event that renders government inoperative and there will be so much murder it will chill your teeth.

Looking back at Katrina and how one city's anarchy paralyzed the state, and dumbfounded the federal government proves to me that it won't take much more than some shitty weather to create a calamity that brings chaos across the continent.

One thing is for sure, that muslims are not highly regarded by any minority in this country except for themselves. If there will be anything that unifies every group it will be the loss of any tolerance for muslim bullshit. They might be coddled by libtards at this moment, but liberals will either convert to reality or starve to death.

yeah Sunni , course my point is that , sure of course I was aware that mosques existed but they were few and far between . Still are for me . Also no visible muslims in my neck of the woods !!
The oldest standing mosque in the US is located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and was built in 1934.

It is known as the "Mother Mosque of America". ...... :cool:

Mother Mosque of America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia



Islam exists in this country because we are tolerant of all religions.

Islam has gained a reputation for intolerance of all other religions.

It won't take much more bullshit from radical assholes who commit heinous atrocities in the name of Allah, for us to finally tell the libtards to go fuck themselves and start passing constitutional amendments that declare islam is not a religion and not protected by the 1st Amendment.

If it's a constitutional amendment, no court can call it unconstitutional.

Furthermore as I pointed out before, if law and order break down, islam will have few allies.

People here think that the majority of muslims in the US are foreign born.

But that is rapidly changing,

Because for the last several decades muslim American children are being born and raised in this country. They are full citizens with all of the rights and protections as anyone else.

And because of the high birth rate. Islam will soon be the second largest religion in America. ...... :cool:
People here think that the majority of muslims in the US are foreign born.

But that is rapidly changing,

Because for the last several decades muslim American children are being born and raised in this country. They are full citizens with all of the rights and protections as anyone else.

And because of the high birth rate. Islam will soon be the second largest religion in America. ...... :cool:

Until they get americanized and start aborting their offspring or using birth control.

Or their fathers cut their heads off.

yeah Sunni , course my point is that , sure of course I was aware that mosques existed but they were few and far between . Still are for me . Also no visible muslims in my neck of the woods !!
Be patient.......they will be coming soon. .... :cool:
like I say , I'm no 16 year old , if I was I might be concerned Sunni !!
All the hububub about building a mosque a heartbeat away from round zero (now nixed). Islamic state destroys monuments and obliterates churches beheads of Christians and chops off heads and stones people that oppose them. and they don't care what land that is. I care. Big-time.
It's their land........and if they don't want a temple dedicated to Baal defiling the land......good for them. ...... :cool:
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Yes, but global warming is the real culprit. If we would just send ISIS some air conditioners they'd be as pleasant as a Muslim Spring rain.
I am surprised that you as a Christian wouldn't also want the idolatrous temple of Baal to be destroyed? ..... :cool:
I'm not proud of my stance that they can all kill one-another over there and if they want to make the place one giant parking lot it's better that they do themselves. That's simply the way it is. I doubted the love Americans had for the people of Iraq when Bush decided to send our troops there. I'd like to believe otherwise but it would take a heck of a salesman for me to be convinced.
I am surprised that you as a Christian wouldn't also want the idolatrous temple of Baal to be destroyed? ..... :cool:

It's a historical landmark, no one worships baal, and there's no one inside telling hordes of zealots to kill the unbelievers of baal.

Can't say that about a certain more modern cult though....


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