Islamist Rebels Shell Pro-Russia Rally in Damascus; Civilian Casualties Reported


Nov 14, 2012
This is the "democracy" of the "rebels". Mortar shells hit the Russian embassy at which a pro-Assad and pro-Putin rally was held by citizens of the Syrian capital. As response, Russian choppers chased Islamist terrorists in northern Syria, making them flee to Turkey where they initially were trained and equipped.


"On Tuesday morning, the Islamist rebels of Jaysh Al-Islam (Army of Islam) launched a number of mortar shells into the densely populated Syrian capital of Damascus, hitting the Russian Embassy in the Al-Mazra’a District, where a throng of civilians were rallying in support of the Russian Federation and their president, Vladimir Putin.

Preliminary reports from Damascus indicate that a number of civilians were hospitalized and in critical condition from the indiscriminate mortar shells fired by Jaysh Al-Islam; this is not the first time that this Islamist group has targeted civilians inside of Damascus – they launch dozens of mortar shells and rockets into the Syrian capital on a daily basis.

The mortar shells fired by Jaysh Al-Islam today were not accidental, as the Islamist group has declared war against the Russian Federation, despite their clear limitations and inability to fight their way out of the besieged East Ghouta region inside the Rif Dimashq Governorate’s eastern countryside.

Jaysh Al-Islam’s leader – Zahran Alloush – has bragged about these terrorist attacks in the past, boasting that more were to come in response to the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) siege of the desolate farm area in the East Ghouta; it should be noted that Zahran Alloush was a notorious criminal that spent time in Saydnaya Prison before the Syrian Opposition demanded his release."

Islamist Rebels Shell Pro-Russia Rally in Damascus; Civilian Casualties Reported

Al-Nusra Fighters Flee to Turkey as Russian Choppers Chase Them in West Idlib

"The Russian Air Force has responded to the Islamist rebels shelling their embassy in the Syrian capital of Damascus on Monday morning with a relentless series of airstrikes over the Idlib Governorate’s western countryside, hitting numerous sites belonging to the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and their allies from Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and Ansar Al-Sham.

Among the Russian Air Force’s targets was the Islamist stronghold of Jisr Al-Shughour; this city was pounded with airstrikes from the Russian Air Force’s MI-24 Hind Helicopter Gunships that could be seen from the Latakia border chasing militants attempting to flee towards the Turkish border.

According to a Syrian military source inside the town of Slunfeh, scores of Islamist fighters were captured by Russian satellite imagery attempting to flee the city of Jisr Al-Shughour towards the nearby Turkish border-crossing; this information only intensified the Russian Air Force’s attacks at Jisr Al-Shughour and its neighboring village of Al-Ghassaniyah.

The Russian Federation has made it no secret that they are targeting both the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” inside Syria; this has agitated the Saudi regime and their allies, but their discontent has been met with intensified airstrikes by the Russian Air Force.

Recently, pro-Saudi news outlets have reported the delivery of 500 more anti-tank TOW missiles to the Islamist rebels fighting the Syrian government inside Syria; however, there has been no official confirmation to verify this alleged report."

Al-Nusra Fighters Flee to Turkey as Russian Choppers Chase Them in West Idlib
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About 300,000 have been killed in Syria, 84,000 to 133,000 are Syrian government forces waging war against an overwhelmingly Islamist opposition, and an additional 73,000 to 114,000 are anti-government combatants. The rest are civilians the majority of whom were killed by ISIS and the Al-Qaeda "rebels". You are just parroting Western propaganda.
About 300,000 have been killed in Syria, 84,000 to 133,000 are Syrian government forces waging war against an overwhelmingly Islamist opposition, and an additional 73,000 to 114,000 are anti-government combatants. The rest are civilians the majority of whom were killed by ISIS and the Al-Qaeda "rebels". You are just parroting Western propaganda.

you seem to be addressing me-----I am parroting western propaganda? the figures I have stumbled
upon are about the same you have "parroted" and they do represent the filth that you lick ----300,000
dead -----that is lots of people for the sake of the lump of filth ----assad ----I have no doubt that the
figures are conservative-----but even conservative figures tell the story of your stench. "OVERWHEMING"
islamicist opposition against the shit of baathism Muslims killing muslims and -----in this adventure---
as many Christians upon whose throats they can lay hands. GOOD SHOW !!!!!!

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