Israel a State of Terror.

I'm really curious about this so help me out, assuming Israel wouldn't pass the UN vote back in 47, would you think Jewish could live in peace with the local Arabs (Muslims/Christians) ?

There was no Israel back in 1947 so why would the UN have a vote on it.

As for the second part of your question they would be forced to live as slaves and face being killed every day. So they would try and secure passage elsewhere

Phoenall, the U.N. voted in 1947 to partition what was then the territory of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, which led to the creation of the State of Israel. I think that's what the OP is talking about.

In view of the way the Jews were treated by the British I cant see how the pro islam brigade can get away with so many of their lies. The original plans were for the Jew to get control of all the land of Palestine and what is now Jordan, then it was reduced to 30% of that land and was just Palestine. Finally they received less than half of that as their homeland. That was the result of the UN's anti-Semitic antiJew vote taking away the promises made and giving everything to the muslims. The UN had no right to vote away the treaties giving the Jews the land and as a consequence they are full responsible for the war raging in Palestine. A war they are too cowardly to stop by a show of arms and sanctions against the muslim terrorists. The UN has become a JOKE and no nation takes any notice of their toothless posturing anymore.
I'm really curious about this so help me out, assuming Israel wouldn't pass the UN vote back in 47, would you think Jewish could live in peace with the local Arabs (Muslims/Christians) ?

No. Just look at the overall history of AntiSemitism and violence in the Arab World

... he means in Europe.

No, I don't. I mean in the ARAB WORLD going back to Mohammed . NOTHING to do with Israel. :D
Israel declared itself in 1947, by David Ben Gurion, in Tel Aviv since Jerusalem was under siege, the day the British left..few days later the 'Independence War' or 'Nakba War' started.
The U.N. vote passed by 33 states to establish a state for the Jewish by the name Israel - Skip the boundaries for now - several days before the declaration, the Arab Legions declared war within few days and attacked Israel in order to achieve all the land for themselves.
there is the conflict in 1 minute.

The declaration of independence was made at midnight on May 14 1948. the acceptance of the partition plan or res 181 was passed by 33 votes. Some months before this the arab armies mobilised and set out to invade Palestine and wipe out the JEWS, why didn't the UN send in troops to stop the advancing armies in their tracks then. The arab armies were beaten and destroyed all but Jordan who had taken the prize of Jerusalem and proceeded to eradicate all signs of Judaism and Christianity, again why didn't the UN send in the troops to take back Jerusalem and send the arab muslim migrants running for their lives. The UN should have been there to defend the Jews from attack, but because anti Semitism and Jew hatred ran deep and the world was still in the grip of the Soviet and German genocides of the Jews it was bubbling still just below the surface. And that my friends is the real reason that Israel is demonised by all today, because the UN is inherently ANTI SEMITIC and NAZI so still sees the Jews as pariahs and unwanted.
Its one of those things that couldn't happen in the world today.
In those days most of the independent nations in the world were white European nations and favored (European) Jewish interests over Arab.

The Zionists just wanted the land without the people. The plans were stated back in the late 19th century (waaaay before 1920s, as other posters are trying to make you think...). The Zionists wanted a state with a Jewish majority and the only way was to get rid of most of the native inhabitants. On the eve of the proposed enactment of the two UN-mandated states, the Jewish population was a small minority and owned very little land, few businesses, little agricultural produce, minimal infrastructure, etc. Zionism had not really been a success up to that point. The Zionists did, however, have much better and more numerous arms, so they went to war. The war had the dual benefit of expelling the Palestinian population while also awakening western Jewish interest in Zionism and, also initiated a pattern of claiming "they'll destroy us! They'll throw us into the sea!" while the reality proves quite the opposite.

Here's a nice montage that provides the facts of what the Zionists were dealing with demographically and geographically:


The UN was ANTI SEMITIC to its core and would have thrown the Jews to the wolves if the worlds eyes were not fixed firmly on all it did. The partition plan was designed to fail right from the start if you look at the way the two countries were set out. The west turned a blind eye to soviet mass murder of the Jews in the 1930's, then again to German mass murder of the Jews in 1940's and finally to the British mass murder of the Jews in the late 1940's when they tried to take up the LoN offer and invitation to settle in Palestine.
Under Ottoman rule the land did not have an arab muslim population just a Jewish and Christian one, the arab muslims did not like the thought of the hard work involved. So there was no invasion of Zionists evicting the indigenous people from their homes to pave the way for a Jewish takeover. On the eve of the mandate being passed to the UN the Jews who were the majority land owners declared independence on the land originally allocated to them under the proposal. They added a codicil to the declaration calling on all arab muslims that resided in Israel to accept full Isreali citizenship and live in peace. The arab muslims rejected the offer and became internal enemies subject to eviction once the war started by the arab muslims was over. Once again the UN showed bias and racism towards the Jews by stating that all internal enemies were refugees and had the right to return even though customary International law was opposed to this. The war did not expel the Palestinians at all as they are still living in Israel as full citizens, who was expelled were the internal enemies that the Israelis had every legal right to either execute as war criminals, intern as enenies of the state or evict from the country. The historical evidence shows that the arab league had the intention of wiping out the majority of the Jews, keeping just a few to be sex slaves and farm slaves while they carved up the land between themselves.

Those are the real facts as provided by the Ottoman history files and the UN archives, both of which your JEW HATING ISLAMONAZIS have no control over.
Irosie uses a LOT of words to try to slander a film that embarrasses her no doubt, but that has nothing to do with Islamonazis (whatever that is) or shariah law or Nuremberg (the Nazis went to South America, but you couldn't expect irosie to know that... ) We know these people are Arabs by the way they are dressed, because of notations on the pictures, and in most instances because the pictures came out of the family albums of their descendants and we know who they are....

But poor irosie has a vested interest in believing Zionist propaganda about how "dismal" Palestine was, massive amounts of evidence to the contrary. In the next breath she will tell us all these people living in several hundred year old buildings were really "squatters."

Yes they were as the Ottoman archives prove, the land of Palestine was devoid of arab muslim life prior to 1875 or so when the land was made fertile by Eastern European Jews. The "Zionists" that never existed outside of ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA. The same saviours of Palestine that the arab muslims massacred in 1929 and 1935.
Its one of those things that couldn't happen in the world today.
In those days most of the independent nations in the world were white European nations and favored (European) Jewish interests over Arab.

The Zionists just wanted the land without the people. The plans were stated back in the late 19th century (waaaay before 1920s, as other posters are trying to make you think...). The Zionists wanted a state with a Jewish majority and the only way was to get rid of most of the native inhabitants. On the eve of the proposed enactment of the two UN-mandated states, the Jewish population was a small minority and owned very little land, few businesses, little agricultural produce, minimal infrastructure, etc. Zionism had not really been a success up to that point. The Zionists did, however, have much better and more numerous arms, so they went to war. The war had the dual benefit of expelling the Palestinian population while also awakening western Jewish interest in Zionism and, also initiated a pattern of claiming "they'll destroy us! They'll throw us into the sea!" while the reality proves quite the opposite.

Here's a nice montage that provides the facts of what the Zionists were dealing with demographically and geographically:

Wealthy Jews were buying land from Arabs.
The Arabs who sold the land for MONEY had to evict their fellow Arabs.
The land was given by these wealthy Jews to poorer Jews to live on and cultivate.
That must have caused great emotional pain to the Arabs because they don't help each other at all.
Legal transactions suck, right Amity?

As this shows the arab muslims owned very little land because the Ottoman landlords took it from them to pay their debts

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ottoman Land Code of 1858 "brought about the appropriation by the influential and rich families of Beirut, Damascus, and to a lesser extent Jerusalem and Jaffa and other sub-district capitals, of vast tracts of land in Syria and Palestine and their registration in the name of these families in the land registers".[8] Many of the fellahin did not understand the importance of the registers and therefore the wealthy families took advantage of this. Jewish buyers who were looking for large tracts of land found it favorable to purchase from the wealthy owners. As well many small farmers became in debt to rich families which lead to the transfer of land to the new owners and then eventually to the Jewish buyers.

In the 1930s most land was bought from small landowners. Of the land that the Jews bought, "52.6% of the lands were bought from big non-Palestinian landowners, 24.6% from Palestinian-Arab landowners and only 9.4% from the Fellahin".[
Wealthy Jews were buying land from Arabs.
The Arabs who sold the land for MONEY had to evict their fellow Arabs.
The land was given by these wealthy Jews to poorer Jews to live on and cultivate.
That must have caused great emotional pain to the Arabs because they don't help each other at all.
Legal transactions suck, right Amity?

That did surely happen some, but not nearly as frequently as you apparently wish to believe. That is the reason Zionists were "draining malarial swamps" and doing admittedly clever things with undesirable land, is that wasteland was all they could buy. Palestinians were unwilling to sell the land that had been sustenance to them for so long. And even so, on the eve of the partition plan Jews owned approximately 7% of the land, even though they were over 30% of the population. That is why they had to go to war to acquire land.

And how much land did the other 70% of the population own, as my links show very little if any. So the Jews were the majority land owners and the arab muslims the least. Now who declared war on who over that land again according to accepted history ?

He DOES mean Europe.

Now were is there any mention or Europe

" would you think Jewish could live in peace with the local Arabs (Muslims/Christians) ?"

Don't know of many local arabs in Europe at that time do you.

What a complete and utter mindless moron you are.
[]Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[]

wiki is Zionist run and not a valid reference source to back up your bullshit. Try again.

This is what I mean when I say Zionist:
[]Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[]

It is a legit term and far more accurate identification of the historic ideology and movement than "Jews" or "Israelis."
Jews aren't responsible for the acts of the Zionist minority. Even Israelis can't be blamed for much of what Zionism is doing/has done without their knowledge or consent.
when defining words-----their ORIGIN is important.
The word ZION appears in the bible--it is Hebrew.
The word continues to appear in writings over the
millennia -------why would anyone stupidly present
a meaningless video as a "definition" of a word that has
appeared in writings millions of times and for thousands
of years?
I'm really curious about this so help me out, assuming Israel wouldn't pass the UN vote back in 47, would you think Jewish could live in peace with the local Arabs (Muslims/Christians) ?

what ifs are for seeing possibilities in the future. It does nothing by wishing to change the past.

What if muslims choose to live in peace with Israel? What if there were no more rockets? What if the palestinians would seek some compromise instead of hardline demands or preconditions before even sitting down to talks.

What if the arabs had allowed a palestinian state in the UN partition? What if the arabs had not attacked Israel?

You are not going to change what was, but we can change what could be if palestinians want. They could have accepted peace in the past but opted for intafadas and launching attacks on Israel instead.

What if palestinians really made a positives show of desiring peace with Israel?
I'm really curious about this so help me out, assuming Israel wouldn't pass the UN vote back in 47, would you think Jewish could live in peace with the local Arabs (Muslims/Christians) ?

what ifs are for seeing possibilities in the future. It does nothing by wishing to change the past.

What if muslims choose to live in peace with Israel? What if there were no more rockets? What if the palestinians would seek some compromise instead of hardline demands or preconditions before even sitting down to talks.

What if the arabs had allowed a palestinian state in the UN partition? What if the arabs had not attacked Israel?

You are not going to change what was, but we can change what could be if palestinians want. They could have accepted peace in the past but opted for intafadas and launching attacks on Israel instead.

What if palestinians really made a positives show of desiring peace with Israel?

We can only learn from the past and sadly someone made a mistake back there, so to create a better future we must find that and prevent it from occurring again.
"An intellectual person solve problems when they occur, A genius never letting them happen in the first place" - A.Einstein
Yawn ... You are " right" What should matter to her is that Israel exists and "Palestine" does not. :D

Snapple ?
Gingerale ? an ice cold Seltzer?

"Israel exists and Palestine does not...."

so, i woulda been more than happy to "recognize" the Gaza Strip as "Palestine." (it's WAS a start, after it was handed over to them)



so screw'em. them and their "Masked Spokespeople."

their stupid HOBBIES...(way of life)

...and my favorite, the women folk.


wiki is Zionist run and not a valid reference source to back up your bullshit. Try again.

You know, I am not at all sure about that. One of the very top editors at Wikipedia is a very radical Palestinian Christian who minces no words whatsoever. And she is hugely successful. I LIKE Wikipedia. The crowd-editing philosophy levels the playing field nicely and in the end is much less biased than the professional media.

What I do find sometimes though is that in areas where both sides can't compromise on article content, two different articles may wind up being written. Which viewpoint comes to the forefront then depends on which of several articles covering a given topic YOU wind up reading.

And of course the content of any article is always in flux, always in a state of becoming rather than being. One example is the Sabra and Shatila Massacre article. The Z's keep removing the sources showing that Ariel Sharon lied and told the Phalangists that Palestinians assassinated Bashir Gemayel, and the pro-Palestinians keep putting them back in.

My point was that even AFTER 1/2 century of buying land, Zionists owned ONLY 7% of the land in Palestine, and not the best 7% by a long shot either, which is why they had to go to war in '48.
Last edited:
member, please trust in God (your motto) and not in Zionist propaganda photos. These are almost certainly NOT legitimate.
Its one of those things that couldn't happen in the world today.
In those days most of the independent nations in the world were white European nations and favored (European) Jewish interests over Arab.

The Zionists just wanted the land without the people. The plans were stated back in the late 19th century (waaaay before 1920s, as other posters are trying to make you think...). The Zionists wanted a state with a Jewish majority and the only way was to get rid of most of the native inhabitants. On the eve of the proposed enactment of the two UN-mandated states, the Jewish population was a small minority and owned very little land, few businesses, little agricultural produce, minimal infrastructure, etc. Zionism had not really been a success up to that point. The Zionists did, however, have much better and more numerous arms, so they went to war. The war had the dual benefit of expelling the Palestinian population while also awakening western Jewish interest in Zionism and, also initiated a pattern of claiming "they'll destroy us! They'll throw us into the sea!" while the reality proves quite the opposite.

Here's a nice montage that provides the facts of what the Zionists were dealing with demographically and geographically:


The UN was ANTI SEMITIC to its core and would have thrown the Jews to the wolves if the worlds eyes were not fixed firmly on all it did. The partition plan was designed to fail right from the start if you look at the way the two countries were set out. The west turned a blind eye to soviet mass murder of the Jews in the 1930's, then again to German mass murder of the Jews in 1940's and finally to the British mass murder of the Jews in the late 1940's when they tried to take up the LoN offer and invitation to settle in Palestine.
Under Ottoman rule the land did not have an arab muslim population just a Jewish and Christian one, the arab muslims did not like the thought of the hard work involved. So there was no invasion of Zionists evicting the indigenous people from their homes to pave the way for a Jewish takeover. On the eve of the mandate being passed to the UN the Jews who were the majority land owners declared independence on the land originally allocated to them under the proposal. They added a codicil to the declaration calling on all arab muslims that resided in Israel to accept full Isreali citizenship and live in peace. The arab muslims rejected the offer and became internal enemies subject to eviction once the war started by the arab muslims was over. Once again the UN showed bias and racism towards the Jews by stating that all internal enemies were refugees and had the right to return even though customary International law was opposed to this. The war did not expel the Palestinians at all as they are still living in Israel as full citizens, who was expelled were the internal enemies that the Israelis had every legal right to either execute as war criminals, intern as enenies of the state or evict from the country. The historical evidence shows that the arab league had the intention of wiping out the majority of the Jews, keeping just a few to be sex slaves and farm slaves while they carved up the land between themselves.

Those are the real facts as provided by the Ottoman history files and the UN archives, both of which your JEW HATING ISLAMONAZIS have no control over.

Phoenall, are you actually seriously trying to make us believe that Palestine did not have a Muslim population under the British mandate?

And you are saying that the ONLY people expelled by Israel in 1948 were "internal enemies" and the z's were really being nice by not executing them (all 750,000 of them!). OK, that is really too stupid to warrant a response. Even you manifestly don't believe it, and no one else will either.
Its one of those things that couldn't happen in the world today.
In those days most of the independent nations in the world were white European nations and favored (European) Jewish interests over Arab.

The Zionists just wanted the land without the people. The plans were stated back in the late 19th century (waaaay before 1920s, as other posters are trying to make you think...). The Zionists wanted a state with a Jewish majority and the only way was to get rid of most of the native inhabitants. On the eve of the proposed enactment of the two UN-mandated states, the Jewish population was a small minority and owned very little land, few businesses, little agricultural produce, minimal infrastructure, etc. Zionism had not really been a success up to that point. The Zionists did, however, have much better and more numerous arms, so they went to war. The war had the dual benefit of expelling the Palestinian population while also awakening western Jewish interest in Zionism and, also initiated a pattern of claiming "they'll destroy us! They'll throw us into the sea!" while the reality proves quite the opposite.

Here's a nice montage that provides the facts of what the Zionists were dealing with demographically and geographically:


The UN was ANTI SEMITIC to its core and would have thrown the Jews to the wolves if the worlds eyes were not fixed firmly on all it did. The partition plan was designed to fail right from the start if you look at the way the two countries were set out. The west turned a blind eye to soviet mass murder of the Jews in the 1930's, then again to German mass murder of the Jews in 1940's and finally to the British mass murder of the Jews in the late 1940's when they tried to take up the LoN offer and invitation to settle in Palestine.
Under Ottoman rule the land did not have an arab muslim population just a Jewish and Christian one, the arab muslims did not like the thought of the hard work involved. So there was no invasion of Zionists evicting the indigenous people from their homes to pave the way for a Jewish takeover. On the eve of the mandate being passed to the UN the Jews who were the majority land owners declared independence on the land originally allocated to them under the proposal. They added a codicil to the declaration calling on all arab muslims that resided in Israel to accept full Isreali citizenship and live in peace. The arab muslims rejected the offer and became internal enemies subject to eviction once the war started by the arab muslims was over. Once again the UN showed bias and racism towards the Jews by stating that all internal enemies were refugees and had the right to return even though customary International law was opposed to this. The war did not expel the Palestinians at all as they are still living in Israel as full citizens, who was expelled were the internal enemies that the Israelis had every legal right to either execute as war criminals, intern as enenies of the state or evict from the country. The historical evidence shows that the arab league had the intention of wiping out the majority of the Jews, keeping just a few to be sex slaves and farm slaves while they carved up the land between themselves.

Those are the real facts as provided by the Ottoman history files and the UN archives, both of which your JEW HATING ISLAMONAZIS have no control over.

Phoenall, are you actually seriously trying to make us believe that Palestine did not have a Muslim population under the British mandate?

could you define "Palestine under the british mandate"??? there were muslims
Christians and jews living in mandate Palestine (not enough Zoroastrians or hindus to

And you are saying that the ONLY people expelled by Israel in 1948 were "internal enemies" and the z's were really being nice by not executing them (all 750,000 of them!).

I (rosie) say based on all available information----that Israel actually
"expelled" no one in 1948 In fact jewish populations living in
arab lands were not "expelled" in 1948 either

OK, that is really too stupid to warrant a response. Even you manifestly don't believe it, and no one else will either.

If you wish to insist that arab muslims were "expelled" from British mandate
Palestine, Aemity-----could you describe the circumstances of the "expulsions"?

I (rosie) believe that any attempt to limit discussion of the conflict
between jews and arab muslims in British controlled lands and former
Ottoman empire lands -----to just the area of land that became Israel---
is very misleading It is an islamo Nazi "window" ploy''

Any people being "expelled" from Syria this year?

For the record ---jews were not expelled from Germany in the 1930s --either
but in history-----there HAVE been "expulsions" of various peoples

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