Israel is Producing Nat Gas


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Israel's offshore Leviathan field started pumping gas on Tuesday in what the operating consortium called "a historic turning point in the history of the Israeli economy." i24NEWS
And exporting to Egypt with an eye on EU market. Sounds Like they will be phasing out coal in process. Perhaps Jews and Arabs can achieve peace thru trade relations instead of trading bullets
Israel's offshore Leviathan field started pumping gas on Tuesday in what the operating consortium called "a historic turning point in the history of the Israeli economy." i24NEWS
And exporting to Egypt with an eye on EU market. Sounds Like they will be phasing out coal in process. Perhaps Jews and Arabs can achieve peace thru trade relations instead of trading bullets

Yea, Iran will finally love Israel because it's just begun producing what Iran's been producing for 75 years. Like giving a cup of a water to a drowning person.
Israel's offshore Leviathan field started pumping gas on Tuesday in what the operating consortium called "a historic turning point in the history of the Israeli economy." i24NEWS
And exporting to Egypt with an eye on EU market. Sounds Like they will be phasing out coal in process. Perhaps Jews and Arabs can achieve peace thru trade relations instead of trading bullets

Yea, Iran will finally love Israel because it's just begun producing what Iran's been producing for 75 years. Like giving a cup of a water to a drowning person.
Iranians aren't Arabs.....
Israel's offshore Leviathan field started pumping gas on Tuesday in what the operating consortium called "a historic turning point in the history of the Israeli economy." i24NEWS
And exporting to Egypt with an eye on EU market. Sounds Like they will be phasing out coal in process. Perhaps Jews and Arabs can achieve peace thru trade relations instead of trading bullets
I produce MUCH natural gas of my own. I wonder if I could help them out.........
Good- maybe they can now fund their own wars-
Israel's offshore Leviathan field started pumping gas on Tuesday in what the operating consortium called "a historic turning point in the history of the Israeli economy." i24NEWS
And exporting to Egypt with an eye on EU market. Sounds Like they will be phasing out coal in process. Perhaps Jews and Arabs can achieve peace thru trade relations instead of trading bullets
I produce MUCH natural gas of my own. I wonder if I could help them out.........
The secret is to rinse the beans
If the palestian were smart they could absolutely get in on that and build a small prosperous nation.......nations would actually help them get started

Theyll probably just pick up a rock
believe it or not--------WAYYYY BACK in history-----Gaza was actually
a very prosperous place------but that was before it got afflicted with
islam. The actual indigenous Gazans were completely wiped out by
warfare -----historically they included Aegeans and some Egyptians and
Jews. Arabs are a much later addition and never during times of
a really silly development is that LATELY (ie since some arabs adopted
the moniker "Palestinian" in the 1960s) "Palestinians" have decided
to also claim GAZA and its ancient cities as a part of their "culture".
Gaza was part of PALESTINA for a time------before arabs got there.
Archeological studies have so far not produced, amongst the evidence
of ancient writings-------anything in Arabic and certainly not DA KORAN
srael's offshore Leviathan field started pumping gas on Tuesday
Since Israel’s coast is the west Bank, which is Palestinian property, I just wonder if the Israeli’s are sharing this resource with the Palestinians?

Israel's coast is NOT THE WEST BANK------did you pass grammar school geography? ----can you do long division? I will help you--- "west bank"---refers to a strip of land WEST of the Jordan river. The Mediterranean is on the west
coast of Israel-----not the Jordan river
srael's offshore Leviathan field started pumping gas on Tuesday
Since Israel’s coast is the west Bank, which is Palestinian property, I just wonder if the Israeli’s are sharing this resource with the Palestinians?
Like that would ever happen.

like WHAT would ever happen? ------that the coast of Israel would SUDDENLY AND MAGICALLY become "the west bank"?------or "the west bank would would be bordered by the MEDITERRANEAN SEA ------as some idiot claimed? Maybe when the Pacific ocean migrates to Brooklyn, NY
The geographic error aside, the racists that control and maintain the apartheid state will not be sharing anything with the Palestinians, especially if it may improve their lot.
The geographic error aside, the racists that control and maintain the apartheid state will not be sharing anything with the Palestinians, especially if it may improve their lot.

OH is there something wrong with their LOT? Do you really IMAGINE that you know anything about the "SITUATION" ?
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Israel's coast is NOT THE WEST BANK------did you pass grammar school geography? ----
You are right, my mistake--

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