Israel prepares for end of 40 year peace at Syrian border


Nov 14, 2012

Against a vista of green fields and snowcapped mountains, all is silent but for a gusting wind. Then comes a burst of gunfire from the Syrian civil war raging next door, where jihadist rebels are battling Bashar Assad's troops in a village.
This is the new reality on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, for 40 years the quietest of Israel's front lines, a place of hiking trails, bird-watching, skiing and winery tour. The military predicts all that will soon change as it prepares for the worst — a power vacuum in Syria in which rogue groups could get their hands of the country's large stockpile of chemical weapons.

Israel gets ready for the end of the 40 year peace at the Syrian border. New fences and military exercises characterize the area.

In many ways, a new era has already begun. The Syrian villages along the border change hands between military and rebel strongholds in daily battles. Their mortar shells and bullets frequently land on the Israeli side, including in some cases narrowly missing soldiers and civilians. A Syrian army tank shell landed in the border community of Alonei Habashan in February.

"This area became a huge ungoverned area and inside an ungoverned area many, many players want to be inside and want to play their own role and to work for their own interests," said Gal Hirsch, Israeli brigadier general.

Officials say the military's present deployment on the plateau is its most robust since 1973, and its most obvious manifestation is the brand new border fence, 6 meters (20 feet) tall, topped with barbed wire and bristling with sophisticated anti-infiltration devices. The previous rundown fence was largely untested until it was trampled over last year by Syrians protesting on behalf of Palestinians.

Everyone had agreed that the "rebels" are a big threat to Israel.

"Syria is not a regular place ... it is the biggest warehouse for weapons on earth," Hirsch warned. In an interview with BBC TV last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the rebel groups among "the worst Islamist radicals in the world."

Israel fears end to 40-year peace on Syrian front - World news
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Against a vista of green fields and snowcapped mountains, all is silent but for a gusting wind. Then comes a burst of gunfire from the Syrian civil war raging next door, where jihadist rebels are battling Bashar Assad's troops in a village.
This is the new reality on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, for 40 years the quietest of Israel's front lines, a place of hiking trails, bird-watching, skiing and winery tour. The military predicts all that will soon change as it prepares for the worst — a power vacuum in Syria in which rogue groups could get their hands of the country's large stockpile of chemical weapons.

Israel gets ready for the end of the 40 year peace at the Syrian border. New fences and military exercises characterize the area.

In many ways, a new era has already begun. The Syrian villages along the border change hands between military and rebel strongholds in daily battles. Their mortar shells and bullets frequently land on the Israeli side, including in some cases narrowly missing soldiers and civilians. A Syrian army tank shell landed in the border community of Alonei Habashan in February.

"This area became a huge ungoverned area and inside an ungoverned area many, many players want to be inside and want to play their own role and to work for their own interests," said Gal Hirsch, Israeli brigadier general.

Officials say the military's present deployment on the plateau is its most robust since 1973, and its most obvious manifestation is the brand new border fence, 6 meters (20 feet) tall, topped with barbed wire and bristling with sophisticated anti-infiltration devices. The previous rundown fence was largely untested until it was trampled over last year by Syrians protesting on behalf of Palestinians.

Everyone had agreed that the "rebels" are a big threat to Israel.

"Syria is not a regular place ... it is the biggest warehouse for weapons on earth," Hirsch warned. In an interview with BBC TV last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the rebel groups among "the worst Islamist radicals in the world."

Israel fears end to 40-year peace on Syrian front - World news

"Israel prepares for end of 40 year peace at Syrian border "

total insanity. lawless Syria, and it’s in-fighting, spilling over into Israel.

Where’s that (p.o.s.) al-ASSad ?, (no-doubt hiding-out somewhere like a coward, not wanting to smudge his suit) as his gov’t uses chemical weapons on ‘the people

A gov’t using chemical weapons on it’s people ? one word: Evil.

…. blowing up the neighborhoods…

… blowing up Ancient 11th century structures.

…bombing ‘the people’ and running them out of town, right into caves…(literally)

God help Israel, if/when the insanity spills over into their backyard..

The crazy towns people are almost in your backyard.

…here they come.

Hope they lay down their weapons and not jump the fence….if they do, you have no choice but to shoot to kill.

It’s definitely over for him. He needs to start “making arrangements.”

Just another ghaddaffy……….

what a (now) FAKE, disgusting picture that is of al-ASSad....unfortunately, all those people he's waving at - are dead..he murdered them all.
You should have created an extra thread for your off-topic anti-Assad rant.

- Evil Assad´s undisputed sole responsibility


- How Assad and only Assad is responsible for war damages


- How only I know Assad uses chemical weapons and that "on the people".


- How Islamist extremists liberate the Syrian people
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It's also helpful to remember how Israel came into possession of the Golan Heights:

"On June 7 and 8, the Israeli leadership debated about whether the Golan Heights should be attacked as well; the attack on Syria was initially planned for June 8, but was postponed for 24 hours.

"At 3 am on June 9, Syria announced its acceptance of the cease-fire.

"Despite this, four hours later at 7 am, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan 'gave the order to go into action against Syria.' Syria had supported the pre-war raids that had helped raise tensions and had routinely shelled Israel from the Heights, so some Israeli leaders wanted to see Syria punished."

If you're curious about that 24 hour delay, ask these guys:

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

"Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."

Liberty is the only event of its kind never to have been fully investigated by the entire US Congress.
Think it might pull big ratings on CSPAN?
It's also helpful to remember how Israel came into possession of the Golan Heights:

"On June 7 and 8, the Israeli leadership debated about whether the Golan Heights should be attacked as well; the attack on Syria was initially planned for June 8, but was postponed for 24 hours.

"At 3 am on June 9, Syria announced its acceptance of the cease-fire.

"Despite this, four hours later at 7 am, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan 'gave the order to go into action against Syria.' Syria had supported the pre-war raids that had helped raise tensions and had routinely shelled Israel from the Heights, so some Israeli leaders wanted to see Syria punished."

If you're curious about that 24 hour delay, ask these guys:

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

"Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."

Liberty is the only event of its kind never to have been fully investigated by the entire US Congress.
Think it might pull big ratings on CSPAN?

Georgie boy left out the most important part concerning the Golan Heights:

Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On 19 June 1967, the Israeli cabinet voted to return the Golan to Syria in exchange for a peace agreement. Such overtures were dismissed by the Arab world with the Khartoum Resolution on September 1, 1967.

That's right, ISrael tried to return the Golan for PEACE. Surprise surprise, the Arabs rejected !
You should have created an extra thread for your off-topic anti-Assad rant.

- Evil Assad´s undisputed sole responsibility


- How Assad and only Assad is responsible for war damages


- How only I know Assad uses chemical weapons and that "on the people".


- How Islamist extremists liberate the Syrian people
Herr Doktor Professor Bleipriester, fishing for comments, doesn't care for Member's heiroglyphics? What's the scoop. Bub?
It's also helpful to remember how Israel came into possession of the Golan Heights:

"On June 7 and 8, the Israeli leadership debated about whether the Golan Heights should be attacked as well; the attack on Syria was initially planned for June 8, but was postponed for 24 hours.

"At 3 am on June 9, Syria announced its acceptance of the cease-fire.

"Despite this, four hours later at 7 am, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan 'gave the order to go into action against Syria.' Syria had supported the pre-war raids that had helped raise tensions and had routinely shelled Israel from the Heights, so some Israeli leaders wanted to see Syria punished."

If you're curious about that 24 hour delay, ask these guys:

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

"Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."

Liberty is the only event of its kind never to have been fully investigated by the entire US Congress.
Think it might pull big ratings on CSPAN?

Georgie boy left out the most important part concerning the Golan Heights:

Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On 19 June 1967, the Israeli cabinet voted to return the Golan to Syria in exchange for a peace agreement. Such overtures were dismissed by the Arab world with the Khartoum Resolution on September 1, 1967.

That's right, ISrael tried to return the Golan for PEACE. Surprise surprise, the Arabs rejected !

Is this what you're referring to?

"In the 1970s, Israeli politician Yigal Allon proposed as part of the Allon Plan that a Druze state be established in Syria's Quneitra Governorate, including the Israeli-held Golan Heights. Allon died in 1980 and his plan never materialised."

There's no doubt in my mind Arabs have always deserved much better leaders.

Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's also helpful to remember how Israel came into possession of the Golan Heights:

"On June 7 and 8, the Israeli leadership debated about whether the Golan Heights should be attacked as well; the attack on Syria was initially planned for June 8, but was postponed for 24 hours.

"At 3 am on June 9, Syria announced its acceptance of the cease-fire.

"Despite this, four hours later at 7 am, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan 'gave the order to go into action against Syria.' Syria had supported the pre-war raids that had helped raise tensions and had routinely shelled Israel from the Heights, so some Israeli leaders wanted to see Syria punished."

If you're curious about that 24 hour delay, ask these guys:

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

"Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."

Liberty is the only event of its kind never to have been fully investigated by the entire US Congress.
Think it might pull big ratings on CSPAN?

Georgie boy left out the most important part concerning the Golan Heights:

Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On 19 June 1967, the Israeli cabinet voted to return the Golan to Syria in exchange for a peace agreement. Such overtures were dismissed by the Arab world with the Khartoum Resolution on September 1, 1967.

That's right, ISrael tried to return the Golan for PEACE. Surprise surprise, the Arabs rejected !

Is this what you're referring to?

"In the 1970s, Israeli politician Yigal Allon proposed as part of the Allon Plan that a Druze state be established in Syria's Quneitra Governorate, including the Israeli-held Golan Heights. Allon died in 1980 and his plan never materialised."

There's no doubt in my mind Arabs have always deserved much better leaders.

Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just imagine though, had Syria accepted the offer , there would be peace between the two countries AND Syria would have the Golan back.
Did you also know that Israel tried to return the West Bank back to Jordan AND Gaza back to Egypt, but both respective countries refused. The civilians unfortunately are the ones who suffer from their leaders' mistakes
You should have created an extra thread for your off-topic anti-Assad rant.

- Evil Assad´s undisputed sole responsibility


- How Assad and only Assad is responsible for war damages


- How only I know Assad uses chemical weapons and that "on the people".


- How Islamist extremists liberate the Syrian people

Herr Doktor Professor Bleipriester, fishing for comments, doesn't care for Member's heiroglyphics? What's the scoop. Bub?

he/she is just your average, everyday terrorist apologist of the likes of that evil p.o.s., syrian (ha)president,(ha) bashir al-ASSad, and henchmen, a.k.a., his 'regime.'

it's...disturbing, isn't it ?
you should have created an extra thread for your off-topic anti-assad rant.

- evil assad´s undisputed sole responsibility


- how assad and only assad is responsible for war damages


- how only i know assad uses chemical weapons and that "on the people".


- how islamist extremists liberate the syrian people

herr doktor professor bleipriester, fishing for comments, doesn't care for member's heiroglyphics? What's the scoop. Bub?

he/she is just your average, everyday terrorist apologist of the likes of that evil p.o.s., syrian (ha)president,(ha) bashir al-assad, and henchmen, a.k.a., his 'regime.'

it's...disturbing, isn't it ?

god damn those who support our enemies !
Herr Doktor Professor Bleipriester, fishing for comments, doesn't care for Member's heiroglyphics? What's the scoop. Bub?
I don´t care for anyone´s stupid propaganda claptrap and can forbear from that the more so as this is off-topic.
Herr Doktor Professor Bleipriester, fishing for comments, doesn't care for Member's heiroglyphics? What's the scoop. Bub?
I don´t care for anyone´s stupid propaganda claptrap and can forbear from that the more so as this is off-topic.

"lawless syria.....chemical weapons used on their people by the gov't"

"stupid propaganda claptrap"

......propaganda ? i am. i'm mulling that one over (it's propaganda to 'someone') as i gaze out the window...........

Herr Doktor Professor Bleipriester, fishing for comments, doesn't care for Member's heiroglyphics? What's the scoop. Bub?
I don´t care for anyone´s stupid propaganda claptrap and can forbear from that the more so as this is off-topic.

"lawless syria.....chemical weapons used on their people by the gov't"

"stupid propaganda claptrap"

......propaganda ? i am. i'm mulling that one over (it's propaganda to 'someone') as i gaze out the window...........

Your imputations are lacking of evidence. You can not even provide a single source.
I don´t care for anyone´s stupid propaganda claptrap and can forbear from that the more so as this is off-topic.

"lawless syria.....chemical weapons used on their people by the gov't"

"stupid propaganda claptrap"

......propaganda ? i am. i'm mulling that one over (it's propaganda to 'someone') as i gaze out the window...........

Your imputations are lacking of evidence. You can not even provide a single source.

"I think that in many ways a line's been crossed when we see tens of thousands of innocent people killed by a regime, but the use of chemical weapons and the danger that is poses to the international community, to neighbors of Syria, the potential of chemical weapons to get into the hands of terrorists, all of those things add increased urgency to what is already a significant security problem and humanitarian problem in the region," Obama told reporters."

“It has been assessed by our intelligence community with varying degrees of confidence that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons on a small scale in Syria, specifically the chemical agent sarin," Carney said. "Now we are working to establish credible and corroborated facts to build on this intelligence assessment in order to establish a definitive judgment as to whether or not the president's red line has been crossed."

"Meanwhile, two Syrian officials & denied Friday that its government forces had used chemical weapons against opposition forces. A government source told the Associated Press that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s army "did not and will not use chemical weapons even if it had them."

"In an interview with Russia Today, Mr Assad declared: "We are fighting terrorism. We are implementing our constitution by protecting the Syrian people." The UN Human Rights Council has created a commission including former war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte to investigate human rights abuses in Syria committed by all sides, although it has yet to gain access to the country. Mr Assad defended the Syrian army, saying that "if you have an army that committed a crime against its own people, this is devoid of logic because the Syrian Army is made up of Syrian people. 'The army cannot withstand for twenty months in these difficult circumstances without having the embrace of the public in Syria," said Mr Assad.'"

"Mr Assad (gag, “MR.”) more like: Warlord ASSad in turn accused the rebels of committing war crimes, noting reports by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch which he said had found evidence of war crimes by his opponents."

They speak with forked tongues. “oh, no, we would NEVER use chemical weapons on our people….”

These who say this, are the same people who did this:

. . .no, neva..neva, neva...we wouldn't. Ha. i don't believe it.


...if we’re wrong, WHO wouldn’t put it past them for using CW….it’s only normal thinking (unlike them).
"lawless syria.....chemical weapons used on their people by the gov't"

"stupid propaganda claptrap"

......propaganda ? i am. i'm mulling that one over (it's propaganda to 'someone') as i gaze out the window...........

Your imputations are lacking of evidence. You can not even provide a single source.

"I think that in many ways a line's been crossed when we see tens of thousands of innocent people killed by a regime, but the use of chemical weapons and the danger that is poses to the international community, to neighbors of Syria, the potential of chemical weapons to get into the hands of terrorists, all of those things add increased urgency to what is already a significant security problem and humanitarian problem in the region," Obama told reporters."

“It has been assessed by our intelligence community with varying degrees of confidence that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons on a small scale in Syria, specifically the chemical agent sarin," Carney said. "Now we are working to establish credible and corroborated facts to build on this intelligence assessment in order to establish a definitive judgment as to whether or not the president's red line has been crossed."

"Meanwhile, two Syrian officials & denied Friday that its government forces had used chemical weapons against opposition forces. A government source told the Associated Press that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s army "did not and will not use chemical weapons even if it had them."

"In an interview with Russia Today, Mr Assad declared: "We are fighting terrorism. We are implementing our constitution by protecting the Syrian people." The UN Human Rights Council has created a commission including former war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte to investigate human rights abuses in Syria committed by all sides, although it has yet to gain access to the country. Mr Assad defended the Syrian army, saying that "if you have an army that committed a crime against its own people, this is devoid of logic because the Syrian Army is made up of Syrian people. 'The army cannot withstand for twenty months in these difficult circumstances without having the embrace of the public in Syria," said Mr Assad.'"

"Mr Assad (gag, “MR.”) more like: Warlord ASSad in turn accused the rebels of committing war crimes, noting reports by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch which he said had found evidence of war crimes by his opponents."

They speak with forked tongues. “oh, no, we would NEVER use chemical weapons on our people….”

These who say this, are the same people who did this:

. . .no, neva..neva, neva...we wouldn't. Ha. i don't believe it.


...if we’re wrong, WHO wouldn’t put it past them for using CW….it’s only normal thinking (unlike them).
Der Bleipriester sounds like he doesn't like to take medicine to cure an illness. People who dont like the truth are like that.
"lawless syria.....chemical weapons used on their people by the gov't"

"stupid propaganda claptrap"

......propaganda ? i am. i'm mulling that one over (it's propaganda to 'someone') as i gaze out the window...........

Your imputations are lacking of evidence. You can not even provide a single source.

"I think that in many ways a line's been crossed when we see tens of thousands of innocent people killed by a regime, but the use of chemical weapons and the danger that is poses to the international community, to neighbors of Syria, the potential of chemical weapons to get into the hands of terrorists, all of those things add increased urgency to what is already a significant security problem and humanitarian problem in the region," Obama told reporters."

“It has been assessed by our intelligence community with varying degrees of confidence that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons on a small scale in Syria, specifically the chemical agent sarin," Carney said. "Now we are working to establish credible and corroborated facts to build on this intelligence assessment in order to establish a definitive judgment as to whether or not the president's red line has been crossed."

"Meanwhile, two Syrian officials & denied Friday that its government forces had used chemical weapons against opposition forces. A government source told the Associated Press that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s army "did not and will not use chemical weapons even if it had them."

"In an interview with Russia Today, Mr Assad declared: "We are fighting terrorism. We are implementing our constitution by protecting the Syrian people." The UN Human Rights Council has created a commission including former war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte to investigate human rights abuses in Syria committed by all sides, although it has yet to gain access to the country. Mr Assad defended the Syrian army, saying that "if you have an army that committed a crime against its own people, this is devoid of logic because the Syrian Army is made up of Syrian people. 'The army cannot withstand for twenty months in these difficult circumstances without having the embrace of the public in Syria," said Mr Assad.'"

"Mr Assad (gag, “MR.”) more like: Warlord ASSad in turn accused the rebels of committing war crimes, noting reports by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch which he said had found evidence of war crimes by his opponents."

They speak with forked tongues. “oh, no, we would NEVER use chemical weapons on our people….”

These who say this, are the same people who did this:

. . .no, neva..neva, neva...we wouldn't. Ha. i don't believe it.


...if we’re wrong, WHO wouldn’t put it past them for using CW….it’s only normal thinking (unlike them).
Still not a single source. I could open a discussion about depleted uranium here contaminating those with radiation who are supposed to be "liberated".
Your imputations are lacking of evidence. You can not even provide a single source.

"I think that in many ways a line's been crossed when we see tens of thousands of innocent people killed by a regime, but the use of chemical weapons and the danger that is poses to the international community, to neighbors of Syria, the potential of chemical weapons to get into the hands of terrorists, all of those things add increased urgency to what is already a significant security problem and humanitarian problem in the region," Obama told reporters."

“It has been assessed by our intelligence community with varying degrees of confidence that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons on a small scale in Syria, specifically the chemical agent sarin," Carney said. "Now we are working to establish credible and corroborated facts to build on this intelligence assessment in order to establish a definitive judgment as to whether or not the president's red line has been crossed."

"Meanwhile, two Syrian officials & denied Friday that its government forces had used chemical weapons against opposition forces. A government source told the Associated Press that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s army "did not and will not use chemical weapons even if it had them."

"In an interview with Russia Today, Mr Assad declared: "We are fighting terrorism. We are implementing our constitution by protecting the Syrian people." The UN Human Rights Council has created a commission including former war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte to investigate human rights abuses in Syria committed by all sides, although it has yet to gain access to the country. Mr Assad defended the Syrian army, saying that "if you have an army that committed a crime against its own people, this is devoid of logic because the Syrian Army is made up of Syrian people. 'The army cannot withstand for twenty months in these difficult circumstances without having the embrace of the public in Syria," said Mr Assad.'"

"Mr Assad (gag, “MR.”) more like: Warlord ASSad in turn accused the rebels of committing war crimes, noting reports by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch which he said had found evidence of war crimes by his opponents."

They speak with forked tongues. “oh, no, we would NEVER use chemical weapons on our people….”

These who say this, are the same people who did this:

. . .no, neva..neva, neva...we wouldn't. Ha. i don't believe it.


...if we’re wrong, WHO wouldn’t put it past them for using CW….it’s only normal thinking (unlike them).
Still not a single source. I could open a discussion about depleted uranium here contaminating those with radiation who are supposed to be "liberated".
Sumpin holdin' ya back, Tiger?
Sumpin holdin' ya back, Tiger?
No. I just form my own opinion.

Do you know this:

"He who pays the piper, calls the tune."

Nobody pays my piper, so I call the tune for me. Finally got it?
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Assad´s socialist Baath Party guarantees freedom for the 1,9 million Christians and other believers in Syria.


The army protects the rights of the people from dark, crude Islamism.


Syrian army welcoming terrorists.


Syrian army tank ̶t̶̶h̶̶r̶̶e̶̶a̶̶t̶̶e̶̶n̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ protecting civilians.


Syrian army safeguarding the streets from terrorists.​

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