Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away

That’s not a credible argument. The Arabs-Moslems are using guns and explosives to attack Israelis. The fact that no Israelis have been killed is a function of a better trained and better equipped military force (the IDF) opposing comparatively unskilled, untrained, inept islamic terrorists who are simply cartoonish examples of retrogrades being a greater danger to themselves and others around them.

The facts are that the overwhelmingly majority of those Arab-Moslem attackers who took early retirement from life were Hamas flunkies. It’s actually quite an example of just how effecient the IDF has become that they culled specific Hamas terrorist groupies from the crowds of people.
The fact that no Israelis have been hurt or killed, is a sign that the protesters are unarmed and peaceful.

The fact that you’re ignoring the facts is telling.

Why would you suggest that Islamic terrorists attacking Israel with guns and explosives are “unarmed and peaceful™️“.

You’re a recent convert to Islamism, right?

You are spamming the same video on every thread now.

Same answer I posted on the other thread.

By the way....

Where are those promised photos you took while in Gaza?
RE: Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist crap?
BTW, there is no border there.

Just two points.

✪ To the first point, what is true ⇒ is ⇒ true. This is not an Israel Claim, this is a claim made by the judicial branch of the European Union (EU): ECJ Case C-79 / 15P

✪ There was a mutual recognition and commitment expressed in an exchanged of letters between the Prime Minister of Israel and the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in September 1993. In this exchange, the PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security.

No matter what you, as a proponent for Hostile Arab Palestinian action, wants to believe is true ⇒ "the recognition of a state merely signifies that the state which recognizes it accepts the personality of the other with all the rights and duties determined by international law. Recognition is unconditional and irrevocable."
(Article 6 of the Montevideo Convention)

Most Respectfully,

Your search - C-79 / 15P - did not match any documents.
RE: Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist crap?
BTW, there is no border there.

Just two points.

✪ To the first point, what is true ⇒ is ⇒ true. This is not an Israel Claim, this is a claim made by the judicial branch of the European Union (EU): ECJ Case C-79 / 15P

✪ There was a mutual recognition and commitment expressed in an exchanged of letters between the Prime Minister of Israel and the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in September 1993. In this exchange, the PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security.

No matter what you, as a proponent for Hostile Arab Palestinian action, wants to believe is true ⇒ "the recognition of a state merely signifies that the state which recognizes it accepts the personality of the other with all the rights and duties determined by international law. Recognition is unconditional and irrevocable."
(Article 6 of the Montevideo Convention)

Most Respectfully,

Your search - C-79 / 15P - did not match any documents.

Yes, it does.

But, why are you searching for the link when, as you so often do, run from the evidence with your usual “.... pimping...” slogan?
You are beyond dishonest.

You know very well that the USA would not lose one soldier protecting its borders if a thousands of protesters from Central America or Mexico can charging the American border.

The same goes for every other country with a good military.

Each country would have their soldiers there to protect their lives and that of the population of the country.

Stop counting bodies as if that is how good and bad is determined.

It never was, it never will be.
The US isn't occupying Mexican territory. And counting bodies is a very good way to determine the good guy from the bad guy. The ones doing all the killing over made up, bullshit reasons, are the bad guys. The ones exercising their inalienable right to protest their conditions by the occupying power, are the good guys.

Palestinians have exactly the same human rights as Israelis do. They have the same rights to live safely in their homes, in freedom, with adequate and essential services and opportunities. And of this essential core of entitlements due to every human being, they are systematically deprived.

All of the 1.9 million people who live in Gaza have been penned in behind fences and have suffered progressively more restrictions and greater poverty. After 11 years of blockade by Israel they have little hope of employment, and their infrastructure is crumbling, with an electricity crisis, inadequate health services and a decaying sewage system that constitutes a threat to health.

Yawn...,, Mexico didn’t attack the U.S. with plans to keep any land it won ( So much for “ International Law”. :alcoholic:
RE: Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist crap?
BTW, there is no border there.

Just two points.

✪ To the first point, what is true ⇒ is ⇒ true. This is not an Israel Claim, this is a claim made by the judicial branch of the European Union (EU): ECJ Case C-79 / 15P

✪ There was a mutual recognition and commitment expressed in an exchanged of letters between the Prime Minister of Israel and the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in September 1993. In this exchange, the PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security.

No matter what you, as a proponent for Hostile Arab Palestinian action, wants to believe is true ⇒ "the recognition of a state merely signifies that the state which recognizes it accepts the personality of the other with all the rights and duties determined by international law. Recognition is unconditional and irrevocable."
(Article 6 of the Montevideo Convention)

Most Respectfully,

Your search - C-79 / 15P - did not match any documents.

Yes, it does.

But, why are you searching for the link when, as you so often do, run from the evidence with your usual “.... pimping...” slogan?
Could you post some relevant quotes then?

As far as I can tell, the case is still open. It was remanded back to the original court.

Judges at the General Court accepted arguments at the time that the EU’s decision was the result of second-hand information from the internet and press rather than an independent investigation, but the finding was appealed by the European Council.​

IOW, the original case was based on say so not actual evidence.
RE: Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist crap?
BTW, there is no border there.

Just two points.

✪ To the first point, what is true ⇒ is ⇒ true. This is not an Israel Claim, this is a claim made by the judicial branch of the European Union (EU): ECJ Case C-79 / 15P

✪ There was a mutual recognition and commitment expressed in an exchanged of letters between the Prime Minister of Israel and the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in September 1993. In this exchange, the PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security.

No matter what you, as a proponent for Hostile Arab Palestinian action, wants to believe is true ⇒ "the recognition of a state merely signifies that the state which recognizes it accepts the personality of the other with all the rights and duties determined by international law. Recognition is unconditional and irrevocable."
(Article 6 of the Montevideo Convention)

Most Respectfully,

Your search - C-79 / 15P - did not match any documents.

Yes, it does.

But, why are you searching for the link when, as you so often do, run from the evidence with your usual “.... pimping...” slogan?
Could you post some relevant quotes then?

As far as I can tell, the case is still open. It was remanded back to the original court.

Judges at the General Court accepted arguments at the time that the EU’s decision was the result of second-hand information from the internet and press rather than an independent investigation, but the finding was appealed by the European Council.​

IOW, the original case was based on say so not actual evidence.

Can’t you find a YouTube video?
You are beyond dishonest.

You know very well that the USA would not lose one soldier protecting its borders if a thousands of protesters from Central America or Mexico can charging the American border.

The same goes for every other country with a good military.

Each country would have their soldiers there to protect their lives and that of the population of the country.

Stop counting bodies as if that is how good and bad is determined.

It never was, it never will be.
The US isn't occupying Mexican territory. And counting bodies is a very good way to determine the good guy from the bad guy. The ones doing all the killing over made up, bullshit reasons, are the bad guys. The ones exercising their inalienable right to protest their conditions by the occupying power, are the good guys.

Palestinians have exactly the same human rights as Israelis do. They have the same rights to live safely in their homes, in freedom, with adequate and essential services and opportunities. And of this essential core of entitlements due to every human being, they are systematically deprived.

All of the 1.9 million people who live in Gaza have been penned in behind fences and have suffered progressively more restrictions and greater poverty. After 11 years of blockade by Israel they have little hope of employment, and their infrastructure is crumbling, with an electricity crisis, inadequate health services and a decaying sewage system that constitutes a threat to health.
Make Hamas want peace with Israel and Egypt and all will be well as it is between Israel and Egypt and Israel and Jordan.

See? That simple.
Israel does not occupy any Egyptian or Jordanian land.
You are beyond dishonest.

You know very well that the USA would not lose one soldier protecting its borders if a thousands of protesters from Central America or Mexico can charging the American border.

The same goes for every other country with a good military.

Each country would have their soldiers there to protect their lives and that of the population of the country.

Stop counting bodies as if that is how good and bad is determined.

It never was, it never will be.
The US isn't occupying Mexican territory. And counting bodies is a very good way to determine the good guy from the bad guy. The ones doing all the killing over made up, bullshit reasons, are the bad guys. The ones exercising their inalienable right to protest their conditions by the occupying power, are the good guys.

Palestinians have exactly the same human rights as Israelis do. They have the same rights to live safely in their homes, in freedom, with adequate and essential services and opportunities. And of this essential core of entitlements due to every human being, they are systematically deprived.

All of the 1.9 million people who live in Gaza have been penned in behind fences and have suffered progressively more restrictions and greater poverty. After 11 years of blockade by Israel they have little hope of employment, and their infrastructure is crumbling, with an electricity crisis, inadequate health services and a decaying sewage system that constitutes a threat to health.
Make Hamas want peace with Israel and Egypt and all will be well as it is between Israel and Egypt and Israel and Jordan.

See? That simple.
Israel does not occupy any Egyptian or Jordanian land.

Israel does not occupy any so-called “Pal’estanian” land.
You are beyond dishonest.

You know very well that the USA would not lose one soldier protecting its borders if a thousands of protesters from Central America or Mexico can charging the American border.

The same goes for every other country with a good military.

Each country would have their soldiers there to protect their lives and that of the population of the country.

Stop counting bodies as if that is how good and bad is determined.

It never was, it never will be.
The US isn't occupying Mexican territory. And counting bodies is a very good way to determine the good guy from the bad guy. The ones doing all the killing over made up, bullshit reasons, are the bad guys. The ones exercising their inalienable right to protest their conditions by the occupying power, are the good guys.

Palestinians have exactly the same human rights as Israelis do. They have the same rights to live safely in their homes, in freedom, with adequate and essential services and opportunities. And of this essential core of entitlements due to every human being, they are systematically deprived.

All of the 1.9 million people who live in Gaza have been penned in behind fences and have suffered progressively more restrictions and greater poverty. After 11 years of blockade by Israel they have little hope of employment, and their infrastructure is crumbling, with an electricity crisis, inadequate health services and a decaying sewage system that constitutes a threat to health.
Make Hamas want peace with Israel and Egypt and all will be well as it is between Israel and Egypt and Israel and Jordan.

See? That simple.
Israel does not occupy any Egyptian or Jordanian land.

Israel does not occupy any so-called “Pal’estanian” land.
Do you have any proof of that?

Of course not. You are just blowing smoke out your ass.
You are beyond dishonest.

You know very well that the USA would not lose one soldier protecting its borders if a thousands of protesters from Central America or Mexico can charging the American border.

The same goes for every other country with a good military.

Each country would have their soldiers there to protect their lives and that of the population of the country.

Stop counting bodies as if that is how good and bad is determined.

It never was, it never will be.
The US isn't occupying Mexican territory. And counting bodies is a very good way to determine the good guy from the bad guy. The ones doing all the killing over made up, bullshit reasons, are the bad guys. The ones exercising their inalienable right to protest their conditions by the occupying power, are the good guys.

Palestinians have exactly the same human rights as Israelis do. They have the same rights to live safely in their homes, in freedom, with adequate and essential services and opportunities. And of this essential core of entitlements due to every human being, they are systematically deprived.

All of the 1.9 million people who live in Gaza have been penned in behind fences and have suffered progressively more restrictions and greater poverty. After 11 years of blockade by Israel they have little hope of employment, and their infrastructure is crumbling, with an electricity crisis, inadequate health services and a decaying sewage system that constitutes a threat to health.
Make Hamas want peace with Israel and Egypt and all will be well as it is between Israel and Egypt and Israel and Jordan.

See? That simple.
Israel does not occupy any Egyptian or Jordanian land.

Israel does not occupy any so-called “Pal’estanian” land.
Do you have any proof of that?

Of course not. You are just blowing smoke out your ass.

Indeed, such an angry Islamist. But, no, I have no proof of any “state of Pal’istan”. Neither do you. So why get stinky with me?

Indeed, I can’t find any reference to land under the sovereign control of Arabs-Moslems parading around as so-called “Pal’Istanians”. I’m only finding competing mini-caliphates sustained with welfare fraud money from foreign donors.
RE: Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I should have drilled-down a little farther for you.

Your search - C-79 / 15P - did not match any documents.


You have to remember that you are looking for a "Closed Case." The case that was under appeal was the General Court of the European Union of 17 December 2014, Hamas v Council (T‑400/10); which ordered the Council to removed HAMAS from the EU Terrorist list. The Council appealed the decision of the General Court and →

On those grounds, the Court (Grand Chamber) hereby: Sets aside the judgment of the General Court of the European Union of 17 December 2014, Hamas v Council;

Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 26 July 2017

The fact that you’re ignoring the facts is telling.

Why would you suggest that Islamic terrorists attacking Israel with guns and explosives are “unarmed and peaceful™️“.

You’re a recent convert to Islamism, right?
Everything I've seen on TV and YouTube; and all the reports I've read, do not indicate anyone armed with "guns and explosives". That's just a bullshit lie on your part.

If you say they have weapons, then prove they have weapons.
Make Hamas want peace with Israel and Egypt and all will be well as it is between Israel and Egypt and Israel and Jordan.

See? That simple.
If Israel wanted peace, it would stop targeting children and Palestinians in wheel chairs. If Israel wanted peace, it would stop making up bullshit reasons to kill Palestinians.

An article from one of the web tabloids that is a darling of conspiracy theorists.

How droll.
Yawn...,, Mexico didn’t attack the U.S. with plans to keep any land it won ( So much for “ International Law”. :alcoholic:
Neither did the Palestinians. All the attacks have been by Israel. Israel attacks Gaza; Israel attacks Lebanon; Israel attacks Syria; Israel attacks Egypt; Israel is a criminal neighbor.
The fact that you’re ignoring the facts is telling.

Why would you suggest that Islamic terrorists attacking Israel with guns and explosives are “unarmed and peaceful™️“.

You’re a recent convert to Islamism, right?
Everything I've seen on TV and YouTube; and all the reports I've read, do not indicate anyone armed with "guns and explosives". That's just a bullshit lie on your part.

If you say they have weapons, then prove they have weapons.

If you limit your sources to web tabloids, you only get a selected subset of edited, biased news.

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