Israel to Divert Military Budget to Settlement Expansion


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Fuck israel
Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon have announced they will divert some $18 million from the nation’s military budget, which includes money provided as direct military aid from the United States and others, to settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank.

Netanyahu had promised to provide the money to construction 300 more homes in Beit El settlement after the 2012 court decision to demolish 5 apartment buildings built illegally on privately owned Palestinian land.

Finance Minister Yair Lapid had blocked such moves, but was expelled from the government when the coalition collapsed. The money will be sent to the Housing Ministry to pay for the expansions.

The military seized Palestinian land in 1970 for a military outpost, which was later given to the settlers as Beit El, a temporary settlement back in 1977, which was later declared permanent.

Beit El is an extremely complicated settlement legally, as only a small portion is built on state land, with most on illegally appropriated Palestinian land still under title to Palestinian owners. The settlement is non-contiguous, and more Palestinian land is barred from its owners to allow settlers to travel conveniently around it.
Israel to Divert Military Budget to Settlement Expansion -- News from

Building illegal settler homes on stolen land using US Tax Dollars
They took Hebron from the Jews in 1929. Now it's time to take Hebron back to its rightful owners.

I applaud the decision which may help the settlers. On that note, I wish some of the money will go to the south, as well.
the "issue" of settlements might be an impediment to talks but the settlements for the most part are in land that will be Israeli in a land trade.
The post war '67 line does not exist, never did. It was a ceasefire line. Jordan handed over the WB in a peace deal to Israel.
Oslo was a outline for statehood but the palestinians failed to complete their promises. Oslo is dead. Any potential money or lines on a map have been thrown out the window by the palestinians. Areas A and B are in palestinian hands. Area C is in Israeli hands and likely to remain so.
Jerusalem will not be divided again. That issue has not even been under consideration for some time. Palestinians capital is Ramallah.
Palestinians can not force Israel to give up the wall or mount. They should be open to everyone not just muslims or palestinians.
A PA state will have to get a new map and draw a new line that does not mean Israel giving up the high ground or leave it vulnerable in the future.
Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon have announced they will divert some $18 million from the nation’s military budget, which includes money provided as direct military aid from the United States and others, to settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank.

Netanyahu had promised to provide the money to construction 300 more homes in Beit El settlement after the 2012 court decision to demolish 5 apartment buildings built illegally on privately owned Palestinian land.

Finance Minister Yair Lapid had blocked such moves, but was expelled from the government when the coalition collapsed. The money will be sent to the Housing Ministry to pay for the expansions.

The military seized Palestinian land in 1970 for a military outpost, which was later given to the settlers as Beit El, a temporary settlement back in 1977, which was later declared permanent.

Beit El is an extremely complicated settlement legally, as only a small portion is built on state land, with most on illegally appropriated Palestinian land still under title to Palestinian owners. The settlement is non-contiguous, and more Palestinian land is barred from its owners to allow settlers to travel conveniently around it.
Israel to Divert Military Budget to Settlement Expansion -- News from

Building illegal settler homes on stolen land using US Tax Dollars

Build it and they will come. Nothing wrong with Jews living in ancient Judea and Samaria. Muslims don't like it? Too fooking bad.
Actually the money - 18m more or less goes for security budget for the settlement, smart fence, monitors, security personal, and weapons..but you have problem with that, boo hoo what's new?
Assuming that money was going NOT for security purposes but for a new swimming pool you'll complain "the Jews steal Palestinian's water"
So what's the point clowns? :lol:
Well, as many have read, I am not too sure I am in favor of continued building of Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria. I really think Lipush has the right idea. Why not turn the southern portions of Israel into a garden? And give it the defenses it deserves?

But I also find it interesting that fanger quotes the article from That article links to a haaretz article, but paraphrases it with many embellishments to make their obvious anti-Israeli point.

My main contention is how and where is the evidence that this is being funded by US dollars?
Actually the money - 18m more or less goes for security budget for the settlement, smart fence, monitors, security personal, and weapons..but you have problem with that, boo hoo what's new?
Assuming that money was going NOT for security purposes but for a new swimming pool you'll complain "the Jews steal Palestinian's water"
So what's the point clowns? :lol:

If the palestinians were not attacking Israel they would not such a defense budget.
Mr. H. et al,

I think this over exaggerates and is very misleading.

The best illegal housing our money can buy. :thup:

We give nearly all the Arab Middle East counties aid and assistance. In the case of Israel, there is very, very little discretionary funding provided; especially in the form of military aid and assistance. Most FMS (Foreign Military Sales) and FMF (Foreign Military Financing) is earmarked for specific purposes and cannot be diverted. Israel does get one thing that no other country gets:

FMF for In-Country Purchase (FMF-ICP)

Israel’s ability to use a significant portion of its annual military aid for procurement in Israel is a unique aspect of its assistance package; no other recipient of U.S. military assistance has been granted this benefit.21 Since FY1988, the FMF procurement earmark for purchases within Israel has been incorporated into annual foreign assistance legislation. Currently, approximately 26.3% of Israel’s FMF funds may be used for domestic defense purchases ($815.3 million in FY2014). Since the earmark is linked to a percentage and not a specific dollar amount, the amount set aside for defense purchases in Israel has increased as U.S. military aid to Israel has increased.​

However, even FMF-ICP is still a form of financing and not discretionary cash. Thus it could not be used as described in the News from article.


The diversion of "$18 million" from the Israel's military budget, may sound like a lot of money, but in actual military spending is roughly equal to:
  • 4ea --- M-1 Abrams Tanks
  • 3ea --- UH-60 Black Hawk
The total cost of a single AH-64 Apache Longbow attack helicopter is $52 Million (depending on the version). The $18 Million, would get you between 30% and 40% of a Longbow.

Put in perspective, $18 Million is about 1 tenth its 2013 estimated defense expenditure, when it ranked
14th in the world Israel $18.2 B --- 6.0% of its GDP.

Most Respectfully,
Mr. H. et al,

I think this over exaggerates and is very misleading.

The best illegal housing our money can buy. :thup:

We give nearly all the Arab Middle East counties aid and assistance. In the case of Israel, there is very, very little discretionary funding provided; especially in the form of military aid and assistance. Most FMS (Foreign Military Sales) and FMF (Foreign Military Financing) is earmarked for specific purposes and cannot be diverted. Israel does get one thing that no other country gets:

FMF for In-Country Purchase (FMF-ICP)

Israel’s ability to use a significant portion of its annual military aid for procurement in Israel is a unique aspect of its assistance package; no other recipient of U.S. military assistance has been granted this benefit.21 Since FY1988, the FMF procurement earmark for purchases within Israel has been incorporated into annual foreign assistance legislation. Currently, approximately 26.3% of Israel’s FMF funds may be used for domestic defense purchases ($815.3 million in FY2014). Since the earmark is linked to a percentage and not a specific dollar amount, the amount set aside for defense purchases in Israel has increased as U.S. military aid to Israel has increased.​

However, even FMF-ICP is still a form of financing and not discretionary cash. Thus it could not be used as described in the News from article.


The diversion of "$18 million" from the Israel's military budget, may sound like a lot of money, but in actual military spending is roughly equal to:
  • 4ea --- M-1 Abrams Tanks
  • 3ea --- UH-60 Black Hawk
The total cost of a single AH-64 Apache Longbow attack helicopter is $52 Million (depending on the version). The $18 Million, would get you between 30% and 40% of a Longbow.

Put in perspective, $18 Million is about 1 tenth its 2013 estimated defense expenditure, when it ranked
14th in the world Israel $18.2 B --- 6.0% of its GDP.

Most Respectfully,
What does all that have to do with illegal settlements?
Tinmore, I think what Rocco is trying to say is that compared to what the U.S gives , in total, to other Middle East countries, what Israel gets is not much at all. So since deluded pro Palestinians only complain about the money going to Israel, it's obvious they don't actually care about the money , but just care about vilifying Israel
P F Tinmore, et al,

This segment of the discussion was in response to US Military Aid being used in the furtherance of the settlements; which is highly unlikely.

Mr. H. et al,

I think this over exaggerates and is very misleading.

The best illegal housing our money can buy. :thup:

We give nearly all the Arab Middle East counties aid and assistance. In the case of Israel, there is very, very little discretionary funding provided; especially in the form of military aid and assistance. Most FMS (Foreign Military Sales) and FMF (Foreign Military Financing) is earmarked for specific purposes and cannot be diverted. Israel does get one thing that no other country gets:

FMF for In-Country Purchase (FMF-ICP)

Israel’s ability to use a significant portion of its annual military aid for procurement in Israel is a unique aspect of its assistance package; no other recipient of U.S. military assistance has been granted this benefit.21 Since FY1988, the FMF procurement earmark for purchases within Israel has been incorporated into annual foreign assistance legislation. Currently, approximately 26.3% of Israel’s FMF funds may be used for domestic defense purchases ($815.3 million in FY2014). Since the earmark is linked to a percentage and not a specific dollar amount, the amount set aside for defense purchases in Israel has increased as U.S. military aid to Israel has increased.​

However, even FMF-ICP is still a form of financing and not discretionary cash. Thus it could not be used as described in the News from article.


The diversion of "$18 million" from the Israel's military budget, may sound like a lot of money, but in actual military spending is roughly equal to:
  • 4ea --- M-1 Abrams Tanks
  • 3ea --- UH-60 Black Hawk
The total cost of a single AH-64 Apache Longbow attack helicopter is $52 Million (depending on the version). The $18 Million, would get you between 30% and 40% of a Longbow.

Put in perspective, $18 Million is about 1 tenth its 2013 estimated defense expenditure, when it ranked
14th in the world Israel $18.2 B --- 6.0% of its GDP.

Most Respectfully,
What does all that have to do with illegal settlements?

It has yet to be determined that the settlements are in fact "illegal" since they were established under Area "C" designated areas within the Oslo Accords.

While I don't agree with the Israeli Strategy, I don't consider the settlements necessarily "illegal." It has yet to be litigated on the basis of the agreements.

I suspect that a vast majority of the Area "C" jurisdiction will eventually be remanded back to Palestinian control. but it will come at a cost to the Palestinians. The Palestinians have yet to make any kind of reconciliation effort with the Israelis. The Palestinians are on the wrong side of the war reparations scale, in my opinion.

Most Respectfully,
Mr. H. et al,

I think this over exaggerates and is very misleading.

The best illegal housing our money can buy. :thup:

We give nearly all the Arab Middle East counties aid and assistance. In the case of Israel, there is very, very little discretionary funding provided; especially in the form of military aid and assistance. Most FMS (Foreign Military Sales) and FMF (Foreign Military Financing) is earmarked for specific purposes and cannot be diverted. Israel does get one thing that no other country gets:

FMF for In-Country Purchase (FMF-ICP)

Israel’s ability to use a significant portion of its annual military aid for procurement in Israel is a unique aspect of its assistance package; no other recipient of U.S. military assistance has been granted this benefit.21 Since FY1988, the FMF procurement earmark for purchases within Israel has been incorporated into annual foreign assistance legislation. Currently, approximately 26.3% of Israel’s FMF funds may be used for domestic defense purchases ($815.3 million in FY2014). Since the earmark is linked to a percentage and not a specific dollar amount, the amount set aside for defense purchases in Israel has increased as U.S. military aid to Israel has increased.​

However, even FMF-ICP is still a form of financing and not discretionary cash. Thus it could not be used as described in the News from article.


The diversion of "$18 million" from the Israel's military budget, may sound like a lot of money, but in actual military spending is roughly equal to:
  • 4ea --- M-1 Abrams Tanks
  • 3ea --- UH-60 Black Hawk
The total cost of a single AH-64 Apache Longbow attack helicopter is $52 Million (depending on the version). The $18 Million, would get you between 30% and 40% of a Longbow.

Put in perspective, $18 Million is about 1 tenth its 2013 estimated defense expenditure, when it ranked
14th in the world Israel $18.2 B --- 6.0% of its GDP.

Most Respectfully,
What does all that have to do with illegal settlements?
Palistanians should curb their settlement enterprise, of course.
Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon have announced they will divert some $18 million from the nation’s military budget, which includes money provided as direct military aid from the United States and others, to settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank.

Netanyahu had promised to provide the money to construction 300 more homes in Beit El settlement after the 2012 court decision to demolish 5 apartment buildings built illegally on privately owned Palestinian land.

Finance Minister Yair Lapid had blocked such moves, but was expelled from the government when the coalition collapsed. The money will be sent to the Housing Ministry to pay for the expansions.

The military seized Palestinian land in 1970 for a military outpost, which was later given to the settlers as Beit El, a temporary settlement back in 1977, which was later declared permanent.

Beit El is an extremely complicated settlement legally, as only a small portion is built on state land, with most on illegally appropriated Palestinian land still under title to Palestinian owners. The settlement is non-contiguous, and more Palestinian land is barred from its owners to allow settlers to travel conveniently around it.
Israel to Divert Military Budget to Settlement Expansion -- News from

Building illegal settler homes on stolen land using US Tax Dollars

Simply more proof that Israel has no interest in finding a peaceful solution...

More illegal settlements only creates more tension in the region no matter WHO is funding it!
Simply more proof that Israel has no interest in finding a peaceful solution... More illegal settlements only creates more tension in the region no matter WHO is funding it!
One more reason for palistanians to curb their settlement enterprise and show interest in finding a peaceful solution.

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