Israeli Air Force ranked best in the world

No International incident as there was no link to Israeli special ops, just Jewish criminals doing what criminals do the world over
Israeli criminals doing what criminals do the world over would be the more correct way to refer to Mossad.

You seem to ignore the letter of apology from Israel to NZ. I understand why you'd do that, as to acknowledge the letter means you disagree with your own assertions and recognises Israelis as stupid enough to steal passports.
Out of a population of seven million there are about two million Arab Muslim Osraeli citizens with the exact same rights as the Jewish and Christian Israelis. There is more diversity in Israel than there is in the US and Europe.
So why does Phoenall wish everything Israel to be blamed on the Jew? He wants them nailed to a cross and treated as victims?
Out of a population of seven million there are about two million Arab Muslim Osraeli citizens with the exact same rights as the Jewish and Christian Israelis.
No, they don't have the exact same rights. If you think that I understand why you've been promoting the hasbara. For instance Muslim Arabs don't have the right to marry Jews in Israel.

Let's see if you're brave enough to enumerate another right they don't have. Bet you're not.
No International incident as there was no link to Israeli special ops, just Jewish criminals doing what criminals do the world over
Israeli criminals doing what criminals do the world over would be the more correct way to refer to Mossad.

You seem to ignore the letter of apology from Israel to NZ. I understand why you'd do that, as to acknowledge the letter means you disagree with your own assertions and recognises Israelis as stupid enough to steal passports.

Standard diplomatic procedure to make it possible for the two countries to carry on talking.

Now where is the proof Mossad had anything to do with the identity theft, as I know that muslims employ it all the time.
Out of a population of seven million there are about two million Arab Muslim Osraeli citizens with the exact same rights as the Jewish and Christian Israelis. There is more diversity in Israel than there is in the US and Europe.
So why does Phoenall wish everything Israel to be blamed on the Jew? He wants them nailed to a cross and treated as victims?

And where have I said that, what I have said is that there are criminal Jews who will steal your identity just as fast as an American catholic or an arab muslim will. They can get a big payday when they open loans in the names of the deceased before disappearing for good. Don't you get any warnings in regards to ID theft, and to destroy everything that has your name and address on it?
Out of a population of seven million there are about two million Arab Muslim Osraeli citizens with the exact same rights as the Jewish and Christian Israelis.
No, they don't have the exact same rights. If you think that I understand why you've been promoting the hasbara. For instance Muslim Arabs don't have the right to marry Jews in Israel.

Let's see if you're brave enough to enumerate another right they don't have. Bet you're not.

They don't have the right to be forcibly conscripted into the armed forces either

But a similar law exists in the UK to stop people getting married so they can enter the country. I believe one exists in the US for the same reason. Care to explain why the Isreali one is the only one you get all het up over ?
Out of a population of seven million there are about two million Arab Muslim Osraeli citizens with the exact same rights as the Jewish and Christian Israelis.
No, they don't have the exact same rights. If you think that I understand why you've been promoting the hasbara. For instance Muslim Arabs don't have the right to marry Jews in Israel.

Let's see if you're brave enough to enumerate another right they don't have. Bet you're not.

Sez who? You are ignorant and mixing religious with legal. Even here in the US you will not find a conservative or orthodox rabbi who will conduct a religious marriage without proof of true conversion to Judaism. You will find many reform rabbis who just don't care. And majority of US Jews are reform or secular, just as in Israel.

But the religious ceremony has nothing to do with the ability of any couple of any faith going to the country clerk and getting a legal marriage with a legal marriage certificate.

Pretty lame that all you have is this stupid false propaganda about marriage. Meanwhile, Arabs and Muslims are killing those who marry out of their religion.
So? And Muslim Israeli females aren't aren't allowed to marry non Muslims, and it must be according to Shariah law. At least they don't get killed like they do in Muslim societies.

All of this of course having absolutely nothing to do with Israel having one of the best Air Force in the world. LOL.
Out of a population of seven million there are about two million Arab Muslim Osraeli citizens with the exact same rights as the Jewish and Christian Israelis.
No, they don't have the exact same rights. If you think that I understand why you've been promoting the hasbara. For instance Muslim Arabs don't have the right to marry Jews in Israel.

Let's see if you're brave enough to enumerate another right they don't have. Bet you're not.

So? It's also against the law for a Jewish man to marry a Muslim, 2 wives, another man, an animal, someone underage, etc.
Out of a population of seven million there are about two million Arab Muslim Osraeli citizens with the exact same rights as the Jewish and Christian Israelis.
No, they don't have the exact same rights. If you think that I understand why you've been promoting the hasbara. For instance Muslim Arabs don't have the right to marry Jews in Israel.

Let's see if you're brave enough to enumerate another right they don't have. Bet you're not.

So? It's also against the law for a Jewish man to marry a Muslim, 2 wives, another man, an animal, someone underage, etc.
LOL He expects a Jewish rabbi to conduct a secular marriage ceremony without at least requiring that the couple be Jewish. That's like asking a priest to conduct an Islamic marriage ceremony.

This all stems from being able to face how strong Israel is militarily, so they divert to other topics.
So? And Muslim Israeli females aren't aren't allowed to marry non Muslims, and it must be according to Shariah law. At least they don't get killed like they do in Muslim societies.

All of this of course having absolutely nothing to do with Israel having one of the best Air Force in the world. LOL.
I look forward in seeing that put to the test, soon
So? And Muslim Israeli females aren't aren't allowed to marry non Muslims, and it must be according to Shariah law. At least they don't get killed like they do in Muslim societies.

All of this of course having absolutely nothing to do with Israel having one of the best Air Force in the world. LOL.
I look forward in seeing that put to the test, soon

Do you indeed, and when the IAF comes out on top once again will you admit that the aggressors are way down the ladder compared to the IAF that defended its nation and people above and beyond the call of duty
So? And Muslim Israeli females aren't aren't allowed to marry non Muslims, and it must be according to Shariah law. At least they don't get killed like they do in Muslim societies.

All of this of course having absolutely nothing to do with Israel having one of the best Air Force in the world. LOL.
I look forward in seeing that put to the test, soon
Against whom, pray tell?
Bring it on, Achmed.


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