Israeli lawmaker: Waqf’s control of the Temple Mount is over


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
We can only hope. It is about time that all religions have the same rights on the Temple Mount, it is not exclusively a Muslum site. And the anti-Israel crowd has only been using it as a tool to promote more violence anyways. This guy makes it clear:

“Regarding the Temple Mount, I can say that it’s a question of our policy at the site, which is unclear to the Palestinians, but is very clear to us,” he said, pointing to the fact that the Palestinians have changed their propaganda strategy. In the past, they have run the campaign “al-Aqsa is in danger,” but “now they have changed the campaign to ‘the Temple Mount equals al-Aqsa.’ They are trying to create a situation in which it is problematic for Jews to go up to the Temple Mount.

Link: Israeli lawmaker: Waqf's control of the Temple Mount is over | World Israel News
We can only hope. It is about time that all religions have the same rights on the Temple Mount, it is not exclusively a Muslum site. And the anti-Israel crowd has only been using it as a tool to promote more violence anyways. This guy makes it clear:

“Regarding the Temple Mount, I can say that it’s a question of our policy at the site, which is unclear to the Palestinians, but is very clear to us,” he said, pointing to the fact that the Palestinians have changed their propaganda strategy. In the past, they have run the campaign “al-Aqsa is in danger,” but “now they have changed the campaign to ‘the Temple Mount equals al-Aqsa.’ They are trying to create a situation in which it is problematic for Jews to go up to the Temple Mount.

Link: Israeli lawmaker: Waqf's control of the Temple Mount is over | World Israel News

Hope is over. Because of the riots in Jerusalem, the Police has closed the Temple Mount to non Muslims for awhile. They became aware that the Jews were taking advantage and praying, as it was agreed to with Jordan back in 1967, but totally changed to deny Jews the right to pray at their holiest site.

It will be over, when the Israeli government makes a serious decision to talk to the Hashemites and make them stop with this imposed "Status Quo", or the threat of endless violence against Jews.
From your link: Police rescind order to bar Jews from visiting holiest site in Judaism as riots continue over installation of metal detectors.

Here is what I don't get. Why do they continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.
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"Pal'istanians" rich history.

MIDEAST TURMOIL: BETHLEHEM; Church of Nativity Damaged And a Monastery Is Scorched

MIDEAST TURMOIL: BETHLEHEM; Church of Nativity Damaged And a Monastery Is Scorched

A gun battle between Israeli and Palestinian fighters damaged the exterior of the Church of the Nativity today and ignited a fire in an adjoining monastery, scarring one of Christianity's holiest sites as a standoff at the church continued for a sixth day.

The fire was quickly extinguished, but both sides confirmed that the exterior of the church suffered damage during an early morning firefight that left one Palestinian policeman dead and two Israeli soldiers seriously wounded.

Each side accused the other of firing first.

Israeli officials said two Palestinians sneaked out of the church at 7 a.m. and attacked Israeli soldiers with grenades. Palestinian officials said Israeli soldiers had opened fire on the church and shot dead the policeman when he tried to extinguish the blaze.

More than 200 armed Palestinians have been holed up since last week in the church, believed by Christians to be built on the site where Jesus was born. Church officials have repeatedly warned Israeli forces not to damage the site.
Hahah! What a joke. You ever been to Israel, Louie? Jerusalem? The temple mount? Don't tell me I don't know, I've been there.
Then why would you create a thread with such an idiotic title and OP?

I think the OP was referring to the latest. Take a gander at this.

Jews Openly Pray Atop Temple Mount For First Time in Decades
Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | Israel Today Staff

  • [URL='']

    Jewish visitors to Jerusalem's Temple Mount on Monday did something that many are calling a prophetic breakthrough–they prayed, openly and without harassment.

    Typically, non-Muslim visitors to Judaism's holiest site are accompanied by officials from the Islamic Trust (Waqf) to ensure they don't engage in acts of Christian or Jewish worship, which in the eyes of Muslims would desecrate the sacred compound that is today occupied by several mosques.

    But this week, the Waqf was boycotting the Temple Mount over Israel's decision to reinstall metal detectors at its entrances.

    Previously, Israel had removed the metal detectors at the behest of the Waqf and its Jordanian overseers. That ill-advised move enabled three Israeli Arab Muslim terrorists to enter the Temple Mount with guns last week. Following Friday prayers, they proceeded to murder two Israeli police officers there.

    So Israel reinstalled the metal detectors. And the Waqf stayed away (and urged other Muslims to do the same). And Jews flocked to the Temple Mount unhindered for the first time in many years.

    The first thing one of the Jewish groups did was go to the very point where the police officers were killed last week and recite prayers for the deceased and their families.

    What made this action particularly poignant was that the officers themselves weren't Jewish. They were both members of Israel's Druze minority.

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We can only hope. It is about time that all religions have the same rights on the Temple Mount, it is not exclusively a Muslum site. And the anti-Israel crowd has only been using it as a tool to promote more violence anyways. This guy makes it clear:

“Regarding the Temple Mount, I can say that it’s a question of our policy at the site, which is unclear to the Palestinians, but is very clear to us,” he said, pointing to the fact that the Palestinians have changed their propaganda strategy. In the past, they have run the campaign “al-Aqsa is in danger,” but “now they have changed the campaign to ‘the Temple Mount equals al-Aqsa.’ They are trying to create a situation in which it is problematic for Jews to go up to the Temple Mount.

Link: Israeli lawmaker: Waqf's control of the Temple Mount is over | World Israel News
Should have been over a long time ago, like 50 years almost.
From your link: Police rescind order to bar Jews from visiting holiest site in Judaism as riots continue over installation of metal detectors.

Here is what I don't get. Why do they continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.
You mean sites Muslims built right on top of Jewish sites? They do this all the time, you know. The mosque in Turkey was originally a church, and so on, and so forth.
When little kids fight over a toy, you take it away. Especially if they keep killing each other over it.

False equivalency. There are not two kids fighting over a toy as though both were equally responsible. There is only one kid who insists on keeping the "toy" to themselves and are willing to kill is the other kid over it.
Yeah, the European fake jews should go back where they came from and we could have peace.

See? You've made my point. The one kid refuses to share.

There will never be any sort of arrangement. The European Jews believe they had the right to dispossess, with British arms, the people living in Palestine and create a colony for themselves in the land that the native people lived on.

It's such a crazy concept in a post colonial world, yet the posters here believe that their religion allows them to steal land and oppress people.
When little kids fight over a toy, you take it away. Especially if they keep killing each other over it.

False equivalency. There are not two kids fighting over a toy as though both were equally responsible. There is only one kid who insists on keeping the "toy" to themselves and are willing to kill is the other kid over it.
Yeah, the European fake jews should go back where they came from and we could have peace.

It's a shame that you rattle on with such buffoonery. With all the forehead banging you people do at the mosque, you would ink more time would be devoted to learning your koranology. You somehow missed those parts in your koranology lessons about Shia/ Sunni hatreds dating back more than a thousand years, that Moslems, all of them, have fought civil wars with other moslems and moslem rebels, that half of the “rightly guided" Caliphs were assassinated by other Moslems. We see demonstration of this dynamic in Iraq, Syria and across the Middle East today.

Really, Habib, Islamism has been at war with itself and / or with the rest of the world ever since Mo' unleashed his politico- religious ideology on the planet.

Go back to watching Cartoon Network and stop being an embarrassment to thinking humans.
When little kids fight over a toy, you take it away. Especially if they keep killing each other over it.

False equivalency. There are not two kids fighting over a toy as though both were equally responsible. There is only one kid who insists on keeping the "toy" to themselves and are willing to kill is the other kid over it.
Yeah, the European fake jews should go back where they came from and we could have peace.

See? You've made my point. The one kid refuses to share.

There will never be any sort of arrangement. The European Jews believe they had the right to dispossess, with British arms, the people living in Palestine and create a colony for themselves in the land that the native people lived on.

It's such a crazy concept in a post colonial world, yet the posters here believe that their religion allows them to steal land and oppress people.

On the other hand, your Islamic terrorist heroes believe that the entirety of the Middle East is a waqf, that belongs to muhammud (swish) and his partner, Allah. Your heroes feel that is an entitlement to steal land, murder and disposess both muhammedans and non- muhammedans.

You are correct, Islamic fascism is incompatible with the modern world.
I asked first. Why would you not answer mine? Here, try again...

Why do they continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.
Well, as a supposed Jew, you should know. But you have proven time and time again that you lie when you claim to be a Jew. Regardless of that and what is on the Temple Mount now it is historical fact that there were two Jewish temple there, both have been proven by archeological records. The Jews have prayed for two-three thousand years towards Jerusalem. Most synagogues are pointed towards the Temple Mount.

And even though those Muslum sites are on the Temple Mount, and have been for centuries, Muslums pray pointed towards Mecca in Saudi Arabia. They have been doing that for all the centuries that those structures have been on the Holy of Holy Temple Mount.

Happy? I answered your question(s). Well except for your bullshit in your third paragraph.

Now, will you tell us when you've been to Israel? To Jerusalem? On the Temple Mount?
We can only hope. It is about time that all religions have the same rights on the Temple Mount, it is not exclusively a Muslum site. And the anti-Israel crowd has only been using it as a tool to promote more violence anyways. This guy makes it clear:

“Regarding the Temple Mount, I can say that it’s a question of our policy at the site, which is unclear to the Palestinians, but is very clear to us,” he said, pointing to the fact that the Palestinians have changed their propaganda strategy. In the past, they have run the campaign “al-Aqsa is in danger,” but “now they have changed the campaign to ‘the Temple Mount equals al-Aqsa.’ They are trying to create a situation in which it is problematic for Jews to go up to the Temple Mount.

Link: Israeli lawmaker: Waqf's control of the Temple Mount is over | World Israel News

About time ... B"H
Cover it in C4 and then boom, no more people engaging in religious madness over it
Is that the Liberal way to solve problems?
The conservative way to solve problems has been 70 years of bullshit
Excellent reponse. Not!

When little kids fight over a toy, you take it away. Especially if they keep killing each other over it.

Because Muslims never murdered anyone en masse until 1948.
Cover it in C4 and then boom, no more people engaging in religious madness over it
Is that the Liberal way to solve problems?
The conservative way to solve problems has been 70 years of bullshit
Excellent reponse. Not!

When little kids fight over a toy, you take it away. Especially if they keep killing each other over it.

Because Muslims never murdered anyone en masse until 1948.

Oh the temple mount was built in 1948?

What a dumb post.
Is that the Liberal way to solve problems?
The conservative way to solve problems has been 70 years of bullshit
Excellent reponse. Not!

When little kids fight over a toy, you take it away. Especially if they keep killing each other over it.

Because Muslims never murdered anyone en masse until 1948.

Oh the temple mount was built in 1948?

What a dumb post.

You're the one who insists that Israel, as a modern state, is causing all the violence.
Prior to 1948 the Muslim had no lack of duty to murder anyone who disagreed with their ideology,
The conservative way to solve problems has been 70 years of bullshit
Excellent reponse. Not!

When little kids fight over a toy, you take it away. Especially if they keep killing each other over it.

Because Muslims never murdered anyone en masse until 1948.

Oh the temple mount was built in 1948?

What a dumb post.

You're the one who insists that Israel, as a modern state, is causing all the violence.
Prior to 1948 the Muslim had no lack of duty to murder anyone who disagreed with their ideology,

Where did I insist that
Excellent reponse. Not!

When little kids fight over a toy, you take it away. Especially if they keep killing each other over it.

Because Muslims never murdered anyone en masse until 1948.

Oh the temple mount was built in 1948?

What a dumb post.

You're the one who insists that Israel, as a modern state, is causing all the violence.
Prior to 1948 the Muslim had no lack of duty to murder anyone who disagreed with their ideology,

Where did I insist that

Typical Liberals reacting from the hip and never knowing the underlying ideas of their atheism.
The Muslims didn't claim the Temple was one of their holy sites until 1948.
In other words, no Israel in 1948, no Muslim bullshit claim.

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