Israeli propaganda is only fooling Israelis


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2014
Great piece by Gideon Levy:

Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis

'Hasbara' is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not 'hasbarable.' One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

And propaganda shall cover for everything. We’ll say terrorism, we’ll shout anti-Semitism, we’ll scream delegitimation, we’ll cite the Holocaust; we’ll say Jewish state, gay-friendly, drip irrigation, cherry tomatoes, aid to Nepal, Nobel Prizes for Jews, look what’s happening in Syria, the only democracy, the greatest army. We’ll say the Palestinians are making unilateral moves, we’ll propose negotiations on the “settlement bloc borders,” we’ll demand recognition of a Jewish state and we’ll complain that “there’s no one to talk to.”
We’ll wail that the whole world is against us and wants to destroy us, no less. The deputy minister will call on Switzerland to boycott, the minister will declare that boycotts are unacceptable, the deputy director of the Foreign Ministry will explain that a bigger budget is needed, and Sheldon Adelson will convene an emergency conference in Las Vegas – and despite it all, nothing will budge. Propaganda won’t cover for everything.

The policy of denial and disconnection from reality is rising to a dangerous level, and the illness is getting worse.

read more: Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone – except Israelis - Opinion
Great piece by Gideon Levy:

Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis

'Hasbara' is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not 'hasbarable.' One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

And propaganda shall cover for everything. We’ll say terrorism, we’ll shout anti-Semitism, we’ll scream delegitimation, we’ll cite the Holocaust; we’ll say Jewish state, gay-friendly, drip irrigation, cherry tomatoes, aid to Nepal, Nobel Prizes for Jews, look what’s happening in Syria, the only democracy, the greatest army. We’ll say the Palestinians are making unilateral moves, we’ll propose negotiations on the “settlement bloc borders,” we’ll demand recognition of a Jewish state and we’ll complain that “there’s no one to talk to.”
We’ll wail that the whole world is against us and wants to destroy us, no less. The deputy minister will call on Switzerland to boycott, the minister will declare that boycotts are unacceptable, the deputy director of the Foreign Ministry will explain that a bigger budget is needed, and Sheldon Adelson will convene an emergency conference in Las Vegas – and despite it all, nothing will budge. Propaganda won’t cover for everything.

The policy of denial and disconnection from reality is rising to a dangerous level, and the illness is getting worse.

read more: Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone – except Israelis - Opinion

Thank goodnesss you are discussing Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palis can remain in Israel. Disgusting. Face it you Zionists, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. And yet you Zionists say Israel wants peace. Shame on you.
Great piece by Gideon Levy:

Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis

'Hasbara' is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not 'hasbarable.' One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

And propaganda shall cover for everything. We’ll say terrorism, we’ll shout anti-Semitism, we’ll scream delegitimation, we’ll cite the Holocaust; we’ll say Jewish state, gay-friendly, drip irrigation, cherry tomatoes, aid to Nepal, Nobel Prizes for Jews, look what’s happening in Syria, the only democracy, the greatest army. We’ll say the Palestinians are making unilateral moves, we’ll propose negotiations on the “settlement bloc borders,” we’ll demand recognition of a Jewish state and we’ll complain that “there’s no one to talk to.”
We’ll wail that the whole world is against us and wants to destroy us, no less. The deputy minister will call on Switzerland to boycott, the minister will declare that boycotts are unacceptable, the deputy director of the Foreign Ministry will explain that a bigger budget is needed, and Sheldon Adelson will convene an emergency conference in Las Vegas – and despite it all, nothing will budge. Propaganda won’t cover for everything.

The policy of denial and disconnection from reality is rising to a dangerous level, and the illness is getting worse.

read more: Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone – except Israelis - Opinion

Thank goodnesss you are discussing Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palis can remain in Israel. Disgusting. Face it you Zionists, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. And yet you Zionists say Israel wants peace. Shame on you.

You have been playing Hasbara Bingo!

Great piece by Gideon Levy:

Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis

'Hasbara' is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not 'hasbarable.' One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

And propaganda shall cover for everything. We’ll say terrorism, we’ll shout anti-Semitism, we’ll scream delegitimation, we’ll cite the Holocaust; we’ll say Jewish state, gay-friendly, drip irrigation, cherry tomatoes, aid to Nepal, Nobel Prizes for Jews, look what’s happening in Syria, the only democracy, the greatest army. We’ll say the Palestinians are making unilateral moves, we’ll propose negotiations on the “settlement bloc borders,” we’ll demand recognition of a Jewish state and we’ll complain that “there’s no one to talk to.”
We’ll wail that the whole world is against us and wants to destroy us, no less. The deputy minister will call on Switzerland to boycott, the minister will declare that boycotts are unacceptable, the deputy director of the Foreign Ministry will explain that a bigger budget is needed, and Sheldon Adelson will convene an emergency conference in Las Vegas – and despite it all, nothing will budge. Propaganda won’t cover for everything.

The policy of denial and disconnection from reality is rising to a dangerous level, and the illness is getting worse.

read more: Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone – except Israelis - Opinion

Thank goodnesss you are discussing Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palis can remain in Israel. Disgusting. Face it you Zionists, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. And yet you Zionists say Israel wants peace. Shame on you.
Your not very good at Sarcasm are you
Great piece by Gideon Levy:

Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis

'Hasbara' is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not 'hasbarable.' One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

And propaganda shall cover for everything. We’ll say terrorism, we’ll shout anti-Semitism, we’ll scream delegitimation, we’ll cite the Holocaust; we’ll say Jewish state, gay-friendly, drip irrigation, cherry tomatoes, aid to Nepal, Nobel Prizes for Jews, look what’s happening in Syria, the only democracy, the greatest army. We’ll say the Palestinians are making unilateral moves, we’ll propose negotiations on the “settlement bloc borders,” we’ll demand recognition of a Jewish state and we’ll complain that “there’s no one to talk to.”
We’ll wail that the whole world is against us and wants to destroy us, no less. The deputy minister will call on Switzerland to boycott, the minister will declare that boycotts are unacceptable, the deputy director of the Foreign Ministry will explain that a bigger budget is needed, and Sheldon Adelson will convene an emergency conference in Las Vegas – and despite it all, nothing will budge. Propaganda won’t cover for everything.

The policy of denial and disconnection from reality is rising to a dangerous level, and the illness is getting worse.

read more: Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone – except Israelis - Opinion

Thank goodnesss you are discussing Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palis can remain in Israel. Disgusting. Face it you Zionists, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. And yet you Zionists say Israel wants peace. Shame on you.
Your not very good at Sarcasm are you

HUH?? Are you daft? I am your side against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Want peace? Those Zionists in Israel should learn from Jordan how to achieve it. Don't you agree?
Great piece by Gideon Levy:

Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis

'Hasbara' is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not 'hasbarable.' One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

And propaganda shall cover for everything. We’ll say terrorism, we’ll shout anti-Semitism, we’ll scream delegitimation, we’ll cite the Holocaust; we’ll say Jewish state, gay-friendly, drip irrigation, cherry tomatoes, aid to Nepal, Nobel Prizes for Jews, look what’s happening in Syria, the only democracy, the greatest army. We’ll say the Palestinians are making unilateral moves, we’ll propose negotiations on the “settlement bloc borders,” we’ll demand recognition of a Jewish state and we’ll complain that “there’s no one to talk to.”
We’ll wail that the whole world is against us and wants to destroy us, no less. The deputy minister will call on Switzerland to boycott, the minister will declare that boycotts are unacceptable, the deputy director of the Foreign Ministry will explain that a bigger budget is needed, and Sheldon Adelson will convene an emergency conference in Las Vegas – and despite it all, nothing will budge. Propaganda won’t cover for everything.

The policy of denial and disconnection from reality is rising to a dangerous level, and the illness is getting worse.

read more: Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone – except Israelis - Opinion

Thank goodnesss you are discussing Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palis can remain in Israel. Disgusting. Face it you Zionists, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. And yet you Zionists say Israel wants peace. Shame on you.
Your not very good at Sarcasm are you

HUH?? Are you daft? I am your side against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Want peace? Those Zionists in Israel should learn from Jordan how to achieve it. Don't you agree?

I agree, the Israelis should enfranchise all the non-Jews as Hussein did with the Palestinians.
montelatici, et al,

It doesn't surprise me at all that you don't have an original thought on the subject.

I do appreciate the Salam Schocken Family perspective, having escaped from Nazi Germany in 1934 and having citizenship withdrawn. The Schocken's had several family members in the Haganah, and one of the son's became a General Officer in the Israeli Defense Force. Salam Schocken and M Buber were the founding publishers of the Monthly Magazine "Der Jude" -- a Modern Review of Judaism; which some claim was principally a post-WWI Zionist publication.

Gideon Levy is an Award Winning weekly contributor to the Haaretz Publications (Newspaper and online Media). I was actually at a Garden Party where he was in attendance, although I doubt he took notice of me. But I can say he is a charming fellow and eloquent conversationalist. We are roughly the same age.

Great piece by Gideon Levy:

Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis

'Hasbara' is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not 'hasbarable.' One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

And propaganda shall cover for everything. We’ll say terrorism, we’ll shout anti-Semitism, we’ll scream delegitimation, we’ll cite the Holocaust; we’ll say Jewish state, gay-friendly, drip irrigation, cherry tomatoes, aid to Nepal, Nobel Prizes for Jews, look what’s happening in Syria, the only democracy, the greatest army. We’ll say the Palestinians are making unilateral moves, we’ll propose negotiations on the “settlement bloc borders,” we’ll demand recognition of a Jewish state and we’ll complain that “there’s no one to talk to.”
We’ll wail that the whole world is against us and wants to destroy us, no less. The deputy minister will call on Switzerland to boycott, the minister will declare that boycotts are unacceptable, the deputy director of the Foreign Ministry will explain that a bigger budget is needed, and Sheldon Adelson will convene an emergency conference in Las Vegas – and despite it all, nothing will budge. Propaganda won’t cover for everything.

The policy of denial and disconnection from reality is rising to a dangerous level, and the illness is getting worse.

read more: Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone – except Israelis - Opinion

Levy, like so many others I have met, market themselves as patriots and true Israelis; which is not untrue. Levy is of a mind that a one-state solutions is the answer. He does not care if the Jewish State is taken over by the Arabs or not. He is in the rare group that believes there will never be a case of the Jewish People being persecuted again, under the color of law. Levy does not necessary agree with the argument of indefensible borders. He has no objection to Arab rockets and mortars within range of the Airport and Tel Aviv. Nor is he concerned that the Gas Recovery operations in the world's richest natural gas reserve (in the Levant Basin) will be open to asymmetric assault if the blockade is lifted off the Gaza Coast.

All of these ideas, and more, should be openly discussed. But I don't believe that there is a dangerously high level of disinformation any more on one side, then there is on the other. In fact, just as most of the pro-Palestinians would want to swap more propaganda rather than discuss the topics from realistic positions, there is some of that on the pro-Israeli side. And much of that has to do with the fact that each side wants to point fingers at the other side. It has nothing to do with a negotiated settlement.

I don't agree with Gideon Levy's (the author's) position from the broader perspective. But I defend his right to argue the view. I do object to pro-Palestinians that maintain the total position that they have the absolute right to target civilian objects and citizens, that they may use any and all means, that they have the absolute right to sovereignty over all the territory formerly under the Mandate and Trusteeship.

Most Respectfully,
montelatici, et al,

It doesn't surprise me at all that you don't have an original thought on the subject.

I do appreciate the Salam Schocken Family perspective, having escaped from Nazi Germany in 1934 and having citizenship withdrawn. The Schocken's had several family members in the Haganah, and one of the son's became a General Officer in the Israeli Defense Force. Salam Schocken and M Buber were the founding publishers of the Monthly Magazine "Der Jude" -- a Modern Review of Judaism; which some claim was principally a post-WWI Zionist publication.

Gideon Levy is an Award Winning weekly contributor to the Haaretz Publications (Newspaper and online Media). I was actually at a Garden Party where he was in attendance, although I doubt he took notice of me. But I can say he is a charming fellow and eloquent conversationalist. We are roughly the same age.

Great piece by Gideon Levy:

Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis

'Hasbara' is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not 'hasbarable.' One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

And propaganda shall cover for everything. We’ll say terrorism, we’ll shout anti-Semitism, we’ll scream delegitimation, we’ll cite the Holocaust; we’ll say Jewish state, gay-friendly, drip irrigation, cherry tomatoes, aid to Nepal, Nobel Prizes for Jews, look what’s happening in Syria, the only democracy, the greatest army. We’ll say the Palestinians are making unilateral moves, we’ll propose negotiations on the “settlement bloc borders,” we’ll demand recognition of a Jewish state and we’ll complain that “there’s no one to talk to.”
We’ll wail that the whole world is against us and wants to destroy us, no less. The deputy minister will call on Switzerland to boycott, the minister will declare that boycotts are unacceptable, the deputy director of the Foreign Ministry will explain that a bigger budget is needed, and Sheldon Adelson will convene an emergency conference in Las Vegas – and despite it all, nothing will budge. Propaganda won’t cover for everything.

The policy of denial and disconnection from reality is rising to a dangerous level, and the illness is getting worse.

read more: Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone – except Israelis - Opinion

Levy, like so many others I have met, market themselves as patriots and true Israelis; which is not untrue. Levy is of a mind that a one-state solutions is the answer. He does not care if the Jewish State is taken over by the Arabs or not. He is in the rare group that believes there will never be a case of the Jewish People being persecuted again, under the color of law. Levy does not necessary agree with the argument of indefensible borders. He has no objection to Arab rockets and mortars within range of the Airport and Tel Aviv. Nor is he concerned that the Gas Recovery operations in the world's richest natural gas reserve (in the Levant Basin) will be open to asymmetric assault if the blockade is lifted off the Gaza Coast.

All of these ideas, and more, should be openly discussed. But I don't believe that there is a dangerously high level of disinformation any more on one side, then there is on the other. In fact, just as most of the pro-Palestinians would want to swap more propaganda rather than discuss the topics from realistic positions, there is some of that on the pro-Israeli side. And much of that has to do with the fact that each side wants to point fingers at the other side. It has nothing to do with a negotiated settlement.

I don't agree with Gideon Levy's (the author's) position from the broader perspective. But I defend his right to argue the view. I do object to pro-Palestinians that maintain the total position that they have the absolute right to target civilian objects and citizens, that they may use any and all means, that they have the absolute right to sovereignty over all the territory formerly under the Mandate and Trusteeship.

Most Respectfully,

All that BS, to say you disagree with Levy. Unbelievable.

It is the Israelis that claim to have the absolute right to sovereignty over all the territory. Not only they claim to have the right, they exercise the right. So work with that fact.
Nobody has the propaganda machine like the depraved Palestinians though. I gots ta tell ya. They'll throw their own kids right in front of a bus just to get a good photo:







Nobody has the propaganda machine like the depraved Palestinians though. I gots ta tell ya. They'll throw their own kids right in front of a bus just to get a good photo:







The Israeli government believes it is locked in an epic struggle to save Israel from the growing movement calling for an international boycott. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu warns that Israel must quickly “rebrand” itself to avoid pariah status.
Ordinary Israelis are therefore being conscripted into an army of spin-doctors in a campaign termed “hasbara” – Hebrew for “public diplomacy”, or more literally “propaganda”.
In the latest offensive, the education ministry has launched a compulsory hasbara course for Israeli students travelling abroad. All youth delegations are now required to learn how to justify to outsiders Israel’s policies in the occupied territories. According to officials, the students must challenge those who “seek to delegitimize Israel”.
It is yet more evidence that hasbara has become a national obsession in Israel – and that the line between support for one’s country and support for the subjugation of another people has been erased. Some 85 per cent of Israelis tell pollsters they are keen to become hasbara ambassadors for the Netanyahu government.
A hasbara ministry already targets the international media with good news, while cultural events from food fairs to Israeli entries at film festivals are designed to prove that Israel has another, hidden side.
For years the Israeli government has relied on paid workers – and thousands of volunteers in Israel and abroad – to surf the net posting pro-Israel comments.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Hasbara Industry: Why Israel’s Army of Spin-Doctors is Doomed to Defeat[/FONT]
Hooray for Pallywood! Taking auditions for Pallywood actors, cinematographers, directors, etc. now. I see some good candidates here!



montelatici, et al,

It doesn't surprise me at all that you don't have an original thought on the subject.

I do appreciate the Salam Schocken Family perspective, having escaped from Nazi Germany in 1934 and having citizenship withdrawn. The Schocken's had several family members in the Haganah, and one of the son's became a General Officer in the Israeli Defense Force. Salam Schocken and M Buber were the founding publishers of the Monthly Magazine "Der Jude" -- a Modern Review of Judaism; which some claim was principally a post-WWI Zionist publication.

Gideon Levy is an Award Winning weekly contributor to the Haaretz Publications (Newspaper and online Media). I was actually at a Garden Party where he was in attendance, although I doubt he took notice of me. But I can say he is a charming fellow and eloquent conversationalist. We are roughly the same age.

Great piece by Gideon Levy:

Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis

'Hasbara' is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not 'hasbarable.' One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

And propaganda shall cover for everything. We’ll say terrorism, we’ll shout anti-Semitism, we’ll scream delegitimation, we’ll cite the Holocaust; we’ll say Jewish state, gay-friendly, drip irrigation, cherry tomatoes, aid to Nepal, Nobel Prizes for Jews, look what’s happening in Syria, the only democracy, the greatest army. We’ll say the Palestinians are making unilateral moves, we’ll propose negotiations on the “settlement bloc borders,” we’ll demand recognition of a Jewish state and we’ll complain that “there’s no one to talk to.”
We’ll wail that the whole world is against us and wants to destroy us, no less. The deputy minister will call on Switzerland to boycott, the minister will declare that boycotts are unacceptable, the deputy director of the Foreign Ministry will explain that a bigger budget is needed, and Sheldon Adelson will convene an emergency conference in Las Vegas – and despite it all, nothing will budge. Propaganda won’t cover for everything.

The policy of denial and disconnection from reality is rising to a dangerous level, and the illness is getting worse.

read more: Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone – except Israelis - Opinion

Levy, like so many others I have met, market themselves as patriots and true Israelis; which is not untrue. Levy is of a mind that a one-state solutions is the answer. He does not care if the Jewish State is taken over by the Arabs or not. He is in the rare group that believes there will never be a case of the Jewish People being persecuted again, under the color of law. Levy does not necessary agree with the argument of indefensible borders. He has no objection to Arab rockets and mortars within range of the Airport and Tel Aviv. Nor is he concerned that the Gas Recovery operations in the world's richest natural gas reserve (in the Levant Basin) will be open to asymmetric assault if the blockade is lifted off the Gaza Coast.

All of these ideas, and more, should be openly discussed. But I don't believe that there is a dangerously high level of disinformation any more on one side, then there is on the other. In fact, just as most of the pro-Palestinians would want to swap more propaganda rather than discuss the topics from realistic positions, there is some of that on the pro-Israeli side. And much of that has to do with the fact that each side wants to point fingers at the other side. It has nothing to do with a negotiated settlement.

I don't agree with Gideon Levy's (the author's) position from the broader perspective. But I defend his right to argue the view. I do object to pro-Palestinians that maintain the total position that they have the absolute right to target civilian objects and citizens, that they may use any and all means, that they have the absolute right to sovereignty over all the territory formerly under the Mandate and Trusteeship.

Most Respectfully,

All that BS, to say you disagree with Levy. Unbelievable.

It is the Israelis that claim to have the absolute right to sovereignty over all the territory. Not only they claim to have the right, they exercise the right. So work with that fact.
As usual, you demonstrate you're just a buffoon. Quite clearly, Israel's demonstrated record of returning land in exchange for peace refutes your silly "absolute right to sovereignty over all the territory", islamo-taqiyya.

The fact is, it is the Islamic terrorists, as stated in the Hamas Charter, who are demanding an "absolute right to sovereignty over all the territory".

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. It is appropriate to point and laugh at the goofy taqiyya'ist.
montelatici, et al,

It doesn't surprise me at all that you don't have an original thought on the subject.

I do appreciate the Salam Schocken Family perspective, having escaped from Nazi Germany in 1934 and having citizenship withdrawn. The Schocken's had several family members in the Haganah, and one of the son's became a General Officer in the Israeli Defense Force. Salam Schocken and M Buber were the founding publishers of the Monthly Magazine "Der Jude" -- a Modern Review of Judaism; which some claim was principally a post-WWI Zionist publication.

Gideon Levy is an Award Winning weekly contributor to the Haaretz Publications (Newspaper and online Media). I was actually at a Garden Party where he was in attendance, although I doubt he took notice of me. But I can say he is a charming fellow and eloquent conversationalist. We are roughly the same age.

Great piece by Gideon Levy:

Israeli Propaganda Isn't Fooling Anyone Except Israelis

'Hasbara' is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not 'hasbarable.' One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

And propaganda shall cover for everything. We’ll say terrorism, we’ll shout anti-Semitism, we’ll scream delegitimation, we’ll cite the Holocaust; we’ll say Jewish state, gay-friendly, drip irrigation, cherry tomatoes, aid to Nepal, Nobel Prizes for Jews, look what’s happening in Syria, the only democracy, the greatest army. We’ll say the Palestinians are making unilateral moves, we’ll propose negotiations on the “settlement bloc borders,” we’ll demand recognition of a Jewish state and we’ll complain that “there’s no one to talk to.”
We’ll wail that the whole world is against us and wants to destroy us, no less. The deputy minister will call on Switzerland to boycott, the minister will declare that boycotts are unacceptable, the deputy director of the Foreign Ministry will explain that a bigger budget is needed, and Sheldon Adelson will convene an emergency conference in Las Vegas – and despite it all, nothing will budge. Propaganda won’t cover for everything.

The policy of denial and disconnection from reality is rising to a dangerous level, and the illness is getting worse.

read more: Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone – except Israelis - Opinion

Levy, like so many others I have met, market themselves as patriots and true Israelis; which is not untrue. Levy is of a mind that a one-state solutions is the answer. He does not care if the Jewish State is taken over by the Arabs or not. He is in the rare group that believes there will never be a case of the Jewish People being persecuted again, under the color of law. Levy does not necessary agree with the argument of indefensible borders. He has no objection to Arab rockets and mortars within range of the Airport and Tel Aviv. Nor is he concerned that the Gas Recovery operations in the world's richest natural gas reserve (in the Levant Basin) will be open to asymmetric assault if the blockade is lifted off the Gaza Coast.

All of these ideas, and more, should be openly discussed. But I don't believe that there is a dangerously high level of disinformation any more on one side, then there is on the other. In fact, just as most of the pro-Palestinians would want to swap more propaganda rather than discuss the topics from realistic positions, there is some of that on the pro-Israeli side. And much of that has to do with the fact that each side wants to point fingers at the other side. It has nothing to do with a negotiated settlement.

I don't agree with Gideon Levy's (the author's) position from the broader perspective. But I defend his right to argue the view. I do object to pro-Palestinians that maintain the total position that they have the absolute right to target civilian objects and citizens, that they may use any and all means, that they have the absolute right to sovereignty over all the territory formerly under the Mandate and Trusteeship.

Most Respectfully,

All that BS, to say you disagree with Levy. Unbelievable.

It is the Israelis that claim to have the absolute right to sovereignty over all the territory. Not only they claim to have the right, they exercise the right. So work with that fact.
As usual, you demonstrate you're just a buffoon. Quite clearly, Israel's demonstrated record of returning land in exchange for peace refutes your silly "absolute right to sovereignty over all the territory", islamo-taqiyya.

The fact is, it is the Islamic terrorists, as stated in the Hamas Charter, who are demanding an "absolute right to sovereignty over all the territory".

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. It is appropriate to point and laugh at the goofy taqiyya'ist.

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