Israeli Soldier Sick Of Injustice


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Israeli/Palestine relationships not what they are seen to be. Soldier blames injustice on foreign journalists and "civil rights activists."

Sitting in a War Room day after day can give you some perspective on the conflict in the West Bank.

It's a perspective that you can't get from watching the media, nor from the Israeli or Palestinian politicians. Soldiers, the people "on the ground," who face difficult situations day after day, put their lives on the line for the sole purpose of maintaining peace on both sides. Yes, both sides.

I know this because I recently returned from a month as a reservist soldier (Miluim) in the West Bank, where I functioned as a telecommunications officer (ICT).

In between dealing with gear issues in our sector, I 'rested' in the brigade's War Room so I could keep track of and take care of issues concerning communications.

Sick of the injustice Thoughts of an IDF soldier after a month in the West Bank Israelife Jewish Journal
Maybe one or two? Ninety percent of what happened this past month never got to the media because the journalists pay so much attention to the Palestinian human rights issue (which is important, no doubt, but only a small part of the big picture.) The media - and subsequently, you- forget that the Palestinians have been living alongside Jews for a long time, and in most cases, coexistence in its most beautiful form thrives there.

Its just the opposite, we seldom on the news ever hear about the daily lock up and shooting of the Pals, never, or the nightly bulldozer raids, knocking down "illegal homes".
Maybe one or two? Ninety percent of what happened this past month never got to the media because the journalists pay so much attention to the Palestinian human rights issue (which is important, no doubt, but only a small part of the big picture.) The media - and subsequently, you- forget that the Palestinians have been living alongside Jews for a long time, and in most cases, coexistence in its most beautiful form thrives there.

Its just the opposite, we seldom on the news ever hear about the daily lock up and shooting of the Pals, never, or the nightly bulldozer raids, knocking down "illegal homes".
Because that stuff is made up by foreign journalists and "civil rights activists."
Maybe one or two? Ninety percent of what happened this past month never got to the media because the journalists pay so much attention to the Palestinian human rights issue (which is important, no doubt, but only a small part of the big picture.) The media - and subsequently, you- forget that the Palestinians have been living alongside Jews for a long time, and in most cases, coexistence in its most beautiful form thrives there.

Its just the opposite, we seldom on the news ever hear about the daily lock up and shooting of the Pals, never, or the nightly bulldozer raids, knocking down "illegal homes".
You've never been to Israel. All you know about Israel is what you read in your propaganda articles. You're just like Monti
Israeli/Palestine relationships not what they are seen to be. Soldier blames injustice on foreign journalists and "civil rights activists."

Sitting in a War Room day after day can give you some perspective on the conflict in the West Bank.

It's a perspective that you can't get from watching the media, nor from the Israeli or Palestinian politicians. Soldiers, the people "on the ground," who face difficult situations day after day, put their lives on the line for the sole purpose of maintaining peace on both sides. Yes, both sides.

I know this because I recently returned from a month as a reservist soldier (Miluim) in the West Bank, where I functioned as a telecommunications officer (ICT).

In between dealing with gear issues in our sector, I 'rested' in the brigade's War Room so I could keep track of and take care of issues concerning communications.

Sick of the injustice Thoughts of an IDF soldier after a month in the West Bank Israelife Jewish Journal
I read this article Hoss, and he says what I already knew. What we hear about what's going on in Israel and the West Bank is 1/1000 of what happens.
The Palestinian propaganda media only focuses on what they need to in order to promote their hateful agenda.
Does not look like much changed by 2011. Pathetic is your support for these monsters.

Maybe one or two? Ninety percent of what happened this past month never got to the media because the journalists pay so much attention to the Palestinian human rights issue (which is important, no doubt, but only a small part of the big picture.) The media - and subsequently, you- forget that the Palestinians have been living alongside Jews for a long time, and in most cases, coexistence in its most beautiful form thrives there.

Its just the opposite, we seldom on the news ever hear about the daily lock up and shooting of the Pals, never, or the nightly bulldozer raids, knocking down "illegal homes".
Because that stuff is made up by foreign journalists and "civil rights activists."
so says the paid zionist shill of Israel.
Does not look like much changed by 2011. Pathetic is your support for these monsters.

That video is ALSO from 2002 you lying propagandist .

You call that cruel ?

Dancing and handing out candies in response to the synagogue attack. I'm sure you were dancing too you racist bigot.
I see the Israeli propoganda media is hard at work arm wrestling with the Palestinian propoganda media.

In the meant time human rights violations get excused.
Maybe one or two? Ninety percent of what happened this past month never got to the media because the journalists pay so much attention to the Palestinian human rights issue (which is important, no doubt, but only a small part of the big picture.) The media - and subsequently, you- forget that the Palestinians have been living alongside Jews for a long time, and in most cases, coexistence in its most beautiful form thrives there.

Its just the opposite, we seldom on the news ever hear about the daily lock up and shooting of the Pals, never, or the nightly bulldozer raids, knocking down "illegal homes".

If they did not attack Israel then they would not be shot or locked up

Many of which are Israeli

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