Israel's Demographic Time-Bomb: An Arab-Majority State?

Can't hide your hate, can you. If Arab Palestinians went to Israeli schools they would learn that the Jewish God intended for them to be dispossessed of their land and homes by Jews. I don't think that is reasonable. Now, if they went to European schools where they do teach the truth of the creation of Israel, you might have something.

As in South Africa, where the country did move from ethnic/race based rule to democratic rule, they had truth commissions and while freedom fighters that did blow up shopping centers etc. had to discuss their reasons and why they resorted to violence the white soldiers and police had to explain why they shot non-whites they considered terrorists, there were few indictments for individuals on either side.

That's the only way for people who have had generations that have hated and killed each other to come to terms.
Actually ignoramus, the Koran doesn't mention a word about Palestine, but confirms that Israel belongs to the Jews.

Converts to Islam like you are usually the most ignorant about what their religion says.

Haven't you been told before that it is "Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt".
Haven't you been told when in hole stop digging?

In Surah al-Ahraf (of the Barrier), verse 137, we read:

We made a people considered weak inheritors of the Land in both Eastern and Western side [of the Jordan river] whereon we sent down Our blessings. The fair promise of thy Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel, because they had patience and constancy, and We levelled to the ground the great works and fine buildings which Pharaoh and his people erected.

Surah al Maidah (the Table), verse 21, is the only passage in which the Holy Land is mentioned by that title (al-Ard al-Muqaddas). It refers to the words Moses spoke to the descendants of Isaac:

Remember Moses said To his people: ‘O my People, call in remembrance the favor of God unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave You what He had not given To any other among the peoples. O my people! Enter The Holy Land which God hath written for you, and turn not back ignominiously [to this heritage of yours], for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.

Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel was never abolished

Moreover, the Quran explicitly refers to the return of the Jews to the Land of Israel before the Last Judgment when it says in the Surah of the Children of Israel, verse 104:

And thereafter We [God] said to the Children of Israel: ‘Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd.’
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I don't know where you take this information from, but it's incorrect.

The numbers are correct. One must consider that Jews and Muslims can live in harmony. To say there are Muslims living amount Jews in harmony does not mean there are not Muslims at the gates who seek to wipe Israel off the map. I have no idea which group Israeli Muslims would side with if things got rough.
Actually ignoramus, the Koran doesn't mention a word about Palestine, but confirms that Israel belongs to the Jews.

Converts to Islam like you are usually the most ignorant about what their religion says.

Haven't you been told before that it is "Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt".
Haven't you been told when in hole stop digging?

Is this a canned retort when you have nothing to say. Not that it is very difficult, but every time you open your mouth (figuratively) I (and others) make you look like the fool you are. You just aren't very clever Roudy, in fact, some might say you are downright intellectually challenged.

When you post, you just do your cause harm.
Jordan's 'Zionist Sheikh' Cites Quranic Sources for Islam-Jewish Relations | Jewish & Israel News

“Indeed, I recognize their sovereignty over their land. I believe in the Holy Koran, and this fact is stated many times in the book. For instance ‘O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you,’ [Koran 5:21], ‘We made the Children of Israel inheritors of such things.’ [Koran 26:59] and additional verses in the Holy Book.”

“And there are additional reasons: this people (Israel) is peaceful and peace-loving, is not hostile or aggressive; [they are] a people that defends itself only when necessary, while trying to minimally harm its enemies,” he said. “In addition, I recognize the fact that God may He be praised gave preference to these people over humans and demons until the end of days. God does not give preference for nothing but grants all that which they deserve. God may He be praised never turned to any [other] people by name and grant them this honor, aside from the People of Israel, who are named for their ancestor Israel (Jacob), may he rest in peace, as it says in the Koran ‘O Children of Israel.’ In contrast, in approaching others it is said ‘O Believers’ or ‘O people,’ which is a more general greeting.”

He also answered the magazine’s question on how to end anti-Semitism in the Muslim world:

“In my opinion the way to end anti-Semitism is to concentrate efforts and call for peace, spreading knowledge and forthrightly educate people of the values of justice and truth in accordance with what appears in the books of God – the Torah, Tehillim, the Ingil [the Gospel] and the Koran, which admired the Israelites, clarified their rights, gave preference to them and bequeathed to them the Holy Land and their direction of prayer – to Jerusalem. The books testify that this is a peace-loving and peace-calling nation, and it is the first people for whom the Creator designated a role in order to serve as its messenger on this earth until the Day of Resurrection.”

“In the Koran, it is written ‘Those who have faith and do righteous deeds, they are the best of creatures.’ [Koran 98:7]. The intent in the word best is ‘the best among people,’ but regarding the Umma of the Koran – that is the Arabs and those who preach Islam – they have no recourse but to return to the straight and true voice as appears in the Koran that many of its scholars interpreted in a mistaken and deviant manner. They distorted the true will of God may He be praised, as it is expressed in the verses, in a false and fallacious manner to say that murder of Jews is part of the commandment of Jihad for Allah and that this land is not the Land of [the People of] Israel.”

“They continue to hold this villainous interpretation towards others, and there will be no true peace but with the return of the Ummah of the Koran to the book of the Koran, as God bequeathed to his adherents. My religious education allowed me to strengthen what I say, and I have merited much honor in succeeding in interpreting verses which scholars did not properly interpret. These are verses which spell out the obligations and rights of people and that which is required so that peoples not be hostile to one another.”

He was also asked if Palestinian-Arabs have rights to the land of Israel as well.

“Allah may He be praised wrote in the Torah that this is the land of the sons of Israel, he bequeathed the Holy Land to the sons of Israel and called the land by this name (the Land of Israel) and so it is stated by the Holy Koran: ‘O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.’ [Koran 5:21]. This holy verse is a ‘Kushan’ (deed) which confirms that this land is granted to the Jews. It is also said ‘We made the Children of Israel inheritors of such things.’ [Koran 26:59], and in the following verse, ‘And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, ‘Dwell securely in the land (of promise)” [Koran 17:104] and there are many additional holy verses which prove and confirm this.”

“So in an answer to your question, how can they (the Palestinians) have the right to establish a State on the Jewish Land of Israel, which Allah granted and bequeathed to the Jews? More than that, even if all the inhabitants of the land forgot their right, or went crazy and collaborated with those who call themselves ‘Palestinians’ to establish a state for the latter, they won’t succeed, and Allah will not allow this until the Day of Judgment, this because Allah Himself willed and specifically wrote in His book that this land will be the land of the People of Israel under Israeli sovereignty so that no-one would later dispute it.”
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Haven't you been told before that it is "Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt".
Haven't you been told when in hole stop digging?

Is this a canned retort when you have nothing to say. Not that it is very difficult, but every time you open your mouth (figuratively) I (and others) make you look like the fool you are. You just aren't very clever Roudy, in fact, some might say you are downright intellectually challenged.

When you post, you just do your cause harm.
Perhaps you should take your own advice, ouch.
Haven't you been told when in hole stop digging?

Is this a canned retort when you have nothing to say. Not that it is very difficult, but every time you open your mouth (figuratively) I (and others) make you look like the fool you are. You just aren't very clever Roudy, in fact, some might say you are downright intellectually challenged.

When you post, you just do your cause harm.
Perhaps you should take your own advice, ouch.

Naw, I am a very effective poster, I only present facts from neutral or anti-Palestinian sources that make my point. Since I am on the side of justice, it really isn't that difficult to make the most clever of you look like fools. With you, it's child's play, you are a dimwit.
Is this a canned retort when you have nothing to say. Not that it is very difficult, but every time you open your mouth (figuratively) I (and others) make you look like the fool you are. You just aren't very clever Roudy, in fact, some might say you are downright intellectually challenged.

When you post, you just do your cause harm.
Perhaps you should take your own advice, ouch.

Naw, I am a very effective poster, I only present facts from neutral or anti-Palestinian sources that make my point. Since I am on the side of justice, it really isn't that difficult to make the most clever of you look like fools. With you, it's child's play, you are a dimwit.
"Facts"? Ha ha ha. Actually you are the Baghdad Bob village idiot and laughing stalk of the board, that gets humiliated every time, but keeps coming back for more. All you have are lies and old regurgitated false propaganda and anti Semetic canards.

Glad to educate you on the truth about Zionist verses in the Koran.
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Perhaps you should take your own advice, ouch.

Naw, I am a very effective poster, I only present facts from neutral or anti-Palestinian sources that make my point. Since I am on the side of justice, it really isn't that difficult to make the most clever of you look like fools. With you, it's child's play, you are a dimwit.
"Facts"? Ha ha ha. Actually you are the village idiot and laughing stalk of the board, that gets humiliated every time, but keeps coming back for more. All you have are lies and old regurgitated false propaganda and anti Semetic canards.

Glad to educate you on the truth about Zionist verses in the Koran.

No, I only post links to source material, i.e. official archives, neutral media or antagonistic Israeli and American media. This is upsetting to an ignorant fanatic who has only had propaganda to rely on. Facts that reduce the Israeli propaganda to what it is, is very inconvenient for someone like you, so you lash out fanatically with dimwitted retorts.
Naw, I am a very effective poster, I only present facts from neutral or anti-Palestinian sources that make my point. Since I am on the side of justice, it really isn't that difficult to make the most clever of you look like fools. With you, it's child's play, you are a dimwit.
"Facts"? Ha ha ha. Actually you are the village idiot and laughing stalk of the board, that gets humiliated every time, but keeps coming back for more. All you have are lies and old regurgitated false propaganda and anti Semetic canards.

Glad to educate you on the truth about Zionist verses in the Koran.

No, I only post links to source material, i.e. official archives, neutral media or antagonistic Israeli and American media. This is upsetting to an ignorant fanatic who has only had propaganda to rely on. Facts that reduce the Israeli propaganda to what it is, is very inconvenient for someone like you, so you lash out fanatically with dimwitted retorts.
You keep saying "source material", MOHOMOD, yet you either post from propaganda sites or in the rare event that you have a legit source it doesn't support your claim! Ha ha ha.

Your record and trolling behavior speaks for itself.
Forgive the Zionists who think military power is infinite...Demographic Acculturation the process which has sculptured the human face of the earth will eventually absorb Israel. The Palestinians genetically proven to be the ancient Jews of Israel were slowly absorbed by this process and became Muslims.

cockroaches out number humans, so is the human race to become extinct?
If Israel were to take, or rather no relinquish to the PA, the WB it would be the area they till control not the whole west bank. PA can fail on it's own terms, with or without G. They can beg union with Jordan perhaps, and G with Egypt, though I doubt either will want to take them.

If arab palestinians went to Israel schools and used Israeli text books, and see how other people behave, they will spread that tolerance.

Those who have engaged in terrorism will be deported or jailed. Maybe they can set up some way to survive either in the Nafud or the north pole, and can mourn what they had and what they did that lead to their situation. They might appreciate what they had and what they might have gained if they had worked for peace instead.

Daydreaming again. Up too early.

Am so glad that your fascist phalanges' animals were destroyed in Lebanon after they massacred the Palestinian civilians in Sabra and Shatila massacre ...

Phalangist party is still very strong. A leader in the March 14 group. Most of those that participated in the camp incident are highly esteemed members of society. Hobeika and a few of his inner circle are since dead, but most are doing well. A few have died of natural causes along the way.
They are not my party, but Lebanon's party. Can you say you don't know, work with, socialize with or have friends that are of differing political parties or of differing points of view? Life would be very boring if you didn't.
Can't hide your hate, can you. If Arab Palestinians went to Israeli schools they would learn that the Jewish God intended for them to be dispossessed of their land and homes by Jews. I don't think that is reasonable. Now, if they went to European schools where they do teach the truth of the creation of Israel, you might have something.

As in South Africa, where the country did move from ethnic/race based rule to democratic rule, they had truth commissions and while freedom fighters that did blow up shopping centers etc. had to discuss their reasons and why they resorted to violence the white soldiers and police had to explain why they shot non-whites they considered terrorists, there were few indictments for individuals on either side.

That's the only way for people who have had generations that have hated and killed each other to come to terms.

and out comes the S Africa comparison again!!
Israeli public schools are not run by the Rabbis, but trained teachers and educators.

Israeli schools claim that Israel had the right to expel non-Jews and take their land because it was their God's wish. It doesn't matter who teaches it, it is still bullshit.

You're drunk.

Or on drugs.

Prove it.

Gosh, what a liar you are.
cockroaches out number humans, so is the human race to become extinct?
If Israel were to take, or rather no relinquish to the PA, the WB it would be the area they till control not the whole west bank. PA can fail on it's own terms, with or without G. They can beg union with Jordan perhaps, and G with Egypt, though I doubt either will want to take them.

If arab palestinians went to Israel schools and used Israeli text books, and see how other people behave, they will spread that tolerance.

Those who have engaged in terrorism will be deported or jailed. Maybe they can set up some way to survive either in the Nafud or the north pole, and can mourn what they had and what they did that lead to their situation. They might appreciate what they had and what they might have gained if they had worked for peace instead.

Daydreaming again. Up too early.

Am so glad that your fascist phalanges' animals were destroyed in Lebanon after they massacred the Palestinian civilians in Sabra and Shatila massacre ...

Phalangist party is still very strong. A leader in the March 14 group. Most of those that participated in the camp incident are highly esteemed members of society. Hobeika and a few of his inner circle are since dead, but most are doing well. A few have died of natural causes along the way.
They are not my party, but Lebanon's party. Can you say you don't know, work with, socialize with or have friends that are of differing political parties or of differing points of view? Life would be very boring if you didn't.

You will notice, Aris, that he is quick to bring up the Sabra and Shatila incident, but never mentions the massacre at Damour which was the reason the Lebanese Christians went into the camps for revenge for what happened to their people. Maybe the dead bodies of all those Lebanese Christians lying around mean nothing to him.
Can't hide your hate, can you. If Arab Palestinians went to Israeli schools they would learn that the Jewish God intended for them to be dispossessed of their land and homes by Jews. I don't think that is reasonable. Now, if they went to European schools where they do teach the truth of the creation of Israel, you might have something.

As in South Africa, where the country did move from ethnic/race based rule to democratic rule, they had truth commissions and while freedom fighters that did blow up shopping centers etc. had to discuss their reasons and why they resorted to violence the white soldiers and police had to explain why they shot non-whites they considered terrorists, there were few indictments for individuals on either side.

That's the only way for people who have had generations that have hated and killed each other to come to terms.
Actually ignoramus, the Koran doesn't mention a word about Palestine, but confirms that Israel belongs to the Jews.

Converts to Islam like you are usually the most ignorant about what their religion says.

Haven't you been told before that it is "Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt".

Stop speaking then.
Am so glad that your fascist phalanges' animals were destroyed in Lebanon after they massacred the Palestinian civilians in Sabra and Shatila massacre ...

Phalangist party is still very strong. A leader in the March 14 group. Most of those that participated in the camp incident are highly esteemed members of society. Hobeika and a few of his inner circle are since dead, but most are doing well. A few have died of natural causes along the way.
They are not my party, but Lebanon's party. Can you say you don't know, work with, socialize with or have friends that are of differing political parties or of differing points of view? Life would be very boring if you didn't.

You will notice, Aris, that he is quick to bring up the Sabra and Shatila incident, but never mentions the massacre at Damour which was the reason the Lebanese Christians went into the camps for revenge for what happened to their people. Maybe the dead bodies of all those Lebanese Christians lying around mean nothing to him.

Damour was just one of the most noted massacres by palestinians in Lebanon. One that personally affected Hobeika, but there were many.

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