"It does make me wonder and ask the question why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country black men & women are dying"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"It does make me wonder and ask the question why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country black men and women are dying every day and far too often at the hands of those who are sworn to protect and serve."
-- (D) Seattle council member Tammy Morales

This is one of the examples of a Liberal Democrat attempting to use emotion rather than fact to justify radical leftist violence and looting.

According to statistics,13 unarmed black men were shot and killed by police officers in all of 2019.

A total of 1,627 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the past 10 years, an average of one death every 54 hours or 163 per year. There were 135 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2019.

According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report 2018 LEOKA report:
There have been 58,866 assaults against law enforcement officers in 2018, resulting in 18,005 injuries.

The New York City Police Department has lost more officers in the line of duty than any other department, with 941 deaths. Texas has lost 1,772 officers, more than any other state.

Check out the officer memorial site to see the faces of many killed in the line of duty....

Councilwoman Morales is right - blacks are being murdered in great numbers every single day - what she does not tell you is that they are being shot and murdered in record numbers by other blacks, some of the same ones looting, burning, gang-banging, destroying property, stealing, mugging, assaulting, destroying property, stalking and killing cops, murdering people, and committing acts of terrorism such throwing bombs, seizing public/govt property, & holding neighborhoods hostage. Morales and her fellow Democrats - and the blacks engaged in this violence / terrorist activity - will also NOT mention the high / disproportionate genocidal abortion rates among blacks.

While they riot, loot, burn, destroy, attack, assault, and murder others, blaming them for their troubles, they refuse to OWN their own actions that leads to the deaths of FAR more blacks than the police are responsible for.

At least 63 people were shot, 5 killed, in one weekend this past weekend alone in Chicago. After villainizing, defunding, and facilitating violence against the police, City and state politicians like Morales are seeing crime rates, especially gun crimes / murder sky-rocket to historic paces / levels...yet they take no accountability / responsibility for it. for it.

So Morales publicly appeases the terrorists / criminals and spews her radical false justification for it all by trying to paint them as poor victims of unparalleled targeted violence and racism....

She is amazed that people are concerned with the erosion of authority, law, and order, the violence and terrorism, instead of being outraged of the small percentage of blacks murdered by someone other than blacks themselves.


She is not an 'exception to the rule' - she represents the Democratic party who has embraced and espouses all of this. Antifa and BLM are militant, extremist, foreign-funded, violent surrogates / arms / tools of the Democratic party who they refuse to condemn and disavow while they do their best to destroy this country.

Remain 'silent'? Hell, Jerry Nadler incredulously declared publicly that there is no such thing as 'Antifa' in their defense...which is scary considering this fat toad in in charge of the House JUDICIARY committee. (He is the POS who Censured the US SAG for refusing to break the law.)

The Democrats are connected to the hip with violent BLM and Antifa.

All-In Together:

Though known for their hallmark masks and black uniforms, antifa isn’t a formal, centralized group. Its “members” operate as a loose grouping of militant Marxists and anarchists drawn from various autonomous far-left groups. Political violence is a feature, not a bug, of antifa, which believes itself to be in an existential struggle with latter-day fascism.

The worst part is how prominent media figures and politicians glamorize and even promote antifa as a movement for a just cause. CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon have defended antifa on-air. Chuck Todd invited antifa ideologue Mark Bray on “Meet the Press” to explain why antifa’s political violence is “ethical.”

Keith Ellison gleefully posted — and recently deleted — a selfie of himself holding Bray’s antifa handbook. Rep. Maxine Waters met hard-left political operative Joseph Alcoff in 2016. Alcoff is currently facing felony charges for his alleged involvement in an antifa mob beating of two Marines in Philadelphia.

Antifa seeks to destabilize and destroy the nation-state by attacking its sovereign borders. And the group draws morale from mainstream progressive politicians, such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who normalize hatred of border enforcement and sovereignty as such.

Van Spronsen, last weekend’s antifa fire bomber, expressed disdain for the state in a manifesto attributed to him on Seattle Antifascist Action’s Facebook page (it has since been deleted). He allegedly wrote: “I am antifa” and referred to ICE centers as “concentration camps” — language taken directly from AOC.

'House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says “people are going to do what they do” as they pull down statues and wreck memorials to heroes like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Christopher Columbus, and Winston Churchill.'

That's the closest she has come to condemning Antifa / BLM...

Joe Biden’s campaign bailed out violent criminals / protestors / domestic terrorists

Obama bailed out a young prominent socialist lawyer in Chicago who threw a Molotov cocktail onto / into a police car, reportedly with officers inside...


She's deflecting since Seattle, Portland and Indianapolis all have Dem Governors and Mayors. Why talk about their failings when you can talk about black men and women dying every day??

Hell, lets take Chicago. Black men and women are dying there every day shot by other blacks. Don't hear her big mouth talking about that.

Nah. Lets talk about all that itty bitty looting and arson and how its not as important as the deaths in Chicago.
If a person is not an complete imbecile indoctrinated into the cult of leftism, I don't understand how they could not see all of the current societal woes we are experiencing as having been orchestrated by the Democrat party.

The creatures on the left like Nadler and Pelosi only care about power. They and their ilk have been manipulating minorities for years.

Keeping minorities like pets on their urban ghetto plantations and telling them all their problems are due to racism, while promising them free shit..so long as they don't work, don't have a father in the home and vote Democrat.

Police are now just the latest victims to be thrown under the bus for the Democrat power grab. It's absolutely disgusting and appalling to treat our police officers the way Democrats have done.

I can't imagine a reasonable thinking individual in this country seeing all this go down would ever consider voting for Democrats again.
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"It does make me wonder and ask the question why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country black men and women are dying every day and far too often at the hands of those who are sworn to protect and serve."
-- (D) Seattle council member Tammy Morales

It does make me wonder and ask the question why infrequent police shootings bother people so much more than knowing across the country black men and women are dying every day at the hands of other black men and women.
"It does make me wonder and ask the question why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country black men and women are dying every day and far too often at the hands of those who are sworn to protect and serve."
-- (D) Seattle council member Tammy Morales

It does make me wonder and ask the question why infrequent police shootings bother people so much more than knowing across the country black men and women are dying every day at the hands of other black men and women.
Democrats care nothing about lives they ONLY care about power. There is no political benefit to them when a Black kills another Black that is why they have ignored all 320,000+ Black on Black murders and build shrines for the handful of Blacks killed by Police.
"It does make me wonder and ask the question why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country black men and women are dying every day and far too often at the hands of those who are sworn to protect and serve."
-- (D) Seattle council member Tammy Morales

This is one of the examples of a Liberal Democrat attempting to use emotion rather than fact to justify radical leftist violence and looting.

According to statistics,13 unarmed black men were shot and killed by police officers in all of 2019.

A total of 1,627 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the past 10 years, an average of one death every 54 hours or 163 per year. There were 135 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2019.

According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report 2018 LEOKA report:
There have been 58,866 assaults against law enforcement officers in 2018, resulting in 18,005 injuries.

The New York City Police Department has lost more officers in the line of duty than any other department, with 941 deaths. Texas has lost 1,772 officers, more than any other state.

Check out the officer memorial site to see the faces of many killed in the line of duty....

Councilwoman Morales is right - blacks are being murdered in great numbers every single day - what she does not tell you is that they are being shot and murdered in record numbers by other blacks, some of the same ones looting, burning, gang-banging, destroying property, stealing, mugging, assaulting, destroying property, stalking and killing cops, murdering people, and committing acts of terrorism such throwing bombs, seizing public/govt property, & holding neighborhoods hostage. Morales and her fellow Democrats - and the blacks engaged in this violence / terrorist activity - will also NOT mention the high / disproportionate genocidal abortion rates among blacks.

While they riot, loot, burn, destroy, attack, assault, and murder others, blaming them for their troubles, they refuse to OWN their own actions that leads to the deaths of FAR more blacks than the police are responsible for.

At least 63 people were shot, 5 killed, in one weekend this past weekend alone in Chicago. After villainizing, defunding, and facilitating violence against the police, City and state politicians like Morales are seeing crime rates, especially gun crimes / murder sky-rocket to historic paces / levels...yet they take no accountability / responsibility for it. for it.

So Morales publicly appeases the terrorists / criminals and spews her radical false justification for it all by trying to paint them as poor victims of unparalleled targeted violence and racism....

She is amazed that people are concerned with the erosion of authority, law, and order, the violence and terrorism, instead of being outraged of the small percentage of blacks murdered by someone other than blacks themselves.


She is not an 'exception to the rule' - she represents the Democratic party who has embraced and espouses all of this. Antifa and BLM are militant, extremist, foreign-funded, violent surrogates / arms / tools of the Democratic party who they refuse to condemn and disavow while they do their best to destroy this country.

Remain 'silent'? Hell, Jerry Nadler incredulously declared publicly that there is no such thing as 'Antifa' in their defense...which is scary considering this fat toad in in charge of the House JUDICIARY committee. (He is the POS who Censured the US SAG for refusing to break the law.)

The Democrats are connected to the hip with violent BLM and Antifa.

And being connected to Communist domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM will lead to the Electoral destruction of the Communist Democrats :smoke:
"It does make me wonder and ask the question why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country black men and women are dying every day and far too often at the hands of those who are sworn to protect and serve."
-- (D) Seattle council member Tammy Morales

This is one of the examples of a Liberal Democrat attempting to use emotion rather than fact to justify radical leftist violence and looting.

According to statistics,13 unarmed black men were shot and killed by police officers in all of 2019.

A total of 1,627 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the past 10 years, an average of one death every 54 hours or 163 per year. There were 135 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2019.

According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report 2018 LEOKA report:
There have been 58,866 assaults against law enforcement officers in 2018, resulting in 18,005 injuries.

The New York City Police Department has lost more officers in the line of duty than any other department, with 941 deaths. Texas has lost 1,772 officers, more than any other state.

Check out the officer memorial site to see the faces of many killed in the line of duty....

Councilwoman Morales is right - blacks are being murdered in great numbers every single day - what she does not tell you is that they are being shot and murdered in record numbers by other blacks, some of the same ones looting, burning, gang-banging, destroying property, stealing, mugging, assaulting, destroying property, stalking and killing cops, murdering people, and committing acts of terrorism such throwing bombs, seizing public/govt property, & holding neighborhoods hostage. Morales and her fellow Democrats - and the blacks engaged in this violence / terrorist activity - will also NOT mention the high / disproportionate genocidal abortion rates among blacks.

While they riot, loot, burn, destroy, attack, assault, and murder others, blaming them for their troubles, they refuse to OWN their own actions that leads to the deaths of FAR more blacks than the police are responsible for.

At least 63 people were shot, 5 killed, in one weekend this past weekend alone in Chicago. After villainizing, defunding, and facilitating violence against the police, City and state politicians like Morales are seeing crime rates, especially gun crimes / murder sky-rocket to historic paces / levels...yet they take no accountability / responsibility for it. for it.

So Morales publicly appeases the terrorists / criminals and spews her radical false justification for it all by trying to paint them as poor victims of unparalleled targeted violence and racism....

She is amazed that people are concerned with the erosion of authority, law, and order, the violence and terrorism, instead of being outraged of the small percentage of blacks murdered by someone other than blacks themselves.


She is not an 'exception to the rule' - she represents the Democratic party who has embraced and espouses all of this. Antifa and BLM are militant, extremist, foreign-funded, violent surrogates / arms / tools of the Democratic party who they refuse to condemn and disavow while they do their best to destroy this country.

Remain 'silent'? Hell, Jerry Nadler incredulously declared publicly that there is no such thing as 'Antifa' in their defense...which is scary considering this fat toad in in charge of the House JUDICIARY committee. (He is the POS who Censured the US SAG for refusing to break the law.)

The Democrats are connected to the hip with violent BLM and Antifa.

..yes, police brutality problem is a HUGE myth...I've got a thread on it with the numbers and explanations
'''''''Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.'''''

'''''''In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.''''''

no problem of police brutality/etc

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