It is 2:22am and the wife has been to bed

Doesn't work dear...but if'n ya want to not have a killer head in the to make sure you drink a shite load of water dude...
I know you're old and all that but *chuckle*...even an old dog might need to be reminded of old tricks...
I've put down the tool belt for today...will finish my Ma's place I am having a few cold ones...
Tonights drink is Dos Equis ...they had em on sale for the mexican I grabbed a 12 pack.....Listening to Franz Ferdinand/ Beatles and contemplating renting a movie..
Hubby is working on mods for the board I am a computer widow this evening..besides he's gonna be working on my board so I am not going there till I know he didn't break it...
roomy said:
for hours now.I have drunk a bottle of J/D on top of lots of beers and I feel fine, I will probably get hung by the busker browns in the morning for drinking so much J/D, so I was wondering whether you lot think it would be wise for me to pour some whiskey into the J/D bottle in an attempt to fool the soup dragon?

You find this worth bragging about?

I think it's disgusting.
roomy said:
Well, fiddledy dee Shittered, I asked a question, i didn't expect to have to defend myself against the "fun is not allowed in my lifetime lobby" please forgive me, and please feel free to carry on ruining everybody elses day. :alco:

If you're at the point of lying about how much you've drank, you have a problem. Simple as that.
The ClayTaurus said:
Somebody has something up their asssssssss (say it in a sing song fashion...) :D *ducks*

Perhaps.. Ever watch someone (literally) drink themselves to death? I have.. To see someone bragging about how much they can put away, and then lying about it in the process to the person they supposedly vowed to love and cherish is sick and twisted.

I stand by my "it's disgusting" comment.
Shattered said:
Perhaps.. Ever watch someone (literally) drink themselves to death? I have.. To see someone bragging about how much they can put away, and then lying about it in the process to the person they supposedly vowed to love and cherish is sick and twisted.

I stand by my "it's disgusting" comment.
Ok ok.. hitting a nerve... *backs away*

*tosses sacrificial chocolate*

*turns and books it* :fifty:
The ClayTaurus said:
Ok ok.. hitting a nerve... *backs away*

*tosses sacrificial chocolate*

*turns and books it* :fifty:


roomy said:
If you don't like what I type don't read me, It's as simple as that, just don't presume to tell me what to do *edited by moderator* *discussions of pm's is not allowed, contact a mod or admin if there is an issue.*

You do realise that conservative American humour is about as far from Geordie slapstick as you can get? Also, British attitudes to alcohol, in general, are a lot different from the other side of the Atlantic? I'da filled the bottle... ;)
Dr Grump said:
You do realise that conservative American humour is about as far from Geordie slapstick as you can get? Also, British attitudes to alcohol, in general, are a lot different from the other side of the Atlantic? I'da filled the bottle... ;)

I'm so glad you can speak for all us conservatives. :bs1:
roomy said:
Well, I certainly hit shattered's funny bone hard ;) The empty bottles on the kitchen bench, she hasn't mentioned it and I have a very slight hangover, hair of the dog methinks ;) Just don't tell shattered :alco:

Stuff that for a Sunday morning..You should be off to church! Your boys have a got a big game today (you off to St James?)...Pity Roeder hasn't got his might get Curbishly (just for a total change of subject)...
roomy said:
I hope we end the season by stuffing them 1-0 or some similar scoreline.It is a shame about Roeder, I think they will probably bring someone in, in name only to cross the t's and dot the i's.He deserves a chance.

The reason I mentioned Curbishly was because he was asked whether Roeder needed his ticket, and Curbs said yes. Personally I think he has left Charlton because he realises, that even with the right buying etc, Charlton will never be more than a mid-table premiership team and he wants his crack at the big time. You don't get much bigger than Newcastle....
Dr Grump said:
They crack me up too. Just out of interest, did you agree with Shattered's post?

No COMMENT. I don't recall. I don't remember.

Shattered is cool in my book. :thup:
roomy said:
Curbishly is a good manager, it may cause a bit of a power struggle though.I would be happy if Sir Bobby came back in the role of mentor.Stuff of dreams eh?

hhmmmmm...well, considering I'm an Ipswich couldn't go too wrong with Sir Bobby...
Stephanie said:
No COMMENT. I don't recall. I don't remember.

You've taken the "Kennedy School of Amnesia" class haven't you? ;)

Stephanie said:
Shattered is cool in my book. :thup:

Very likely! Had very little to do with her, so wouldn't have a clue!

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