It is really amazing the ignorance of people like "Pocahontas "of FTCA 3 years older then her!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How Warren "Pocahontas" turned into an enthusiastic supporter of single-payer health care
How Elizabeth Warren turned into an enthusiastic supporter of single-payer health care - The Boston Globe

In a single-payer health insurance system, the government covers core health care costs for everyone — regardless of income or health status. It severely reduces the reliance on private insurers and has been coined by some as “Medicare-for-all.”

The 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) here is the ACT.
The FTCA,with few exceptions, provides the exclusive means by which individuals can seek compensation when injured by federal employees acting within the scope of their work for the federal government; in effect, the FTCA largely immunizes federal government employees from tort liability,including medical malpractice.

So Pocahontas (a lawyer..!) certainly wouldn't be in favor of any law that prevented medical lawsuits!
But if she and all the other ignorant people of FTCA really understood the implications of "single payer"
(which by the way her model is "MEDICARE"????) and SHE was in favor of "immunizing physicians from liability, including medical malpractice"... this would mean no more lawyers able to file frivolous lawsuits which cause the medical community to order $1 TRILLION a year in wasted "duplicate testing," i.e. "defensive Medicine"!
Also her and others using Medicare as an example IGNORANCE of how Medicare works i.e. Medicare itself processes not one single claim much less pays the claim!
There are Medicare 16 Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and over 600 Medicare Advantage Plans that pay the nearly $600 Billion for the 46+ million beneficiaries.
What is a MAC - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Pocahontas and all these truly ignorant people asking for a FAILED system..(look at Cuba,

look at Canada then LOOK at the FACTS!!!
Single payer does not mean single source for medical care. Doctors and all medical providers will not be employed by the Federal Government, and yet, the Senate Bill will force many into a practice wherein the hospital, its doctors and contract employees are all government employees.

When a person lacks medical insurance, they will be seen and treated at a public hospital. That same person, who is first treated at a for profit, or non profit private facility, will be put in a Taxi, or taken by ambulance to the nearest public hospital funded by taxpayers, whose employees are all government workers - civil service or contract.
It's really not single payer, it's all of us paying, and there would be no end to how much it would cost us, because health care is a sink without a bottom to it when the government gets involved.
It's really not single payer, it's all of us paying, and there would be no end to how much it would cost us, because health care is a sink without a bottom to it when the government gets involved.

Please provide evidence that cost controls exist in the private sector. We know that fraud occurs when Medicare pays, but the fraud is committed by the Doctor or medical practice which is a private concern.

See: Fact Sheet: The Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Protects Conusmers and Taxpayers by Combating Health Care Fraud

"The Obama Administration is committed to reducing fraud, waste, and abuse across the government. Since 2010, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have been using powerful, new anti-fraud tools to protect Medicare and Medicaid by shifting from a “pay and chase” approach toward fraud prevention. Through the groundbreaking Healthcare Fraud Prevention Partnership, stronger relationships have been built between the government and the private sector to help protect all consumers.

"These focused efforts are successful. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, the government recovered $2.4 billion as a result of health care fraud judgments, settlements and additional administrative impositions in health care fraud cases and proceedings. Since its inception in 1997, the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) Program has returned more than $29.4 billion to the Medicare Trust Funds. In this past fiscal year, the HCFAC program has returned $6.10 for each dollar invested."
Single payer does not mean single source for medical care. Doctors and all medical providers will not be employed by the Federal Government, and yet, the Senate Bill will force many into a practice wherein the hospital, its doctors and contract employees are all government employees.

When a person lacks medical insurance, they will be seen and treated at a public hospital. That same person, who is first treated at a for profit, or non profit private facility, will be put in a Taxi, or taken by ambulance to the nearest public hospital funded by taxpayers, whose employees are all government workers - civil service or contract.

AND you are wrong about that!!!!
Obviously you NEVER heard of EMTALA!!! "who is first treated at a for profit, or non profit private facility, will be put in a Taxi, or taken by ambulance to the nearest public hospital"
Here do a little research to find out AGAIN how out of touch people like you that encourage "single payer" are!

A) 1986 EMTALA act... look it up EMTALA // ACEP
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that requires anyone coming to an emergency department to be stabilized and treated, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay, but since its enactment in 1986 has remained an unfunded mandate.
So what happens is hospitals OVERCHARGE insurance companies and those that can pay i.e. $10 aspirin!

As one hospital CEO when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured?
His answer: " Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers."

So who pays for the "uninsured"... anyone else that pays the hospital to stabilize the patient again... LOOK UP EMTALA
if you don't believe ME!!!
It's really not single payer, it's all of us paying, and there would be no end to how much it would cost us, because health care is a sink without a bottom to it when the government gets involved.

Please provide evidence that cost controls exist in the private sector. We know that fraud occurs when Medicare pays, but the fraud is committed by the Doctor or medical practice which is a private concern.

See: Fact Sheet: The Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Protects Conusmers and Taxpayers by Combating Health Care Fraud

"The Obama Administration is committed to reducing fraud, waste, and abuse across the government. Since 2010, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have been using powerful, new anti-fraud tools to protect Medicare and Medicaid by shifting from a “pay and chase” approach toward fraud prevention. Through the groundbreaking Healthcare Fraud Prevention Partnership, stronger relationships have been built between the government and the private sector to help protect all consumers.

"These focused efforts are successful. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, the government recovered $2.4 billion as a result of health care fraud judgments, settlements and additional administrative impositions in health care fraud cases and proceedings. Since its inception in 1997, the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) Program has returned more than $29.4 billion to the Medicare Trust Funds. In this past fiscal year, the HCFAC program has returned $6.10 for each dollar invested."

People risking their own capital are always looking to control costs, and increase revenues and expand; that's why free enterprise ALWAYS has superior results to any other system
Single payer does not mean single source for medical care. Doctors and all medical providers will not be employed by the Federal Government, and yet, the Senate Bill will force many into a practice wherein the hospital, its doctors and contract employees are all government employees.

When a person lacks medical insurance, they will be seen and treated at a public hospital. That same person, who is first treated at a for profit, or non profit private facility, will be put in a Taxi, or taken by ambulance to the nearest public hospital funded by taxpayers, whose employees are all government workers - civil service or contract.

AND you are wrong about that!!!!
Obviously you NEVER heard of EMTALA!!! "who is first treated at a for profit, or non profit private facility, will be put in a Taxi, or taken by ambulance to the nearest public hospital"
Here do a little research to find out AGAIN how out of touch people like you that encourage "single payer" are!

A) 1986 EMTALA act... look it up EMTALA // ACEP
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that requires anyone coming to an emergency department to be stabilized and treated, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay, but since its enactment in 1986 has remained an unfunded mandate.
So what happens is hospitals OVERCHARGE insurance companies and those that can pay i.e. $10 aspirin!

As one hospital CEO when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured?
His answer: " Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers."

So who pays for the "uninsured"... anyone else that pays the hospital to stabilize the patient again... LOOK UP EMTALA
if you don't believe ME!!!

Your post offers nothing more than what I wrote. Once stabilized, the individual is released. The hospital's duty is than satisfied. The patient can be released to the streets, and in the case of an uninsured and homeless person interviewed by a staff social worker, who will pass the patient on to a county eligibility worker for follow up.

At that point the County tax payer will provide for the care of the person, if found eligible for aid. With the callous disregard of McConnell and Ryan, the locals will be faced with one more hurdle, justifying the patient's need for medicaid and SSI.
It's really not single payer, it's all of us paying, and there would be no end to how much it would cost us, because health care is a sink without a bottom to it when the government gets involved.

Please provide evidence that cost controls exist in the private sector. We know that fraud occurs when Medicare pays, but the fraud is committed by the Doctor or medical practice which is a private concern.

See: Fact Sheet: The Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Protects Conusmers and Taxpayers by Combating Health Care Fraud

"The Obama Administration is committed to reducing fraud, waste, and abuse across the government. Since 2010, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have been using powerful, new anti-fraud tools to protect Medicare and Medicaid by shifting from a “pay and chase” approach toward fraud prevention. Through the groundbreaking Healthcare Fraud Prevention Partnership, stronger relationships have been built between the government and the private sector to help protect all consumers.

"These focused efforts are successful. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, the government recovered $2.4 billion as a result of health care fraud judgments, settlements and additional administrative impositions in health care fraud cases and proceedings. Since its inception in 1997, the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) Program has returned more than $29.4 billion to the Medicare Trust Funds. In this past fiscal year, the HCFAC program has returned $6.10 for each dollar invested."

People risking their own capital are always looking to control costs, and increase revenues and expand; that's why free enterprise ALWAYS has superior results to any other system

So by producing a clothes dryer with a built in failure date, the private sector can do both, increase revenue and control costs (cheap parts made in China). The result benefits the manufacturer and the seller at the expense of the buyer. In essence, "We've got ours, fuck the buyer".
Single payer does not mean single source for medical care. Doctors and all medical providers will not be employed by the Federal Government, and yet, the Senate Bill will force many into a practice wherein the hospital, its doctors and contract employees are all government employees.

When a person lacks medical insurance, they will be seen and treated at a public hospital. That same person, who is first treated at a for profit, or non profit private facility, will be put in a Taxi, or taken by ambulance to the nearest public hospital funded by taxpayers, whose employees are all government workers - civil service or contract.

AND you are wrong about that!!!!
Obviously you NEVER heard of EMTALA!!! "who is first treated at a for profit, or non profit private facility, will be put in a Taxi, or taken by ambulance to the nearest public hospital"
Here do a little research to find out AGAIN how out of touch people like you that encourage "single payer" are!

A) 1986 EMTALA act... look it up EMTALA // ACEP
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that requires anyone coming to an emergency department to be stabilized and treated, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay, but since its enactment in 1986 has remained an unfunded mandate.
So what happens is hospitals OVERCHARGE insurance companies and those that can pay i.e. $10 aspirin!

As one hospital CEO when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured?
His answer: " Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers."

So who pays for the "uninsured"... anyone else that pays the hospital to stabilize the patient again... LOOK UP EMTALA
if you don't believe ME!!!

Your post offers nothing more than what I wrote. Once stabilized, the individual is released. The hospital's duty is than satisfied. The patient can be released to the streets, and in the case of an uninsured and homeless person interviewed by a staff social worker, who will pass the patient on to a county eligibility worker for follow up.

At that point the County tax payer will provide for the care of the person, if found eligible for aid. With the callous disregard of McConnell and Ryan, the locals will be faced with one more hurdle, justifying the patient's need for medicaid and SSI.

BUT who stabilizes the patient? EMTALA! And guess who the callow people were that wrote EMTALA???? GOP in 1986 signed by Reagan!

And as far as "the locals faced"... who in the hell knows better? Some yokel in a cubicle in D.C. or the people that live in the community?
See this is the gross distinction between people who advocate single payer and the rest of us!
We don't see how a cookie cutter approach, one size fits all works with 326 million people scattered in 50 distinct states with different cultures, economic status
and YOU want a yokel in a cubicle telling the whole country this is what we pay and that's it?
One simple example for you:
Minimum wage. Guess what $15/hour is peanuts to a New yorker while in Mississippi it is middle income!
But idiots who don't seem to comprehend the gigantic diversity of America want one size fits all! Plain stupid so is "single payer"!
Romneycare may work with 6 million people in Mass. but please don't try to tell me one size fits all!
Single payer does not mean single source for medical care. Doctors and all medical providers will not be employed by the Federal Government, and yet, the Senate Bill will force many into a practice wherein the hospital, its doctors and contract employees are all government employees.

When a person lacks medical insurance, they will be seen and treated at a public hospital. That same person, who is first treated at a for profit, or non profit private facility, will be put in a Taxi, or taken by ambulance to the nearest public hospital funded by taxpayers, whose employees are all government workers - civil service or contract.

AND you are wrong about that!!!!
Obviously you NEVER heard of EMTALA!!! "who is first treated at a for profit, or non profit private facility, will be put in a Taxi, or taken by ambulance to the nearest public hospital"
Here do a little research to find out AGAIN how out of touch people like you that encourage "single payer" are!

A) 1986 EMTALA act... look it up EMTALA // ACEP
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that requires anyone coming to an emergency department to be stabilized and treated, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay, but since its enactment in 1986 has remained an unfunded mandate.
So what happens is hospitals OVERCHARGE insurance companies and those that can pay i.e. $10 aspirin!

As one hospital CEO when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured?
His answer: " Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers."

So who pays for the "uninsured"... anyone else that pays the hospital to stabilize the patient again... LOOK UP EMTALA
if you don't believe ME!!!

Your post offers nothing more than what I wrote. Once stabilized, the individual is released. The hospital's duty is than satisfied. The patient can be released to the streets, and in the case of an uninsured and homeless person interviewed by a staff social worker, who will pass the patient on to a county eligibility worker for follow up.

At that point the County tax payer will provide for the care of the person, if found eligible for aid. With the callous disregard of McConnell and Ryan, the locals will be faced with one more hurdle, justifying the patient's need for medicaid and SSI.

BUT who stabilizes the patient? EMTALA! And guess who the callow people were that wrote EMTALA???? GOP in 1986 signed by Reagan!

And as far as "the locals faced"... who in the hell knows better? Some yokel in a cubicle in D.C. or the people that live in the community?
See this is the gross distinction between people who advocate single payer and the rest of us!
We don't see how a cookie cutter approach, one size fits all works with 326 million people scattered in 50 distinct states with different cultures, economic status
and YOU want a yokel in a cubicle telling the whole country this is what we pay and that's it?
One simple example for you:
Minimum wage. Guess what $15/hour is peanuts to a New yorker while in Mississippi it is middle income!
But idiots who don't seem to comprehend the gigantic diversity of America want one size fits all! Plain stupid so is "single payer"!
Romneycare may work with 6 million people in Mass. but please don't try to tell me one size fits all!

A very wordy non sequitur.
It's really not single payer, it's all of us paying, and there would be no end to how much it would cost us, because health care is a sink without a bottom to it when the government gets involved.

Please provide evidence that cost controls exist in the private sector. We know that fraud occurs when Medicare pays, but the fraud is committed by the Doctor or medical practice which is a private concern.

See: Fact Sheet: The Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Protects Conusmers and Taxpayers by Combating Health Care Fraud

"The Obama Administration is committed to reducing fraud, waste, and abuse across the government. Since 2010, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have been using powerful, new anti-fraud tools to protect Medicare and Medicaid by shifting from a “pay and chase” approach toward fraud prevention. Through the groundbreaking Healthcare Fraud Prevention Partnership, stronger relationships have been built between the government and the private sector to help protect all consumers.

"These focused efforts are successful. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, the government recovered $2.4 billion as a result of health care fraud judgments, settlements and additional administrative impositions in health care fraud cases and proceedings. Since its inception in 1997, the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) Program has returned more than $29.4 billion to the Medicare Trust Funds. In this past fiscal year, the HCFAC program has returned $6.10 for each dollar invested."

People risking their own capital are always looking to control costs, and increase revenues and expand; that's why free enterprise ALWAYS has superior results to any other system

So by producing a clothes dryer with a built in failure date, the private sector can do both, increase revenue and control costs (cheap parts made in China). The result benefits the manufacturer and the seller at the expense of the buyer. In essence, "We've got ours, fuck the buyer".

Yeah, "fuck the buyer" is an awesome way to run a business, especially a restaurant. Try it sometime.
It's really not single payer, it's all of us paying, and there would be no end to how much it would cost us, because health care is a sink without a bottom to it when the government gets involved.

Please provide evidence that cost controls exist in the private sector. We know that fraud occurs when Medicare pays, but the fraud is committed by the Doctor or medical practice which is a private concern.

See: Fact Sheet: The Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Protects Conusmers and Taxpayers by Combating Health Care Fraud

"The Obama Administration is committed to reducing fraud, waste, and abuse across the government. Since 2010, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have been using powerful, new anti-fraud tools to protect Medicare and Medicaid by shifting from a “pay and chase” approach toward fraud prevention. Through the groundbreaking Healthcare Fraud Prevention Partnership, stronger relationships have been built between the government and the private sector to help protect all consumers.

"These focused efforts are successful. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, the government recovered $2.4 billion as a result of health care fraud judgments, settlements and additional administrative impositions in health care fraud cases and proceedings. Since its inception in 1997, the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) Program has returned more than $29.4 billion to the Medicare Trust Funds. In this past fiscal year, the HCFAC program has returned $6.10 for each dollar invested."

People risking their own capital are always looking to control costs, and increase revenues and expand; that's why free enterprise ALWAYS has superior results to any other system

So by producing a clothes dryer with a built in failure date, the private sector can do both, increase revenue and control costs (cheap parts made in China). The result benefits the manufacturer and the seller at the expense of the buyer. In essence, "We've got ours, fuck the buyer".

Yeah, "fuck the buyer" is an awesome way to run a business, especially a restaurant. Try it sometime.

It's been tried, and its been proved over and over that many businesses fail when greed supersedes customer service.

Of course the out liar is the Republican Party, they continue to fuck over the hoi polloi and still get their votes. As Mr Lincoln said before he became POTUS, ..."you can fool some of the people all of the time".

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