It keeps getting worse

You do not know what is going to happen.
The House may be controlled by the Republicans by ONE or two votes? That does not keep Republicans to cross the isle to vote for things they believe is better for their constituents or America. Never did.

They have always done it, will continue to do it. They cross the isle to vote for bills, for Supreme Court candidates, etc.

"Democrats‘ progressive agenda to ruin America." a talking point totally empty of facts.

Show me the facts. I will discuss those.
Discuss these, for starters:

1)The fact is that Biden tried to overturn Rule 42 before it was legal to do so - and even battled the SCOTUS, and lost - in an effort to quickly get as many unskilled, semi-literate illegals in here. That is designed to weaken America. And we now have to pay government workers to clean the illegals’ facilities, do their laundry, run the food distribution, etc.

2) He is working against the Feds’ efforts to tighten the money supply. There is no way he should be handing $10,000 and $20,000 to college-educated professionals with decades of high-earning years ahead of them. Pumping money back into the economy will exacerbate inflation, force the Fed to keep increasing rates, cause the drop in the stock market, and wipe out lifetime earnings of responsible people. The goal is to get people dependent on government freebies.
You're a liar! You vermin never discuss facts because all you do is lie and spew!
I have not seen you contradict anything I wrote. You never will. Because by not responding with facts it is going to look as if you actually know what is what.

The fact is that you do not care. You believe in some religious belief about Homosexuality and you dive right into it. So do many others.

You stay with your beliefs.

I will continue to state the facts.
How is that pushing "their demands" into YOUR life?

Do you have to pay for their surgery?
Do you have to help them in any way?
DO they force you to get to know them? Threaten you to do so, or else? any aspect of your life, do any one of them get in the way of you living your life?
We had to pay for the surgery of that Army person….can’t think of the name. Why should normal Americans have to pay to cut off genitals of men who want to be women?
Discuss these, for starters:

1)The fact is that Biden tried to overturn Rule 42 before it was legal to do so - and even battled the SCOTUS, and lost - in an effort to quickly get as many unskilled, semi-literate illegals in here. That is designed to weaken America. And we now have to pay government workers to clean the illegals’ facilities, do their laundry, run the food distribution, etc.

2) He is working against the Feds’ efforts to tighten the money supply. There is no way he should be handing $10,000 and $20,000 to college-educated professionals with decades of high-earning years ahead of them. Pumping money back into the economy will exacerbate inflation, force the Fed to keep increasing rates, cause the drop in the stock market, and wipe out lifetime earnings of responsible people. The goal is to get people dependent on government freebies.
Supply sources.
Supply sources.
Stop that annoying leftist tactic of handing out homework! Anyone who follows the news knows that….

1) Biden overturned 42 and the SCOTUS reversed it, and

2) he is forgiving student loans since these “poor” college-educated professionals earning up to $250,000 are having such a hard time with inflation.
We had to pay for the surgery of that Army person….can’t think of the name. Why should normal Americans have to pay to cut off genitals of men who want to be women?
Tax paying Americans pay for a lot of things they are not aware of.

Religious beliefs of some Americans. Transphobia (the lack of understanding of what it is ) gets in the way of understanding what these people have gone through for thousands of years, and only now are capable of doing something about it.

The Pentagon approved it.
In July, the Pentagon repealed its ban on allowing transgender troops to serve. It also announced that it would begin medical treatment for transgender troops, including reassignment surgery.

There are between 1,320 and 6,630 transgender troops in the active-duty force of 1.3 million, according the RAND Corp. which conducted a study for the Pentagon on the issue. Of those troops, RAND estimates that between 30 and 140 would like to seek hormone treatment, and 25 to 130 would seek surgery. The estimated annual price tag: $2.4 million to $8.4 million, per year.

Treatment is estimated to cost as much as $50,000 per service member. Treatment generally moves from counseling to hormone therapy, and in relatively rare cases, gender reassignment surgery. A military doctor must deem the treatment medically necessary.

Tax paying Americans pay for a lot of things they are not aware of.

Religious beliefs of some Americans. Transphobia (the lack of understanding of what it is ) gets in the way of understanding what these people have gone through for thousands of years, and only now are capable of doing something about it.

The Pentagon approved it.
In July, the Pentagon repealed its ban on allowing transgender troops to serve. It also announced that it would begin medical treatment for transgender troops, including reassignment surgery.

There are between 1,320 and 6,630 transgender troops in the active-duty force of 1.3 million, according the RAND Corp. which conducted a study for the Pentagon on the issue. Of those troops, RAND estimates that between 30 and 140 would like to seek hormone treatment, and 25 to 130 would seek surgery. The estimated annual price tag: $2.4 million to $8.4 million, per year.

Treatment is estimated to cost as much as $50,000 per service member. Treatment generally moves from counseling to hormone therapy, and in relatively rare cases, gender reassignment surgery. A military doctor must deem the treatment medically necessary.

We shouldn’t have to pay for it. Period.

And instead of deflecting on a different topic, what about getting back to my response when you demanded examples of how Biden and/or Dems are destroying America. (I noticed you just kept demanding…facts!…..sources!….as a way to avoid responding.)

So here they are again:

1) Biden working as hard as possible to get as many illegal lowlifes in here as possible, thus weakening the country, and fighting to overturn 42.

2) Biden pumping more money into the economy by handing out thousands to college grads, thus driving inflation, while the Fed is trying to tighten the money supply.
Last edited:
Stop that annoying leftist tactic of handing out homework! Anyone who follows the news knows that….

1) Biden overturned 42 and the SCOTUS reversed it, and

2) he is forgiving student loans since these “poor” college-educated professionals earning up to $250,000 are having such a hard time with inflation.
I know. You are one of the laziest posters around. I will do the "homework". I love homework.

1). It is the LAW of the LAND, in the USA....that once a person sets foot in US land and asks for asylum, that they be allowed to stay LEGALLY until their case is heard. Not one politician is introducing any bill to stop allowing asylum seekers into the country. Many Jews came to America as asylum seekers. ALL have to go through a process.

Thousands are deported on a yearly basis. You are simply not aware of it, or do not care to find out.

Each year, thousands of people arriving at our border or already in the United States apply for asylum, a form of protection from persecution. Asylum seekers must navigate a difficult and complex process that can involve multiple government agencies. Those granted asylum can apply to live in the United States permanently and gain a path to citizenship and can also apply for their spouse and children to join them in the United States. This fact sheet provides an overview of the asylum system in the United States, including how asylum is defined, eligibility requirements, and the application process.

What Is Asylum?

Asylum is a protection grantable to foreign nationals already in the United States or arriving at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.” The United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol define a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980. Asylum is technically a “discretionary” status, meaning that some individuals can be denied asylum even if they meet the definition of a refugee. For those individuals, a backstop form of protection known as “withholding of removal” may be available to protect them from harm if necessary.

As a signatory to the 1967 Protocol, and through U.S. immigration law, the United States has legal obligations to provide protection to those who qualify as refugees. The Refugee Act established two paths to obtain refugee status—either from abroad as a resettled refugee or in the United States as an asylum seeker.

How Does Asylum Help People Fleeing Persecution?

An asylee—or a person granted asylum—is protected from being returned to his or her home country, is authorized to work in the United States, may apply for a Social Security card, may request permission to travel overseas, and can petition to bring family members to the United States. Asylees may also be eligible for certain government programs, such as Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance.

After one year, an asylee may apply for lawful permanent resident status (i.e., a green card). Once the individual becomes a permanent resident, he or she must wait four years to apply for citizenship.

What Is the Asylum Application Process?

There are three primary ways in which a person may apply for asylum in the United States: the affirmative process, the defensive process, and the expedited process.

  • Affirmative Asylum: A person who is not in removal proceedings (or a person who has been designated as an “unaccompanied child,” even if in removal proceedings) may affirmatively apply for asylum through U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), a division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). If the USCIS asylum officer does not grant the asylum application and the applicant does not have a lawful immigration status, he or she is referred to the immigration court for removal proceedings, where he or she may renew the request for asylum through the defensive process and appear before an immigration judge.
  • Defensive Asylum: A person who is in removal proceedings may apply for asylum defensively by filing the application with an immigration judge at the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) in the Department of Justice. In other words, asylum is applied for as a defense against removal from the U.S. Unlike the criminal court system, EOIR does not provide appointed counsel for individuals in immigration court, even if they are unable to retain an attorney on their own.
  • Expedited Asylum: A person taken into custody within 14 days of entering the United States who is placed into “expedited removal” proceedings may be put through a new process begun in 2022 which allows a USCIS asylum officer to review and adjudicate their asylum claim before they are placed into formal removal proceedings. Individuals put through this process who are denied asylum are referred to the immigration court for removal proceedings and further expedited hearings on their asylum application.
Asylum seekers who arrive at a U.S. port of entry or enter the United States without inspection generally must apply through the defensive or expedited asylum processes. All three application processes require the asylum seeker to be physically present in the United States or at a port of entry.

With or without counsel, an asylum seeker has the burden of proving that he or she meets the definition of a refugee. In order to be granted asylum, an individual is required to provide evidence demonstrating either that they have suffered persecution on account of a protected ground in the past, and/or that they have a “well-founded fear” of future persecution in their home country. An individual’s own testimony is usually critical to his or her asylum determination.

Certain factors bar individuals from asylum. For example, with limited exceptions, individuals who fail to apply for asylum within one year of entering the United States will be barred from receiving asylum. Similarly, applicants who are found to pose a danger to the United States, who have committed a “particularly serious crime,” or who persecuted others themselves, are barred from asylum.

Is There a Deadline for Asylum Applications?

An individual generally must apply for asylum within one year of their most recent arrival in the United States. In 2018, a federal district court found that DHS is obligated to notify asylum seekers of this deadline in a class-action lawsuit that challenged the government's failure to provide asylum seekers adequate notice of the one-year deadline and a uniform procedure for filing timely applications.

Asylum seekers in the affirmative and defensive processes face many obstacles to meeting the one-year deadline. Some individuals face traumatic repercussions from their time in detention or journeying to the United States and may never know that a deadline exists. Even those who are aware of the deadline encounter systemic barriers, such as lengthy backlogs, that can make it impossible to file their application in a timely manner. In many cases, missing the one-year deadline is the sole reason the government denies an asylum application. Under the expedited asylum process, a person who passes a credible fear interview is considered to have applied for asylum, which means that the one-year filing deadline is automatically satisfied.

What Happens to Asylum Seekers Arriving at the U.S. Border?

From 2004 through March 2020, DHS subjected most noncitizens who were encountered by, or presented themselves to, a U.S. official at a port of entry or near the border to expedited removal, an accelerated process which authorizes DHS to perform rapid removal of certain individuals.

To help ensure that the United States does not violate international and domestic laws by returning individuals to countries where their life or liberty may be at risk, the credible fear and reasonable fear screening processes are available to asylum seekers in expedited removal processes. Importantly, while the process described below is how asylum seekers should be processed under law, at times CBP officers do not properly follow this process.

Additionally, under the Trump administration, asylum seekers were subjected to various new asylum policies in 2019 and 2020 which are described in greater detail below. Since March 2020, some asylum seekers also have been expelled under Title 42, a pandemic-related health policy in which individuals are not permitted to seek asylum.

In some circumstances, if DHS does not have the capacity to hold a person in detention for a credible fear interview, they are instead released directly at the border. Individuals who are released this way are generally provided a notice to appear in court, where they will have to go through the defensive asylum process, including a requirement to file an asylum application.

2). Make Marjory Taylor Green and all others in Congress PAY the money they were forgiven and which was much more than the 10 to 20 thousand the poorer Americans are being forgiven for in order to help them.

Why should these people have their very big loans forgiven when they are doing very well?

I know. You are one of the laziest posters around. I will do the "homework". I love homework.

1). It is the LAW of the LAND, in the USA....that once a person sets foot in US land and asks for asylum, that they be allowed to stay LEGALLY until their case is heard. Not one politician is introducing any bill to stop allowing asylum seekers into the country. Many Jews came to America as asylum seekers. ALL have to go through a process.

Thousands are deported on a yearly basis. You are simply not aware of it, or do not care to find out.

Each year, thousands of people arriving at our border or already in the United States apply for asylum, a form of protection from persecution. Asylum seekers must navigate a difficult and complex process that can involve multiple government agencies. Those granted asylum can apply to live in the United States permanently and gain a path to citizenship and can also apply for their spouse and children to join them in the United States. This fact sheet provides an overview of the asylum system in the United States, including how asylum is defined, eligibility requirements, and the application process.

What Is Asylum?

Asylum is a protection grantable to foreign nationals already in the United States or arriving at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.” The United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol define a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980. Asylum is technically a “discretionary” status, meaning that some individuals can be denied asylum even if they meet the definition of a refugee. For those individuals, a backstop form of protection known as “withholding of removal” may be available to protect them from harm if necessary.

As a signatory to the 1967 Protocol, and through U.S. immigration law, the United States has legal obligations to provide protection to those who qualify as refugees. The Refugee Act established two paths to obtain refugee status—either from abroad as a resettled refugee or in the United States as an asylum seeker.

How Does Asylum Help People Fleeing Persecution?

An asylee—or a person granted asylum—is protected from being returned to his or her home country, is authorized to work in the United States, may apply for a Social Security card, may request permission to travel overseas, and can petition to bring family members to the United States. Asylees may also be eligible for certain government programs, such as Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance.

After one year, an asylee may apply for lawful permanent resident status (i.e., a green card). Once the individual becomes a permanent resident, he or she must wait four years to apply for citizenship.

What Is the Asylum Application Process?

There are three primary ways in which a person may apply for asylum in the United States: the affirmative process, the defensive process, and the expedited process.

  • Affirmative Asylum: A person who is not in removal proceedings (or a person who has been designated as an “unaccompanied child,” even if in removal proceedings) may affirmatively apply for asylum through U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), a division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). If the USCIS asylum officer does not grant the asylum application and the applicant does not have a lawful immigration status, he or she is referred to the immigration court for removal proceedings, where he or she may renew the request for asylum through the defensive process and appear before an immigration judge.
  • Defensive Asylum: A person who is in removal proceedings may apply for asylum defensively by filing the application with an immigration judge at the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) in the Department of Justice. In other words, asylum is applied for as a defense against removal from the U.S. Unlike the criminal court system, EOIR does not provide appointed counsel for individuals in immigration court, even if they are unable to retain an attorney on their own.
  • Expedited Asylum: A person taken into custody within 14 days of entering the United States who is placed into “expedited removal” proceedings may be put through a new process begun in 2022 which allows a USCIS asylum officer to review and adjudicate their asylum claim before they are placed into formal removal proceedings. Individuals put through this process who are denied asylum are referred to the immigration court for removal proceedings and further expedited hearings on their asylum application.
Asylum seekers who arrive at a U.S. port of entry or enter the United States without inspection generally must apply through the defensive or expedited asylum processes. All three application processes require the asylum seeker to be physically present in the United States or at a port of entry.

With or without counsel, an asylum seeker has the burden of proving that he or she meets the definition of a refugee. In order to be granted asylum, an individual is required to provide evidence demonstrating either that they have suffered persecution on account of a protected ground in the past, and/or that they have a “well-founded fear” of future persecution in their home country. An individual’s own testimony is usually critical to his or her asylum determination.

Certain factors bar individuals from asylum. For example, with limited exceptions, individuals who fail to apply for asylum within one year of entering the United States will be barred from receiving asylum. Similarly, applicants who are found to pose a danger to the United States, who have committed a “particularly serious crime,” or who persecuted others themselves, are barred from asylum.

Is There a Deadline for Asylum Applications?

An individual generally must apply for asylum within one year of their most recent arrival in the United States. In 2018, a federal district court found that DHS is obligated to notify asylum seekers of this deadline in a class-action lawsuit that challenged the government's failure to provide asylum seekers adequate notice of the one-year deadline and a uniform procedure for filing timely applications.

Asylum seekers in the affirmative and defensive processes face many obstacles to meeting the one-year deadline. Some individuals face traumatic repercussions from their time in detention or journeying to the United States and may never know that a deadline exists. Even those who are aware of the deadline encounter systemic barriers, such as lengthy backlogs, that can make it impossible to file their application in a timely manner. In many cases, missing the one-year deadline is the sole reason the government denies an asylum application. Under the expedited asylum process, a person who passes a credible fear interview is considered to have applied for asylum, which means that the one-year filing deadline is automatically satisfied.

What Happens to Asylum Seekers Arriving at the U.S. Border?

From 2004 through March 2020, DHS subjected most noncitizens who were encountered by, or presented themselves to, a U.S. official at a port of entry or near the border to expedited removal, an accelerated process which authorizes DHS to perform rapid removal of certain individuals.

To help ensure that the United States does not violate international and domestic laws by returning individuals to countries where their life or liberty may be at risk, the credible fear and reasonable fear screening processes are available to asylum seekers in expedited removal processes. Importantly, while the process described below is how asylum seekers should be processed under law, at times CBP officers do not properly follow this process.

Additionally, under the Trump administration, asylum seekers were subjected to various new asylum policies in 2019 and 2020 which are described in greater detail below. Since March 2020, some asylum seekers also have been expelled under Title 42, a pandemic-related health policy in which individuals are not permitted to seek asylum.

In some circumstances, if DHS does not have the capacity to hold a person in detention for a credible fear interview, they are instead released directly at the border. Individuals who are released this way are generally provided a notice to appear in court, where they will have to go through the defensive asylum process, including a requirement to file an asylum application.

2). Make Marjory Taylor Green and all others in Congress PAY the money they were forgiven and which was much more than the 10 to 20 thousand the poorer Americans are being forgiven for in order to help them.

Why should these people have their very big loans forgiven when they are doing very well?

I know all about asylum. These lowlifes are making false claims, and they know it. Biden knows it. These people who have no right to be in this country, and are lowering the caliber of schools where they settle, just disappear into the country.

It doesn’t matter. The more unskilled, semi-literate foreigners Biden can get in here, the better he and you bleeding-heart liberals like it

Asylum is for people being persecuted by their government. NOT for people who want to just better their lives. THOSE people need to stop with the false asylum claims and come in through normal channels.

Libs are so eager to defend foreigners who abuse our system even though it means more felons and drugs get in. The LAST people libs care about are honest, working Americans.
We shouldn’t have to pay for it. Period.

And instead of deflecting on a different topic, what about getting back to my response when you demanded examples of how Biden and/or Dems are destroying America. (I noticed you just kept demanding…facts!…..sources!….as a way to avoid responding.)

So here they are again:

1) Biden working as hard as possible to get as many illegal lowlifes in here as possible, thus weakening the country, and fighting to overturn 42.

2) Biden pumping more money into the economy by handing out thousands to college grads, thus driving inflation, while the Fed is trying to tighten the money supply.
Excuse me. If I do not know where you are getting your "facts " about Democrats destroying America, and I am not given examples, how is anyone to respond to your demand of answers?

Accuse people of deflecting from your non responses all you like.

Low lives????? Exactly how many of them have you met so far, personally?

Since WHEN have immigrants weakened the US? It hasn't before, it isn't now, it won't tomorrow.

The USA is MADE of immigrants. Those who flee their countries are looking for a better life, no need to stamp them with the word "criminals".

The Student loan forgiveness is not causing MORE inflation. It will actually help these people to start putting money into the economy. Educate yourself.

Have Green, Gaetz and all others PAY for their loans instead of accepting a loan forgiveness. Will you and other Republicans going to demand that they pay back their loan forgiveness? They have the money now.
Asylum is for people being persecuted by their government. NOT for people who want to just better their lives. THOSE people need to stop with the false asylum claims and come in through normal channels.

Libs are so eager to defend foreigners who abuse our system even though it means more felons and drugs get in. The LAST people libs care about are honest, working Americans.
As I said, and have shown links before, thousands who are not eligible for legal immigration are deported from the country on a yearly basis.

You do not decide why people are accepted as immigrants, the Immigration Department does.

We are all "Foreigners". Grow up.
I know all about asylum. These lowlifes are making false claims, and they know it. Biden knows it. These people who have no right to be in this country, and are lowering the caliber of schools where they settle, just disappear into the country.

It doesn’t matter. The more unskilled, semi-literate foreigners Biden can get in here, the better he and you bleeding-heart liberals like it

You know nothing.....but what you are hearing Republican leaders and Republican media say.

Educate yourself.
Although our laws provide a clear right for people fleeing persecution to seek asylum in the United States, anti-immigration lawmakers have purposefully sown confusion about the law, the process of applying for asylum, and what is really needed to ensure a fair and orderly system for considering the claims of people seeking protection at the border. Instead of seeking solutions, they have tried to undermine the right to seek asylum at every turn.

Here’s what you need to know:

(full article online)

Excuse me. If I do not know where you are getting your "facts " about Democrats destroying America, and I am not given examples, how is anyone to respond to your demand of answers?

Accuse people of deflecting from your non responses all you like.

Low lives????? Exactly how many of them have you met so far, personally?

Since WHEN have immigrants weakened the US? It hasn't before, it isn't now, it won't tomorrow.

The USA is MADE of immigrants. Those who flee their countries are looking for a better life, no need to stamp them with the word "criminals".
I am NOT talking about immigrants. I am talking about illegal aliens abusing our system with false claims of asylum. Stop conflating the two groups. The first are decent people looking to better their lives and showing respect for their adopted country, and the other group are illegal aliens who show callous disregard for America.
The Student loan forgiveness is not causing MORE inflation. It will actually help these people to start putting money into the economy. Educate yourself.

OMG. We don’t want to give well-paid people more money to put into the economy. There is too much money floating around as it is! THAT is what is causing inflation. Educate yourself before you vote again.
Have Green, Gaetz and all others PAY for their loans instead of accepting a loan forgiveness. Will you and other Republicans going to demand that they pay back their loan forgiveness? They have the money now.
Definitely. Biden should retract this last handout. Everyone has to keep paying for their loans.
I have not seen you contradict anything I wrote. You never will. Because by not responding with facts it is going to look as if you actually know what is what.

The fact is that you do not care. You believe in some religious belief about Homosexuality and you dive right into it. So do many others.

You stay with your beliefs.

I will continue to state the facts.
Lying scum! You filth lie 24/7. I don't respond with facts? You damn right I don't because if I do you twisting scum will only spew more hate and lies! proven!
Although our laws provide a clear right for people fleeing persecution to seek asylum in the United States, anti-immigration lawmakers have purposefully sown confusion about the law, the process of applying for asylum, and what is really needed to ensure a fair and orderly system for considering the claims of people seeking protection at the border. Instead of seeking solutions, they have tried to undermine the right to seek asylum at every turn.

Here’s what you need to know:

(full article online)

OMG. Now you’re quoting from the ACLU? No wonder you‘re so confused.

We should have just kept the illegal aliens waiting in Mexico, as Trump had arranged. The 15% or so who qualify for asylum get in after their hearing, and the other 85% making false claims don’t get in.

Plus, we still had 1 million people die under COVID last year, even more than under Trump. Why are we letting millions of low-level people who have just been bunched up in crowds of thousands in and risk more contamination to HONEST Americans?

The biggest problem among libs is that they put the welfare of Americans last.
OMG. Now you’re quoting from the ACLU? No wonder you‘re so confused.

We should have just kept the illegal aliens waiting in Mexico, as Trump had arranged. The 15% or so who qualify for asylum get in after their hearing, and the other 85% making false claims don’t get in.

Plus, we still had 1 million people die under COVID last year, even more than under Trump. Why are we letting millions of low-level people who have just been bunched up in crowds of thousands in and risk more contamination to HONEST Americans?

The biggest problem among libs is that they put the welfare of Americans last.
He likes that tranny crap, I'm certain he wants them to recruit kids into that sickness.

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