It really is just personal responsibility at this point

I saved this in my Bookmarks back in April but forgot to post it. David Frum pretty much expresses my feelings about it at this point. If people want to take the chance it's totally on them. The motorcycle helmet analogy is spot on.

In 2016, poor health strongly predicted Trump voting. A county's rate of diabetes, alcohol consumption, obesity, etc. predicted its propensity to vote Trump *even better* than race/education.…

America’s Health and The 2016 Election: An Unexpected ConnectionBy JEFF GOLDSMITH Donald Trump’s stunning upset victory has occasioned a lot of searching among political analysts for an underlying explanation for the unexpected turn in voter sentiment. Many point …America’s Health and The 2016 Election: An Unexpected Connection

I think of that grim relationship between Trump and sickness as I read the latest stories about how so many Republicans continue to refuse COVID vaccines. 2/x…

As @DKThomp points out, vaccine refusal is especially strong among younger Republicans 3/x

The self-harm of Trump voters should concern us all. They are fellow human beings. And because their self-harm also drives them to dangerous political extremes, their self-harm is also an important civic matter too. BUT ... 4/x

... there's an issue of personal responsibility here too.
A heroic scientific effort - achieved at huge cost - has delivered vaccines that are astonishingly effective at protecting life from COVID. So effective that we may not need to worry about herd immunity. If so ... 5/x

... If so, if the vaccines work as well as they seem to work, then vaccine refusal really does become a personal decision, like a motorcyclist refusing to wear a helmet.

I believe we ought to try to save people from self-harm. But there are practical limits to paternalism 6/x

Trump and the Fox leadership have vaccinated themselves of course. But they have a different message for their followers. They have persuaded them that it's a test of identity and loyalty to refuse COVID protection. 7/x

Just as Sarah Palin once waged culture war against healthy eating…

and as Senator Joni Ernst has done the same more recently.… 8/x

Joni Ernst: In the Left’s War on Meat, I’ll Stand Up for Iowa FarmersLiberal activists have a First Amendment right to say or preach what they’d like, but our federal agencies shouldn’t be encouraging people to ban agricultural products at the expense of America’s hard…Joni Ernst: In the Left’s War on Meat, I’ll Stand Up for Iowa Farmers

In War Against the Obamas, Palin Drops Cookie Bomb And brings treats to elementary school to teach kids about "laissez-faire" government.In War Against the Obamas, Palin Drops Cookie Bomb

The gun issue is also one of self-harm and harm to loved ones. Almost 25,000 Americans a year use guns to end their lives. Thousands more are horribly injured in gun accidents that would never have happened without a firearm in the home. 9/x

What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.A look at the data on murders, suicides and other gun deaths in the U.S. and how they have changed over time.What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.

The people who voted Trump and watch Fox are victims of a slow-rolling national tragedy. But they are not *only* victims. They bear responsibility too for the harm they do themselves and their families. 10/x

In the earlier phases of COVID, we were all in it together. One person's reckless behavior endangered his or her more prudent neighbor. As highly effective vaccines spread, however, the harm of COVID denial increasingly falls almost wholly on the denier. 11/x

Eventually a free society reaches the limits of its ability to protect the ignorant and careless from themselves - and what a society cannot do, it can have no duty to do. END
• • •

Totally unscientifically collected you have any experience with Data collection whatsoever?
Did you know that there was an increase in sunspot activity during the Obama administration? I could very easily draw a x/y chart to demonstrate the correlation between those two things ...... only problem is that they are not related to each other in any way. Eventually a free society reaches the limits of its ability to protect the gullible. Smart people ask questions...stupid people believe everything that they are told and jump when they are asked to jump. Take the Vaccine did you? (It's not a vaccine) My condolences.

Do you not understand what the OP is about?

I think you're the one that doesn't understand.....
This thread is already showing what trained monkeys you Trumpers are. I thought you would be saying "damn right - just like I don't want to wear a helmet when I play tough guy on my Harley that I spent $50,000 on to cruise around town once a month and play dress up" - I ain't takin' no GODDAMNED Trump Vaccine that we need to PRAISE him for getting it to us so quickly SAVING SO MANY LIVES!!!!!

You motherfuckers are pathetic.
This thread is already showing what trained monkeys you Trumpers are. I thought you would be saying "damn right - just like I don't want to wear a helmet when I play tough guy on my Harley that I spent $50,000 on to cruise around town once a month and play dress up" - I ain't takin' no GODDAMNED Trump Vaccine that we need to PRAISE him for getting it to us so quickly SAVING SO MANY LIVES!!!!!

You motherfuckers are pathetic.
No...what it demonstrates is the Borg-like mentality of the left. You reflexively loc step on almost every thought and every issue and mistake that for higher education when all it really is ... is higher programming. There is no variety on the left only compliance. You enter this place with info handed to you and have no original thought process.

This thread is already showing what trained monkeys you Trumpers are. I thought you would be saying "damn right - just like I don't want to wear a helmet when I play tough guy on my Harley that I spent $50,000 on to cruise around town once a month and play dress up" - I ain't takin' no GODDAMNED Trump Vaccine that we need to PRAISE him for getting it to us so quickly SAVING SO MANY LIVES!!!!!

You motherfuckers are pathetic.
No...what it demonstrates is the Borg like mentality of the left. You reflexively loc step on almost every thought and mistake that for higher education when all it really is ... is higher programming. There is no variety on the left only compliance.

So we shouldn't praise Trump for the vaccine that you claim you won't take?
The gun issue is also one of self-harm and harm to loved ones. Almost 25,000 Americans a year use guns to end their lives. Thousands more are horribly injured in gun accidents that would never have happened without a firearm in the home
Fucking dipshit asshole liberal democrat doctors on a life-ruining mental health gun grab agenda.
That's bullshit. If trump was promoting it you would drink it by the gallon.
You never railed against drinking disinfectant or oxychloroquine.
Not a word. Lord trump approved it.
It's breathtaking grown humans would put society at risk because they lost the elevtion. That's how dumb you idiots are.
I am not interested in getting the vaccine and I didn't vote for Trump. I had the Chinese flu (covid) and still don't want to vote for Trump - although his policies are very good.

Sorry but the argument cited in the blog posted by the OP is bullshit. This might help explain why:

I am not interested in getting the vaccine and I didn't vote for Trump. I had the Chinese flu (covid) and still don't want to vote for Trump - although his policies are very good.

Sorry but the argument cited in the blog posted by the OP is bullshit. This might help explain why:


We're you diagnosed as having covid 19 or just guessing?
Be specific and truthful.
Frum is a piece of shit. Who gives a rat's ass what he has to say about anything.
You have no thoughts on the OP? Or is it that you have no thoughts?
i think my point of view regarding Frum is fairly transparent.
However, if you are too dense for nuance, let me be completely open. Frum is a Zionist POS who should be thrown in a fucking woodchipper on prime time national television as an example to the rest. .
Who gives a shit about your "thoughts on David Frum"?

Do you have an opinion on what he is saying or are you not capable?
Water can come Frum an YOU drink it? Not me.
I am not interested in getting the vaccine and I didn't vote for Trump. I had the Chinese flu (covid) and still don't want to vote for Trump - although his policies are very good.

Sorry but the argument cited in the blog posted by the OP is bullshit. This might help explain why:

Bullshit. You voted for Trump.
I am not interested in getting the vaccine and I didn't vote for Trump. I had the Chinese flu (covid) and still don't want to vote for Trump - although his policies are very good.

Sorry but the argument cited in the blog posted by the OP is bullshit. This might help explain why:


We're you diagnosed as having covid 19 or just guessing?
Be specific and truthful.


Why are Trumpers afraid of this thread, this OP?
I'll admit that I voted for him, but I have not been vaccinated at all yet and its because of a doctor that my mom has been going to for 25 years now. Due to how my mom's health track record already is, she was told to wait and so far the sidelines are where the both of us have been which may be the place to be if its true that people have died after getting the injection.

God bless you and my mom and her doctor always!!!

Last edited:
I saved this in my Bookmarks back in April but forgot to post it. David Frum pretty much expresses my feelings about it at this point. If people want to take the chance it's totally on them. The motorcycle helmet analogy is spot on.

In 2016, poor health strongly predicted Trump voting. A county's rate of diabetes, alcohol consumption, obesity, etc. predicted its propensity to vote Trump *even better* than race/education.…

America’s Health and The 2016 Election: An Unexpected ConnectionBy JEFF GOLDSMITH Donald Trump’s stunning upset victory has occasioned a lot of searching among political analysts for an underlying explanation for the unexpected turn in voter sentiment. Many point …America’s Health and The 2016 Election: An Unexpected Connection

I think of that grim relationship between Trump and sickness as I read the latest stories about how so many Republicans continue to refuse COVID vaccines. 2/x…

As @DKThomp points out, vaccine refusal is especially strong among younger Republicans 3/x

The self-harm of Trump voters should concern us all. They are fellow human beings. And because their self-harm also drives them to dangerous political extremes, their self-harm is also an important civic matter too. BUT ... 4/x

... there's an issue of personal responsibility here too.
A heroic scientific effort - achieved at huge cost - has delivered vaccines that are astonishingly effective at protecting life from COVID. So effective that we may not need to worry about herd immunity. If so ... 5/x

... If so, if the vaccines work as well as they seem to work, then vaccine refusal really does become a personal decision, like a motorcyclist refusing to wear a helmet.

I believe we ought to try to save people from self-harm. But there are practical limits to paternalism 6/x

Trump and the Fox leadership have vaccinated themselves of course. But they have a different message for their followers. They have persuaded them that it's a test of identity and loyalty to refuse COVID protection. 7/x

Just as Sarah Palin once waged culture war against healthy eating…

and as Senator Joni Ernst has done the same more recently.… 8/x

Joni Ernst: In the Left’s War on Meat, I’ll Stand Up for Iowa FarmersLiberal activists have a First Amendment right to say or preach what they’d like, but our federal agencies shouldn’t be encouraging people to ban agricultural products at the expense of America’s hard…Joni Ernst: In the Left’s War on Meat, I’ll Stand Up for Iowa Farmers

In War Against the Obamas, Palin Drops Cookie Bomb And brings treats to elementary school to teach kids about "laissez-faire" government.In War Against the Obamas, Palin Drops Cookie Bomb

The gun issue is also one of self-harm and harm to loved ones. Almost 25,000 Americans a year use guns to end their lives. Thousands more are horribly injured in gun accidents that would never have happened without a firearm in the home. 9/x

What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.A look at the data on murders, suicides and other gun deaths in the U.S. and how they have changed over time.What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.

The people who voted Trump and watch Fox are victims of a slow-rolling national tragedy. But they are not *only* victims. They bear responsibility too for the harm they do themselves and their families. 10/x

In the earlier phases of COVID, we were all in it together. One person's reckless behavior endangered his or her more prudent neighbor. As highly effective vaccines spread, however, the harm of COVID denial increasingly falls almost wholly on the denier. 11/x

Eventually a free society reaches the limits of its ability to protect the ignorant and careless from themselves - and what a society cannot do, it can have no duty to do. END
• • •

As long as they keep Covid to themselves.
Republicans??? Are the only ones resistant to the vax????

That's odd,

Less than half the total US population is vaxxed and so that means more than half are resistant or unvaxxed. Read that again........MORE THAN HALF are unvaxxed.

So by that theory there are more Trump voters????

1.) That would mean Slow Joe didn't win afterall

and most importantly.........

2.) The numbers are for total population, NOT Republican vs Dumbocrat

IOW by your idea, and what you've been screaming since Nov is there aren't that many Reps to equal more than half of the population. Surprise, there's alot of NON voters out there too that thinks this shit is just that. SHIT
Party lines may play role in who's getting the COVID-19 vaccine

The Red/Blue Divide in COVID-19 Vaccination Rates is Growing

The Red/Blue Divide in COVID-19 Vaccination Rates is Growing

Got anything for the Independents? Or any other political demographic? What about those that done vote?? Or even those illegals you're so fond of??? I mean, if you're going to be the party of 'all inclusive' you're leaving out alot of the population. But then again, you'd do anything to divide this country
I'll admit that I voted for him, but I have not been vaccinated at all yet and its because of a doctor that my mom has been going to for 25 years now. Due to how my mom's health track record already is, she was told to wait and so far the sidelines are where the both of us have been which may be the place to be if its true that people have died after getting the injection.

God bless you and my mom and her doctor always!!!

Don't let this happen to you because of politics Holly. It's so sad. And so unnecessary and reckless. They do not say in the story but I have to believe he refused the vaccine. And he was dead in less than a week. 13 year old daughter now doesn't have a dad to walk her down the aisle at her wedding.

Got anything for the Independents? Or any other political demographic? What about those that done vote?? Or even those illegals you're so fond of??? I mean, if you're going to be the party of 'all inclusive' you're leaving out alot of the population. But then again, you'd do anything to divide this country
Who are you? :laugh:

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